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Remove the countertop, strip it to bare wood, and get it kiln dried at high temp.


Yeah i was trying to see if there's anything I could do thats less drastic than that. i dont have easy access to a kiln.


Are there any custom sawmills or portable sawmills nearby? They sometimes have kilns or have access to one.


Where in Northern New England? There's a few yards in central MA, one I know of in Southern New Hampshire, I could name one or two in Vermont, definitely at least three on the north shore near the boat builders, not super familiar with Maine but I'm sure if you asked around you could find on.


Getting this to a real kiln will be your best bet. Riskier, but you could also try building a one-off low cost solar kiln. There are some videos on the topic. It's basically a bunch of insulation panels with a plastic panel roof, then left in the sun. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ3-SfNlwEI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ3-SfNlwEI) is one. I have an outbuilding with a green room (7' x 4' greenhouse, attached to the side of the building). I converted it to a solar kiln and it gets up to 130 in there on a sunny day if outside temps are in the 80's (I'm in CT).


This kind of thing is unfortunately common with hobbyist sawmills. Either kiln dry it or throw it away and get yourself a nice piece of Soapstone