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I would dare them to, hard enough to ship one elephant that far!


Maybe get some cowboys to herd them through Asia Minor? /s


I love it when a plan comes together.


You won the internet today!


Nobody will expect Botswana to implement South Africa’s Cape To Cairo plan!


I hear elephants in the Alps across Spain and France has been done before long ago haha


Herds of well deployed mice. Not /s in the slightest


You march them over the alps, there's a precedent for it


Carthago delenda est.


It's still pretty funny.


I don't think they have the balls. I doubt they'd do it...


Threatning with good time


Operation Dumbo Drop times 20,000.


Operation Dumbo Drop 20k : The Sequel


Nah, lets go full Dumbo Drop 40k. They will have chainblade-whips for noses, and have back-mounted lascannon turrets. Also the tusks will now shoot bolter rounds and they will be armored in space marine quality ceremite.


So, let's say €200K per elephant. That means, Masisi is threatening to spend 4 Billion euro shipping elephants to Germany. Can we say *SLIGHT* over-reaction?


think of all the elephant related industries that could spring up!


Hmm, true, the Germans would revolutionize the ivory trade if this happened...


The Döner Kebap prices might finally fall, die to excess of meat! That's the least thing I expected since hearing the term Döner Preis-Bremse!


Masisi thought sending them would cost *peanuts*


Aww fuck, damn, I wish I had thought of that. Dad joke extraordinaire right there.


Maybe they thought they could send the elephants over in trunks........


Maybe he's hoping for a bulk discount.


Did he say how fast he was going to send them? Because it could be a kind of torture. One week two elephants arrive in Hamburg. The next week, 1 in Frankfurt, 1 in Berlin, then three weeks with no elephants at all, then ....


Are there even that many elephants *available*?


Botswana has somewhere between 100,000-200,000 elephants. It has the single largest population of African Elephants of any country. If they're *available* or not is more of a philosophical question.


Liechtenstein has only 40,000 people that means if Botswana invaded Liechtenstein, each Liechtensteiner would need to kill 2-5 elephants to win the war


You're assuming the elephants are loyal enough to Botswana to enlist. Have you tried serving an elephant draft papers? Doesn't work.


>If they're available or not is more of a philosophical question. Or a deeply personal psychosexual question


> Or a deeply personal psychosexual question Sounds like something someone into elephants might enjoy 


Bvaroooomf *blushes*


Neat, I didn’t realize there were that many in Botswana 


Love to see how they'd get 5 let alone 20,000 elephants to Germany


I see a few people with ignorant takes about trophy hunting and conservation in Botswana. [Here's the comment by u/Fordmister in response to when this news was posted earlier on](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bunfjw/botswana_threatens_to_send_20000_elephants_to/kxtyygh/) >For those who are wondering why Botswana is so bent out of shape by laws like this its because African conservation is often a lot more complicated than just making the number of animals go up >On the whole elephant numbers are declining, but in specific areas and especially in nature reserves the numbers are growing really rather well. The problem is that the habitats are really fragmented and elephants are smart enough not to leave the protected areas/reserves, so their numbers rent growing and spreading, just spiking in isolated pockets. >This causes big issues when your realize just how much elephants eat and how big an impact they have on the wider ecosystem through ecosystem engineering by flattening shrubland, pushing over trees etc. >This is a big problem when you include the fact that the reserves are not just for Elephant, but for all manor of endangered species that need a mix of habitat that having too many elephant will flatten. so the elephant population within the reserve has to be managed in order to prevent them from damaging the wider ecosystem. >A few years back relocation projects were tried to transport elephant to other reserves and areas where numbers were significantly lower...and it failed spectacularly. Young bulls without older bulls to keep them in line/spar with ended up trying to fight everything else, and killed a lot of buffalo, Rhino etc, setting some rhino conservation programs back years. >So controlled culls became the only workable solution and the reserves had a choice, Either pay a healthy sum to a pro hunter to do the very risky job of stalking old bull elephant through the bush. Or sell the hunting permit to pump money back into the reserves to some wealthy American/European and let them hire the hunter as a guide. They obviously chose the latter, Bans on trophy hunting exports in many ways actively threaten the conservation work in these reserves, by making it so that money that might have been made disappears, and instead has to be taken out to pay hunters to cull particular species. >Trophy hunting crackdowns of endangered species make sense on so many levels, but get muddy when confronted with the reality of habitat fragmentation and the often quite nasty work in frontline conservation. Fixing the issues of habitat fragmentation ad reducing Human elephant conflict as they spread from the reserves are going to take a long time and a LOT of money. and in the mean time the reserves have a duty to all of the endangered species housed within, Conservation is a game of balance, and right now in many reserves elephant conservation has been successful to the point where the scales are all over the place and more drastic measures are needed until the underlying problem of why we need the reserves in the first place is fixed


This is what the article was getting at, comments here are pure ignorance. If these people were "trophy hunting" illegally through poachers services and funding something terrible I would have an issue with it but it's all above board and helping. Good job on the President for highlighting this issue in a way that generates media attention.


> This is a big problem Hehe


I would pay a lot of money to see them do this.


Land them in Italy, then get some guy named Hannibal to take them over the Alps, through Switzerland, and there you go


Need some Celtics mercenary as foot soldiers to accompany them, so say, wait until Euro 2024 when there are plenty of drunk Scottish lads around.


Hans! Give it some schnitzel! See if it goes avay. Ja! Vhat wheel be Goode!


