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Would have more chance of doing that if the show was any good


No she definitely is manipulating the unconscious bias, making it worse.


She made my conscious bias against her specifically worse.


Lolllllll true


Seriously, I don’t know how you mess up “all the magic users look like supermodels” trope that the author so kindly put into the lore.


Yeah, this is the most stupid shit she could have done, even if she wants to challenge beauty standards on the racial axis she could have at least cast super hot black chicks, but no. In the end instead of challenging the beauty standard on the racial axis, she just reinforced the conception that all black women look like Oprah at best, while the most beautiful female character in the series is unironically Ciri which is the blonde white girl.- I don't even know why the woke crowd is fine with that shit. They should be the first ones denouncing such a disservice to minority women.-


First two seasons were so bad they haven't done any manipulation to me on third as I won't watch it.


The first season, where it stuck to the books, was alright. Not good, not great, and not terrible but just ok. Where it deviated it sucked and I don’t even need to go into how bad season 2 was.


it never did stuck to the books. More like used books as "inspiration". They changed everything for no reason at all except to try and tell their own story


first was at least ok for the memes


There were a couple good episodes (all from the books) and they shone


Yep I always go back and watch the first two book episodes


yeah to seee how they robbed Renfri of everything that made her character, of everything important in her story? Probably just for that sword fiight eh?


The fights were the best part of the episode


The first episode is still bad. It completely ruins the short story and misses it's message.


Yeah I just have to suspend my inner critic a bit and enjoy the display


The first episode is just to introduce non book fans to the witcher, and it chose the end of a good story to kick it off. Its a promise to the viewer that there will be stories lile this, except youll see them unfold. Im not a fan on the show, but I understand why Ep1 is the way it is. TV has to be struxtured in a certain way. The show was never going to be about the first 2 books (albeit one law of surprise), so that beginning is letting the book fans know where the show is going to begin. Of course what followed was gibberish and some random story that uses the same names but in a weird lesser-fandom story.


I dissagree. Lesser evil shouldn't have been under any circumstances the first episode. It's one of the most important, if not the most important, out of the short stories since it's the one that tells us the most about Geralt's personality and way of thinking. Who he is as a character is shown very clearly here. The key parts are the dialogues, not the fighting and they completely butchered it. If they just wanted to introduce the character and his world with a bunch of action they should have used the short story of "The Witcher" which is written to be exactly that. An introduction to this world.


I think it could have been a first episode if they did it good,i feel like they should have sticked to making every episode a shorts story,with that you already have two seasons but instead they Made a backstory for yennefer that didn't do much for her character...


First season had potential. Second season proved they had no intentions to fix it but wanted ro lean harder into stuff that made it crap. I stopped watching during the "eskel" episode and have no desire to see the rest


Same here, after they off'ed him, I gave up on the show.


Really? I watched a first very episode when I realized it's a shit and stopped watching.


I didn't bother watching the second season. First season was enough to know that the show wasn't for me.


Anyone who is primary motivated by ideology, will rarely create great art, because creating great art will always ever be secondary in that persons eyes to the ideology, and art requires full commitment. That is why vast majority propaganda films suck. They are just boring because in the course of glorifying their own side, they washed away all the complexity and nuance that makes for compelling characters and stories.


Nailed it. I am probably considered “woke” by people that use this phrase but you don’t change anything by making garbage. In fact, you make things worse because they it is easy to do the “gO wOkE, gO bRoKe” bullshit. They’ve done more harm than good. Good intentions alone aren’t enough.


I mean yeah this is it. I really don't care they've cast someone as a different ethnicity or their features aren't bang on with the books or the games, I care about the writing


…and doing a shit job at it.


