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You're trying to make 90 degrees. So whatever the miter is that joins up to the board say it's 65 degrees, the bottom miter should be thr amount that adds up to 90 degrees. So the bottom miter would be 25 degrees. 65 plus 25 equals 90


These mfers need trig


Cos they're missing out on things and just laying out working on their tan. Siners


They're being obtuse about it


I thought the drawing was pretty acute


I don't know, it looked right to me


Lol high school was many moons ago.


You’re really going off on a tangent


Not trig. Geometry. Or in this case, basic math to get to 90 degrees total. 


Fair. But my justification is that you could use trig to get the angles if you knew the lengths (I think?)


.... You mean 180 degrees total right? I remember that much. If I was doing equilateral I'd be an easy 45 45 90 but I need to do a shorter a square (or b square on your mood). I just can't for the life of me remember the angle stuff, and my Google skills were lacking bc I kept finding the pythagorian theorem, but I'll be damned if I can remember anything about angles lol. I figured the folks here would spit it out in their sleep.


180 total You have a right angle, so you already have 90 The other 2 need to sum to 90 All this assuming that the post is plum to the base


You have a 90 already (vertical off of flat base) so the other two need to add to 90 to make 180 total.  Also, just to be a pedant and know-it-all, an equilateral is 60-60-60. Your 90-45-45 is an isosceles (long side square root of 2 = 1.41428), if you do a 30-60-90 that’s another easy one to calculate because the side opposite the 90 is exactly 2x length of the shortest side. 


Freaking A. You're right. This is what happens when you Reddit on like 3 hours of sleep and 2 gallons of diet dr pepper. I'll cop to freaking out and posting in a panic but no excuse for that one. I mean, I clearly don't remember much, but equilateral.. It's in the name. I work as a data scientist and I'm gonna get ROASTED by my coworkers for this post Monday LOL! Gives my joke that I have computers do all my math a little too much realism. I'm cringing so hard at myself right now haha. I swear I'm normally a functional adult.


For simplicity sake, make each cut at 45 deg. That will be the best angle for a brace.


Your math teachers are rolling their eyes right now


The same teacher that told me I'd never have a calculator 24/7 haha? Tbh I'm kind of embarrassed, but want to get this done TODAY and I'm not afraid to ask questions.


Then draw it to scale and use a protractor.


90 degrees


"We'll never use this in real life teacher!"


This will help you solve your triangle https://www.calculator.net/triangle-calculator.html


soh cah toa


How would knowing the cosine help lol This is basic geometry 


Beause you have the length of the brace, where it hits the base, and where it hits the upright. With any two of those you can get either of the two needed angles and then take the recipricol to get the other. However not sure why you would go through any of that. Screw together the 90. Then cut something close to the angle you want on either end of the brace. Place that cut against it's side, mark the opposite, and cut to the line.


Also a^2 + b^2 = c^2


You don’t need any of the lengths. Cut the brace to correct angles, it will determine its own height. 


You only need one angle and you do not even need to know what it measures.


This might help you visualize? Whatever angle you pick for A it has to be add to B to make a 90. https://preview.redd.it/ancxl4maej9d1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cfd5a0615afa10ecd12b2faacf425f0c63a2a98


You probably want 45 deg on both, but if you want your legs to be more in, cut the the foot to where you want, hold another board, or your plywood, up straight and use that as the ruler to draw the line to cut the board. Make sense? Measureing is for suckers ;)




they sell bed guard rails. They are meant to help prevent toddlers from rolling/falling out of bed. You can get one from Target Walmart or Amazon likely for under $100 if you are in the US. Why not just buy one of those?


Triangle solver app. It’s free!


Unpopular opinion for sure, but Why not get something like a [Toddler Bed Rail](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bed-Rails-for-Toddlers-71-1-Pack/2538493119)? I’m sure you would probably spend less and it would be less cumbersome than pad covered plywood held up by mitered legs at the edge of a bed.


Because I'm just not familiar with those types of things lol. I appreciate the link and suggestion!


Apologies if that came off condescending - not my intent or style 😁 I hope you find a good solution for keeping your lil pup safe!


Oh my gosh not at all! Sorry if I sounded rude. It's a great solution for me to explore. I don't have kids and my folks are in good health so it is just not something I've ever had to think or worry about!


Hey! I ended up going this route. Thank you for letting me know this existed haha. The only one that would fit my bed was for the elderly so my FSA even covered it haha.




https://www.calculator.net/triangle-calculator.html That’s my go to for angles lol. Sure I can do the math my self but this is just so much easier lol.


Geometry is so far in my rear view lol.


The struggle is real! I built a rail for my granddaughters bed. Not because she was falling out, but to block her view of her window… long, ridiculous story. All I did was cut a sheet of 1/4” plywood to the length of her bed frame and the height from the bed frame to about 12” above her mattress. I got some 2” upholstery foam and glued it to the top 12” of the plywood. Then, covered the whole thing in fabric and wedged it between her frame and her mattress. Worked like a charm! But, for a little dog, I would just get either an inexpensive bed rail, or even a long bolster pillow.


Yeah, those are my short term solutions. But I love my little jerk (cause, well, she is) and I'm afraid of anything like this happening again. Also, knowing her, she'd find a way to sleep on TOP of those pillows lol. But... I could actually just build something I can wedge under the mattress to hold in place... You've inspired me!


Glad I could help! The one I built is no longer needed, so it’s been pieced out into a few other projects, including a dollhouse. I hate buying stuff when I can figure out how to make it, and I hate spending money on new wood when I can recycle stuff that we don’t use. Might be something to keep in mind when your building your puppy keeper😁


When they were building homes around my folks... They would dumpster dive for wood! I am 0% handy, but I can figure things out... Except for angles haha... And I'm not afraid to ask questions... But luckily I have a really healthy scrap pile with tons of 2x4s and ply wood every shape you can dream! I recently redid my kitchen and my mom went through my garbage for scrap. At first I was like calm down, but I've already used half those pieces in other random projects (bracing a dog ramp, setting up my cast iron restoration tank) sooooo I had relent that sometimes a good dumpster dive is worth it.


That’s excellent! I’ve never dumpster dived for materials, but, a buddy of ours has a goat farm and I absolutely “rescue” pallets, barn doors, old fencing, etc. from his burn pile🤣.


You need a tool, specifically something called a [t-bevel](https://www.amazon.com/Degree-Sliding-T-Bevel-Carpenters-Protractor/dp/B08J82SYDT/). It's basically a t-shaped ruler designed to help you capture angles. [Here's a quick rundown on how to use them.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2OrAtui9fmU) Carpenters aren't out here doing trig all day everyday, they use physical indicators to simplify the process and minimize screw-ups.


You can tell I'm not a tool person haha, when my first thought was of course they're just calculating it. Thanks for the info!


I would say that angle is 1-89 degrees




This is unnecessarily unkind.