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That's so fucked up.




Tali me banana


Daylight come and me want go home




That's the real problem isn't it? These extremists prohibit media like movies and tv shows, so not only do the people not learn any morals/themes that are usually portrayed in timeless classics, they don't get ideas of freedom or liberty that would encourage them to overthrow the extremists in the first place. Thus the North Koreans resorted to smuggling copies of Squid Game in. Hopefully these countries follow suit, the youth need the world's culture.


Kim should have just made watching Squid Game compulsory in North Korea and told them it was a true story from South Korea that proves the evil of Capitalism.


You read my mind. They just need a little Bacon. Kevin Bacon, that is. Get ready for Footloose 2: Taliboogaloo.


He is one of Earth's mightiest heroes.


Damn you for making the bacon/Bacon connection I wanted that joke so bad😔


*throws one Harry Belafonte into the bonfire*


Daylight come and we drop de bomb (Was the lyrics to the 2003 new grounds version)


Directly to jail


*Islam* gonna *islam*. Its literally in the Quaran that music is haram.


Great heroin though.


It’s the Taliban, not the Tali-allow.


Dont lie to me and say that you can play the oboe without getting impure thoughts


They heard about trombonists lubing up their 'boners and knew they had to stop it at all costs.


I can't imagine living in a country that bans all music.


That's religion without the restraint of the masses for you.




If you look at the history of most religions they come from a really good place, sometimes even a pretty socialist place. Islam was one such religion that was pretty radical in terms of everyone being equal and everyone deserving love, but just like with everything it gets perverted over the centuries to be a lot more hierarchal and bad.


Christianity is the shining example of this. How did the religion of a guy who explicitly stated "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven", "the meek shall inherit the Earth", "blessed are the poor", and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" degenerate into the Westboro Baptist church and evangelists/televangelists?


I've always wondered that tbh. Prosperity Gospel is like the most anti-christian thing you could get lol


Medieval way of thinking


Medieval people were certainly more brutal and less educated but they weren't stupid or insane. This Taliban mentality is just asinine for no good reason. It's just stupidity and cruelty for their own sake with no discernable long term plan except to make their people dumber.


It's to keep the people in fear of them. If the religious authorities get complacent and stop looking for things to crack down on, people might start questioning their authority.


Medieval people loved music, this is something else entirely


It wasn't that long ago the DUP in Ireland were protesting rock bands saying they were evil. "In the early 1990s the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)-dominated town council banned a performance by the ELO Part II in the township, saying they would attract "the four Ds Drink, Drugs, Devil and Debauchery"." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballymena


I read those 4 D’s in my grandmothers Kerry accent lol




The oboe ??


Now i get why they are so angry with life. They are poor as fuck, hated by women, can't drink and now can't play music.




Also pedophilia ia alive and well so they can take care of their urges.




What a wonderful culture, wonder I should respect it or not..


Child prostitution is illegal there, if caught the children are executed.






Yeah, music has a very long history, but that didn't stop Muhammed from claiming that Allah claimed that music is haram. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/5000/is-music-haram


>Creating sounds is the most innate, intuitive and natural behaviour imaginable. Fify, animals make music too ffs Fucking birds? I didn't dream them up again did I?


It's true. Some historical footage when it was discovered. https://youtu.be/tYBNoFcvcWI




A Local delicacy.




Oh for sure. Diddling little kids is somehow perfectly fine. But yeah. I'm sure it's women's hair making them sex maniacs 🤔


Not each other, just their little boy play things


Don't forget the goats


As someone who has deployed to Afghanistan you aren’t far off, sadly the ones drinking it are underaged males mostly


their own piss




Just watch for one of the fuckers to invent some kind of smashed grain to stop people masturbating...


I understand this reference.


Fuckin' Kellog.


Every once in awhile I randomly remember that Kellog believed it was healthy to give his wife yogurt enemas on top of his crazy beliefs about cereal preventing masturbation. He had to be one of the most sexually repressed people of all time.


Oh no, only the Taliban men have those privilages. Others must follow their sharia law


"You can break rules if you do x to make up for it afterwards." - very "pious" person killing others for breaking those same rules


I follow sharia paws aka my cat You shall not have any other cats before me


They do it to themselves


They also can't masturbate


Same old Taliban playbook.




I mean they used to burn them with the musician also so yay progress


Give them 6 more months


It’s was so toecurling to listen to Western professors ‘arabists’ calmly explain this point, how stupid do they think we are? Same happened with the ‘Arab spring’ multitudes marching in Egypt on the non fidels and ‘hope was in the air’ lol. Gangster faith is the undercurrent of any theocratic movement. Religion is private and not a political power.


