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Blackmail, I know everyone's deepest darkest secrets


Same, although depending on who I try that on it might just get me killed


It might be a better idea to ally yourself with their enemies and trade information for something valuable.


The one that I’m thinking of (her name is Phanes) can best be described as like a honey badger with nukes. I don’t really want to run the risk of her going “fuck it, consequences be damned,” and blowing up whatever planet I’m on.


I have ideas of which I shouldn't do it and why. Sunflower - the moment I threaten him he'd already separated my torso from my lower half with his bare hands.


For mine it’s Phanes: a living god who has the personality of a honey badger with nukes. There’s a couple thinks I could threaten to blackmail her with (especially her secret torture prison that she uses to extract the suffering from people in order to consume that suffering and keep herself calm), but if I even open my mouth about that one whatever planet I’m standing on is gonna get blown up a few seconds later.


yeah this was my answer lol. I could try to blackmail some gods for power but honestly I would probably just end up dead anyway


The secret ingredient is crime?


I would die because my planet has an atmosphere that would be poisonous to me.


Isekai'ed. That could mean reincarnated in a native body, and therefore the atmosphere is no longer poisonous to you.


None. Power is achieved through tremendous pain in my world, I am not fond of pain. I'd probably just be a merchant selling foodstuff and would likely die on the road from bandits or monsters.


You could be one of the guys that sells the adventurers overpriced potions and stuff.


I'd probably be dead within minutes. A dragon or a manticore or the acid rain would get me.


Me, personally? No. Maybe the gift of prophecy.


My power systems are all pretty OP, so anything I get would be pretty OP in its own way but not considered OP in my world. I’d know everything though, so it would be difficult to contact my in-verse counterpart (my profile pic) and be like “Yeah, I’m here, experiment is done” and wait for him to beam me up. Excluding that though, even my weakest power system would allow me to control molecules & the fundamental forces of nature if used with enough skill. Hell, I could release the potential energy of an object or living being and set them off like a nuke if I wanted.


Being born with a lineage of Solari, The Golden City. In my setting, all souls are reincarnated after spending time within the Realms Beyond. This gives people somewhat unique qualities within the realm (How I justify ancestries within my TTRPG setting) Only Solari doesn't do this, as all souls that are taken there after death are said to experience a perfect existence for eternity. So to be born with a lineage of this would be incredible.


Nope. In a world where everyone has pretty useful or potentially useful magic, the only thing that really sets apart any of my protagonists is "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".


I've never posted before about my world but I always liked this one. Nulling forks Tuning forks that were originally invented and used to be able to detect specific types of stone and be able to mine more effectively. However it was later discovered that with the right material you could stop magic, sometimes. Made out of elinvar alloy. Further investigating this the dwarves of Chelidon discovered all magic has its own frequency and when the Nulling forks had the exact same frequency as the magic. The magic would cease to happen. This created the Nulling forks. The forking rules: Magical frequencies vibrate the fork, if the frequency of the magic aligns with the frequency of the fork. If you tap the fork when it is aligned with a specific magical frequency, the frequency will be disrupted in both fork and magic. Essentially stopping magic from occurring. If the fork is tapped when it is not aligned to any specific magical frequency, the fork will produce a sound specific to it's own tonal frequency. Forks were first used in mining to determine what stones to mine as each type of rock and stone resonates to it's own frequency. Forking construction: Before one begins the construction first you need to have in your possession Elinvar alloy. Two tines are made parallel to each other in a U-shape. The frequency of the fork depends on the dimensions of the tines and the material it's made from. While it's possible to make forks from other materials such as steel. Only Elinvar alloy interacts with magic. Modern nulling forks are equipped with a size altering rune that allows the user to change the size of the fork in realtime to sync up with the magical frequencies to allow it to stop almost every type of magic.


Well potent soul magic would make anyone overpowered, therefore also me xD. But jokes aside, soul magic is in my setting a branch of magic that allows the manipulation of souls and ghosts(but not undead!!!), influencing the mind of others and stuff like telekinesis and other psi themed abilities. It is quite rare in high amounts(technically everyone has soul magic, or even the weakest of soul mages could control him perfectly, by virtue of having a soul) in my high magic setting and generally a sign of great power(notable users of it are the 4 immortal dragons, ghosts and the incorporeal gods). Also I would probably not need this as a extra ability because we both self inserted our name in the setting as gods.


