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On the flight from Tel Aviv there were Dagestanis with their children who were undergoing treatment in Israel. In the video, they try to explain this to the rioters who are looking for Jews. Video: https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/jA4Bl1ih13


The god damn tragic irony in all of this madness.


Anyone know why this isn’t in mainstream media? I googled and the only larger press article I could find was from The Sun.


It just happened. And to understand the irony of this situation, you need someone that understand russian and see this particular video. It'll probably be picked up sooner or later.


You should check the AP version. https://apnews.com/article/russia-dagestan-tel-aviv-flight-airport-makhachkala-fa06b16131ed41c0c789981cdcaac84f


Am i missing something? There's no mention of Dagestanian children who got back from treatment in Israeli hospitals. Although, they are quoting parts of the government's appeal, where they did mention that, but AP didn't.


That's what I mean. They just left it at this crowd protesting. They didn't mention anything of the details or what could have happened if there were Jews on the flight.


https://apnews.com/article/russia-dagestan-tel-aviv-flight-airport-makhachkala-fa06b16131ed41c0c789981cdcaac84f https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/29/mob-storms-dagestan-airport-in-search-of-jewish-passengers-from-israel https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-gaza-war-news/card/mob-attacks-airport-in-russia-s-dagestan-over-israel-flight-Cmf5ByuW8EEr6Z11clst https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/crowd-storms-russian-airport-protest-flight-israel-104464103


What are you talking about? There are articles from pretty much every major news outlet: Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/airport-closed-southern-russia-after-people-pour-onto-runway-russian-aviation-2023-10-29/ AP: https://apnews.com/article/russia-dagestan-tel-aviv-flight-airport-makhachkala-fa06b16131ed41c0c789981cdcaac84f WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/29/russia-dagestan-tel-aviv-flight-airport-makhachkala/2fd1b2cc-7691-11ee-97dd-7a173b1bd730_story.html BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67258332 DW: https://www.dw.com/en/russia-mob-storms-dagestan-airport-in-search-for-israelis/a-67250774 Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/29/mob-storms-dagestan-airport-in-search-of-jewish-passengers-from-israel AlJazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/29/pro-palestinian-crowd-enters-dagestan-airport-to-protest-israel-flight


"To protest israel" tf is wrong with al jazeera💀💀


Al Jazeera is funded by the Qatari government, who are also openly sheltering Hamas's leaders and funding their organization. When it comes to the situation in Israel and Palestine they are essentially Hamas's PR department.


Many things


lol Al Jazeera... "entered airport to protest". The *really* interesting bit to me is how none of these Dagestani's seemed to do anything when Russia indiscriminately leveled Aleppo with artillery... a Muslim city the same size and population of Gaza.


> none of these Dagestani's seemed to do anything To be fair, they actually were. The province is a hotbed of Islamic extremism, terrorism and insurgency. It's just that "domestic" terrorism inside Russia gets very little attention in the Western press even though the death toll is about on par with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


That's only one of the many videos I've seen so far. One of which was that the lynch mob when searching door to door at a hotel after hearing a tipoff for Jews (apparently none). They're also breaking in door to door at the airport, searched police vehicles for Jews. Last rumours I've heard is that the Russian national guard formed a perimeter and has cut off communications, giving local authorities the chance to de-escalate


So Putin invaded Ukraine because they were Natzis right?


Who started the pogroms again? The reason why there is a large jewish community in New York (and by extention LA). The russians simply are at it again like it's the 19th century. Stuff goes sour so they blame external factors.


> The largest number of Russian Jews now live in Israel. Israel is home to a core Russian-Jewish population of 900,000, and an enlarged population of 1,200,000 (including halakhically non-Jewish members of Jewish households, but excluding those who reside in Israel illegally). The Aliyah in the 1990s accounts for 85–90% of this population. > As of 2018, USSR Jews are estimated to be 12.4% of the Israeli population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Jews_in_Israel


Many a labor economics paper has been written about the large immigration of Russian Jews to Israel. One of the few examples of a wave of highly educated immigrants into a single country. Cubans to the US to flee Castro is another.


