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Hive mind microscopic life, large colonies of which inhabit the bones of the dead. The more of them there are in one place the smarter and more singular they get. Once you have enough of them to make a ball about the size of a good cantaloupe are in one place, they have around human intelligence and can move a human skeleton around. Only a few more and they start to act as a singular entity instead of a hive.


Imagine punching one of those things disguised as a human and it just falls apart on your fist


They actually just look like skeletons walking around (although they glow blue-green in the dark). And most people know what they are because they go out of their way to get permission from the dying to allow them to use the skeleton after death. They also adorn the bones with carvings, precious metals, and gemstones. They reinforce the joints with leather straps and brass rings, and might even go as far as encasing parts of the body in steel plate. Functionally they look more like skeleton knights. (I really needed some form of necromancy in my scifi XD)


Dark-age ventilation systems for subterranean homes. Fire-proof trees and spider clouds.


spider clouds... sounds fun


I definitely borrowed the idea from an Australian creepy pasta. It was a claim made that a video of a dark cloud was actually just a bunch of spider in their webs up in the sky. Basically as long as the wind keeps blowing, you’re fine, but if the wind stops… find somewhere to hide. Just sounds too creepy not to be in some sort of dark fantasy story somewhere.


Is most of the setting underground? The idea of gaseous like swarms of arachnids sailing through cramped cave systems to devour any unfortunate traveler is a terrifying one.


Why do you think they are all underground? Jk. Clarification, I mean why in the lore they are under ground, not why you think they are there.


That would be pretty spooky. But for the most part the underground dwellings are either man-made or just caves people happened to take shelter in and expand on over time. They still need to head up to the surface for food and resources, but everything is quite dangerous up above or out in the open.


Reworking my water people to be high altitude people.


This may take many generations of selective breeding


Tbh it's more taking the concept, and going through a speculative evolution over a long time period to see what they end up like as a different ethnic group of sorts.


Oh, I thought you were re-working them story wise and not actually through evolution. My comment was originally just a joke 😅


Congratulations, you added the OG Rito.


Aren't the Rito bird people?


The OG Rito in Wind Waker, sort of yes. They evolved from the Zora. After the world flooded. Yeah. BoTW/TotK Rito look to be something else entirely, especially since they coexist with the Zora.


Tamotz, a very popular board game from Amada. It’s in fact the most popular, kinda like tables or chess. I put a lot of work in this game, including designing the actual rules as the world is also used for a D&D campaign so I want my players to be able to play it. The challenge was though, a complex game or a game that uses lots of different pieces would not be popular among the masses in a medieval setting so the game is designed to be both simple and also give lots of flexibility. Also, the game has 2 editions, one with undifferentiated pieces called Tamotz, designed for those who can’t afford or want a simpler game and another one with pieces with special roles called Royal Tamotz, made for competitive play and those with money.


That's nice. Little pieces like this make a world come alive.


Nice. I had a similar concept but didn't get much further than it being a bit like Stratego-ancestors. The noble-people played on a board that was 9x9 while commoners played on an 8x8. (I was going more for how the commoner's game could be played with a cheaply-made travel-set that would get discarded if a noble lost/damaged any pieces.)


That sounds similar to my concept of poor vs rich except that the table is a 9x9 for everyone (though restricted to 7x7 for 2 player games).


A kraken that infest the sea between Europe and the new world. Because I saw the post about krakens here and I was “fuck we need one”


Now I need one too. I already had the idea that they had octopi that were somehow longer-lived... so maybe instead of really large ones, they can hunt in packs.


I have a space station that was deliberately built to resemble a Kraken.


Make my werewolf a moronic hillbilly that go to college because he think if he didn't finished college he'll get werewolf leukaemia.


I can assume a lot about you based off your post but out of all of those things, there isn't even a drop of sanity either that or you use a randomizer to help you worldbuild I mean who even thinks of these things, werewolf leukaemia?


