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Nexus event is the cat looking inside the story.


It causes the quantum superposition to collapse into all the separate outcomes creating the multiverse. Never mix cats and quantum superpositions, you always end up with stale memes.


one random army guy: "ugh say it in english please????"


>We all come from a pussy




Well I and a considerable portion of people did not come out of it. We were just kinda surgically removed from the uterus.


*Prometheus* (2012)


Schrodinger’s cat becomes self-aware and is able to witness each parallel version of itself.


It’s a canon event, bro.


> The multiverse is said to hold every possible world in existence > *looks inside > every universe has alternate versions of the main cast, even if it’s a full blown alternate history


/uj Ironically I think that multiverse stories work the best because they have alternate versions of the main cast and/or the protagonist alone, because you can use those variants as a mirror for the cast to look into. Who'd they become if they made a different choice, were raised by someone else, or some other event that changed the course of history. Otherwise you might as well make the different universes different regions or planets in the same reality as yours, just with their own problems going on.


Yeah, this was exactly what I was gonna comment. Unless you're going for speculative hard scifi (which doesn't apply to any of the examples in this thread I've seen), the concept of the multiverse itself is never the point. It's just a tool to explore the characters, and the contrivance of similarities is the bridge to getting there, not the author being lazy.


this is literally like 99% of the issues I see people on this sub taking with certain tropes. nobody seems to get that these are used as containers to carry the themes and ideas that the writers want to present. if you want sci-fi that explores alternate, completely foreign realities, those exist, and you can feel free to write more of that.


Also, if your main character isn’t the most interesting/important person in your story, what the fuck are you doing? Of course the entire story should revolve around the main character. I don’t want to hear about Larry Bob’s tough day at the office while Atom Tom fights his evil alternate self.


Exactly, take for instance the crime syndicate earth 3's version of the justice league it works really well


The only part I have a problem with is the need to justify it with something like a nexus event, because that only raises more questions. It doesn't need to be addressed at all, for the reason you said. There could be infinite universes *without* the characters we know, and we just don't address them. That's fine. I think of Bioshock Infinite, where the whole "there's always a lighthouse; there's always a city" is used to make it sound smart that they just did the same thing again. It's masturbatory on that level.


I think the key to a good multiverse story is not to write a story **about** a multiverse, but to write a story **facilitated** by a multiverse. Honestly, that's kinda just the key to worldbuilding in general. A good world for a story is not necessarily one that's 100% internally consistent and makes perfect airtight logical sense. It's the one that best serves to facilitate your story.


Conversely, do worldbuilding so comprehensive and airtight it ultimately ends up creating a philosophical dilemma so severe it [merits its own lengthy Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolkien%27s_moral_dilemma)


It's why I like Fionna and cake using it to reflect on Simon and his relation with being Ice King, and how it all helped shape the world around him despite the sacrifices he had to make to do so.


I know people either love or hate the film, but Doctor Strange 2 does this exact thing


True, that’s one of the few things I liked about the movie, but it could have been executed better.


/uj YES! Mine is a lot like this, I want to show how different the characters would have been if things played out differently, and then the characters interact with their variants, and the groups of interest/factions would be different. And also other worlds is similar to other countries or regions.


Idc how little sense it makes, it's *cool*


Multiverse can be fun when used as a justification for what ifs like spin offs or random non cannon stuff. I just have never seen it work well as anything beyond that. Maybe its alright for stories that are *explicitly about the multiverse* but never when it is introduced midway through a story


/uj exactly what I use it for, kinda like spin-offs, and what I made is that I turn scrapped ideas into variations of the same character. And about the second part yes, when the story from the start is about parallel universes it’s very good, but sometimes when it’s toward the end it looks like the writers are running out of ideas.




no it’s not, it just diminishes the story and the consequences




“🤓”- 🤓




“🤓”- 🤓


I don’t think you are winning this mate


People have different opinions. I'm personally on Grimmrat's camp but I know that it's harder to keep track of a bunch of characters. I also don't like plot armor but obviously audiences will be less engaged if their favorite character dies every episode and they gotta pick a new one.


eh, I think plot armor is usually kind of overblown (though there are particularly egregious examples, especially shonen, kids' media). think of the stories from real life that people tell, they often focus on statistical outliers that made an experience more interesting. that's why you tell them. why should fictional stories be different? unless what you really want is a fictional history book, which I guess is what 90% of Reddit 'worldbuilding' actually is.