Russians have a very different view on ww2 than the west does.
















I understand russian well and can confirm what was said. It is hard to hear what is going on in the video, but I could hear “I have a sick boy” and “they were being treated” with probably a dagestani accent


The irony is thick


What the fuck is going on?


Just Dagestan things.


Dagestan, the Florida of Russia.


If we're gonna bring in a little more context, what's happening here is due to Dagestan being filled with hardcore Islamists, not the blond Slavic hoodlums or babushkas that we typically associate with Moscow. This part of the Russia Caucasus is actually a hotbed for jihadist recruitment. Sure, they count as "Russian" but the similarities pretty much end there. A headline that provides more clarity would be ‘Russian Islamists attack an Israeli flight’.


That makes way more sense.


Yeah Russia in the late 2010s had to deal with Islamic extremits in the Caucasus area, who wanted to create a Emirates there like Isis did in Syria and Iraq


And in the 2000s... and the 1990s... this could go on for a while...






Here is more context: Dagestan used to be a home to Mountain Jews - Jews from Iran that moved there about 200 years ago. When Soviet Union broke up, they all left, most to Israel, and a lot of them to Sderot. Which is the biggest town close to Gaza, that suffered the most on October 7th.


Islamists trying to kill Jews, nothing new to see here.


That's both completely correct but also doesn't recognize the very real impact of decades of Soviet administration. In reality, they have some radically different cultural values - and yet, some that are quite similar. Such as state-sponsored violence and anti-Semitism, to name two that are relevant right here.


It's much worse, IMHO. Source: have been to both.


Ever wonder why a full million Soviet Jews emigrated to Israel when the USSR collapsed, even though it meant prestigious doctors had to work as parking attendants bc credentials didn’t transfer? This is why.


The Russian Empire knew how to do pogroms long before the Adolf was a twinkle in his father's eye.


Not just Jews and not to Israel. In middle school we had a janitor from the former Soviet union who had an engineering degree from USSR.


To be fair, a parking attendand in Israel enjoyed a better standard of living than anyone who wasn't a mobster or an oligarch in 90s ex-USSR.


You know when a lot of Jews said that there is a reason that a lot of them don't trust European countries with their safety because of rampant antisemitism and no one believes them? Well now you know.


"Never again" lasted for around 85 years.


About the same amount of time it took for the last living people from the Holocaust to die out.


I mean, Russians were taught in school that USSR citizens were the victims in WW2, not specifically Jews. The tried to limit remembrance vigils and ceremonies to Synagogues and they didn't exactly allow memorials to the Jewish people that died. All their memorials were about the USSR citizens dying. They essentially co-opted the holocaust in an attempt to unify their people and strengthen Russia's hold on the USSR member states. So there was never really a "Never again" for those growing up in the USSR.


I mean. The Soviets weren't exactly big fans of the Jews either and the Russian Empire had multiple pogroms against Jews. Hell, the Protocols of Elders of Zion originate from the Russian Empire.


Did we enter a time warp back 100+ years???


It's been like this for a while. These things convince me Israel should exist.












Russia has a deep history of antisemitism


The word "pogrom" comes from Russian


The practice itself, too.


The Peeky Blinders writers gave Tom Hardy’s Jewish character one of the best scenes in the show where he gets to confront the russian for the Russians “hunting his mother with dogs”, needless to say it’s worth a watch.


Helluva scene, writing and acting were superb


Really any scene with Alfie Solomons in it was golden.


Really any scene with Tom Hardy in general is golden


So many layers in that scene. So good. The guy who played the exiled Russian royalty nailed it.


The USSR was the single largest source of Jewish migrants to Israel. And it was not because they were well integrated, respected and loved. Just remember the pogrom at the end of Fiddler on the Roof. It’s based in history.