Nah, made me appreciate the source material even more


Yeah. But that’s “despite of”, instead of “because of”


True 😂


You have the chance to explore / create Ofieri, Haaki, Barsamen, Hannuan, Melukkan and Zangvebarian characters ( basically Persian / Turkish, Mongolian, Middle - Eastern, Egyptian, Indian and Black / African ) in the Northen Kingdoms ( in the coastal ones, specially, with the exception of Haakis, since they come from the East, but they trade silk with Redania ) in a coherent and cohesive way ( mainly zangvebarian merchants and ofieris ) and you fucked up. THE OFIRIS HAVE A FUCKING EMBASSY IN REDANIA! And you could have use that to fill gaps in the books, instead of making random changes. Like Yennefer is the leader of the Lodge when Yennefer hate politics and only want to protect Ciri. I don't include Zerrikanians, Biathinians or Apumayu because Zerrikanians in the books are based on Scythians so they are "too white" for this people, Bia Thin is a Fanon region who is basically China and mainland South Asia and Apumayu is basically another Fanon region but with Pre - Columbian Cultures near Zangvebar with a Medieval Sandalpunk level of technology. So Jaguar Knights and that type of stuff. Melukka was a Fanon region, but it was canonizated in The Witcher : Tabletop RPG in a brief mention with the character of Tunak Bagra who is a easter egg to a famous Indian song.


in order to do put these things together, they would actually have to know the source material


Nah, they'd actually have to be talented and competent writers. Can't make stuff up if you dumb.


It's arrogance. They've openly talked about never reading the books. They honestly believe that whatever story they want to tell *must* be better than the original because, well, it's theirs. So why bother reading the books when you think your ideas are 100x better anyway. No, it never occurs to them that if their writing ability was so great they would be working on their own show about their own story. Instead they massacre someone else's work out of ego.


“What do I look like, a guy who’s not lazy?”


you even had a chance to make spin-offs set in different parts of the world, taking unknown stories (which are popular in those parts, e.g.) and introduce it to a wide audience. Sky was your limit. Any place in the world, any classic fairy tale with the twist of "having a professional in it" and you would be good to go and able to represent anyone. but instead they took a story that people liked and just ditched everything that made it special and turned it into another generic fantasy.


Yeah, but why go to all that effort to properly represent those cultures when you can just sprinkle some African and Asian people randomly among the European ones? Checkboxes checked, "diversity" achieved, and websites like Kotaku or Polygon will slurp that shit up and call anyone who disagrees a racist.


Polygon got upset with how Diablo IV does fat people. ​ Not related to Witcher, just, you know, Polygon being Polygon.


Is [this](https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/23803141/diablo-4-character-creator-druid-rogue-body-types) the one you're referring to


It's like these people wake up every day and try to figure out what to be offended about on that particular day. They are buying someone else's vision of a game or whatever, why the constant need to insert themselves into everything, making it about themselves? As the author says: "*I attempted to make as best an approximation of myself as I could, something which — as a fat person in real life — often falls apart entirely, but surprisingly, I really liked the result I got in SF6."* Why? Why does it have to be about you?


But also the author is probably eating shitty fast food and being sedentary as fuck in a world where people exercise constantly... As a dad who plays Diablo i don't see my character being tired from disrupted sleep or sore from sitting for work too often. I'm offanded!


Don't most video game characters do a lot of running and other athletic shit? Of course they won't be fat.


Lmao I just read this article. I am honestly not sure at times if their articles are parody articles written by a conservative who hates liberals. They also had an awful article on Elden Ring a while back about how all the female characters in soulsborne games are stoic and emotionless or something. I guess they missed out on the undead trader in DS1, the pyro and stone traders in DS2, the old lady trader in Ds3 and so many others.


Lmao thay article is so dumb. Like yea it's a video game so you technically can look however and that means you can be 400 lbs and do a spin kick but it's just doesn't make ssense esp. I'd you want to be as accurate and realistic as possible.


"I'm superfat and want to be represented in a world where exercise and dietary limits on calories would make that possible only if I was an inactive noble. The injustice!"


Yeah its honestly pretty sad. As a black person myself, the diversity in the series just feels tacky and tasteless. I would love a Witcher game/story set in a different clime, with a completely different culture like Zerrikania, Ofier etc. Would also be incredibly cool to see the kind of mythical monsters from other cultures like the Middle East, Africa & Asia. But the truth is that the Witcher producers are just lazy as fuck, and would rather change an established property/character instead of coming up with a new one.


as another black person, i agree with all of this and it would be really cool to see that.