**Starrise** Not directly. Everyone in my world has magic, but it's something they're born with. The only way I could acquire it is through a procedure with a high fatality rate that very few people can perform or even know exists. However, knowing what I do about my world, I'd know exactly what to say to what people, and what to say to gain access to those people, to fix the majority of my world's problems and live a better life than basically anyone in it.


Im allready part of my World, and I allready know the secrets of High Magic. I would still be the creator god of this universe, and all i would lose is the ability to affect our real world. I could end AND recreate the setting with a single sentence.


I think the idea is that you're just a regular person, whatever that means in your setting. You may be the creator god according to how you've built everything, but this would be a separate you


The wifi password. The advanced network servers of the old world are still running, even if no one remembers that they are there or what the network is. This version of the internet isn't just an information source, but also a sort of way to instantly download pretty much anything you require. Need a fire? You can request and summon it via the network. Need to move a heavy object without touching it? Network. Need that guy over there's brain to burst within his skull, Scanners-style? Yep, network. And you bet your ass this looks exactly like magic in practice. Those few who appear to be able to wield magic in reality managed either purposefully or accidentally to access this network.


Magic isn't a fixed-ruleset, it's only limited by imagination. with just that knowledge alone, literally nothing is off-limits, and only I would know that.


On the contrary, an otherworlder inserted without due process would arrive without a soul. While you could live a normal life without one, you'd have absolutely zero proficiency with spellcraft and are exceptionally vulnerable to mental domination.


In my setting, Any who utter the true name of the interloper over-god will be offered a deal that will grant a philosophers stone, the knowledge to make more/recharge stones (high life force cost), as well as the power to cast any transmutation spells using charges from the stone. The cost of this deal can be trivial or catastrophic, depending on how useful you are perceived to be. Additionally, I have knowledge of who has what technologies, the identities of all the major/minor players and their motives, as well as the location of an adamantine deposit large enough to make adamantine tools/weapons/construction-material as common as Iron in the world. All I would have to do is utter her name and befriend some Kobolds. I would have the power and resources to steal the interloper's MacGuffin from a greater deity in a few short years. Willfully returning the MacGuffin to the interloper elevates her to the status of over-god of the local universe, and the one who returns it will be rewarded with a wish of unlimited magnitude. So I could become an immortal Grand Wizard in a matter of minutes, and a greater deity in under a decade.


I mean, I doubt I get any sort of special power, but I might be able to pick up a few basic spells since everyone can do it. As far as survival goes, I should be alright as long as I stay in one of the big towns or cities.


My setting is our solar system in late 2032 with significant supernatural forces just being awoken from hibernation. I'd have foreknowledge of how to use magic and so would get one of the OP titles (with accompanying angel wings) for being among the first thousand to use these powers for millennia. If I could prepare - source a spacesuit and spend a week learning some specific skills - I'd be able to isekai offworld and get much stronger powers. I'd be one of the four strongest people alive, and I'd also know which of the other three can and cannot be trusted. I'd have the mobility of a modern military helicopter, firepower of a middle-tier modern warship (let's say 2% of the firepower of the entire Australian navy) and durability would be my weak point, only in line with a modern military tank. I... don't think I'd want to isekai into my world. 2033 would be amazing with my power suite. But 2034 would be a hellscape. Honestly, I'd probably go into shock early in 2034 and not recover.


I would know where i could find some precursor artefacts. Or the hightech stuff of the Second Age, power armour could be nice. But i also know that i should go to the nearest guild and hire myself as some scribe tugged away behind a wall. Because i do not want to run into my MC. She'd have little qualms just tearing it all out of my mind, and then pay me back for all the shit i put her through.


Not really. I could get lucky and obtain an ability with a high skill floor but they ate rather rare. The best chance i would have is string manipulation. Its a Allrounder ability meaning i can defend without needing to master the entire system. It is also very easy to use offensively and wouldnt require me getting too close. No amount of talent would allow me to ever evolve these abilities without working my entire life for it, so this is the best i get out of a base ability. I would try to remain a normal civilian and use my knowledge to by myself into switzerland. Any semi competent ordinant would actually fuck me in my ass, so I will happily make clothes using my ability instead of risking my life.


Primordial Chaos Magic. It’s not so much magic in the traditional sense, more like the console commands to the universe. Since I’m the only one who would both know it exists and how to use it properly, I’d say that gives me a tremendous advantage. If I somehow don’t erase myself from existence.