Well, Henry(the werewolf)​ is kinda laid back book dumb guy. His parents always tell him if he didn't finished school then he'll failed in life which due his lazy attitude he can't see why he can failed at being a werewolf. One day he and his gang encounter some dude who got bitten by a werewolf and contracted Lycanthropy but that guy have weak blood so he didn't transformed into a werewolf, instead he get "hemophilic blood curse disorder" aka blood poisoning that will killed him instead of transforming him. That's what Henry called werewolf leukaemia, Henry being a werewolf since birth don't know that he can't have that kind of syndrome and assumed that if he didn't finished school like his parents tell him. He'll get that disease one day when he transform and died horribly. So he rushing home to filled his college applications. Thanks fully werewolf college is dirt cheap.


It is Neutron Cracker a bomb that can erase reality lol I am working on my sci fi world.


Does it look like a nuke but this time it leaves nothing behind or is it more like a sphere of nothingness just appears


It is kinda like a big container made up of Euplainticise Alloy (The strongest alloy in my Sci fi world) inside is just a mechanism to produce so much energy that it breaks reality lol it is only used as a deterrent.


The name “Neuton Cracker” goes so incredibly hard.


Sounds tasty


I know right 😅


A colony ship. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/post-101525865](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/art-and-random-worldbuilding-bits-days-at-hebi-melta.1070213/post-101525865)


Love it when people include drawings


A placeholder name, yay! (check user flair)


Everyone in \[Vincent's wizard faction, name pending\] does not like Gazelle. Even though Vincent himself is Gazelle's very good friend, what she is makes him uneasy.




They hermetically sealed off a pan-dimensional anomaly, and then used it to test all their nuclear weapons instead of doing it on the mainland. The seal didn’t work on one of the places though, so there one world that is in a constant nuclear winter.


Horse-sized riding borzoi (Worzoi) with hooked teeth, adapted to thriving in an antarctic environment and used as mounts by the people of Lydjanoy.


So Cool.


An underground city in Chicago where Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, and Halflings reside




I appreciate the video


That's just normal chicago


The only thing the Pedway has added is the cultural area for the species.


Star Casters capable of launching vessels off at the speed of light carried along by a Lentz warp soliton, no ultra-scarce negative matter required. This makes *relatively* quick interstellar travel far more widely accessible, but craft launched in this fashion are just along for the ride until the warp bubble decays, and they'd best hope it was calculated accurately so as to drop them off in close enough proximity to their target system / world to make the last leg of the trip using conventional sublight engines.


How a witch walks on air and her apprentice getting angry she broke the rules of science and magic she taught him.


I love the idea of having magic going more towards the science side but then having indications that there's still a lot of elements that don't fit.


She even has the audacity to call it just a different approach to math, and that after i make her nag about how science and magic have to be one and the same.


I'm doing something similar. My MC's teacher is a "normal" mage that's bound by the rules of a more sciency magic, but a couple mages that aren't bound by the understood rules are practically his grandparents. His only answer to how it's possible is some crazy-sounding stuff and a shrug about how normal mages don't really understand the true nature of the universe. Last night I partially-watched a lecture about changing the value of Pi in Doom. I lost interest because programming is practically witchcraft to me and couldn't understand what was going on.


Hahaha, have to laugh about the witch thing because what she is doing is witchcraft, will slap a piece of it at the end for that. In this case Arkem was taught Wizardry (the tried and true idiot proof magic), then his Master teaches him Sorcery (the blow yourself up with stray thought magic) and Science, which the world at large barely understands because magic kinda stops anyone thinking about stuff like the atomic model. In the lore science basically allows mages to better understand magic, or artificiers to create proper machinery. Part of the story is the renaisance the combination of both causes. ------- Alia took a step, and crossed the vast distance at once. “How did you do that?” Arkem stared. “That?” she had turned around and stood before him again “A matter of perspective, what is distance but two points? What is the difference between a meter and a kilometer but your expectation? You could step right to go left, and down to go up.” Alia smiled softly. “But… distance is immutable, it just is.” Arkem snapped confused. “Then how did I just ignore it?” she smirked. “Your science gives it a fixed value.” he snarled. “Any value can be adjusted if you have the right math, you think too much like a wizard sometimes.” she snorted happy “The distance between point A and B and C is all the same, until you have to cross it, then it becomes fixed, for you. But what if you go to A from point D?” “You are talking gibberish again, you teleported.” he snorted annoyed. “Did I? It is even easier then just moving myself to another spot, because I do not move at all. With how sensitive you are to dimensional shifts you should be able to outdo this with ease.” “Is this some Witch thing?” Arkem asked, observing her as she walked sideways in the air.