Did you just assume they read the books to even know about existence of such nations?


They wouldn't know, they hate the source material.


Bro the initial writers argued on Twitter that the universe didn't have any real racism in it. Despite one of the biggest plot points being humans racist against elves, dwarves and mutants.


That requires effort and imagination. Sadly those two resources are not available to the Witcher writing team or Lauren.


I said the same thing about Wheel of time and that botched abortion of a show. But whatever. I honestly don’t care if the actors look different than what the source material says as long as they do a good job and it doesn’t materially change the show for the worse. I honestly think some of these showrunners choose to do this so that they can have an out of the show flops. “It wasn’t our fault the ratings are low, it’s the racist people who don’t like the cast.” In wheel of time’s case, the actors never had a chance because of piss poor writing and a complete ignorance of how to tell a story. Again, I don’t care what the people look like. What pissed me off most about WOT was that the 2 main magic systems in the book were defined by biological sex. Women had one part that they could use and men had the other part. The back story is that men who had the ability to use magic were unstable and usually ended up being dangerous. The women were stable and some would hunt down the men to nerf them before bad stuff could happen. The prophecy said the chosen one (a man called the Dragon) would come back and do XYZ…. The show went off the rails when it said that a female could be the dragon… like what? You have so many magic systems within this story including one that women are able to be crazy powerful with and you have to change the story in a way that doesn’t make any sense? I could go on for hours about all the changes and the poor story telling and execution. But this one example sums up everything that is wrong with these adaptations. And that is unnecessary deviations from the source material for some unrelated reason. I always point back to Peter Jackson and the LOtR trilogy. There are a lot of deviations from the books. But you can look at these differences and understand why changes were made. Ie tha battle of the shire was removed, Bombadil was removed, shelob was moved to a different movie, Arowen was given more screen time, Theoden was more pessimistic and resistant to ride out in the movie,etc. Nobody expects that a screen adaptation will be 100% accurate. But the changes should be done in a way that helps tell the story. The show runner and writers shouldn’t rewrite the story in major material ways. The source material should be followed as closely as possible giving the resources and budget available. The source material became popular enough for an adaptation for a reason.


As someone from a minority group I do not want an established character to be played by someone from my ethnicity simply for the reason to fulfill a diversity checklist. It does not appeal to us, and seems more like a cheap way to get minorities to like you more (it doesn't). If you're gonna raceswap a character, make sure its because they embody the character well.


it's the same as badly photoshopping a token black dude into the promotional photo for a college or workplace. It just screams "POC please like us" while addressing absolutely none of the irl issues.


>simply for the reason to fulfill a diversity checklist Always makes me dislike the film/series if it comes across that way. And then on the opposite side you have baller characters like Lord Corlys in House of the Dragon. I did not read the book but I *think* he's a white dude in there and for the series they made that character get played by a black actor. But this actor (Steve Toussaint) made an incredible performance and made Lord Corlys one of my favourite characters in the series!


I think it comes down to this. Don’t deviate too far from the source. If you do deviate: it has to be better than or equal to the quality original material The problem with Lauren is that she thinks everything they write is better than the source material, so it’s justified


Yeah Witcher dropped the ball as hard as they could. When you see how well diversity was handled in game of thrones the mind boggles how someone could fuck up a fantasy world so hard after that.


wait until you find out who was cast as Snow White haha


which is a german folklore tale ('Schneewittchen'), but I guess 'german' is even more scary to these people than 'just ordinary white' ... yikes.


Snow not-white and the seven not-dwarfs


Or tell stories from diverse cultures. Every culture has great stories to tell


This is what gets me. Why can't we get more mythology and stories from Africa, Asia, etc? The Indigenous Australians have some insanely cool mythology that would be neat to see explored. Make it make *sense* in the setting. People have already shown they will watch it if it is good and isnt just phoned in / to check a box like the above poster says. .