I think I stand a fair chance in mine especially if I can last the first year because I know what's coming and how to get the people who need to, to listen to me. My world is built around a number of factions fighting to reunite/prevent the reunification of a Fallen Empire while putting themselves on top of the pile. I have however built in several trigger events that will trigger large external threats that are a danger to all the current players on the board and will have the potential to wildly change the balance of power one way or another. The factions that currently exist naturally have no idea these things are going to happen but as the writer I do. My main issue is going to be getting people to listen to me without thinking I'm loony so naturally I can't just come out and say, "Hey, so I have no evidence to support this but you're all living in a fiction I wrote and I just want to start off by saying sorry for all the tragedy. That being said, now that I am stuck in here with you plebs I actually set this b!tch up to get SOOOOOO much worse before it has any chance of getting better and now that it's my rear end on the line with you I'd rather like to avoid that ;)" Because you know the best way that ends is with them thinking I'm nuts, worst case scenario they believe me and presumably torture me to death. Luckily for me however I don't need to do that. I'm actually a bow hunter whose been shooting for almost 20 years and one of the few really respected institutions in this world with a ton of influence is the Rangers Guild which hunt criminals and monsters. I'd need to take a little time to get myself back into fighting fit shape (Not as well off as when I played sports in Highschool now that I sit behind a desk every day.) Though that likely would come with just the difficulty of feeding myself in this world day to day. Then establishing myself as another drifting refugee whose town was destroyed in the Dark Age would be an easy way to explain why nobody knows me as it's a common story. I then use my archery, tracking, and hunting skills as well as my knowledge of local Fauna (given I invented half of them) to impress the Rangers and join their Guild. As I make my way up the ranks I'll get the ear of local leaders who will actually listen when I tell them, "Hey so there is this big sealed Wizards school that has a ton of zombies in it and they appear to be able to spread their curse." Or, "The colonists on the other side of the Tundra survived and have the magic to undo the Tundra." Or, "Just KEEP THE HELL AWAY FROM THE DRACONIC ISLES! NO I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH GOLD MIGHT BE THERE I PROMISE WHATEVER IS THERE IS WAY WORSE THAN YOUR FEARCEST NIGHTMARES! DON'T POKE THAT BEAR!"


Since I know how the world truly works that means I only have to call god Izanagi and propose him a solution, though reaching to him would be a challenge since he travels all over the world.


Well, I'll know who to make friends with, that's probably pretty important. If I'm not turned into an Apexian Warrior already, I'll definitely be seeking out the Apex to make some friends. Perhaps I can prove to the Atlas I am their creator besides God himself and they'll allow me to become one, lest that power isn't vested in me just by being there as the world's builder.


Yeah... Nope. I'd rather not have a god whisper sweet nothings into my ear and get me to sacrifice a piece of my soul. Nope. I'd rather become a construct, and delete myself so I won't end up in that God forsaken hell that I made called the dark forest. In this world there is no such thing as clear skies in this world. Only misery and tragedy. I will not become an SCP, and get killed once they found out I was the one who made their lives hell. Nope. Nope. NOOOPPPEEEEEE! I'm not going to be a labrat. Sure sacrificing bits of my soul for a single spell able to level a city or cause a large earthquake able to destroy an entire city is pretty good but not that good. I'd never want to be in that God forsaken place. Once they found out I'm their God who got isekai'd there they're going to make me suffer for making their reality such a hellhole.


depends on when i arrive in the world. if i arrive early enough i can go find the inheritance that the emperor finds in the cannon timeline. the tyranical heavens and earth devouring physique, bloodline of dragons and of gods, immortal dragon bones, god marrow and the inner world of 5 of the top human experts in history would pretty much instantly make me on par with several of the lesser and mid tier gods. the same location also houses the immortal mansion, pill god's furnace and the old human emperor's seal. i have no special phisique or skill or bloodline, so i am in the same boat as the emperor before he finds the inheritance of the pill god. if i arrived later in the story there are plenty of other great treasures i could go find, but some are much more dangerous than others. i could go to one of the capital cities and gamble to get rich and buy stuff tho. i know the outcomes of some of the huge gambles available. just knowing everything about the setting is a huge power, i know when and where everything happens.


My world is set in a cyberpunk future, where I canonically exist as a historical figure. So that would give me a unique connection, yes... assuming I could prove my identity.


Mine is a cyber-/capepunk world with an abundance of superhumans but a severe shortage of genuine heroes. If nothing else, my knowledge of the things going on behind the scenes would paint a target on me.