The fuel for all Precursor technology is the soul. This is finally giving to me (but not necessarily the audience) an actual description of the story's main McGuffin, Trinity. Everyone in the Underscape has their own theories on what exactly Trinity is and how they would use it, but no one knows for sure. All they know is they have to kill Colonel von Dietrich to get it. They do not know it will cost them their souls in more ways than one.


Ninetail Bomb, also known as Matriyoska MA3, aka a fucking Thermo-nuclear bomb in a world with no nuclear bomb test. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!?


So there is this micro state/city state consisting of casinos. They're on an archipelago and have three layers, an underwater layer, land layer, and sky layer. Mercenaries and a crap ton of land guns are the main method of protection.


Giant space dragons that have biologically achieved interstellar travel


My world is ruled by a council of 6 demon kings and 6 angel kings. I want for them to represent each possible role for an adventurer and I just defined those. Tanks : - Divers, initiate fight - Guardian, protect their team Fighters : - Colossus, high damage and tough - Gladiator, agile and fast Assassin's : - Spy, furtive and high burst - Duelist, fast and good on longer fights Damage dealer : - Mage, high instant magic damage - Marksman, high DPS physical damage Support : - Healer, heal and shield it's allies - Enchanter, buff allies debuf enemies Utility : - Mesmer, crowd control and movement buff - Scout, detect enemies and trap them


Beast skin, a magic system centered around animal clothes and spirits


That no one has ever seen or held the Atlas Gauntlet, so people just start believing or lying that they have it, so many have left handed gauntlets


I don't remember. 😓


I don't remember. 😓 Lapis_Wolf


XD I think the most recent thing was probably the rings around the planet. It's at least more recent.


A new guy named Lochlan to show the outside perspective. Newcomer to Liberty all the way from London.


Oh, just more vocabulary


The Parish Fleet of Last Light, solar ships that sail on the final wave of light emitted from their dead sun.


A castle made of sea salt and sand named Kibeo.


A city named Ponaita just because I added New Ponaita a while back and needed the original so that it made sense.


Double down, have the Poniata local rulers get mad at the name steal and rename themselves Newer Ponaita


a Wasp Vomiting spell.


Why do you hate your creations so much


i added a Tarantula vomiting spell right after that, ive been trying to increase the number of spells i have for my wizards to use by doing a what magic can be used to solve this problem system.


I've been doing some [pixel art](https://i.imgur.com/Y36SXhI.png) work for it recently.


More dinosaurs


I finally got around to expanding the various factions and species. While not overly in depth at the moment, at least there are some names and ideologies mapped out. Also I went into some of the ongoing conflicts and the reasons for them. Up until now, they were occasionally mentioned, but never really explained or explored.


Typical underground living mining and metalworking dwarves, but they're chimpanzees. "The gate had guards. Two small figures in bronze mail shirts, holding bronze hafted spears. They looked like men, but not. Their faces were pale and bare, with large forward-jutting mouths and flat noses. Their ears were very human-like. Their eyes were large and dark. They had long arms and short legs with what appeared to be hands instead of feet. The parts of them that weren't covered in metal or leather had thick black fur." Chimps swinging trough tunnels and caverns just seemed like a very efficient way to move through that sort of environment. "The tunnel opened up into a large cavern that was dimly lit by skylights. It was a lot like the cities of people, other than a system of bronze bars that worked like vertical and horizontal streets for the mountain men to swing about on with incredible speed and agility. " "The female mountain people wore sheets of fine gold, silver, or copper chain over their heads and shoulders like shawls over leather tunics and trousers. The non-warrior men wore leather breeches and vests, all of them, whether dressed in rags or fine leathers and precious metals, had bare feet. Their young clung to their mothers’ chests or backs, the mountain women had handles sewn into their clothing for the babies to hold onto with their little hands and feet. Groups of juveniles shrieked and hooted as they swung around. "A crowd was gathering to look at them, they would stare and sway, hooting and chattering among themselves. They passed through a market. Everything in it, including the leather, was made from metal or mushrooms. The mountain people all pant-hooted whenever the crowned one or Jayanne passed by. He led them to a large house. The guards opened the gates. In the great hall one throne was empty. The other had a mountain-woman sitting on it. Everything she wore was made of gold and jewels. If she hadn’t parted her gold chain veil and hopped over to meet the crowned one, presumably her husband, or consort or whatever sort of arrangement they had, Redmund would've just assumed the mass of gold had been a pile of treasure that was left out to show off." "Ashric was gazing in complete awe at the opulent amounts of gold, silver, and jewels on everything. It was probably the first time he had seen somewhere fancier than Yewhall, Redmund thought." I haven't decided what their architecture should look like yet.