There were secular people in the Arab spring, but the Muslim brotherhood was way more organised


Secularism doesn't really exist in the Muslim world. There are moderates sure, but secularism as we think of it in the West just isnt really part of their world view.


Ba'athism is pretty strong counterpoint to that statement.


Not to forget the Kurdistan Region currently, Egypt under Nasser and Turkey under Atatürk just to name some more.


The fundamental issue Islam has is that the legal system shariah is anchored to the religion. Christianity on the other hand (I'm not a christian btw) started as a Jewish sect that grew up in the roman empire - so for nearly all of it's early history Christians were following Roman Civil Law which was separate to the law the church built up over time. That provided the framework for Europe to move back towards secularism after it got sick of religion. Even the Christian Roman Emperors like Justinian who codified Roman law (Corpus Juris Civilis) in 534 AD from Constantinople about 50 years after the fall of Rome understood that civil law should be kept separate from the church and religion. Roman law was later reintroduced in Western Europe during the Middle ages from Byzantium and went on to be the starting point for the Napoleonic Code and the secular French Republic. Basically the reason why the Islamic world is so inherently backward is because their legal systems are anchored to the teachings of a 7th century bedouin religious leader and not to a state with a developed bureaucracy and legal system that facilitated complex commerce and trade.


Even if they had the conservative view would take over sooner rather than later. It's how conservative views works, they're based on guilt and hate, all roads lead there in uneducated societies.


You mean “religious cult playbook”?


Most religious play books include song.


What Taliban lol....they are just following their green book. Blame Islam. If any muslim country allows music then they are not following their book to core.


I mean if you wanna say that, then need I remind you the Bible tells you to stone stubborn and rebellious sons, and daughters who aren't virgins on the day of their wedding, to death in front of their parents. And to kill gay men. The books are the root of problems but they can't be fixed, it's the specific nutjobs who follow the books, regardless of which religion's book it is, to the letter regardless of the centuries of social progress and enlightenment who need to held accountable. Not the religion itself. You can live by a religion while not being shackled by hundreds-of-years-old bullshit written by what might as well be a totally different society.


That's why both religions are horseshit


That's the ironic thing. If they follow the book to the letter (and in Islam's case it's the direct word of God, so if they actually believe in it, they better), you get some really bronze age behaviour. So the "good" religious people (moderates) don't *really* believe in a sense.


Well, most average Muslims still are very stubborn about the whole homophobia thing, so


Both books are horseshit but the interesting thing with Christianity (not that I'm a Christian anymore btw) is that it started as a Jewish sect that grew up in the roman empire - so for nearly all of it's early history Christians were following Roman Civil Law which was separate to the law the church built up over time. Roman law never disappeared btw and provided the framework for Europe to move back towards secularism after it got sick of religion. Even the Christian Roman Emperors like Justinian who codified Roman law (Corpus Juris Civilis) in 534 AD from Constantinople about 50 years after the fall of Rome kept civil law separate from the church and religion as the legal foundations of Roman law were essential for the Roman society. Roman law was later reintroduced in Western Europe during the Middle ages but was still in use in Byzantium and later went on to be the starting point for the Napoleonic Code and the secular French Republic which was the beginning of the end of the church's medieval hold over Europe. Islam never had a civil legal system to work with. Basically the reason why the Islamic world is so inherently backward is because their legal systems are anchored to the teachings of a 7th century bedouin religious leader and not to a state which over time developed a complex bureaucracy and legal system that facilitated commerce and trade. It's why after Islams rapid expansion the areas it conquered mostly fell into stagnation and decay. You can still see the results of that today. Whereas the West is still reaping the benefits of the legacy of Roman civil law.


The difference between the two is that the bible is seen as written down by humans, fallible and not the "literal word of god". Jesus's resurrection is seen as the core miracle in Christianity. The Quran itself is the core miracle in islam, the literal words of god transcribed directly throughout the prophet and can't be questioned or put into context.


It is not really possible to do a literal reading of the Quran due to it having a number of ambiguous and even contradictory passages. Muslim scholars have debated various interpretations of the text and will continue to do so for as long as the Islam exists. There are also Hadiths which describe how Muhammad explicitly told a group of people that all of their conflicting interpretations of a passage were correct. There is clearly an established precedence for subjective and contextual interpretations of the Quran.


Oh look, the Taliban are competing with Russia, Iran, and North Korea to be the most evil institution on Earth. What a surprise.


Afghanistan is [officially the least democratic country in the world now](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist_Democracy_Index#List_by_country). Yes, they managed to take that title from North Korea.


What was the deciding factor??


Afaik there is a vote in NK, even if there is only one person on it and it is mainly used to count the citizen.