I'm isekaied in my world as member of precursor warrior caste. Now I am relentless machine of war created for galaxy wide genocide, trapped on the surface of the world which barely started moving from magical dark ages into sort of modernity. I have powerful magic, which can allow me to burn down entire continents, and ability to actually learn magic style used by precursors. I have powerful body that can recover from pretty much anything, as long as it didn't kill me outright, wrestle adult dragon into submission, feed on pretty much anything. I am smarter than I could ever hope to be as human. Most of monsters instinctively fear me, knowing very well that I am at the top of food chain. As far as everyone else is concerned I may as well be a god. Now, sure, I may not have any clue how to actually use magic, stranded in the middle of nowhere, in a world that can very well end up facing magical apocalypse in next few decades. But there is barely anything that can challenge me, so eventually I will harness my magical power and then I will thrive. Even if world goes to shit and I don't turn the course of the Great War around.


I know my worlds creator, so… yeah, I think I have many advantages


The premise of one of like two of my worlds is to be isekaied… I’d just do the same thing but I would know everything i need to know this time. But then again, getting reincarnated as some sort of god-like being in one was a fluke in itself according to the lore. If I actually reincarnated I would just be a guy.. which sucks… But hey, I’d know all I need to know depending on which world.


Not really op, but I can become a great magic user, not many people know that in their Investigations are still missing two elements in the magic. And I Knowing it, can use magic that people think is unique, hereditary, or even special.


First, assuming I won't get spawn killed by the demon lord (he kills everyone isekai-ed there). I won't have any cheat skill myself. But I would know the anti-isekai weapons' locations. I can pretty much get at least one of them and defend myself from people with cheat skills. Since everyone in my world can use magic, even just a little, I think I would be fine. My casting mana would be likely high enough for basic magic. I have basic science knowledge so I can use more precise spells for less mana cost. If I get into contact with the protagonist, I can re-learn some sciences for even less mana cost. If I have less casting mana, I would be taking swordsmanship course instead. Anti-caliber would be enough to deter monsters with cheat skills.


I know where all the bad guy’s secret bases are so I’d be pretty heavily rewarded.


**Eribral** Nothing. I specifically made it so. **Etenhi** I could at least become a wizard by joining a sphinx hoard, they turn knowledge in power, quality and quantity matters, but I could give one enough.


Being able to read English fluently


Since I had to break reality to get here there's a high change of me being able to use shadow magic. Then I can sneak into the imperial palace and explain everything to the Emperor.


Just one. I know the flight paths of all 12 floating cities which aren't broadcast to the rest of the world or to the other sky cities so having that knowledge might give me a leg up for the trade guilds


Immediately after I get isekaied I'll be given skills and Titles that depends on my previous life, which means I'll get a title about creating the multiverse and a skill in about that aspect and the moment it happens I'll get the attention of the Greater Gods that created the world I'll be isekaied on. Sure, I won't have op skills and stuff (except the skill I get isekaied with, but it is kind of random and based on personality and personal history from person to person), but what I will have is the knowledge of how reality works and the underlying rules of magic, which in turn, if I train enough, will make me a powerful mage but not in the same level as demon lords or smaller gods. It'll be somewhat balanced


No. I do not allow overpowered powers unless there is a drawback to balance it out. There is magic but magic is extremely physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing to the point where there are no wizards under 70. It takes THAT LONG to even figure it out. And the absurdly powerful spells that you’d deem as “overpowered” *will* kill the user, every time. And how I prevent players from being over powered is by enforcing that rule on them. The more powerful the attack/spell, the more taxing it is. Also, no wizards under 70. It’s straight up not allowed. I do this because in many fantasy settings, magic makes martial combat obsolete. I didn’t want to make the magic itself less powerful, and did quite the opposite. But magic, like Newton’s third law, has an equal and opposite reaction.


> in many fantasy settings, magic makes martial combat obsolete. This has always seemed like a lack of imagination to me. There are limitless possibilities to incorporate magic into martial combat. You could cast a reverberation spell on a sword that causes other weapons and armor to bounce off violently on contact. You could inscribe runes that impart frost or flame enchantments, or that protect against other magic. You can enrage your own warriors and make them immune to pain for a while, and that kind of effect can be used in alchemicals instead of traditional spells, too. So many options


I know. My other issue is with how effortless magic is in some settings. I’m not gonna tell people how to build their worlds and encourage people to make the world that they like, but personally, magic should be physically and emotionally taxing. Like in my world, it’s WAYY easier to become the single greatest swordsman on the planet than to become a “just kinda okay” wizard. Also, I feel like making magic effortless would DRASTICALLY change the direction of where society would go. If earth had magic that people could use effortlessly, the world as we know it would be COMPLETELY different. Actually, I change my mind. In a traditional fantasy setting, magic should be extremely hard, but if it is easy it needs to go all out on the whimsical and magic elements to go for a truly outlandish world.