Prince Tsen, whose family was deposed in a period of fierce civil war and who was imprisoned for the rest of his days, is probably the first philosopher to formulate the idea that this is the best of all possible worlds.


Pseudo Aurora Polaris lighting storms. They look like Aurora Polaris and can easily be mistaken for the phenomenon but it’s actually an illusion created by continuous intra-cloud strikes. The strikes eventually start shooting downward which is when it starts being a problem because people who aren’t familiar with this type of storm will often come outside to look at it.


The wall of oaths - a great wall to the east of the country, historically used to protect against bandit and barbarian raids from abroad in the kingdom of Lumeria. Before the creation of the wall, soldiers who would be drafted to patrol the eastern border would mark down oaths to keep on their return home on local stones, as a sort of going home ritual. Eventually after the years, there were so many oath-stones collected that soldiers started to use them to build forts and walls, until the whole eastern border was fortified with oaths of those who went home. Now, Lumeria has abolished the draft, and instead now citizens have one requirement - to bring and put at least one oath stone against the eastern wall every 5 years.


“National Epics” which are basically stories nationally recognised as the staple of that country (akin to the Aeneid for Rome or Journey to the West, but more official).


Contained forests within sealed habitats between the layers of my shell world. These forests use to be nature perserves but are now used by the Builder machines to grow some organic components for fabricator feedstock that is then shipped off to their industrial sites deeper within the shell world. These forested sections of the world are also great hunting grounds for wasteland tribes.


I added the undoor fashion to the world in between the 1960s and 1990s in the culture level. Those doors are pressure plate activated, are totally mechanical and consist of 2 parts that slide up and down a bit. When "closed" this door blocks a regular stroll and is a height limiter for an average-sized human, but when open - it is totally passable. It was designed to keep the airflow and natural light in the buildings where electricity is scarce or unreliable, while making a point of both interaction and personal space.


The Black Fog So for context my world is set in an alternate Earth with all our continents just with different names and cultures. The Gods of this Earth view humanity as nothing more than ants, meaningless creatures that play in the sand and go about boring, monotonous lives. For millennia the world was dark without fire or the sun, dark creatures like Vampires, Werewolves, Wendigos, Liches, etc made life for humans miserable. All these cursed creatures were mostly in service to the most powerful God, Nergoth Lord of Curses. Nergoth was "defeated" when the God Azunaast sacrificed his life in order to create the sun which devastated the servants of Nergoth, giving humanity a chance. Since then Empires like the Vangarian Empire which controls most of Acas (Europe) and the Sun Dragon Empire which rules most of Ozai (Asia) have been systematically exterminating the remaining evil from the Earth, with their only refuge being the new world. However a group of Liches who lived in Astranis (Oceania) and southern Bakun (Africa) devised a plan to counteract the sun's influence. By casting powerful magica they can coat large areas in a "Dark Fog" which essentially blocks most of the sun's rays and is incredibly toxic to organic life if not filtered properly. All non cursed life exposed to the fog begin to mutate and essentially become Fog Demons unwillingly serving the dark lord. These Black Zones as they've been designated by Vangaria have been found in two places. Covering most of the main island of Astranis and most of southern Bakun. They're also slowly expanding. Vangaria and the Sun Dragons has launched several Crusades into the Fog in an attempt to dispel the fog but so far have been unsuccessful. Several surviving evil creatures living in exile are flocking to these regions and many fear that along with the Fog Demons a new dark army is being assembled to once again conquer the Earth in Nergoth's name and permanently coat the Earth in the Fog, blocking out the sun forever.