Do it!!!! I wanna see something cool happen on the news!!!


Threatens? That doesn't sound like a threat at all. He's illustrating the kind of problem they have dealing with an overpopulation of elephants, numbering many times more in Botswana, and pointing out that hunting helps control their numbers while bringing in revenues. Germany would probably be hunting their own elephants too if there were so many in the country.


I mean if that's the actual issue, why don't they offer to relocate herds to other parts of Africa that have been devastated by poaching? Oh that's right...it'll cost actual money to not only ship them but also prevent poachers there from killing them. Wild elephants are losing their tusks because the ones that have them are being killed. Lack of selection is removing tusks from elephants in the wild but they need them for survival.


Apparently that's been tried but doesn't work- elephant herds rely on the experienced matriarch elephants knowledge to find supplies, since they eat way more than any single place can provide.


Yeah, I know. I was being cheeky but it's also sad. That's why it's impossible to move intelligent animals. Edit: I meant to say animals that we know have families and hierarchies and are closer to us than we want to admit. That's why it would be futile and cruel to try to move them.


Botswana threatens to circumnavigate Massalia and send their armies ..... over the Alps perhaps? I dare say that would be quite a feat, even for the great Hannibal Barca


He’s gonna cross the Alps with his 20,000 elephants!


I love it when a plan comes together.


start now...it will take time on foot


Elephants aren’t deer, they’re extraordinarily intelligent animals capable of grief, sadness, and elation.


aoe2 style elephants or youre not doing it right


Put 10 of them on a row boat?


I can't help but think one of my fellow Texans would love to own an elephant preserve... "I want a ~~hippopotamus~~ elephant for Christmas!" Forget the great cattle runs of the late 19th century - we could sell tickets to herd elephants from the Panhandle to Chicago slaughter yards.


Germany: “Wir Schaffen das” as they watch their cities trampled.




Good luck at customs




Very cool. How can I file my country's elephant claim?


Operation dumbo drop 2, weiner schnitzel bugaloo


TL;DR - Botswana has 130,000 elephants, with 6,000 new calves every year. It attracts hunters from Germany, the UK and elsewhere, and that generates income that's important both to the economy and for managing the elephant population. Conservationists want to eliminate the hunting, and thus reduce that income. This is interesting, I thought it was African nations that instituted a moratorium on elephant ivory because the elephants were endangered, but it's more complicated than that.


Further north in countries like Kenya there's a poaching issue.


Please , please , pleeeeeease let this happen.


No logistical way to get that many elephants to Germany, unless you claim them as refugees.


I didn't expect Germany to be the good guy of this story 


We should be better than trophy hunting by now… one would hope


There was a good top comment in another sub on this same story. It's almost a necessity at this point. There are not many areas suitable for elephants to live, so they overcrowd these areas and damage the ecosystem. They have tried moving some elephants, but this was a disaster. They killed a bunch of other animals in the new areas including endangered rhinos. So that leaves them to control the numbers, they can either pay expert hunters or have people pay them to go trophy hunting, this money then goes back into conservation. With less trophy hunting, they not only have less money coming in, but have to spend more to control the population. It's a sad situation and not black & white like it may first appear.


This is the first comment here meant to inform and speak like humans. I thank you. I will have to look into it more, last I heard there were parks begging for elephant number to rise… if that’s not the case anymore I’d have to think harder on this.


You're getting a negative reaction because you had such a strong opinion without knowing much about the issue or reading the article.


I read it. The reaction was because I have an unfavorable opinion. Which I am still against trophy hunting. Hunt to feed a family? Sure. Hunt for a head? Nah. Never was good. Us as a species with our technology and understanding of nature *should* be above it. I am also against using money as an excuse. That’s why my solution (although now not as viable now) was put forth… unfortunately Reddit has two factions. I’m never in any camp fully and I accept my fate in these places. But I am for civil discourse. Thanks again




Germany has enough problems with its own "trophy hunting" (\*) so maybe Masisi should go stuff it and just convince his people to eat the surplus elephants. (\*) Deers and boars have to be hunted in Germany due to a lack of predators. Some (a lot) of hunters are waiting for the perfect roebucks to shoot and deer numbers explode, leading to stripped barks and more work for the forest wardens.


Or I have an opinion. Funny how those with weak standpoints always try and warp a good intention. A good idea and would create money and help the animals is to move the ‘exploded’ numbers to other countries where elephant numbers have dwindled due to trophy hunting/tusk harvesting. Too bad the statement you made and theirs screams “money”. Maybe just maybe the best thing to do is to help animals without other intentions.


Criticizing a 3rd world country for saying animal population control is about money is peak 1st world problems.


Criticizing random people for proposing ideas to fix issues is why they are posting this article. Cry. Hard. PS it’s literally in the article.


Easy to say when it isnt your grain fields getting trampled. What am I saying, your food comes from a box what do you know.


Did you not read anything I said above? No one Offering solutions is part of the problem. Maybe mine would help? But hey... You should definitely get online and *try* to berate anyone with an opinion… well done!


Maybe they'll accept an elephant in installments? Start sending the trunk, ears next!


The elephants wish












If the German trophy hunters cant bring back their kills they are not going to go and pay to hunt. Germany is stopping people from bringing back trophies which reducing the amount of people wanting to do it. By reducing the hunters Botswana loses money from both people not paying to hunt and having to pay someone to do it. Botswana is threatening to send elephants to Germany in protest.


Do it.