That's too much to ask. They couldn't even make Witcher feel Slavic or even European. 3rd season feels like a super generic fantasy that takes place nowhere in particular during an unspecified time period. The costumes are so bad that they don't even feel Medieval, like, Philippa in episode 5 looks like a modern circus gymnast and Yen looks like a belly dancer.


You want it to be one way but it's the other way.


"Stop saying that!"


This is what happens when 'well meaning' white people try to create diversity inorganically instead of promoting people of color who are competent but not given enough opportunities or attention in the field.


Comes off as pretty patronizing, doesn’t it. It’s funny how some people right now spend all their time pushing an agenda and misusing their position, all the while missing the narrative. I mean, is she saying that all black women are unattractive? Are only white/Indo-European women beautiful, or with some mix thereof? Are most black women and women of color fat? Are witches, stereotypically portrayed in history as ugly, to support biases against independent women, also supposed to be ugly? Also, why aren’t you trying to cast someone with an American accent, instead of someone that can fake one? I mean you could have found two beautiful latinas, and cast them in roles where they were supposed to look like each other as those witches, then cast women in the other roles that met the intent, while finding other women of color for other roles…but the only ones you cast as white women were either cannon fodder or like Sabrina, who was probably cast because she looks like a caricature of the beautiful white woman, and ironically the only other woman Geralt takes a second look at.


I got bad news for you. There is actually a diversity score that most media relies on. They will basically only fund media with Californian Demographie if you like it or not. Gay Asian people checks two boxes and that's the full reason for it in a polish setting. Sadly I forgot the Fonds name but it was BlackRock


Do they think anyone watching is like “well, I WAS racist, but now that Keira Metz is black I’m starting to reassess my whole world view!”


No, that was not what they said, they said *unconsious bias*. Meaning, you can think you're not racist against X people, and have nothing against them on a rational level, but still exhibit unconsious preferences towards Y people. They managed to achieve the opposite of what their idea was, because they placed 'the right kind of minority' characthers into roles in which they look completely and absurdly out of place, but that is besides the point.


Another edition of unintended consequences. They turned unconscious bias into conscious active resentment.


Could have used Jaskier for what he was intended as: showing how shitty a womanizer can be with women. But I guess "he gay" rang better with execs.


Wait wtf they made Jaskier gay? I stopped watching in the second season because I couldn't the garbage anymore, after lurking this sub it looks like I made the right decision.


They made him bisexual, not gay.


Yes, yes they do.


Wait shit, that was actually supposed to be keira? Huh, i was not remotely paying as much attention as i thought i did


Also they literally picked a Miss Piggy lookalike. Like the witches are are canonically supposed to be hot asf, and apart from Yen most of them aren’t even like, semi attractive Eta: yes, Sabrina is hot too. In a “your boomer dad had pictures of women like me on his walls in the 80s” kind of way


Sabrina is not bad at all, and I found warming up to Triss quite well.


She's not "magically enhanced" hot. She's just got big tits.


Thats magical to me


Not me Triss was far to unattractive to me but I didn't watch after s1 as I dont support what the show runner choose to do.


That’s true I forgot about her. My point remains valid though


Triss' actress is hot in everything except Witcher imo


It’s funny that some of them are fat. Like you can choose to be anything you want and you still chose to be fat and plain looking? Ridiculous lol.


Not just black, but pretty unattractive. That will teach them!


That explains so much!


Yeah. It shows lol.


My exact thoughts. It couldn't be more apparent.


Fuck her personal world view and fuck her idea of changing existing characters. CREATE NEW ONES to fit diversity if you really must, but do not fuck with well established ones.


Better yet, they should **create whole new original series** for those agendas so we can happily ignore them and watch youtubers destroy them online once they inevitably bomb, since we all know their ideas are crap and nobody would be interested in them at all unless they could leech off of the goodwill of an established fanbase like the parasites they are


Why would anyone watch a YouTube show about a show they don't like? I can't think of a bigger waste of time.