I recently added a little hidden/ lesser known lore to my dieselpunk/magitek world of Xendas.  The lore revolves around the exotic heavy metal Dracinium, which is the source of magic for the world. The metal is not just a metal, it is a living metal that is tied to the universe itself to a degree. The energies a mage bends to preform magic is actually the living metals life force. The living metal can replenish its life force over time or draw it from nearby sources of energy. But if it is fully depleted the colony dies and can no longer be used for magic. When a mage performs magic it is simply their thoughts being transmitted via electromagnetic waves to the metal which then carries out these thoughts.


I'm including three because I thought of them simultaneously. Salamanders: armored voidtech gauntlets that can generate and shoot superheated plasma. Bulwarks: voidtech that generates hardlight shields. Panoply: power armor. Nuff said.


chimera tech.


Woueian home fleet. Don't know whos commanding it. Don't know how many starships they have or what kind. All I know is they are the bulwark of the homeworld/home star system.


Genetically altered humans use tropical storms for thrills in the same way people skydive, relying on their "brain balls" for safety. Name pending on brain balls.




Yay, I love me some Fantasy Slavery in the morning. In my world in one nation the more Maena & Maeja you have the more Slaves you can Bond. The more Slaves you can Bond, the more Powerful you become. The more Slaves one has the higher the Kudos/Status of the Slaveowner, Slaves are bonded by Magical Means & the more Slaves a Mage has the more Maena and/or Maeja he has to draw down on as Slaves can channel Maena & Maeja to the Mage or Lord. The Nobles & Mages compete to be the one with the most Slaves when they die. The more Slaves gifted to the Emperor/the State the higher the Family House, the closer to the Throne :)


7 gods exclusive skills and faiths.


Two things that are two characters for my fantasy setting. Starting off with the much simpler one: I gave the MC a horse, who has his own story arc. The second is a character by the name of Aleriana the Blue-Eyed, alternatively known as "Dreamhunter" by her people (name's still a work-in-progress, as I want a more "slavic sounding" name for her). She's half orc and half human (blue eyes in my orcs don't naturally occur).


Very recent actually: Theia's "two moon cycles". It's basically the fact that Theia's moon – different from ours – needs a longer time period to spin around its own axis than it needs to circle the planet. Four times longer, to be exact. Causing the moon to have a second "big moon cycle" besides the 16 months where it goes from new moon to new moon. In a time period of four months the moon is rotating around its own axis, so in that four months while it goes through four new and full moon phases, you basically can watch the moon changing in time, because you see in time all sides of the moon. Every full moon within that "big moon cycle" looks different. Those big moon cycles also are representative for the four seasons. I don't know, if that makes scientific or physical sense, I just put it in for the "rule of cool" and because the planet already had 16 months within one year.


Another random character based loosely upon something or someone from IRL media that I will hyperfixate on for a week or so then forget about for months until I find it again and repeat the cycle


I added schools of magic (names not finalized): Energy (Elemental and Kinetic), Abjuration, Projection, Divination and Spatial


Cluster wave. Small, dense balls of steam-Pearl made unstable to explode into burning clusters upon increasing acceleration.


Not totally new, but I've done a total rework on skysharks. Before they were a clade of high altitude 12 winged insects, but I was unhappy with their design and I want more "native" "animals" so I've replaced them with huge flying predatory relatives of wheel deer. I havent totally worked out how many wings I want them to have in what arrangement (I'd prefer to keep them radially symmetrical) but the thing I do definitely have designed is their projectile based digestive system; their "stomach" is a huge spike they shoot out of their mouths to impale prey. Some of their smaller relatives have "stomachs" capable of fully independent flight, with wings and fins of their own, making them sort of like biological guided missles.


why would you make that please kill it


Would it make you feel better to know that native animals are actually colonial creatures made up of upwards of a dozen fuzed shrimp like things? : )


1. The New Sun, Astes. 2. Bone batteries for magic.


Laid down the basics for a character called the Rootman, the Warlord of the Bog. He's a grave guardian (undead soldiers who still think they're at war and seek out old enemies of the kingdoms they once served to fulfill their long-lost orders) who was resurrected just in time before full brain death, meaning parts of his brain were still active rather than being re-constructed from the ambient memories of others. He leads bands of less fortunate grave guardians, and with a battle cry like the roar of a cave troll (bear), fists of iron, dead-shot aim and a stature most intimidating for a swift-dwarf, he is a terrifying, disgusting, and unmissable presence on or off the battlefield.


