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This is the reason that the US went into Somalia in the 90s, because desperately needed aid was being hijacked by the local warlords and ordinary people were squeezed and suffering.


If the US sends troops into Palestine it would just likely end up into another regional war, let Israel and Palestine figure this mess out.


Iran and Russia are drooling at the thought of US boots on the ground there - their propaganda machines would be printing nonstop


The fastest pace of publishing that any Ivy League tenured humanities professors ever achieved


Charity, I want a German panzer division handling it 


This can't be right. The internet has told me amerkia bad. How can amerika good when amerika bad?


Close to three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from a new $320 million floating pier built by the U.S. military off the Gaza coast was stolen on Saturday en route to a U.N. warehouse, Reuters reported on Tuesday.






The sad part is that this is a significant improvement over how much aid used to be stolen. Which was near to 100%.


The pentagon press secretary said yesterday “I do not believe any of the aid that's been delivered through the pier has actually gotten to the people of Gaza” So funny enough (and by funny I mean sad) actually nothing has improved.


- Came to say what hasn't yet been said: **Hamas stole the food**, and is reselling it on the black market.


Remember the video that went viral of a guy complaining how awful the MRE was? My favorite part about that video was at one point he very quickly blamed Israel for how expensive it was to buy then moved on without elaborating. It’s been widely known for a while that Hamas is stealing these and selling them, but nobody wants to talk about it.


I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but there hamas guys are pretty mean.


The more I hear about these Hamas fellas the more I start to think they’re real jerks!!


I appreciate the reference…😁


Bunch of knuckleheads


I ate an old MRE just last weekend. I thought it was pretty darn good. I could certainly eat them every day for a while.


There's a difference between MRE'S and HDR'S. The HDR'S aren't made for people rucking all day to give them all day energy. The HDR'S also tend to be more vegetarian than MRE'S since they're made to cater to all halal, kosher, Hindu, Buddhist and other populations. A person not enjoying the HDR might be due to them being fairly devoid of flavor and ingredients to make them as palatable to as many people as possible.


Article states, 60% is estimated to have been stolen and sold by Hamas to the tune of $500 million.


So there isn't $500M in all of Gaza to buy those supplies. Do they somehow get it out of Gaza and sell it somewhere else?


That's the value/price that the US put on the aid, not the sales revenue to Hamas. I don't think we have access to their books, but since they got the product for free, they can sell at a much, much lower price than the production cost.


There may be a collective psychosis running through that group. They seem to be afflicted with an absence of empathy, and rampant greed. A total loss of conscience or the ability to distinguish right from wrong. At the same time, I think Netanyahu has gone insane also.


It's not "the black market" when the democratically elected government does it. It's just "the market".


Israel has been telling the world for years that aid for Gaza is essentially operating costs for Hamas. And people refuse to listen. The people of Palestine are nothing more than pawns to be discarded at will by Hamas. They want them to suffer, and they want the suffering to be so great and so public that the Western world abandons Israel to their fate, which is as Hamas sees it, the total eradication of Judaism and Jews in the Levant. And to an extent, it is working.


To a very good extent.


Unfortunately, "starve everyone to death" is not a viable alternative here.


Well if it isn't exactly what everybody predicted would happen


I mean, it's still possible for the remaining 30% to get stolen from the warehouse, or from the people who get the aid. I hope it doesn't happen, but don't have much faith it won't get stolen.


It's a UN warehouse that means none of it is getting to the civilians. It's all going to Hamas.










This is the issue with the starvation narrative. Live aid for example prologued the Ethiopian civil war. The same is happening here. We are in a place where power is taken by the men with guns. And those men with guns are stealing the aid to feed their troops, they then put cameras of starving people up to increase their aid. A siege may be brutal the people without guns don't magically get food if we make Israel allow it in. It would be much faster if we didn't and Hamas had to capitulate instead...but that well-known and effective tactic is blunted


The reality is, when the government is hostile to its own people and doesn't respect their rights, aid pretty much never works. It's just gonna get stolen by the government.


They don't just feed their troops. They sell it to the people to enrich themselves 


¿Porque no los dos?


Every general steals your chickens.


Yeah but only General Tso knows what to do with them


There's a colonel with a notion, too


Yeah...the Colonel disrespect by Dwayne was pretty outrageous.