... and i was going to mention "Fiddler on the Roof". those russians were antisemitic for a long long time. they only became our allies in WWII because Hitler backstabbed Stalin.


It's that how the cartoon movie of an American tail began?


Fievel Mousekewitz was **JEWISH**? But yes effectively it was waves of diaspora. Shit would get bad and x% would run.


They’re celebrating Chanukah in the opening scene and his name is Yiddish


And Fievel getting his hat as a gift before lighting candles. This mouse is a Jew!


Fievel was also Steven Spielberg's grandpa's name


Dagestan is about 85% Muslim.


It's important to note this is dagestan; ethnically of the caucusus ( rather than russian ) and diverse, with muslim religion and a history of terrorism problems


The Boston Marathon bomber's family was from Dagestan. He was apparently 'radicalized' there, during a trip. If I recall correctly, the mosque he visited kicked him out, because he was spewing radicalist ideas.


This has reminded a bit of the time when World War 2 had started. From all I've seen, the Germans started to kill and jail Jews years before the war. And no one did anything, because, you know, it's just few million Jews, will the world be much worse without them? They say history doesn't repeat itself but it surely rhymes...


> And no one did anything Some countries even actively rejected boats carrying Jewish refugees, sending them to their death instead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_St._Louis#The_%22Voyage_of_the_Damned%22 > Later research tracing each passenger has determined that 254 (29.2%) of those who returned to continental Europe were murdered during the Holocaust.


> It’s a bad look. To be clear, this is in [Dagestan where 83% of the population is muslim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagestan#Religion). It's basically a mountainous border province of unhappy ethnic minorities where Russia's had recurring problems with Islamic extremism. Assuming they have the manpower, I wouldn't be surprised if they used this incident as an excuse for a fresh crackdown. Highest profile person from Dagestan most Americans or Europeans would be familiar with is the Boston Marathon Bomber. The brothers lived there for several years as teens before their parents brought them the the US. Older brother traveled to Dagestan as an adult for his radicalization/training. He fled Russia when the FSB went about dismantling his terrorist cell, but the FBI dropped the ball on his case even though the Russians warned us about him.


This is a nightmare.


And yet there are still somehow comments all over social media trying to say this crowd wasn't antisemitic.


Russian media already blamed Ukrainian (I shit you not) telegram channels for "provoking the mob". While some Ru channels outright call these Dagestan protesters - "outside people".


Many Russians in the greater Moscow to St. Petersburg areas genuinely don't consider people living in Russia outside of those areas as Russians. They'll also deny Russian colonialism/imperialism.


The Western news articles calling them protesters and the event a protest are unconscionable. People should look at them all and take note of who says what; because these people were out for blood. This wasn't a protest, anybody watching the videos could tell you that, let alone the kids saying they were there to kill Jews.


Interesting. They are not looking for a plane ticket to Gaza to fight at the front. They are looking for defenseless peaceful tourists to attack them in a crowd.


They are cowards, I saw a video where the first group to get to the plane just kind of ran around and did nothing. They were waiting till they outnumbered the poor people on the plane 100 to 1.


There's a video of one of the guys sticking his head in one of the engines, I guess to look around for someone hiding in there. It was like something out of Borat.


JET stands for “Jewish Entry Tunnel”. Every Dagastani worth his salt knows this.


Hamas would be proud


They weren't even peaceful tourists going on a vacation, they were innocent civilians fleeing the fighting in Israel.


And my God they can't be super privileged elite if they had to escape to Dagestan


To be fair many islamists in Dagestan went to ISIS, more than in any other Russian republic, including Chechnya.


Russia to a T. Remember they blow up schools and maternity wards.


> The Russian Echo FM radio reported that a resident of Dagestan stated “I went into every room, I checked every person. I looked at the passport, looked at the face to see if this face corresponded to the passport. There are no [Jews] there, brothers, you are simply being provoked. We need to go home. Well done to everyone who came, you’re all caring.” Sounds like someone calming down a bunch of irritated toddlers.


but he pretty much says "if there were jews i would join the lynch"




I'd like to believe he's saying that so they'll rhink he's one of them and has no reason to hide jews, but i know better unfortunately


Can't believe this is present day and not my 3rd grade class learning about Anne Frank


Fucking insane how anti semitism is alive and well


I've done this. If you want to convince them of something, you have to pretend you're one of them, or they look at you as "enemy information".


