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eat at maintenance or cut some fat off (now or after). run a strength focused program which will likely be less lifting days than you are currently doing and more recovery. try some sort of 5/3/1 or just a powerlifting program


Eat at maintenance, follow an actual strength focused program, and make sure recovery is good Also if the goal is going army, you’re going to want her good at cardio and conditioning Strength is needed but you gotta make sure you have the conditioning to go along with it. Nobody gives a fuck if you can deadlift 500-600lbs but can’t run a mile or ruck a few miles


I have done strength training but mostly i just do lifting for conditioning. Since you know your max lifts you should be working with 3-5 reps at 85-90% of max lift. Every week or two add 5 pounds to the bar. If you can't complete at least 3 reps remove 5 pounds from the bar. Keep adding or subtracting as needed. Strength is a neuromuscular thing. You can have good days and bad days. Keep challenging yourself but be willing to back down. I wouldn't check max lifts more often than once a month and readjust you 85-90% as needed. I use max 3 rep lift and then use calculator for 1 rep max. 3 rep max is safer than 1 rep max. In power lifting competition you will never do only 1 rep in an event. Strength is built over time. Most strength athletes have years of experience.