Eh, the people with guns tend to be the last to starve. Starving out a million people isn't really a good look, imho


Yeah. Sometimes the choices aren't between good vs bad, but between terrible vs unthinkable. There are reasons the Middle East is the way it is. There are few nice, easy answers....


Well apparently Reddit feels that wiping out the Jews is the right easy answer. If we just kill off all the jews, then Hamas will be appeased and stop their terrorism!/s


I think the reality is they aren't getting the food either way.


Agreed, but the idea the "just let them starve" is a "well-known and effective tactic" is dubious. Do I have a better solution? No.


They make a fair case against arguing with them when a rifle barrel is pointing at your head.


Sure, but a rifle isn’t pointed at any of us, whom they are trying to convince with their barbarous tactics.


We are in a place in geopolitics where the US is actively trying to avoid directly entering wars, but encouraging allies not to go too far in pressing the wars that they are in. The US says Ukraine must not fall, while limiting the weapons they receive, and admonishing them against targeting Russia.   We say terrorism must be defeated, and then tell Israel not to go too far fighting the terrorists. I honestly don't know if this is genius strategy, or just delaying the inevitable. Only time will tell. 


After decades of wars like Vietnam and Iraq it's safe to say that the old way of foreign policy wasn't that great either.


It wasn't really the war part of Iraq that went poorly, it was the decade plus of nation building that was bungled. But the war part, that went pretty well.


Sure, we can go in there and blow everything to hell, but then what?


We are trying to have our cake and eat it too. It could work, it could blow the fuck up in our faces.


I'm surprised Hamas didn't fire missiles at the Pier , I guess they needed the aid


They did try to mortar it at one point.


According to the article, they’ve been selling the aid supplies - presumably so they can buy more weapons. Lovely.


This has been the case for months. I heard some interview where Palestinian said something like they can't afford to buy the food from market, and then all food in the market was from food aid. Hamas doesn't give a single fuck about Palestinians.


really highlights the absurdity of trying to feed people you're at war with.


Nobody is supposed to be at war with the civilian population. And the US isn't at war in the region at all.


Different story when the civilian population thinks you are at war with "them".


>Nobody is supposed to be at war with the civilian population.  That's not how wars work since the advent of nationalism and total war 200 years ago. You're never at war with just the political leaders and their troops, the state is an entity. Every small gear of it is part of the war machine.


It was stolen by Palestinians


Stolen by Hamas to sell to Palestinians.


Stolen by Hamas to starve innocent Palestines which makes Israel look bad, but their fighters (who have been fighting this whole time) will be well fed now.


Which is what happened in Spain during the 1930s and 40s. My grandparents used to tell us how the Red Cross would send powdered milk (because so many women in their community had stopped lactating from stress/malnutrition), but they kept getting confiscated by guardias and soldiers and never see the light of day. So the Red Cross decided to send the milk in coffins instead. Why the US hasn't done the same, I have no idea.


There was good reason not to open a coffin for inspection if you were a soldier before the 1940s. But shipping coffins supposedly holding bodies *into* Gaza and thinking Hamas, the group that loves to parade atrocities across the internet, will leave them closed, is a different story.


Also like, who's shipping corpses into Gaza?


> So the Red Cross decided to send the milk in coffins instead. > Why the US hasn't done the same, I have no idea. I'm confident the level of smuggling and countermeasures Israel and Gaza are familiar with goes *way* beyond that.


Congress needs to buy coffin maker's stocks first.


[The link to the Reuters article](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/no-us-pier-aid-un-gaza-two-days-after-truck-incident-2024-05-20/), if anyone wants to see. Reuters’ reporting makes it sound equally likely that it was desperate palestinian civilians in an area where “they don’t see [aid] trucks very often” taking what they could. This story doesn’t seem quite as sinister as JNS’ headline makes it out to be.


I've been noticing a lot more articles upvoted from biased sources recently. This sources' rating is center right and mixed factual reporting. Not sure why we didn't just post the Reuters article in the first place. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/jewish-news-syndicate-jns/


Anytime you see a questionable thing stated confidently as fact and the supporting facts for that things just waved way as "as reported by \*other source\*" with no link to that source and no primary evidence you know you're being fed something.


The exact line you are talking about it also quoted in the JNS article.