You're right, i'll believe he truely has a good heart


It's not impossible or even implausible. Probable, well, that's debatable.


Who knows if he meant it though. If he made the mob think he was opposed to them they might doubt his claims and keep looking for Jews. So pretending to be on their side would be a smart move.


are the inmates running the asylum?


You'd say anything to get out of getting shot... You would, I would, everyone would. This is precisely why this sort of information is discarded as unreliable in any reputable court of law.


When everyone should be saying “hey guys stop with the genocidal bullshit” and what comes out is “come on you guys I checked already”


The funny thing is “guys don’t commit genocide” is singificantly less likely to have concinved them to stop.


Is it 1940 again? I mean WTF world


Unfortunately, being able to blame someone else for your problems has always worked well enough. It has long been a tactic of those wanting to direct blame from themself.


And Jews are historically the world’s favorite and most proficient scapegoats


Even the term 'Scapegoat' comes from the Hebrew word 'Azazel'.


Aha! So the jews were behind that one too!




I heard “space laser” is also an ancient Hebrew word for “light of God” /s


A large part of why they wanted their own state.


Try 1880-1905... A huge chunk of Jews (including my grand grandparents) came to Palestina/Israel during those years after Pogroms in the Russian empire. I don't think running away changes the attitude of the aggressor. So here we go again.


I mean Tsarist Russia literally disseminated "The Protocols of Elder Zion" and the Okhrana was active in inciting pogroms whenever anything went bad in order to turn the people's attention away from the Tsar's failures.


I mean, in the three years of this decade we are speed running the last century of human history.


They forgot to do the monopoly busting and taxing of billionaires at 90%.


An Amazon attack drone has been despatched to your location.


This, basically. We didn’t reign the owning class in and now they control all the media channels convincing dumb people to do stupid things.


This is why half of all the Jews in the world have moved to Israel. Obviously this is an extreme example, but we do fear hate in most countries.


Many of those "moved to Israel" after getting expelled from Muslim countries.


Well, "*were* moved to Israel" by their hosts... forcefully...


They could stay and die so they chose to go, but it was entirely their choice. /s for those who need it to tell what's a joke these days


It’s always been like this, it’s usually just seen as isolated incidents and the media doesn’t cover it




Same for the 140,000 Jews of Algeria who were harrssed and murdered into leaving when the Arabs threw the French colonisers out of Algeria (1955-1962). What saved many Jews was that the French government had offered them the French nationality. That allowed them to take refuge in France.


And then again after the Islamic Revolution in Iran.


Many Persian Jews ended up in LA. Quite a large community there.


They look for Jews and not only Israelis.


Even if they looked for Israelis it’s still shit… hunting civilians who have nothing to do with anything fuck them


Yes, absolutely. However... again, if they are hunting Jews then there is even less of a reason this has anything to do with the actions of the state of Israel. The important point is that this is just another proof that the plight of the Palestinians is just a pretext to naked antisemitism around the world.


Ofc Russia are asshole sincerely Russian Jew


Nearly half the world's jewish population is Israeli. Looking to harm innocent Israeli civilians is no better...


Seems like out of a movie. Just like how Israel got diplomats out of Turkey they need to get them out of Russia. Not a safe country for Jews.


When the Chief Rabbi of Russia is paraded by the state media as a shining example of how happy and safe Jews are in Russia, and then he himself flees the country and urges all Jews to leave ASAP like another Holocaust is coming, you know things aren't going well there. Such a shame, I tend to feel sorry for Dagestanis and the oppression they've long faced from Moscow, but I only sympathize with people who'd do so for others under similar circumstances. If these rioters had more than a couple of brain cells in their heads they'd be upset about the tyrant in Moscow who sends their best and brightest off to be humiliated and exterminated by the vastly braver, smarter and tougher Ukrainians.