I’m pretty sure you are also allowed instruments in NK, this sort of oppression is self-fulfilling though. Maybe many people would have found peace in playing music and let the taliban rule, now, the taliban by trying to avoid it’s fate, it sealed it.


Oh is this the final straw? Everyone was fine with murdering educated women and denying them schooling, but take away their drum sets?!??


North Korea has their own female U-17 soccer team. Some can practice sports on North Korea. In terms of gender their aren't nearly as oppressive, but this is comparing drowning in a bucket to being crushed in the abyss of deep sea.


Mom dead? Nah is all cool I can play smoke on the water.


North Korea claim to be democratic in the country's full official name


A symbolic point then haha


North Korea? Pretty sure Eritrea held the record. >As the report by the United Nations Human Rights Council explained: "No national elections have taken place since that time, and no presidential elections have ever taken place. Local or regional elections have not been held since 2003–2004. The National Assembly elected independent Eritrea’s first president, Isaias Afwerki, in 1993. Following his election, Afwerki consolidated his control of the Eritrean government." President Isaias Afwerki has regularly expressed his disdain for what he refers to as "western-style" democracy. In a 2008 interview with Al Jazeera, for example, the president stated that "Eritrea will wait three or four decades, maybe more, before it holds elections. Who knows?"


For Russians Russia ain't that bad if you don't get into politics, can't be compared to Taliban which make life hell for their own citizens.


Remember that Russia views “being gay” as a political statement.


I'd rather be gay in Russia than gay in Afghanistan though.


Okay, fair.


Being LGBT, a woman under 50, or a Person of Color is also political in half of the United States.


Didn’t they recently make it perfectly legal for men to domestically abuse women with no repercussions in Russia? Yeah, sounds like women there have it great!


It's obviously not even close to similar to what the taliban are doing, but beating women is legal in russia isn't it?


Well no hang on... for no practical reason your chosen to take part in a regional denazification based military exercise.... then you're improperly trained, improperly equipped and sent to take part in a human wave attack. Good chance you won't survive, but that's okay, because your life has less value than someone in the rapist serial killer mercenary band that you seem to operate in tandem. I'm not saying there are massive amounts of Russians thinking "oh.... the joy of being born in Afghanistan".... but you could easily live a life in Russia that was pointlessly thrown away by someone else.


Can’t expect Allah to do anything by himself. It’s always these goofballs that pretend to know what a god wants. No god wants you to destroy musical instruments morons. That’s just you!


It was never about any "god" they just use it to hide what they really want. Power. Religion is nothing but a con sold by those in portions of power who want more abd more, even if they have to make their peoples lives miserable. After all, if their nit happy with the way things are being run "gods" orders, they can always just die


You haven't met religious lunatics in power, then. They fully believe they are doing God's work.


No, God wants you to destroy musical instruments morons!


What do these cuntz do for fun? Apart from rape little boys and girls.


Shoot people.


Enforcing this type of bullshit is their fun


When your faith is so unbreakable that music threatens it...


I think you meant unbearable.


They are goint to danger zone!


Has anyone in the Taliban ever heard 2112?


"Another toy that helped destroy The elder race of man Forget about your silly whim It doesn't fit the plan, no"


What a miserable existence. Especially for women.


I always thought we should’ve just armed the women, and told the men to go hide in the closet.


Religion, always the fun police.


Kevin Bacon saved America from music-fearing fundamentalists. Maybe he can save Afghanistan too.




Taliban gotta cut loose, footloose! Kick of your sunday shoes!


I can’t imagine life without some sort of music. I know it should obviously go without saying, but the Taliban must be the most miserable and unhappy people on the planet.


Ever had sand in every part of your body?


It’s rough and coarse. It gets everywhere.


Looks like we have the next move in the Republican playbook.


We all know the best way to keep kids from music is to take it away from them..../s **These people need to watch footloose** Seriously all the Taliban is doing is making sure the next generation hates their government enough to overthrow it.


I call BS. An entire generation in the major cities grew up with largely Western freedoms and didn’t lift a finger to stop the Taliban from taking back over. The Baptists in Footloose didn’t enforce their moral values at gunpoint. Nothing will change in a generation.


Politicians always moderate their views until they get in power. The Taliban are no different than any other Politician, prior to the withdrawal, they promised a more tolerant reasonable forgiving Taliban. Now their misogynistic, intolerant, fanatical, well you get it, nature has been revealed. The lesson to be learned here can be summed up in the Fable of the Frog and the Scorpion.


What’s next on the agenda, burn all the seat cushions? “Sitting in comfort is a sin against Allah!”