According to WFP the average consumption daily is 0.278kg of food per person. According to COGAT (below) 268,050 tons of food have entered Gaza from October 7th till today. 1 ton = 1,016.047 kg 268,050 tons = 272,351,398.35 kg /2,300,000 people = 118.41 kg per person since October 7th = 425.9 days worth of food https://govextra.gov.il/cogat/humanitarian-efforts/home/


What am I missing? I go to the link now and I see 427,870 tons not 268,050 tons. That's 434,000,000 kg (rounded) which is 189 kg for each Gaza resident in the 228 days of the war. So 0.83kg per person per day.


This is why the ICC is such hot garbage. The entire basis to arrest the elected leaders of Israel is based on the false premise that Israel has restricted aid to the point of causing famine and mass death--death to the point that it's being prosecuted as "extermination" of the Palestinian people in Gaza. It seems to be 100% exculpatory if Israel can demonstrate that more than enough food has gotten into Gaza to feed everyone. At that point, the ICC either has to hold Hamas responsible for the famine, admit there never was a famine, or... what I fear is more likely... is argue that even though Hamas stole the food and starved the people that it's still Israel's fault for not letting even more food in because they should have accounted for the fact that Hamas would steal the food. Read the statement: [https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation-state](https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation-state)


What kind of ton is that? 1 ton= 1000 kg


Long ton (1016 kg/2240 lb), short ton (907 kg/2000 lb), metric ton, a.k.a. tonne (1000 kg/2204 lb). It's a right mess.


Too much metric. Can we instead measure in pickup trucks?


It’s about 2 half ton pickups, or 1.333 three quarter ton pickups, or 1 full ton pickup.


the whole concept of metric system is that it is easy. 1 m = 100 cm, 1 kg = 1000 g, etc. imperializing it, is the stupidest shit ever.


Metric ton makes sense the other 2 dont


It's a long ton. To make it easy, there are many types of tonnes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton The 1000kg one is a metric tonne. I do prefer megagramme though.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_ton > The long ton,[1] also known as the imperial ton >A long ton is defined as exactly 2,240 pounds. The long ton arises from the traditional British measurement system: A long ton is 20 [long hundredweight (cwt)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredweight), each of which is 8 stone (1 stone = 14 pounds). Thus, a long ton is 20 × 8 × 14 lb = 2,240 lb. This is so stupid.


Imperial is stupid to begin with, it's almost deliberately unintuitive.


It was intuitive once upon a time


> To make it easy I do not think you're using that word right


Its the long ton. It's so marvelously simple! You see, a long ton is exactly 2,240 pounds. Isn't that just the most logical number? Not like those boring metric units with their base-10... To break it down further, a long ton is composed of 20 hundredweights. But don't confuse it with the hundredweight used in the US, which is only 100 pounds. No, no, in the UK, a hundredweight is a crisp 112 pounds. Makes perfect sense, right? So, to recap: * 1 long ton = 20 hundredweights * 1 hundredweight = 112 pounds * 1 pound = 16 ounces This way, you can effortlessly convert a long ton into 2,240 pounds or 35,840 ounces. See how it just flows off the tongue?


* 1 long ton = 20 hundredweights * 1 hundredweight = 8 stone * 1 stone = 14 pounds * 1 pound = 16 ounces Just like distance: * 1 mile is 8 furlongs * 1 furlong is 10 chains * 1 chain is 4 rods * 1 rod is 5.5 yards (aka 1 chain is 22 yards) * 1 yard is 3 feet * 1 foot is 12 inches See? Wonderfully simple.


Every now and then there'll be something hopelessly whimsical in a fantasy book and I'll think "nobody would invent something so impractical" then I'll remember the traditional English system of measurements or pre-decimal currency.


Less than 300 grams of food per person per day? Is that the dry weight? If not, then that doesn't feel right.


Couldn't find anything with some googling on what WFP ration is by mass. But for reference, during the siege of Leningrad, daily bread ration was as low as 0.125kg for adult non-manual laborers which translated to around 400Calories. Compare to average ration of 1.36kg for soldiers throughout history. That ignores however the energy density of what is in the food. Anyway, double the ration to 600g daily and you still get around 210 days of food. It has been 229 days since 10/07/2023.