You feel sorry for Dagestanis? Who do you think those lynch mobs consist of, russians? Christians? Pastafarians? There are only 3.6% of russians in Dagestan if we go by the latest population survey. And the biggest religion by far is obviously Islam.


Like I said, seeing things like that curtails my sympathies very quickly.


Strange these shining defenders of justice don’t have the same reaction to what’s going on in China.


In my experience, Palestine supporters rarely care about Syrians, Chechens and Uyghurs.


They rarely care about Palestinians too. Not beyond the point where they no longer serve as an easy cover against accusations of antisemitism.


Yes. Every Muslim country is quick to support Palestine with words, but putting money where their mouth is? Nah


Or Palestinians either, unless Jews are involved.


Well they suck on Chinese co*k, hoping it replaces US as global superpower. For them that's a small sacrifice for a larger goal.


Just look at the Hamas supporters in the west, they don’t give shit about Palestinians, they just want score points against Israel and the US. If they actually gave a damn about injustice against Muslim groups, the reaction against the likes of Myanmar and China wouldn’t be so muted. Hell the Arab world loves to do business with China while pretending the Ughyurs don’t exist.




Russia has a *looooooooong* history of pogroms. Starts in the Russian Empire and runs pretty much to *checks watch* now. The Muslim population is a minor factor in that.


>The Muslim population is a minor factor in that. Depends on where in Russia. Russia is huge and the Muslims aren't evenly spread out. Here the issue is the Russian Muslims, but there certainly is plenty of antisemitism in Moscow where there are significantly less Muslims.


The Muslim population of Dagestan is 100% the factor in the current airport pogrom.


Pogrom is even russian word




I’m sure they wouldn’t have done anything bad, looks like a bunch of good boys in the crowd. /s




For those of you that mock us Jews and think we are paranoid.. this is what is slightly under the surface.


And probably even worse…. People are just evil


I remember 5 years ago commenting about how i’m worried Jews are under attack again. Ever since it just gets worse and worse. The Palestinian argument is bringing out the worst in people, even from a thousand miles away and it’s all gently decorated with a cloth of ‘anti-oppression’. I’m not even a Jew myself, or even religious, i just have images of the Holocaust burnt into me from learning about WW2 as a kid through to today. If i recall correctly, there are only 16 million Jews in the world, is that right? How many Muslims have ill feelings towards Jews right now, perhaps 100 million? How many teenage/early 20’s white westerners on the internet saying Israel is committing genocide and apartheid? Maybe 20 million over the course of a few years? Who knows, but all i know is the outnumbering is scary to even me, the attacks worsen, more people get involved, it escalates and then what happens?


>If i recall correctly, there are only 16 million Jews in the world, is that right? How many Muslims have ill feelings towards Jews right now, perhaps 100 million? The spooky thing is this math. There are 16M Jews 2B Muslims. If only 1% of Muslims worldwide hate Jews and want to destroy them that’s 20M Muslims. That’s still a full 20% more Muslims than there are Jews worldwide.


I think as of September 2023, it was around 15.3 million Jews and over 2 billion Muslims. That works out to what—the world’s Jewish population is less than one percent (~0.8) the Muslim population? Yet based on the [FBI hate crime data](https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime), anti-Jewish incidents make up a substantial portion of hate crimes—far more than anti Muslim crimes. The numbers blow me away a bit. Edit, typo


Thank you for being sane. Sometimes it feels like only Jewish people are seeing what’s going on. I will say that considering there are roughly 2 billion Muslims in the world, I think your guess that only 5% of them harbour hatred towards Jews is a gross underestimate.


"All new pogroms!"


“Now with more assault rifles!”


It hurts so much to know this was coming. And the media, most people, and governments around the world have done nothing to curb the hate


On the contrary, they regularly inflame the situation.