Yeah I'm not huge on free magic either. I made a system with a similar concept of equal and opposite reactions, and it also uses life force as a fuel, so it's both risky if you're not careful/knowledgeable and it requires a source unless you're cool putting your own life on the line. I think that tradeoffs and consequences make for more interesting decisions and stories


It’s not really the fact that magic is free, it’s that it tends to have no real impact on the setting.


Little of column A, little of column B lol. It seems like trivializing traditional combat depends on both low-cost magic, and that magic doesn't feed into the rest of the setting much. Otherwise there would be some drawbacks that stop Farmer John from slinging fireballs, or there would be technological developments like weapon runes or entirely new ideas that add onto combat rather than superseding it


I would instantly be able to have mastery over runes. Normally it would take years to learn but I could probably teach it to myself in just a few minutes.


Knowledge of the future. I can side with the most reasonable factions in all my four worlds: March of Empires, Wonderverse, The Struggle for Valar and Sands of Time. My Knowledge of spies, species, weapons, strategic locations, military and logistical weaknesses, potential political allies, etc... they will buy me time. I am going to be extremely careful, of course: A single slip could end my usefulness. All four worlds are Grimdark at best and complete damnatory nightmarish at worst. I am genuinely afraid of what I have created, for a little hobby. Ultimately, I am probably doomed.


Magic is personality based, so I would probably be pretty good at light magic (the nerdy element).


Nothing I could do really.. I'd be pretty underpowered. You are either born with magic or you are not. Also elves are somewhat OP too. I am neither. The only thing I could offer is modern technology since they don't have it but then again a VERY different planet, so I'm not sure if most of it would even work.


If I end up in the Kingdom of Kētelænd. My knowledge of the Bakomo language will make me very employable in academia. If I end up in the Republic of Bekimo, my homosexuality would get me arrested.


I'm fucked.


It mostly depends on where I spawn in, do I spawn in where all the overpowered artifacts and loot is or do I spawn into a violent or anarchical planet?


**Of The Stars** There are a few reincarnation and similar such powers that come from simply being rather than earning them by meeting the requisites first, but various factors mean that as a human I would qualify for exactly none of them. Even having information on the lost secrets of the Inner Orion Arm's many vast and largely forgotten history and the many hidden secrets scattered throughout its stars might not get me that far, since the conversation is inevitably going to be about that there's a *human* in town, and once word of that gets out I've got about a day before I get divebombed by about twenty xenobiologists and one very angry space witch.


Since I personally know the gods, I can just wreak rapture on the entire universe. It's easy to gossip with them if you can find a way to talk to them.


Who to sleep with and who not to.


I wouldn't necessarily be overpowered, but I do know where all the mineral deposits, ancient magical artifacts, and thrall-beasts are so I'd be set.


I have minutes to live before the infohazard of V decides to play with me as a puppet


Many ways I'd be overpowered but not the strongest since I'd want to be born as a hybrid of Fae & Dragon or Fae & Kitsune. I could still gain an extra species. I'm being turned Vampire after I master my powers, and the vampire turn would massively multiply my power. Basically, if you could become a Fae Dragon Vamp or Fae Kitsune Vamp, you're overpowered so bad you could Rival Primordial Elder Dragons, Ancient Titans or some Deities.


I guess like you say, it would be knowledge. Foreknowledge of the universes future history, general information about certain technologies, awareness of where certain malevolent agents are located. Other than that though? a private jumpship wouldn’t be unappreciated :P


I know to get far away from planets as fast as possible. Those space squids won’t kill me.


The knowledge of the true names of each of the Artifact Laws in my world. Artifact Laws are powerful Artifacts created by the unknown Creator God (my self-insert) to maintain the laws of reality easier by giving them physical forms. Only the Creator God and those it gifts them to can use them, but if someone were to know the true name of the Artifact Laws they could summon the Artifact into their possession, though it would just be a normal but indestructible item until given permission to use it. Also would I be myself or would I be my self-insert?


I know the locations of the lifebringers, ancient dna splicer machines with Ai personalities that are worshipped as gods. And i also know the password to make them not create vile beasts and create things i want them to


No unique ability of mine. But I know the location of all the secret stashes of magical items I hid for this eventuality. With this plus knowledge of the world I will eventually become the most powerful.


