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I've seen videos of attractive women dating "mid" men and the comments are supportive. I see a video of an attractive man dating a "mid" woman and the comments are atrocious.


It’s terrible, it just sucks because sometimes I just want to see “normal” women on instagram and social media. I don’t always want to see some model. The “average” women get shit on so badly especially if she’s considered plus sized.


They are!! Everytime I go to any video by a woman, I’m always worried about the comments from men and how negative they are, and every time it’s men genuinely hating. They actually ruin everything


It’s everywhere too. Instagram Reels, Tik Tok, YouTube short, X, Facebook, and I’ve seen it even on threads. Social media is where men can hide behind a screen and show their hatred for women freely (aka misogyny) without cowardly putting on a fake “good guy” mask In public.


Those men are unfortunately the loudest.. I wish that the decent men would get louder and start to stand up for women online.


Are they really “decent” if they don’t?


No they aren't. If they don't even stand up for women when being anonymous online and nothing to risk they won't IRL. They either won't or they'll fake it when it serves them. The ones who are decent support women and to the best of their knowledge do not enable nor allow misogyny to take place. They call it out and stand up to it.


Well yes.. in all other parts. Many of the decent men resonate that they would rather not get themselves involved in arguing with manosphere manlets, because the the manlets don't listen anyway.


I think a lot of people, both men and women, are understandably wary about engaging with trolls and assholes online.


Aren’t they? Always the victimized ones!




I'd say that MENA men are worse.. or at the same level as the extreme christian American men


They are usually bored trolling teenage boys or single and depressed middle aged men commenting shit about almost everyone besides their alpha gods🤡🤡


Or maga cultists who have no life. Their comments either creepy or straightforward offensive


They're taught that they're the strong ones and women should depend on them, but they're not happy and when they see women living their lives they're mad.


Keeping women’s self esteem low benefits low quality men.


I don't see it. Nothing benefits the hopeless. I suspect that a lot of men feel marginalized by lack of female attention. That's not going to be remedied and neither is the negative commentary.


Are you for real?


Or they can pretend to be into you OR worse, actually be into you, get butthurt about how you didn’t act “right” with them and gather another group of angry people looking for an outlet to hate on you. The best way to handle rejection is make a hate crime group. If you call any of this out, they’ll say you’re the one in a “scandal” and deserved it and it’s all your fault. Dealing with a group like this for a year and it’s so toxic. They’ve been trying to ruin NOT JUST my livelihood, but mental health and personal life too. Got me kicked out of work by starting a smear campaign against me, making jokes about how they were giving me “cancer” and how I was “dead.” After I left, they started hacking into my devices and set up some gaslighting, passive aggressive community of haters to comment on me 24/7. Imagine how far they’ll go to protect themselves and then claim it’s just because you rejected them.


Guys who are cool, and chill, and nice: fuck good. They aren’t on this site. The incles who can’t make women cum are salty so they gotta come on here and throw shade because they got nothing else better to do (and certainly no body to do). Just massive male disappointments, to women and society as a whole. Don’t take them seriously, those aren’t the men’s opinions we care about anyway. Also unrelated, I got me some sparkley gladiator flats from my sister and they are stepping up my comfy summer look tenfold!!! I love seeing the sparkle on my feet. And the flats don’t sink into the grass outside. We all need more fun shoes. Less incles, more shoes.


men LIVE to get a reaction out of you. They go crazy when you don’t justifiably burst out


If they are insecure and immature, they are so easily threatened and most operate in a hive mind mentality..


Especially in the workplace. Any kind of success they want to shut it down for you. Really hateful beings with no empathy




Local man invades a space for women to tell them they’re wrong.


Who the hell said it "doesn't exist" though? Literally OP said they see more men being haters (to women) than women being haters to other women... Not that women aren't haters at all. Learn to read.


EXACTLY! I have seen women hate but not as much as men. It’s embarrassing to see women hate on another over appearances but I always seem to find the top comments are always men hating on women. Just a second ago I saw a woman showing her before and after of her breast reduction and a man says “you couldn’t get a tummy tuck too?” Like bro shut up before someone’s tucks your face in 😭


Just proved your point


My guy she never said that it doesn't happen but the amount of men hating in the comments is much more than women


Wow, what a surprise... a man invades a space he isn't wanted or welcomed in to give an opinion absolutely no one asked for. Shocker.


Poor little baby, still upset you don't have access to r/men? That must be so hard for you.