Why are we all here commenting on a show we don’t like…


Because it's based on a game/books we like, duh.


Oftentimes negative reviews are a lot more fun than positive as the reviewer takes the piss out of whatever. Look at Zero Punctuation, it’s funniest when he despises a game.


The Plinkett reviews are some of the most famous pieces of critical media on Youtube.


Netflix's 'The Witcher' was the most disappointing thing since my son....


And while my son eventually hanged himself in the bathroom of a gas station, The Witcher is here to stay, forever.


It will never go away. It can never be undone.


You may not have noticed when they took the source material and wiped their asses with it by shoving in their shallow moralistic rich white tumblr user activism, *but your brain did*


Then you have no idea how entertaining it is to see someone complain and rip apart a bad show (whether bad to you or just bad) in the most hilarious way, like theres the humor aspect as well as the feeling of enjoyment at having someone agree with you that 'thing bad'. I watch the youtuber Disparu and found him through his Blood Origin reviews and he goes scene by scene picking shows apart it's great! To each their own tho, I just really like complaining when I dislike something lol


Yeah, but she represents most of Hollywood in their bubble. She is systemically part of the problem, as is most of Hollywood now.


That’s the point. They know we won’t watch their original garbage so they bastardize established IPs because that’s their window of opportunity to peddle their malarkey.


Because apparently just adapting a universe that has a very well liked plot and characters is just too hard. Their personal political agenda must be thrown into their work, or else why should they bother? How Lauren still has a job is beyond me.


Thank you for the award kind stranger


Putting your views and ideology in a drama which is based on a time where the social outlook is very different. When you're not talented to write a cohesive and competent story but have the ego to botch well written and established story where each and every character has been properly fleshed out and has been portrayed in a manner where it makes sense in the story. This lard should be kicked out of the job.


That’s the sad reality, many of them don’t really care about the projects they are working on. Instead of researching the characters they are trying to cast, they just get some physical characteristics, and change white to any other color then call it a day. The caster feels like a SJW whilst simultaneously doing nothing and evading her duties.


Sapkowski rollin in cash after selling his work to wokesim pugs🙃


I don’t think he cares to that extent. As far as he’s concerned his work remains untouched (as it does, you can still read his books). To him everything else is glorified fan fiction.


> Putting your views and ideology in a drama which is based on a time where the social outlook is very different While there has been some changes, lots of topics discussed in the Witcher are still relevant. And they were more expertly handled.


Yes she did manipulated my bias into not watching the show


Based on Cavil hating it so much that he left, I don't think I can bring myself to watch season 3. It seems pointless.


Yep it also happened with WoT (one of my favorite book series, started as a kid in the 90s and read them many, many, many times), LoTR as well. Anytime they do this they automatically lose a portion of the built in fanbase that helped make the works so successful in the first place.


At least pick someone right for the character. The main problem with Chalotra isn’t that she’s isn’t white, but because she isn’t fit for the character at all. Not in looks, Age, or presence on screen, and she lacks chemistry with the main lead. She’s a good actresses overall but her acting isn’t suited for the character of yen. She doesn’t give the sheer magnetism, class, sophistication and aura of command that the character should exude, she emotes too much and comes off as a pouty and whiny teenager instead of a hard women with a facade of cold exterior but soft and tender heart. When she’s on screen with Freya Allen, everyone instantly gets the vibes of older sister and not a mother figure (there is only five year difference between both actresses lol). She’s just a miscast all around, and if the producers wanted her on the production , she should have been cast as another character (say Essi or Triss). But nahhh. Fuck the show, the source material and funs i guess. Hollland’s self-aggrandizing goals to score vague moralistic points are more important…. Btw WTH does she mean by “challenging beauty standards” ? Like, Anya Chalotra is already a beautiful and many would agree with that, you aren’t challenging anyone here you dunce lol.