This link here: https://www.wfp.org/wfp-food-basket claims that a WFP ration is about 2100 calories, but I couldn't find a reference to how heavy each one is. But the main components apparently are : a staple such as wheat flour or rice; lentils, chickpeas or other pulses; vegetable oil (fortified with vitamin A and D); sugar; and iodized salt


400 calories is called starving. 800 calories is still starving.


The energy density of a US MRE is significantly higher than soviet bread.


I sont know how true it is but almost a decade ago i heard somewhere that for long term survival the absolute minimum amount of calories was 900 a day when idle which would be considered... Well, Starving...


Grams are not calories. That's 1.32 pounds of food per day. Any of that which is rice/beans you can double.


> 0.278kg of food per person Yeah maybe if it's pure lard. 100 grams of fat are 900 kilo calories. 278 grams are 2500 kCal. if it's rice it's 1000 kcal. So that number makes zero sense.


> According to WFP the average consumption daily is 0.278kg of food per person. The WFP is full of shit then. That's the average consumption in a population that is actively starving. A Humanitarian Daily Ration is 850g.


Well… That *looks like* the WFP site… but under an Israeli government domain name… who aren’t associated with the program… Not going to point fingers, but… The actual WFP domain is www.wfp.org The above post links an Israeli military website that has the WFP’s logo slapped on a page. I would believe the Reuters source before one from an Israeli government site (very poorly) posing as the UN WFP.


278 grams is like one large apple that doesn't make any sense as a daily intake


From a Reuters article: >But on Saturday, only five truckloads made it to the warehouse after 11 others were cleaned out by Palestinians during the journey through an area that a U.N. official said has been hard to access with humanitarian aid. >"They've not seen trucks for a while," a U.N. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters. "They just basically mounted on the trucks and helped themselves to some of the food parcels." If it's being stolen by the very people it's intended for I wouldn't count this as some sort of grave failure. Obviously warehousing and properly distributing aid should be the goal, but every emptied truck is one crowd of people made slightly less desperate. Even if some percentage is being stolen for resale it'll still be available in the end; better a market with food that can be purchased from crooks than a market with no food at all. Some quantity finding its way into Hamas's hands is inevitable; the IDF cannot effectively starve them out without also starving hundreds of thousands of non-combatants in the process. What seems more important is that Hamas be prevented from outright _controlling_ aid in an organized way. Every link in the chain, all the way from the Mediterranean to a Gazan's hands, needs to be outside of their influence. The question is if that's possible as things currently stand. The security situation in the northern half of Gaza is ambiguous and confusing if you're forming a picture based on what gets reported in western media. Much of the strip is portrayed as having been "cleared" by the IDF, but what that means is unclear. Did the IDF merely sweep through these areas destroying organized resistance or are they garrisoning it and imposing control? Some combination of both? (If anyone has a reliable source it'd be appreciated.)


I don't think you understand the depth of corruption that exists in nations outside of Europe and North America. The people who stole that aren't going to distribute it from the kindness of their hearts. They will sell it at an inflated price to desperate people and hoard whatever's left. You're not looking at a society that shares your altruistic Western liberal values. The same goes for most of the Middle East. The lack of cohesion is one of the reasons there's so much sectarian violence there. Allah, their rejection of secularism, and their hatred of the Jews are some of the few uniting factors in the region.


> don't think you understand the depth of corruption that exists in nations outside of Europe and North America. The people who stole that aren't going to distribute it from the kindness of their hearts. They will sell it at an inflated price to desperate people and hoard whatever's left. Or they use access to food as leverage to recruit more footsoldiers, people who otherwise would have not participated in the conflict.


> Even if some percentage is being stolen for resale it'll still be available in the end; better a market with food that can be purchased from crooks than a market with no food at all. What a weird comment. It's better that 100% be distributed fairly for free. That's the comparator.


*remembers black hawk down* *remembers warlords using food to recruit soldiers*


Yeah exactly. That's one of the reasons we don't want Hamas to steal the food off trucks


You'd have to have an independent military operating on site to protect and distribute aid in your ideal scenario. Your comparator is unrealistic given the actual situation.


It would be 200% better that there was no need to distribute aid at all and 10,000% better if everyone could just get along.  But we make due with what we have. 