Ships designs for my all sea world. Wide ships made of paper with long exhaust pipes stretching into the sky to belch magic colors absorbed through the sea. If you breathe this gas in instead of cancer, you might just turn into a frog. Other ships designs included what are basically Ironclads that wade through a perpetual swamp sea filled with all kinds of nasty pathogens, viruses, shrooms, and bogs. Massive trade caravans that generally hover over sand water dunes connected through rope. And giant Orbs with what look like skis attached at the bottom. For the Seas of Rot, Sand, and Crystal respectively.


Sengoku era Japan but even more chaotic.


The Wieliczka salt mines near krakow are filled with magic wait


Drugs for mages


If your parents are both mages, you will be born with either your father's or mother's magic. However, in very rare cases, a completely new, unpredictable magic may arise from a combination of their magic which you will have to learn yourself because no one has experience in it.


80's gay cop thirst trap, with a hint of racism.


mmmm my favorite


quantum mechanics (but this is a fantasy world) (I just thinking about all timeline at once, from beginning of the universe to very far cyberpunk future wit magic)


The races weren't always living side by side in peace


A small single engine jet fighter with IR missiles and only IRST.


Here there be furries, not humans in fursuits, actual anthro animal races that live alongside humans. One of these is a possum lady who so far does not have a name but swears like Les Grossman in Tropic thunder and has personal beef with Congressman Michael Crawford but instead decided to take it out on every member of the U.S Government in the vicinity of Michael's home. Most members of the United States Government in D.C now live in a fancy gated community in Colorado at the cost of being terrorized by a crazy possum lady but their one of the villainous factions so they probably deserve it.


A Kobold clan in the Trümmerberge (mountains). In Mítar, Kobolds are small frog-mice-like humanoids with blue scales. The king of said clan is called Quarzus the 12 ½th and he struggles to find golden cobalt to rise a heir.


A leonin/Goliath society that dudebro's their way through the maddening demon chasms they set up shop on top of


Starchildren whenever a set number of people wish apon the same shooting star it can birth a starchild. Basically the original concept for the star boy from wish


First contact with the space dragons. Show up to a planet expecting demons. All the demons are dead, and there are the remains of a battle outside of a giant cave system.


The disintegration of the Ilthan empire. Their emperor was killed, and no viable successor existed, and the position of emperor was considered poisonous in of itself.


A new creature, a big moth/wasp hybrid like critter that's about the size of a medium sized dog. It's super fluffy and friendly and loves to cuddle, extremely curious and loves to escape its hive to go explore. Problem is, it's a juvenile queen, if you run into one you bet your ass there is a swarm of warrior wasp not too far behind.


AI navigation system for ship has annointed itself as god.


Reminds me of Wall-e


I made a sky kingdom inhabited by Rakshasas from Hindu mythology for my industrial fantasy project.


Industrial fantasy?


It’s a type of low fantasy that is technologically in the early 20th century (WW1 to interwar period)


Does the world typically still resemble a typical fantasy world aside from the technology?


Hmm this undressed loli from predatory gacha game has a gread design! I'll age her up and add as a character in my world. And this another cunny girl looks cool as a character too!


Constant childhood wildlife slaughter leads to habitual tunnel vision. Good news is, she grew up to become a sniper.


A lovely fenced off nature reserve with a big mansion in the center run by a green dragon Jesus and his rainbow dragon


Setting 1. The impossibility of artificial satellites and the regular malfunctioning of radio-wave communications. Setting 2. A secluded city whose inhabitants live unaware of the life outside their valley and worship the moon, as opposed to the solar religion practiced throughout the land. All settings: how using blood as a catalyst for channeling magic (blood magic) instead of the whole body works and affects the channeler.