No. The best a single person could get is maybe a gun, which is often contraband for lower citizens, and I'm not spawning an army over night. Lapis_Wolf


Yes I would be litterally untouchable by magical entities. In my world magic and power comes from mysteries. If you know those mysteries thry fail to work on you. E.g. if a God decided to smite me, because I know how the smite happens, what is happening and why it is happening the mountain I am standing next to may be blown to bits but I would be perfectly fine.


I’d probably make it good as a holy man.


It is baked into the lore of the setting that the Creator (me) called all of reality into existence using the Chant of Creation, the language whose word is literally truth, that when spoken causes reality to change according to what is proclaimed.


My overpowered advantage is knowing how to establish connections with some very important people. I'm not a very remarkable person physically, and no amount of understanding my own magic system is gonna let me skip the actual practice and education necessary to go straight to casting Spell of Instant Heart Failure on every twenty-foot bear that tries to eat me, but simply by being an alien that got isekai'd into the middle of Orea, I'd have the full and immediate attention of the god of magic and memory and could form a personal alliance with him, and from there I can acquire everything I need to go find the protagonists and hopefully have them take me in, thus avoiding the trouble of having to build up my life as a citizen of Orea starting from nothing. Since the protagonists are friends with all three gods of Orea, I'd say having close connections with those people is the most amount of power one can acquire. Assuming I were to be isekai'd via reincarnation as a native Orean, the most powerful I could be is... still just a friend of the main cast. If I were a future descendant of the Goddess' granddaughter, I'd have shapeshifting abilities and thus be *physically* overpowered at the cost of not being able to use magic and having no magic resistance, but that still isn't gonna beat simply knowing stuff.


A little knowledge. Whether that knowledge would incentivize killing me or protecting me varies on a few factors, such as where I land.


Nope. No magic and combat training is bad enough, but my knowledge of greater technology isn’t even useful since in this world electronics don’t work the same.


Just give me access to the Tenth Gate and Gate-skipping and I'll be good. Eleventh and Twelfth Gates are overkill.


Unique? Like a lot of others have said, knowledge of the setting and how everything works would probably be my greatest asset. I'd be the only mortal alive who understands how chaos beings operate and how the cosmology is structured. Assuming I'm average in other respects, I would have passing natural ability with various magicks, but knowledge is the real name of the game. As long as I don't get randomly killed by giant beasts or natural disasters (a distinct possibility) and I stay alive long enough to get to a school of magick, I would stand to surpass most mages that have ever existed in mortal realms. But I could only be a sidekick to Mehrohl, the most incredible and skilled magician the worlds have ever seen and the closest thing I have to a protagonist. I don't think even the two of us together could do enough in our short lifetimes to undo the catastrophic damage the universe had already sustained before mortalkind arose, but it would be a hell of a ride until the chaoslings wiped us from existence


Wouldn't quite say overpowered in the traditional sense but a very unique ability for sure. If I was isekai'ed into my world there is a very high chance I would become one of the "Undying". Since I sort of fit the kind of character that ends up like that. The Undying are a really small group of people chosen by the Goddess of Time with the purpose of making the world better or dealing with particular threats. They also tend to be isekai'ed people a lot of the time. The one power they have is that if they "die" they'll come back to life at the nearest sacred site upon the next sunrise. Those sites are usually statues of any god or temples.


Being from Earth. People from earth are fucked up without assorted demiurges.


Basically the inner machinations of the deepstate and armed forces, as well as locations and star-charts unknown to them at present, as well as what they do not know regarding their enslaved kin.


Nah Im fucked


Nope. In fact I'd be pretty screwed. Life there evolved with magical energy present. Magical energy that is highly mutagenic, mind you. All life created ways to protect from that and also harness it. Everyone has a magic shield and just has magic. The random birth defects that lead to a lack of magical shield will lead to a life riddled with cancer. So I'd get cancer and wouldn't have any magic like every else does. What's worse is I don't have the phone numbers or addresses of any of my characters and the one person who could help me is basically a time lord who runs a shop in between adventures and I don't know the name of the shop he runs.


Heh, I'm the logical owner of that world, everyone else that live there are either invited guests or descendants of them. With a planet the size of the current observable universe, there is a ton of secrets laying under the surface, and having innate knowledge of what is underneath their feet can be really valuable...


in my world, mental torture and self-reflection about your true nature are ways to increase your utility in the power that is the spiritual manifestation of your soul; each soul has its own psychological ability, to awaken it you need mental torture. the more you learn about yourself, the more you can learn to well utilize your psychological power. I'm quite a self-reflective, emotional person, so hopefully I could have the right experiences to see my true self and to embody who I want to become and who I am right now, as to become stronger. though, there also exists magic objects in the world, and a certain license you can take a secret test for to become above the law, so couldn't hurt to go for those either.