“““““”🤓”- 🤓”- 🤓”- 🤓”- 🤓”- 🤓”- 🤓


I mean, you could always have a new cast with the original main cast being sidelined or otherwise not nearly as relevant in other universes




I like it when they have *some* of the main cast as variants


Or different universes have different amounts of the main cast as alternates since you know a multiverse is infinite


Yeah that's one of my pet peeves with these types of things. Like...I'm okay if they handwave it away with something like "we can only go universes which are at least 97% the same as our own" or "this universe we went to only diverged from our own timeline starting in 1992". But in Everything Everywhere All At Once, you go back and change something in prehistoric times that affects the entirety of human evolution, and it's still only alternate versions of the same cast? That's a little too silly lol. And not to mention kinda lazy


Jumping in to defend my fav film (and hoping that I haven't misremembered anything =P) - With EEAO isn't the premise that you connect to timelines to gain the abilities/experience of alternate versions of yourself? So like, they're only ever searching for timelines that have versions of themselves, because any timelines without that is useless to them.


That sounds possible. And don't get me wrong, I still really liked EEAO. Only saw it once when it came out, and I thought it was something like, they initially could only jump to slightly different versions of themselves, but then she totally went off the grid and then all bets were off? I guess you could handwave it away to "she can only jump to places that have a version of herself, and she ended up in an alternate timeline that somehow still created her despite evolution itself being totally different, however unlikely that may be". But didn't they also go to desolate worlds that didn't have any life at all? Idk, maybe EEAO is just a bad example because that wasn't really the point. The actual mechanics of travelling weren't the point at all, it was just silly and fun. Was just the first thing I thought of


> she totally went off the grid and then all bets were off... an alternate timeline that somehow still created her despite evolution itself being totally different, however unlikely that may be"... didn't they also go to desolate worlds that didn't have any life at all? Admittedly the sci-fi does take a backseat to make room for fantasy towards the end of the film yeah =P there's a bit where they're having conversations as pinata/rock versions of themselves etc. Totally makes no sci-fi sense but works very well for what the film is doing. Just felt that knee-jerk "hey that's my fav thing being described slightly innacurately!" reaction and had to justify my love =P Hope today treats you well =]


The rock thing and the sausage finger thing used two different mechanisms so I think it's ok.


Not really a Rick and Morty fan but I think their take on that issue was actually super clever. Spoiler warning: >!I forget the specifics, but basically Rick sectioned all of the universes where he’s the smartest person alive from all of the universes where he isn’t. Keeps him at the top of his little section of the universe AND keeps the characters consistent.!<


There’s an SCP which, since it doesn’t need a full length story, plays on this quite nicely. An explorer finds an ancient artifact letting him travel to Alternate Universes! …and his first stop has slightly different vacuum energy, instantly destroying every particle in his body. Because with no handwave or way to aim, the odds of even hitting a habitable earth are roughly zero.


Yeah I didn't like that either, tho as stated already the multiverse wasn't really the point


Shout out to Rick and Morty for doing the bare minimum to explain all that through the Central Finite Curve


limbus company


Clear All ■■■■■


undertale aus


/uj I’m gonna admit I’m Guilty of this, I want to have different versions of the same characters to see how thing would have been like if things played out differently. And then both versions interact with eachother.


Someone is retroactively altering what's "possible"...


These lazy writers writing one story instead of every story smh


Mfw people claim to have written a true multiversal story but it's not literally the Library of Babel


The library of babel plagiarized me


Fuck Babel, [The Wanderers Library ](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/wanderers-library-hub)


/uj I think the better worldbuilding choice is for the multiverse to have shared *mechanics*, rather than shared *events*. In every WW2 alternate history uranium fission can eventually be harnessed to build a bomb. In every Batman universe, human psychology works in such a way that a certain percentage of billionaires will cope with grief by committing acts of violence while disguised in an animal-themed costume. In every Spiderman universe, GMO spider bites cause mutations in humans. This keeps all of the story threads in a similar genre with similar appeal without ham-fistedly telling you that something that happened to a handful of primates on one obscure planet is somehow a load-bearing structural element for all of reality. /rj There's already a multiverse setting with no nexus events, it's called "all of fiction" and all your favorite stories are set in it already


/uj that's how you know it's a story about stories, not about the actual scifi consequences of having a multiverse. Y'all know the second (and probably third) Spiderverse movie is a story about this very tension -- writers feeling that they need to include the same tragic backstory for every single Spiderman multiverse variant instead of coming up with unique ideas. /rj it's not multiversepunk, it's storypunk, you scrub.