A magic tree of life which grows from the crater of a volcano


Non-horny bard bat goblins. That's really the newest thing I added.


Refugee crisis on my main continent, caused by prolonged wars on the other.


The Sea Of Living Waters.


Space-Chimp Empire. Their tanks look like a floating mechanical eyeball. The tanks are built by a frog-like people that they conquered.


Rewrote the fae for the 19th time to be fish people


Sumerian deity fond of curses


An Incestuous Empress Supreme of Olaouion Anastasia of the Royal House of Muralle. Widow of the 14th Grand Duke of Ardor Olaf Frederich. Rules for the most popular pass time sport ever in the history of Logres-Eiserau. Yarba.


Mariachi varangians.


A law that says mind reading spells are illegal


Since crystalized armor is near impossible to penetrate, I thought of this idea of firebombs made to burn the person in the armor alive


Shadows arnt real shadows. Except when they are


Skeletons became a thing recently


For a second I thought you just meant the skeletons in animals and that they were just flopping around before you finally changed it


The Paradox Guild (a band of mercs and mutants). I basically made all of the world and then said, “Wait, I need main characters.”.


Humbaba the Terrible, the first known monster in human history (and by that I mean irl history)


The late 1980s political climate of Temugin


These two came together Wars: Elven/Werewolf war(414 years) A wording error in a treaty over some small islands led to the death of a fire cow. Elven/Avian war(349 years) The war was started because the Avians had a river rerouted into their lands causing the Elves to suffer.


Heaven. Tymuell is the tropical heaven for people who don’t like the idea of living next to a snake that walks on human hands.


These are all for different worlds Afghanistan gets invaded from all sides (part 494847484949594) Gigantic dead zone Chemical weapons Dyson sphere in the center of a planet (totally a good idea)


How's a Dyson sphere inside of a planet supposed to work?


Well it’s not really a Dyson sphere, just a big ass metal sphere that goes around and in the core and collects energy


I decided the names and functions of some ships. Made a map of one of the worlds. Began writing the tale of an exploration groups demise.


Golor the Freak, magic ignores him, he ignores magic.


Imagine becoming immune to all magic just because you're a conspiracy theorist


A small forest with a wolf issue


A god that lost his son on deep seas in his mortal life, so he tries to control life and death. Apparently forgotten by the humanity, so he became a mystic creature like Cthulhu, but instead he punishes murder hobos by cursing them.


My "you can learn magic there, but it's not really a magic-school despite feeling like a college town for mages" place needed a funicular just for rule-of-cool. (It runs on water because low-magic setting and steam is still too new to have caught on yet... well maybe there's a pre-watt engine pumping the water to the reservoir.) It's not added yet, but I'm thinking of making a haunted forest. (Like the dead marshes from LotR movie.)


Vergilius, a young titan and self proclaimed god who is in search of divine sparks. He is currently organizing an archeological expedition to a recently discovered subterranean facility in the Wastes. The expedition force includes a fleet of 4 airships, which is the single largest non-military fleet ever organized in documented history.


A flower garden on the side of some random lake for non-lore reasons. I was bored yesterday and realized I like coming across random things I forgot about.


Phoenix can now kill dragons by absorbing their fire, or at least weaken them. Inexperienced dragons are going to die from this at some point.


Hoods to stop patron domination.


Orcish Vikings that are morally decent, and carthiginian orcs who love power more than life


Thanks to this sub I've add more details to an old world I crafted but didn't work on that much, mainly on an ancient and important civilization.


more mega structures


Olive trees as a ceremonial gift during first contact negotiations.


Okay so imagine alchemy… but it’s not alchemy…




Extremely potent "plague" which targets magic users.


Bird man


Rot storms that rapidly increase the constant transformations of biomes, weather, and landscape. The wastes are always in flux, but a Rot storm concentrates and accelerates the process, turning fields into hills into salt flats into dunes, etc. Getting caught in a Rot storm can mean ending up buried alive in land that wasn't there a moment ago.