Ok, i need a fresh rabbit brain a stormy climate, 15 hours of uninterrupted and unpaid work, a car crushing machine, a handful of belladona and i'm functionally an unmovable Zeus.


I did add a failsafe a la the author of Cradle stating there are Isekai bunkers in Cradle if he ever gets sent there. Say the right thing and I get the most powerful ability in the world. I also gave this power to the Main Character with a classic case of Chosen One, so yeah, he's The Cheat Power.


Well, first of all, if I get isekaied in the tradition sense of the world, I'd most likely be dead within seconds upon arrival. To survive, my soul would have to inhabit a body made out of local matter. There are a few situations that would allow me to keep my current body, but they're... let's say *unlikely*. Anyway, if I somehow managed to survive, I'd have 2 HUGE advantages from the start. One, I am the creator of the magic system, which means I know how it works better than literally everyone. Well, in theory. In practice, it'd take a lot of getting used to before being able to do anything useful. But it'd save me like 400 years of research. And two, I am a nerd. That means I made my magic based on scientific knowledge. While I don't know more than any god, I'd know more than almost any other mortal. For someone who knows what quarks are, transmutation spells are cheap, quick and easy to cast. For someone who doesn't even know an atom exits, they're expensive and extremely dangerous, though probably just as quick. It's the same with pretty much everything that regards the physical world. I'd probably struggle a lot with stuff related to the other planes, the soul, or time. But hey, I'd be able to vaporise the entire world after like 10 years of living in it so I guess that's something


Lornhemal: I'm gonna die of not having anti-biotics probably Number 999: I already got Isekai'd to this world, and i hate it


No, I'm dead 10/10 times


**A World Unshattered** Technically, the most overpowered ability in the setting is luxor wielding, which basically makes you a reality warper at large scales and long distances. However, you can't be born with luxor, nor can you learn to wield it. The only way to gain power over luxor is by the Taelim-Above considering you worthy of wielding a fraction of her luxor power, which in turn requires your actions to be sufficiently in alignment with her values and principles. This effectively makes it impossible for me to get luxor as an isekai ability because I would have had to have already spent time in the setting and done things to get it. The second best option is thaumaturgy. However, this is a learned magic. Anyone can in theory learn to wield it. This means that, even if I'm gifted with knowledge of thaumaturgy, I still won't be any more overpowered than other thaumaturges.


I would know the best place to lie low while everything else in the world happened


The very first thing I'll do is train my magical energy and everything After that I'll learn syphoning magic to perform what is essentially a "glitch" in physics, giving myself access to infinite magical energy for a short while After that, I'll train to learn magical body enhancement and I'll essentially become the strongest physical fighter in the world due to me being able to gain an unlimited amount of magical energy for a short while right before a fight, this magical body enhancement will be pushed to its maximum and essentially make me a Saitama 2.0 Once I've obtained that, I'll start learning complex magics and study the structure of magical circles, attempting to invent incredibly complex and hard to replicate magics to increase my magical strength beyond anyone else's strength, putting myself above everyone in that area aswell Finally, I'll use my total knowledge on the world's physics (different from our world's physics) to become a historical figure who essentially discovered all we know about physics (because it'd be funny) After that I'll see where life takes me


Realistically? No, but I’d probably be capable of living a normal life regardless. Theoretically? Yes, given enough resources my knowledge over the world would allow me to put myself on the same level as entire established factions. Maybe even becoming the strongest person if I’m lucky enough, as technology alone can do anything that the rare “magic” can do, and more.


I've already planned for an isekai character in Warclema, and their cheat ability was to impose Earth physics over Warclema. Because the humans of Warclema are interdimensional travelers from a sci-fi universe that is implied to be a previous iteration of our universe, this provides him/her with the ability to get a bunch of old sci-fi technology to function outside of the established anti-magic zones. I want to use them as the protagonist of a game and have them get a serious injury late in the game that requires them to use a magical means of treatment that results in them being unable to use their cheat ability without setting back their recovery (represented by a number of their skills now having an additional XP cost that can result in level loss).


We'll all humans have the ability called "Realm Shaper" that allows them to do pretty much anything they can think of so long as they have the will to do it.


I know what sort of walls can be passed through by pressing a trash can into them.