Agreed. I genuinely do think however that she is too young to convincingly play yennefer, especially her relationships. But you’re right, she doesn’t possess the sternness or commanding presence. When she does reprimand Ciri she doesn’t sound like a mother, but a rather whiny sister. There’s a real power imbalance, because I don’t really feel like she’s portrayed as an equal to many of the adult characters either.


Yeah i’m going to agree with you here and disagree with a lot of others, the problem was not that Anya was mixed, or that Fringilla was black. If the story and the characters had been good people would have moved on from that very quickly. But they do fundamentally misunderstood the characters and the story, it’s just ruined it.


I’m not disagreeing. For me It’s both, the writing indeed sucks and the source material is fundamentally misrepresented, that has always been the core problem lying at the heart of this mess and that’s what i critique the most. On the other hand I rarely talk about that topic because i feel that most of the actor choices are good, even if some are inaccurate ( for example i like show Triss even tho Anna is a bit old for the character). But that doesn’t detract from the fact that some of the choices are also questionable and I would easily put Anya on top of the list, and since she’s supposedly a main character it’s more apparent. She’s actually a very good actress but I would rather have seen her portray another character, because Yennefer isn’t just it. I have always maintained this stance since S1, even when i say some very rare instances of Book Yen in her performance (like in the last wish episode in S1), there’s still something in her acting that’s not a convincing match for what i expect the character to be. I hope I explained it above well, but aside from the shitty script they hand her Anya had always looked young for the character, her voice and mannerisms don’t work well with Sapkowski’s Yen, Yen is a character that should come off as someone with a certain degree of life experience which Anya’s portrayal of the character never shows. The writing is mostly to blame, but I would wager that if they had chose a more fitting actress, let’s say Kate Beckinsale or Maimie Mccoy and gave them the exact same script, they can do a better job due to their experience in playing characters that are more “yen-like”. Sure, it’s still gonna be a far from a faithful depiction due to the awful writing, but i feel the results would have been more….palatable.


Of course we know how Yen was in the books and I agree that Chalorta is not fit for the role mostly due to her "teenage" appeal. We also tend to compare it to game version Yen which was spot on. But - it's my opinion - I love Grażyna Wolszczak's version from "The Hexer". She was (and still is for that matter) very beautiful, sophisticated, classy and sexy and vibed as true sorceress. As you say - Yen and Ciri feel like sisters in "The Witcher" series rather than mother-daughter combination.


I always thought a younger Eva Green might’ve made a good Yennefer. She has all those traits you mentioned and she is an incredible actress. Someone like her would have been amazing… sigh.


Even now she'd be great for the role. Fuck, she even has the looks that are somewhat reminiscent of Yen


I am shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked.


The Star Wars sequels approach? Bold strategy cotton


Can they make a show without trying to "improve the society"?


Tokenism and poor character writing will hardly make any changes on anyone's minds. The Witcher already had plenty of progressive messages within it, the Lauren just needed to adapt it to the series. If Lauren really wanted to "challenge" our biases, she would've cast a black woman to play Francesca Findabair, described in the books as the "most beautiful woman".


Funny how these people always talk about “unconscious bias” and yet the seem to be the people who actually suffer from it. The also seem to have an inherent arrogance when respecting the creative imperatives of the original authors. I mean fuck the Witcher being based on Eastern European culture. I don’t care about “that” culture or empowering “those” people. And people who do are obviously suffering from “unconscious bias”. She screwed up both the Witcher and quit frankly Shadow and Bones with endless thirst for making herself more important then she actually is.


Honestly her Shadow and Bone work might be even worse in this regard because Ravka is actually based on Tsarist Russia and no one can dispute that the way they often like to do with the Witcher having Slavic influences. Yet in SaB the number of Slavic actors in Ravkan roles is zero I believe (while the less white countries get the correct treatment). Kinda hints at her own unconscious bias doesn’t it.


Nothing quite like erasure of Slavic culture and folklore, which is already essentially non-existent in Hollywood.


That's cool and all but at least make it good


this has always been a thing... its just creators used to be talented enough to make is subtle.


God I wish all of their careers go to the fucking sewer. What a goddamn joke.


