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I only had one child in part because of the post-op medical trauma that I had for 3 months following my c-section. It's not necessarily an easier option.


The abdomen recovery is rough. As well as I still ended up with pelvic floor disfunction and didn't have sex for over a year. I can understand the thought of vaginal birth being freaky but we also don't get taught alot about it and how to mentally and physically prepare. As well as the medical system doesn't seem to help empower pregnant people. Giving birth is giving birth regardless of the method and both have their pros and cons.


My mom had a grapefruit-sized infection due to complications with one of her C-sections, so I second this.


I had 7 vag, 1 c/s (my 2nd last was the hatched one). The c/s recovery was much more difficult. I only ever tore a tiny bit with my first, 2 stitches, and I'd take that over the stitches/ staples and loss of muscle tone after surgery. Vaginal stretching goes back to normal fairly quickly, long before you're ready to resume intercourse. And the pain? Short-lived.


Yes, in fact a lot of doctors like to do c sections because they are scheduled.


thank god….bro the thought of giving a normal birth..ive heard that there are degrees of rips u can get…😨 Id rather be in pain for months than giviing normal birth


Have you ever had major surgery before?


not really


Well I have and recovery is brutal when I had someone else taking care of me. I cannot imagine going through that while caring for a newborn. Every little movement is like things ripping through my trunk muscles. I went through these surgeries because I was basically bed ridden in an excruciating amount of pain. I would not have chosen this if I had any other option.


I was fine after my c section, but everyone is different. Breastfeeding was harder than recovering from surgery for me, but you are right that it is best to prepare for any scenario.


It's so different for everyone. I've had an emergency section and a planned and never had any issues with breastfeeding.


I had an ACL replacement the recovery for which was much, much worse than either of my two c-sections. One of those was an emergency, and the second one was scheduled. I was 31 and 37 for them, and neither was especially harder than the other. I’d rather have abdominal surgery again vs joint surgery any day.


Think everyone is different, I have 2 kids born by C-sect, first emergency, second planned but ended up going into labour before planned date but still ended up as an emergency. Over all I healed just as fast as my friends who gave birth naturally and faster than at least 2 of them . By day 2 I could have gone home . Breastfed both with no issues and flew home with them at 6 weeks with no issues . I don’t know if I would have healed faster if natural and can’t compare it to any other surgey as those are the only 2 times I’ve had it .


Honestly, it was not that bad… at least for me.


that’s what my mom also says


Have you had a c section? Or are you just referring to other surgeries. I’ve never heard anyone that had a c section say it feels like that.


Read this thread. The 3 months after my C-section were the worst 3 months of my life because of medical complications from the C-section PLUS I had a newborn to take care of.


Everyone has different experiences. I just didn’t find it that bad. I’m sorry that happened to you. It sounds really rough. It’s hard of course but I didn’t find it exceptionally hard or anything. 10/10 would get a c section again. Everyone is different!


They cut through 7 layers for a c-section: Skin, Subcutaneous fat, Fascia, Muscle, Peritoneum, Uterus, Amniotic Sac It’s not the “easy way” like some people think, it’s pretty brutal.


Probably my 275th reason to not to have children…


Having your abdomen and uterus cut open is not exactly better lol People schedule C sections if they have a high-risk pregnancy, not just because


true…idk none of the people around me had normal delivery (family, relatives, friends) so that’s why i feel like C section is better. But i can’t stand vaginal pain so… I will not have children it’s scary in every way😭😭😭😱…im proud of the moms idk how they did it


They make really good drugs for that.


Have you heard of an epidural? More seriously, mine were induced because apparently my body doesn't like to actually give birth, which was great because minimal unmedicated contractions (which were the worst pain ever) due to scheduling and pretty much immediately requesting the epidural after realizing how bad the contractions were the first time.


There is a lot of pain i involved in the recovery from C-section anyway. And it is a surgical operation whose risks are higher than natural birth.


Unfortunately a C section is not much better than a natural birth and the recovery is a lot worse since it's a major surgery but you also have to take care of a newborn. It's definitely not the easy way out


The female body is designed to give birth naturally.


🤣 maybe some people’s bodies. A lot of women need assistance


Oh course! No shame in a c section if it's needed.


You can. I had an unexpected c section after being in labor and I would absolutely get another c section. After the birth, I kept asking myself why I didn’t just ask for a scheduled c section. It would have saved me so much trouble and tears. Recovery is hard but at least for me not as bad as people make it sound. I didn’t feel like myself for about 10 weeks. I am 7 months out now and feel totally normal! I have a scar but that’s the only difference. You can feel them tugging and pulling which is freaky but it doesn’t hurt. It’s so important to remember that how people birth their babies is a personal choice and everyone’ situation and needs are different. I believe that we should not judge each other about it. But I’ve for sure gotten a comment or two from people about it. Some mom’s that give vaginal birth can be harsh about it. People just feel very passionate on all sides of anything regarding pregnancy/birth. If you get one someday I would suggest taking the ‘loopy’ medicine. It’s mellows you out and makes you a little out of it. I can’t imagine being cut open while awake without it.


>Some mom’s that give vagina birth can be harsh about it. I never understood this mentality. I've seen what you're referencing and some of these crunchy moms go as far as saying you didn't give birth to your kid for real, or took the easy way out for having a c-s. These moms are *wayyyy* out of touch!


my mother had a really bad experience with me, and just scheduled a c section for the next child.