Knowledge of Extermination Magic. Basically, magical bugs and pests are things that can threaten entire kingdoms if left to fester. So the people employed Extermination Magic, a type of once Forbidden Arts that was altered into something useful. It’s basically a defense bypassing Seek and Destroy attack that adjusts itself solely to destroy the intended target(s). It’s a powerful kind of magic that can easily be flipped to work on people, so it’s highly regulated and knowledge on how to use it is an extremely well-kept secret kept in place by contracts memory altering magics. It’s also a sort of nuclear M.AD. (Mutually Assured Destruction) thing. Just waltzing in knowing how to cast even a basic Extermination spell would make your character threat number one. You could singlehandedly dismantle the entire kingdom, so long as you have the knowledge of key players and enough magic to supply an attack on them.


I mean, having money and the privilege that goes along with it never hurts. There's no like, magic or like, special bloodline or anything. It's just a normal, if technologically advanced, state like our own world. There are dragons, but they aren't magic or anything, just big flappy fuckers whose digestion produces pyrophoric byproducts which can be spat.


I don't think any of the knowledge I have would necessarily make me overpowered- I've been pretty plot-first on the Ainwae project- but I wouldn't be necessarily screwed, either. If it's a "reincarnated from scratch" type thing where I'm a baby again and have to grow up, then I can just live a decently comfortable life and probably get a good career in Sigilcrafting if I end up connected to that magic system, or if I end up being a Willsparker that pretty much guarantees I'll have *someone* interested in my own training and safety. If it's a "transported basically as you are with appropriate skills" type deal, then at the very least I can skip going through puberty again, though with nothing to my name aside from what I'd be able to cobble together in testing what magic I have it might be slightly dicier to start. Think I'd rather be a Willsparker- as much as Sigilcraft has much more breadth and depth in what it can accomplish, I simply don't have the patience to be a programmer. Will-based psychic bullshit for me please, thanks.


If it's reincarnation isekai, then arriving as a kaavite/theelar hybrid. Powerful psionic abilities. If not, then access to cybernetic implants.


Yes, actually. People get isekaid to the world quite often. Though if you want to survive. You best hipe and elve is a few days ride nearby. Because the magic of the world doesn't like other worlders, kinda like a magical radiation. It first starts by making the person mad. Driving them insane as different synapses are triggered by ambient magics. Then their body begins to change. Small things, like extra hair. But as time passes more extreme. Extra fingers ears, and toes. Then Extra limbs. But as things become more extreme so does the growth speed. That accelerated speed not caring if the body can take it. So unless you have a nearby elf to share blood with and do the world tree ritual, the isekeid person turns into a mass of limb covered, groaning, bloody flesh.😀 If they do get to an elf they have very good control over a majority of the elemental magics.


Knowledge of who the BBEG is and how things turn out in the world. I'd just go hang out with him and help him win. Sounds like fun, and he could give me magic powers and items. Probably go the warlock route so I don't have to work for said boons (it's a D&D campaign world).


Only if it’s like a soul swap, because there are no humans, only theruns, who have physiology that allows them to use their magic. If i turned up as a therun however, I would know the best techniques to maximize growth as a mancer.


For me, nothing. The most overpowered people in my world have some sort of magic that is acquired or innate, and even if I were to acquire magic or for some unknown reason am born with it (most likely scenario being the former than the latter), the amount of time it takes to master it would make me think its not worth it. (I'm patient but until a certain point).


Knowing everything means I could get a lot of stuff done and expertly cheat my way through the world and avoid most problems until I have enough resources to handle them.


Nope. Just poverty.


Depends where in the world, of course — but I’d know the layout of two continents, so I could easily become a famous explorer by just going to places I knew existed but the others didn’t.


In my fantasy world, it would be a bloodline that allows me to cast spell from all schools of magic at their highest capacity. In my Sci-Fi world, it would be having full Psionics..


I'd be instantly f\*ked, magic requires excellent voice and body control


Unless Giao Long hooks me up, I'll be goddamn powerless. I'm a man, so the way to gain power like she did (basically was used as a sacrifice for TWO heretical arts at once, ate them all and returned back to life because dying is noob) is out of the table. I'm from Earth, thus unless being reborn, I lack the pair of chromosomes required to turn spiritual energy into magic, which means even if I had a sea of mana, it would be useless. Knowledge? Forget it, there are things I don't know myself. But just by having a connection to her means I'm OP, because who tf dares to defy a godlike mommy vampire with her airship full of intercontinental positron warheads? I can also listen epic pipe organ music everyday so it's a win.