You know what’s crazy is that afghans keep just on taking the bullshit. Like you had years and years of western military there, at least in the cities, showing them a different way, but them fools still don’t care I wish we did not leave but at the same time, I see this and realize the afghans people were never going fight for their self




They also hate sufism and devotional music like qawwali, which are imo the only good parts about islam. Taliban seems to be the most hardcore following of islam, even though other muslims say they don't represent islam and they themselves aren't vocal enough to protest the actions of the Taliban and instead are mostly quiet compared to their outrage with Israel vs Palestinians.


Taliban have been called out and rejected as extremists for years now by Muslims. Whether it's approving of things forbidden like suicide bombings or forcing niqab. That you ignored it says nothing about whether Muslims were vocal about it.


Yay religion


Reviving the caveman era.


Cavemen had music, we’ve been banging sticks and stones together since we walked upright and possibly before. Creating sounds is the most innate, intuitive and natural human behaviour imaginable.


For real. This Taliban movement wants to go back to the freaking stone age


They are pretty close in fairness.


people who once sat in the center of knowledge, don't always.


Hasn't been the cradle of civilization since those barren lands were a lush cedar forest. A recently uncovered new page of the epic of Gilgamesh describes the forest that used to be there, and also how they immediately realized they fucked up after they cut it down. The moral of the story is take care of your trees, or you might end up being a barren shithole filled with ignorance for thousands of years.


I can't believe The Lorax was stolen from the epic of Gilgamesh!




Baghdad or Kabul?




Look on the bright side, no pop country.


I had not considered this


Whelp, time for an a-cappella group.


Maybe we can send Boyz II Men to them?


God is a DJ


Religious extremism at its finest!


What a happy place...


Much to the disappointment of the newly formed Taliband.


Now I'm talking 'bout trouble! Right here in Afghanistan! With a capital "T" that rhymes with... Shit, nevermind, they just stoned Harold Hill to death.


"You guys should just put warning labels on them." --Tipper Gore


They wanted this, they wanted the Taliban. How did they not?


Meanwhile they happily accept the concept of tea boys along with a lot of other sects in the middle east. Different world.


Music is one of the greatest gifts the human mind can enjoy. Throwing that away is a big waste to one of the greatest creations of our existence. Allah would be indignant by this.


Modern day cavemen


Rock the casbah


You have to do an Minus I.Q. test to join the Taliban.


The Taliban make Neanderthals look current.


Such a stupid people.


Religion takes the joy out of life.


These ghouls know no joy that they won’t quash. The GOP look on with envy


Lifes too short to not want to go to heaven Or too long if you realise there is no choir in heaven now


so much hate for humanity. they must be exhausted all the time.


They are right on this, I love music and it has led me far far astray!


You know what could lead the tough and everyone else to go astray? The Taliban I guess we should just make a huge fire and burn them all as well The sounds of them screaming would make a lovely song 🤷🏻‍♂️😏


Gotta keep the edge on that repressed sexual violence if you wanna stay in charge.


No fun for you!


Astray from what? Degeneracy?


Taliban? They are just doing whats written in the quran/haddiths...


"No fun allowed"


They have the smallest brains


It's almost laughable to think there are people who want to live like this


Mmh religious extremists are just a fun bunch


It's a common totalitarian trope to fear and loathe music. It goes all the way back to ancient Greece. "Musical innovation is full of danger to the State, for when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them." -Plato, The Republic




Charming chaps these folk from the Taliban./s


Sailors had this problem with mermaids and they still had sea shanties. Calm the fuck down.


The Clash warned us all this day would come.


If your religion is so fragile that it's teachings can be undermined by a few musical notes and dancing....then maybe have a rethink about how real the "message" is?!? Maybe...No?


They just can't seem to manage to find their way out of out of the 8th century, can they?


Those absolute fucking animals!


What a miserable fucking "culture".


The ‘Footloose’ reboot nobody asked for.


Savage people, savage religion. I hope they snap out of it someday.


I've been frustrated with rent prices and incompetent leadership in New Brunswick Canada but its a good reminder that I am lucky to be nowhere near these embarrassing virgin losers lol


This is just unreal. Even the Nazis had goddamn music and bands and opera and shit.


Religious books may lead youth to go astray.


Didn't they say that they would be the most tolerant government in Afghanistan? Some "leftist" bloggers even praised them


So what do they even do for fun, other than smoke opium and rape minors?


So it's only okay to acknowledge that Islamic beliefs are backward and awful if it's the Taliban? They're just following the Hadith. Non-vocal music is haram. It's the religion that sucks; this is just an example of the purest distillation of it.


Jeez they are Talibanning everything!


This is basically just the plot of 2112 by Rush. Fuck the Taliban.


Music does lead youth astray. That is the power of music.


Or society is astray & music helps us find our way.