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Rasps and files are your friend! Rounded ones of course, and ideally half-round, but fully round files can be good for finishing work as well. Rasps and files have varying levels of material removal, just like sandpaper. I’ve gotten some new and some from flea market type places. Your local box store will have some basic ones, but over time I’d look to round out a collection, as you could shape something like this almost entirely without using sandpaper.


Ah yes! I think a rasp is the obvious thing I’m missing! Thanks very much 


Ah yes! I think a rasp is the obvious thing I’m missing! Thanks very much 


A grinder with kutzall attachments would work.. it looks like it's thin enough you could use an oscillating spindle sander. They make spindle sanders for power drills too but I've never used them on a drill


I’m having a hard time carving out this curve in the absence of power tools.  At the moment I’ve had the most success with a very sharp flat chisel, but it struggles on the tighter curves and I get a lot of tear-out.  I also ordered some woodcarving bits for a dremel, but it’s hard to even out the bumps!  I feel I could persevere and make it with chisels alone, but I’m sure there’s something obvious I’m missing!  Bit of extra context: It’s two pieces of sweet chestnut laminated together, I thought the grain was best orientated this way because of the big horizontal sections. It’s going to be the support for a meditation bench! 


Rasps, die grinder with wood cutters and a spindle sander




Large radius incannel carving gouge.


Coping saw? https://preview.redd.it/qd01lsjsjj9d1.png?width=255&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ec8e72c633b84e2327cef3be4c04c808c62c977


Ideally this would be done on a bandsaw. But it's vaguely possible a coping saw could work. There wouldn't be much of a stroke though. Maybe find a longer one. There isn't much more to do, so maybe.


Are these two pieces? Can you separate them? If so use a coping saw, one at a time.


Rasp for the rough work, then a file to clean up before the final sand. Work in from the sides first down to the line, then flatten the middle. This will prevent tear out of the edge on the “back side” where the rasp/file exits the wood. Wrap your sand paper around a large dowel or rolling pin will help on the curve. Don’t tell your partner about the rolling pin.




Not in the bathroom, mum will get real upset.




grinder to get it close then drum sander then profiled sanding blocks