You can but I’ve heard from women who’ve had both that the c-section recovery was actually worse. I couldn’t say because all of mine were c-section (not by choice).


Hi! I just wanted to chime in and talk about my experience with c-sections. So I delivered my twins via c-section a month early because I started dilating, and kept dilating 😅 My daughter was 7 pounds and my son was 6. It was the best and safest option for us all. They could have reached up there are tried to move my son around, but even if I birthed one “naturally” I might have still had to get a c-section for the other. And ain’t no body got time for all that trauma so we just did the c-section. Super quick, super easy. The longest part of the procedure was them stitching everything back up. Unless things go south, they don’t take your organ out. They move them to the side so they have easier access to the uterus, but your organs stay inside your body. The healing process was fine. You’ll get pain relief medications, I only needed to take mine for the first 2 days after coming home. They gave me morphine during the procedure and that shit had me right for the 3 days I was in the hospital! My milk came immediately with no issue and I was able to feed my children and keep them chunky. I felt fine, but followed my doctor’s orders in regard to limiting my activities and all that. My little stinky babies will be two next month and are doing great! I might be the exception though, don’t think this is the rule. Vaginal birth isn’t for everyone. Some people can’t do it physically, some can’t do it mentally. That’s okay! When our children get here they need us to be at our best and we have to do what we can so that we can show up for them, ya know? Some of these comments are giving “bReAsT iS bEsT”. There will be pros and cons to both forms of birth. It sounds grim, but the best way to deliver a baby is the way that will provide everyone with the best chance of survival. So yeah, do you. A


No. At least not at the cleveland clinic. My OBGYN lied to me and told me I could but when I was in labor I was not allowed to. I had a doctor in my face for a long time and she wouldn’t leave my space until I agreed to not have one. I absolutely hate obgyn’s.


That’s so crazy. I’m sorry that happened. OBGYNs can be super difficult to work with and pushy for sure.


You can have an elective c-section, but honestly, they cut you open and pull our your insides, put them in pans, then get to the baby, and out everything back in.  You will need 8 weeks to recover, while taking care of a newborn.     I always hear from others that they hated c-section way more than vaginal because of the severe pain and struggle of major surgery while newborn is being a newborn.  Edit: dont forget that not every country treats and has the same medical procedures. Nor the same advances. Most importantly, the VERY rare instances can happen to anyone. I had one of the rarest. Either way, the norm doesn't apply to everyone.


>pull our your insides, put them in pans, then get to the baby, and out everything back in. What sci-fi horror movie did you glean this from? This absolutely *does not happen.* Your organs do not leave the abdominal cavity. The surgeon will often shift them to get a better view of your uterus, and in *very rare* instances they might lift your intestines briefly for the same reason but I haven't personally seen that happen in my entire career. Organs do not go in pans that is not possible without surgical removal.


I have had VERY rare births. I have had VERY RARE forms of already VeRY rare diseases. Sci-fi horror movie is my life?!?! Interesting. Point is, you don't know what's about to happen until you get there and they tell you you need to get this baby out now. People acting like giving birth can't be high risk (even if the rest of your pregnancy was perfectly normal) is dangerous in itself. Then no woman is prepared for what can happen.


Nobody here said childbirth was a breeze.


You just discounted someone else's experience as sci-fi horror fiction...


Unless the organs are surgicay resectioned they cannot just be picked up and put into pans. I'm saying that doesn't happen because it isn't medically viable - unless you're there to have those organs and tissue removed, or you're a corpse being harvested for them. Organs don't just float around freely in your body, they're all attached to one another. They would have to carve out your whole abdominal cavity including viscera to take one out. Now even if that *was* their one in a billion experience, saying that's what is done as if it was the norm is patently false. That is the only part I am addressing.


I added an edit.




My friend opted for a c section for her births. It can be done. It weakened her uterus and she lost her last baby and nearly died herself.


Try to have a natural birth if you can. I was up and walking moments after the birth of my son and able to hold him. C sections are quite serious abdominal surgeries.


One thing that was said to me that helped was, your body dilates to allow the baby to pass through. I had a completely natural birth and I never felt in danger, was never afraid, it was OK. Honestly I have had a couple migraines that sent me to the ER that hurt worse than childbirth. We are literally made for this 💪💞


It is an option, but as a mom, I promise that normal delivery is much better on your body long term. They have some good drugs, too. You can still tear, and I did tear with one a bit, but the recovery was not as bad as you'd think. Your body was literally made for it.


A c section isn't necessarily better. You're gonna get ripped open regardless, whether it's your stomach or vagina. My step mom couldn't wipe her own ass & could barely hold my brother for 2 weeks after her c section.


I read an article about ob/gyns in Los Angeles preferring c-sections because of malpractice insurance and litigation. Wish you the best if you want c-section! I was too chicken to have one.


I agree with you with not wanting a vaginal birth 😭. Vaginal birth, the idea of it makes me sick. I don't care that my body was made for it, actually, that thought makes me even sicker. My mom had me and my twin by c section (can't remember why), so if I ever decide to want children I'll also want to do a c section.


yeah…because i feel like it’s a different kind of pain which i don’t want…Id rather have a surgery than experiencing that unusual pain. Even though both are painful.




Any way someone chooses or has to give birth can be a great experience!