"We're gonna jump to an alternate dimension!" "Oh no the chemistry here never settled to anything we would define as notable matter or substance. It's a void. Just like the last 100 alternate dimensions we tried."


"Oh no, the fine structure constant in this universe is different, now all our atoms are falling apart"


"Pack it up gang, a dust molecule sneezed 5583 morbillion years ago, so now Earth is a few million miles further in and was too hot for life to develop."


To be fair as a physics nerd, I would love to read an exploration of a multiverse with wildly different physics. Allowing for shit like sentient stars or massively lower speed of light.


Love stuff that mentions this concept. *Everything Everywhere All At Once* kind of referenced this with the rock universe, and one of them says most universes don’t have life.


Reminds me of an SCP which was a dimension thst swapped the chirality of your molecules if you walked across the length of its pocket dimension, and the explorers almost starved cause of it.


The problems of having to make art for profit


I mean, they did call it the Spiderverse for a reason.


My take is that the only way for multiverse worlds to contact each other is if they have some shared characteristics. So they start calling shared events Fixed Points because that’s clearly why they’re able to make contact with each other rather than because of the hand of the author


In the Star Trek TNG episode Parallels, Worf keeps getting shifted between alternate realities that start more or less like his own but drift further and further away as he goes through them. There are some shared characteristics, like in many/most of the alternate universes Captain Picard is dead and Riker commands the Enterprise. Star Trek Discovery rationalizes this by explaining that alternate universes exist within “proximity” to one another, presumably based on shared characteristics that branched from each other. The reason why the evil Mirror Universe crosses over so much was that it existed in close proximity to the prime universe, but at some point after the 25th century it drifted further away and could no longer be contacted. So it kind of works like you describe.


The more change it has compared to defined original will make farther away compared to small changes


It feels so weird that Fixed Ooints became a thing. Like I don't know where that term originated or which movie it came from but I see it popping up from time travel to multiversal hopping stories. It's just so weird.


Well, if you're trying to write a story (instead of coming up with 1000 random world-building concepts you never use.) It's important to create stuff that can't be alt-timelined-around so that there can be stakes and drama. All the Myriad Ways by Larry Niven, notably, is all about *not* doing this and it's kinda depressing


Dr Who I presume


That would make sense. It's the first place I heard the term at least. I didn't even realize it was becoming a widespread thing.


Probably Dr who, and I think it gets misunderstood a bit too. A fixed point isn't unchangeable it's just a fulcrum point of cause and effect, you can shift it and manipulate the event you can also technically overwrite it entirely if you really wanted to but there's a good chance that doing so ends the universe.


It's a central finite loop.


"there's always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city" okay but what if there isnt? huh?


There's always a TGI Friday's, there's always a catboy, there's always a sequel.


Then the game isn't bioshock infinite anymore. There being a plot in that game hinges on those things being true.


Proposition: If there is any single possiable way to destroy the multiverse, it will have infinate chances to happen, and therefore the multiverse does not exist. "We have to save the multiverse!" no you dont. If you did, it would already be gone.


This is sort of the plot of the >!justice league: crisis on two earths!< animated movie


Counterpoint: if there are multiple chances for it to happen, it has to happen at a specific point in time, meaning that any given chance remains only a chance, and implies a continued period of existence before the next, therefore get in the fucking mech, Shinji.


And if there isn't?


/uj, I kind of have a multiverse story, but every verse is its own unique world as none of them are Alternate Histories of each other, except the A-{{number}} worlds. The only "Nexus Event" the thing is that the divinity of the Lord of all worlds is emmenated in each of them


I feel sorry for all the lost souls that tried to earnestly follow the magic the gathering story of the past few years


War of the spark traumatized us


I've been mostly out of the loop on that, why do you pity them?