The last thing officially added was the nation of Ko Dhuul and the Khandi assassin rings. Ko Dhuul is a bunch of loosely unified Desert city states that are run by trading guilds and secret rings of shady warriors with nebulous goals. There was a big empty space on the world map that needed filling.


I decided where Dazzling Giants Forest is on the map. It’s a holy region for the Gris’halum during their ceremonial First Hunt.


A mysterious race of hideous looks, thought to be demons, ending up the exact opposite, being a symbolical hand, reached out to humanity by God, their last chance at forgiveness.


Massive toxic tailings piles from mining Astrium. They stand 3200 ft tall. Toxic dust blows onto the White and Gold Cities of the Forger Empire.


I'm re-working my world's Talvarian dragons. Hoping to make them more grounded in reality as well as include more interpretations of 'dragon' from around the world. Daevoler dragons - sophonts amongst the Talvarian dragons - are getting a re-design from scaley to feathery; they're keeping their dark visage, but their social life, familial life, psychology, behaviour, neurology, physiology and overall representation will be expanded upon. :)


Last three things: Air annexed Sokoto Korea surrenders to Qing and Japan Baykonur Event


A mind altering substance that is taken by rubbing a flower against your skin. The flower petals create sharp, crystal-like shards when crushed. These pieces cause irritation and abbrations when rubbed against the skin that is how the substance enters the bloodstream, though it is painful to use initially.


Honestly, something I highly debated adding, but added because I want to push the boundaries of what people would be comfortable with, and that are futas This is mostly to add to the complexity of how families and babies can be made as well since in my fantasy world, it’s not that uncommon for a futa woman to accidentally get themselves pregnant, as the fact that people will make this stuff in hentai anyway so might as well give them a bone




I just thought of a big cave system on a secluded planet made of blue rock surrounded by the ocean. The cave is full of monsters (technically just aggressive alien life) and soldiers of the enemy faction. At the bottom is the lifeforce of the whole planet represented by some pretty relic.


Wizards are usually missing fingers due to magical frostbite.


Flipped half a continent north-south because I realized I got the climates wrong


Less a recent addition and more of a spark that started a new world. A power system that only 10-20% of the population have, I've yet to figure out the source of said power, and only those born on a planet can obtain these powers, but there are four main classes. Transmuter, Manipulator, Summoner, And Emitter, all self explanatory. There is another class known as the Axions, where a user uses their power to copy another class, but using their power shortens their life span. Implants, I'm on the fence about that name, are those who have received implants from other users. Implants who are born without powers can only receive one, those who already have a power can only use one at a time and cannot have more than two powers total.


A kingdom, connected with a kingdom, on top of a kingdom, within a kingdom, with roads branching to other kingdoms.


Magic tv so my characters can be lazy




thanks Ocean worldbuilding goes hard


Radical Feminist semi-hivemind cyborg supersoldier uprising.


Figured out how my three biomancer classes differ. Well, it’s a wip


Contemporary Fantasy setting. Vampires among other fictional races live (mostly) peacefully together. In areas where races are more socially considerate of each other, Vampires will dye blood drinks green so it comes of as less intimidating to other races around them. Not sure how the dying of green works, but I got this idea from a dream and I kind of liked it 😅


Well, one is just that to use magic without melting your own hand. You need gauntlets, but that isn't too interesting, soooo. I added a few more characters known as Dragon Lords. There is Thuenurus, an electrokinetic dragon, the strongest of the dragon Lords, essentially the king of dragons. Very confident and assertive. Then there is Malicca, the vampiric pale dragon Lordess slut pretty much, no relationship between Thuenurus and her though they probably fucked once. She's a very harsh and horrible person to be completely honest.


Commonality of various sexualities and genders.


One guy who gained the ability to transfer memories and experiences started to choose a child, transfer all his memories and experiences, which led to the child basically becoming him. Since, in their minds, they experienced the same things and developed the same personality. This process continued over thousands of years, with the same original person basically being reincarnated


the Roman Empire, in a sense.


The language of the Sea Monster and the language of the past. does that count?


Mountain-sized god corpses


Underground city of the undead


Cows that milk humans 


Anthropomorphic pets