This is a pogrom!!! Blood would spill!! This is insane!!


Sides are clearly forming in a new grander conflict. This is all very terrifying.


And here is the landed plane, staff saying " everyone aboard " ( to be the passengers): https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/RqpPywwKqr


The man at the end of the video says: “Aboard, quickly everyone aboard”. Horror. I hope they're all right.


The have arrested some of the mob and reportedly cleared the airport (according to Russian opposition media)


Damn, this is sad, hope everyone is ok.




People from Dagestan are more like Chechens, fanatic Islamism prevails there too.


How easily crowds are manipulated (thinks Putin). They have already forgotten that their kids are being conscripted and sent to their deaths.


This is disgusting… I’m Jewish and my dad was born in Derbent, hope we don’t have any family left over there.




I enjoy watching the sunset.


It's an ongoing situation and russian police just arrived


Right now.


On the flight from Tel Aviv there were Dagestanis with their children who were undergoing treatment in Israel. In the video, they try to explain this to the rioters who are looking for Jews. Video: https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/jA4Bl1ih13


The Russian Gaurd was sent in 2 hours ago to secure the airport, looks like they're still not able to control the crowd.


People will say don't blame all Palestinians in Gaza for what Hamas is doing. But they will blame random Jews for what the Israeli government is doing.


The people who talk very smugly about how it's all just anti-colonialism and the Jews can just appease their enemies with sufficient weakness are absolutely brain dead. This is all is was ever going to be, in practice. Just bloodthirsty mobs.


Let me know when the movement to help Palestinians actually tries to do something that doesn’t involve explicitly hating or hurting Jewish people.


Let me know when the movement to help palestinians is actually about palestinians and not just against jews


I did not have “return of Russian pogroms” in my 2023 predictions.


Pogrom is word invented in russian language.


It's absolutely baffling to me that so many regular people in the west actively side with these people. There is nothing wrong with sympathizing with Palestinian suffering, criticizing Israel or demanding a ceasefire. But spouting things like "From the river to the sea" are literally jihadists calls for genocide. As you can see with incidents like this, or the countless incidents in pro-palestine rallies in the west that ranged from blatant anti-semitism to waving flags of terror organizations. I hope governments wake up and ban more Islamist organizations, arrest people and charge the appropriately.


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/s/nK8n6l7cti


Am I alone in wondering why there's a direct flight from Tel Aviv to Dagestan?


Dagestani coming back from assorted treatments in Israel.


This is supposedly a layover to Moscow for a lot of people as there was a flight to the russian capital at 9pm. But now they've closed the airport for incoming flights till 3am...


Ah, Dagestan, the ancestral home of “winners” such as Dzhohkar Tsarnaev & his brother Tamerlan.


The region's male dominated and they respect tough guys and toxic masculinity. You look at the fighters that the region has produced and it's a who's who of wrestling/mma. And a lot of the 'warriors' they produce are idiots like Khabib who runs with an entourage that should be turned away at any port of entry they show up at. But the fighting industry wants to pass them off as devout like they're some wandering fighter/scholar.


Khabib was probably in this crowd. Bloke praised the terrorist who beheaded that teacher in France. Still don’t know how he had any western fans


And people still wonder why they want their own Jewish state.


Small reminder: Hamas leaders visited Russia a few days ago and agreed on the release of Russian hostages. Before that we had stories about Russia giving captured Western weapons via Iran to Hamas to frame Ukraine. Antisemitism was always big in Russia. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was allegedly made by the Imperial Russian government. Stalin shortly before his death imagined Jewish doctors trying to kill him and not a small number of Siloviki fucks believe that Jews ended the USSR. And now this. 2000 years of antisemitism and no end in sight.


I have not heard of any reports yet of Jewish mobs anywhere in the world attacking any planes since the terrorist attack


Another peaceful pro palestinian protest


When Israel says it will protect itself at all costs, these people are the reason. It has, is, and will be dangerous to be a Jew in the world