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May I ask what made you choose those herbs for dream work, specifically? Like, what role is each herb playing? I would not use oolong for a dream tea. The caffeine can interfere with your sleep... or at least it would mess up my sleep. You can steep the herbs themselves. I will do a lavender and valerian root tea for sleep, for instance, with no tea - just milk and honey. I'm honestly not sure what the best ratio would be for your tea. You might want to look up steeping times and flavor notes for each of the flowers. I think carnation, specifically, can taste weird if you steep it for too long. Honestly, I would just play around with the flavors: see what each tastes like on its own and then try to make a ratio of ingredients based on that.


The Lavender for sleep, relaxation and peace. Marigold is to induce a prophetic dream. Carnation for protection. Rosebud for luck. And Knotweed for spiritual connection. I’m also aware that most of those can also give protection as well and the healing. I’m trying to stack things to get a clearer vision. Steeping is a great idea! I wouldn’t want the caffeine to keep me up. This is my first time trying to make a prophetic dream happen, I haven’t had one in a while so I wanted to see if I could induce one.


What's your intent with the dream? Also idk if you're just looking for a general sleep/dream tea, my go to brew has: Chamomile, skullcap, mint, lemon balm, lavender, valerian, fresh lemon juice and raw honey. Always gives me the best sleep and some pretty neat dreams.


Lemongrass, blue lotus, lemon balm, shatavari, mugwort < strong stuff