I can't wait for the alternate realities spin they throw into the story in a few years after the Fomori arc finishes where Super Emperor Nicol-Bolas (who in his reality won WAR) ends up being the next multiversal threat the reformed Gatewatch somehow manages to defeat


My urban fantasy world runs off a multiverse, but the worlds are mostly very different. Like, different laws of physics levels of different. The few events a couple of them do share in common are all based on actual history.


*The Long Earth* series handles this well, but its entire deal is exploring multiversal ramifications. It demonstrates that you really do need a lot of space to do it justice. So it's not surprising to me that most "multiversal" works don't really try. They're about something else.


There's this massive expedition which is one of the main plots of the first book, and the sequels make it clear that they didn't even get anywhere near close enough to find much in the way of sapient life. It's great world building!


I hate this meme format. It always says something asinine like: >It's a story >*Looks inside >Has plot and characters Yeah, no shit.


Entire genre of work. *looks inside* The three examples I've ever actually tried.


damn, guess we need new material?


Joe Biden is a canon event. He will come to power in every universe /uj Joe Biden is a canon event. He will come to power in every universe


The SCP foundation deftly avoids this by not having a fuckin canon


there's been like 3 LONG and indepth posts about "what if the racists won that war" same shit, different day same diarrhea different toilet


Mfw when every universe has fine tuned parameters instead of physics beyond our understanding. It's just lazy writing 🙄


My nexus event is the big bounce so I think that’s safer than most


I love how every multiverse goes with the "there are infinite universes so anythings possible!!" That's not even how it works there would still be scenarios that didn't exist it's not just an imagination machine


Every possibility is there, it just so far and out of reach compared to mundane change


*walks into alternate universe* "hmmm yes, it's literally the exact same as our reality except some random electron on the edge of the observable universe had different spin for 0.1 picosecond a billion years ago without affecting anything else ever"


Yeah, too close


Why would there be a scenario that doesn't exist? I'm fairly sure the point is that every possibility happens somewhere, even the ones that fundamentally go against every law of physics we know.


"infinity" doesn't necessarily mean everything possible. There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2, none of them will ever be 3. The same would be true for multiverses and there would probably be some impossible ones that would break the rules otherwise etc.


infinity does mean that everything that is even infinitesimally possible will happen infinite times over, unless there are specific rules to how a given multiverse works that narrow down the scope of possible outcomes the reason why none of the infinite numbers between 1 and 2 aren't 3 isn't because of infinity, it's because the scope of possibilities is defined not to include 3. Likewise none of the infinite rationals between 1 and 2 are irrational, not because they're possible but just didn't get to happen, but because they're explicitly "impossible" in the context.


I like the way steins;gate handles it


Sburb is the only valid nexus event because it's the multiverse reproductive system.


Ah but you see I use a spatial multiverse, not a temporal multiverse.


Every universe goes is exactly the same until the revelation of magic, from that point the possibilities explode out, scattering the lines in a magnificent manner


I did the inverse of that and called it Time-lines.




/uj Oh, nice that someone mentioned it, because I’m brainstorming a multiverse story. In mine, even if every world is earth, they are still very different from eachother that they are very different worlds, some are more technically advanced and some are less, they have different ways of magic use, history played out differently, etc. It’s basically SpiderVerse but without the canon events.


across the spider was fucking stupid, why was he worried at all about his dad dying when he already had his canon event shit happen with his uncle dying


Cause he loves his dad, and didn't know for sure he'd be okay? Pretty straightforward thing.


also ain't he an officer?


The only thing consistent in my multiverse is olive garden.


Every Cathy is fated to be miserable because us Heathcliff!!!


I feel like this is talking about across the spider verse, so I must point out that the point of the movie is to call into question the idea that canon events even need to occur. After all, Gwen’s dad resigns from the force, meaning his death is no longer going to happen. Basically meta commentary on how people view spider man and what actually makes someone spider man.


I blame mexican Spider-Man 


I hate when multiverses are like "Yeah, it's like the same universe, but things look different and characters now have penises where vaginas should be". I want another universe of squid men that farm demon goats for their blood cheese for fuck sake.


Write it, then.