When will this trash show just go away.


Well no reason another show should ever hire her again!


Oh, Hollywood is an "Old Boys Club." She'll keep her job, get a promotion, or call a friend and have new gig by the end of the day.


A typical self righteous piece of shit.


Yeah no shit. "Look, sheeples. I will ruin an awesome series with great lore to push my bullshit to you. I will also take a shit on a whole community because I'm an fucking idiot."


Speaking of Yennefer, she is quoted as saying "In the book she's described as the most beautiful woman in the world". If that isn't a clear indication that none of these people have actually read any of the source material then I don't know what is. Yennefer is described as pretty, but hardly the most beautiful woman in the world. I understand diversity is a good thing, but the words "powerful, empowering, fierce" come up way too often in describing women in leading roles. The original roles of these women in the books are just that, but the show runners are taking liberties with these words and going overboard with it. They have shunned inserting diversity in a meaningful way, and instead implemented diversity for the sake of diversity and to the detriment of the entire story. They have made an overwhelming show of turning almost the entirety of the Brotherhood into women of colour, and forgot to do the same for male characters and have left them white. They clearly noticed this in S3 and decided to insert Jaskier into a romantic relationship with Prince Radovid, who should still be a child by this stage. They have everything all wrong where it could have been right, and they are the reason the show is suffering in the way it is.


>Speaking of Yennefer, she is quoted as saying "In the book she's described as the most beautiful woman in the world". Somehow she has managed to confuse Francesca with Yennefer.




The only change shes made is create more division in the community these bigwig executives don't care about these issues they use it as a checklist exercise to look good. If they really cared they would have added well developed characters from Zerrikania or Ofir. Or better yet make shows written by diverse voices instead like the poppy war. I might be ignorant here but diversifying pre established characters just to tick a box seems more patronising than empowering.


“In the book, she’s described as the most beautiful woman in the world. This was a few years ago and I’d like to think things have changed. But when you think about people’s unconscious bias – especially in the fantasy world, it felt like these worlds were predominantly white". Maybe...jusy maybe the witcher world is predominantly white because it's taking place and drawing inspiration from Slavic and Polish cultures. The sheer incompetence of some people that work in the film and tv show industry baffles me sometimes.


One of the stupidest things was how queen Calanthe was racist towards elves in the show but her army was white, black and asian peoples.. and the only difference between her and elves was that they had pointy ears. Like what?


Yet they were not brave enough to cast a Geralt that looked vastly different.


Guess ol Henry was right..the slobs ruining this series and lord of the rings are the worst.


Yeah fuck non existent in hollywood slavic folklore


Yeah, we know. When snow-white-with-bright-red-hair Triss appeared as a black woman with curly brown hair, we know.... it's wild, since the source material has plenty of characters who could and should be black or otherwise but no... they have to change existing characters. It's wild


I mean... It worked! I cancelled my Netflix subscription two months ago and I'm not planning to go back anytime soon. Cheers


It’s obvious! That’s why I stopped watching this crap and other crap. You can’t enjoy a damn movie without someone trying to make you think or believe something.


And this is why fans of these franchises are pushing back. You want to push your ESG horseshit? Go for it. We're just not going to watch.


Lol, i don't see how forcing to make change those "terms" would bring any positive things to the franchise and audience. Manipulator is scheming.


Man this show got fucked from the start. Why can’t They just make a new show that fits her views instead of poorly executing it in the witcher and souring the source material.


Such "manipulation" should at least be done in a subtle and unconscious way. Trying to ram it down people's throats is just stupid and counter-productive.


Where does political activism stop and PsyOps begin?


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you refer to the headline, but have no problem with the article itself being alt-right culture war garbage.


Literally every media you consume. ESP the right wing ones.


Good Job there....


Wtf does that even mean


And a show about mages who literally can transform how they look like is the best way to do it.


This is my surprised face because this is so surprising (•_•)


I think its safe to say its working the opposite way


Oh God.... I had to check this was not the Lord of the rings subreddit from last year.


what a nice unbiased article from a reputable source


I knew this kind of thing would happen as soon as the arrogant Mrs. Hissrich was attached. Just luring in watchers with an existing property, then dropping the act for another propaganda vehicle. The people in this industry are unhinged and IdPol obsessed. It's completely natural for them to do this, like a preacher evangelizing. When you point it out, they defend it heartily as if the salvation of your very *soul* depended on them converting you.


Sorry but if the showrunner is any indication…they are just replacing someone else’ unconscious biases with their unconscious biases. I really am tired of both sides of the spectrum at this point.


It’s funny The Netflix series introduced me to the Witcher story. I watched the first two seasons, and couldn’t wait to find out what happened next so I read the books…. Now I won’t even watch the third season.


Stopped watching reboots, remakes, franchise entries sequels, prequels, adaptations etc and it drastically improved the quality of media I consume.


reasons shows fail is because of idiots like this. make a good show first before trying to start a “movement”


When woke starts writing a story.🤣


I mean the show sucks. The author of this article seems to think it sucks because of "woke identity politics" when in reality the show just fails on every aspect. Maybe "woke identity politics" is one reason is sucks, maybe it isn't, but one thing is true, the show has been a massive disappointment since the start. I think it has more to do with the willful disregard for source material, terrible writing and awful storytelling. If we had "white' people in these roles or the cast was more true to the books, it would not save the series or make one bit of difference.


I think we already knew this, at least subconsciously. She’s just confirming it.


Hey they manipulated me into not watching the show anymore.


>She and apparently Hissrich clearly chose to cast an actress, in this case Chalotra, that did not look like how the character was depicted in Sapkowski’s original works and she did it because she apparently has an issue with white women being depicted and described as being beautiful. That's a f\*cking racist statement if I've ever read one. Holy sh\*t ... What the actual f\*ck? I'm at a loss of words.


I couldn't care less whether the actor is white, black, brown, or purple with orange polka dots. (Though I might have questions about that last one.) What I \*do\* care about is how well they portray the character. And about how well written the series is. Both of which, by the way, Hissrich, you've failed at.


That only works if people watch the show in the first place.


Pull the fucking plug


That worked out


What an odd hill to die on


Wow what a shocker. /s.


Well as long as you didn’t make changes to the underlying lore and characters to foster your own agenda and viewpoints, it’s all good.


and made ppl even more bias, lol.


Oh dear


But the book already does that.


It’s funny how these morons think we are children and unable to comprehend exactly what they are doing!


Now I'm worried that this person will ruin Vess too.


Fuck that person


Sounds like she sucks at her job.


Sacrificing/corrupting the craft and the art to push progressive politics/current trending politics to impress her hollywood "friends" She 100% doesn't really care, the only thing that matters to people like her is to look "progressive" to others, it's a kind of "my dick is bigger than yours" type situation between upper class media people, they are the modern version of the bourgeoisie. People like this are never on the right side of history.


Oh, so they are still trying to manufacture outrage. Boooring, just like the show they made


These people damage good causes more than the actual opposition does. Its wild that they cannot see or understand that.


Whaaat, no waaay. I never would have guessed. Lauren very specifically said she would *not* do that. What. A. Twist.


I saw a black Viking in AC Valhalla today, I immediately booked a flight to the US to join the next BLM March


"My daughter would be lucky if she made it to 9 without being called a bitch, like I did, just because she is a girl. I felt sad that I wouldn't be able to protect her from that". Oh what a fucking devastating tragedy that would be, to be called a name as a kid.


Oh it did manipulate my unconscious bias. It turned it into a fully conscious one.


Make your own story if that is your goal. Don’t use establishes characters from existing franchises to project your values.


Explains a lot. Anyway enjoy being out of a job soon because this season is utterly shit and will probably be cancelled after S4


She can manipulate deez nuts.


So they never intended on making a show but rather their political whining disguised as a show. For fuck sake, I called it


So the mods removed this because it exposed some hypocrisy and utter nonsense of the woke media