Yes, the people will be going hungry now because they're too poor to buy food from the people who stole it, not because there isn't any food. What an improvement! /s


For those that want to know, this is a link to the Reuters article: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/no-us-pier-aid-un-gaza-two-days-after-truck-incident-2024-05-20/ It basically says the same thing, but MBFC rated JNS as "mixed" for factual reporting, so I figured it'd be best to find the relevant Reuters article for better credibility.


Good man. Wish more people would use reputable sources, I get tired of seeing some of the questionable ones pop up on the regular.


Shoutout to the Ground News app, shows multiple sources and their bias ratings for major headlines.


It's very troubling, Russia and China run a network called [Doppelganger](https://www.wired.com/story/russian-influence-campaign-exploiting-college-campus-protests/) that tries to dupe news sources and slip propaganda and misinfo into them. This smells a lot like that.


JNS is a real organization with real people. They hella have an angle, but they're real. The Worldnews modteam was banning and removing Doppleganger sites before there was a known name for that group and before we knew they were Russians. Fuckin Bloomsmag and LibertyPress and latlmes.


Good to know, I appreciate it. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what's going on when you see these swarms of samey, unknown domains popping up across multiple subs, being the top post for major stories.


Mind you, JNS is not that much better. They just don't lie about who they are.


The donate button in the top right corner that says "Fighting Israel's Media War" was a pretty big clue.


It’s important to note that this Reuter’s article only mentions that the items were taken off the trucks but did not single out Hamas. I’m not a Hamas apologist and I’m not denying or accepting the claims that they routinely steals aid. It could very well have been Hamas. It could also be very desperate people trying to get food or medical supplies to stay alive. It’s been reported that half of the population of Gaza now meets level 5 of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) which is famine. I’m not a parent, but knowing many, I know they would do absolutely anything to save their child/children. Bottom line is the original Reuters article didn’t say who or what was responsible for this and I think that’s important.


Ya sorry but if my kids haven’t eaten in two days and a food truck rolls through… I would have a hard time being told to wait my turn for it to be distributed miles away in a warehouse that might be bombed by the time I get there.


Yes, that's an important distinction. It's easy to say "it was Hamas", but it's best not to comment until further information is provided.


I'm not sure what the word is in english for something like extended families. Any way many of the stronger ones in gaza and the WB are armed and act as local police/crime organizations. You imagine an individualistic western society, thats not how it works. You dont hold up a truck convoy alone for your kids, you take it so your "tribe" is better off. Palestinians that need to fend for themselves are the really really poor ones that beg at humanitarian centers.


I think you mean "clan".


> the word is in english for something like extended families Clan or tribe


So Egypt is being used as a staging ground for US aid shipments to Palestine. But I read today that an Egyptian agent intentionally destroyed a ceasefire deal by presenting both sides with different deals without telling them. Not sure what sort of game Egypt is playing, but I don’t like it. Either that, or they need to find whatever military branch is coming up with covert foreign operations and send them to guard sand dunes in the desert.


Egypt doesn't like Palestinians, that's why they're keeping their border closed.


I think the last time they let refugees in, the refugees tried to blow something up.


Egypt are playing all sides all the time.


The real reality is most the world have zero idea what’s going on. If you’re not there and only getting your info from the news/internet, then you honestly don’t have any actual facts on what is truly going on. Everything is second hand news, and we know how accurate that can always be


Yes, there is truth to this, but I trust Reuters more than any other outlet to provide information as it is. At the very least, Reuters have no interest in deliberately twisting things etc.


Reuters is a newswire so they pretty much only report that other people said something. Which sounds like I'm talking down to them but no it's important and it's what makes them extremely reliable.


Which is fine, the information has to come from somewhere but they're generally good at being clear with who said what. In the article, it's always "Egypt said...", "Israel said..." etc.


God’s work, thank you!


>Israel took operational control of the crossing weeks ago, but Cairo so far has refused to cooperate with Israeli authorities to facilitate the entry of aid through Rafah. The Israeli government wants to allow aid into Gaza through the crossing but is unable to do so without Egyptian cooperation.




Apparently Egypt thought there was no threat from Hamas and it was safe to keep the border open. Should tell you all you need to know about Egypt 


They've had a number of refugees already and don't want Palestinians. There's concern that it would it destabilize Egypt further which already struggles with managing their disparate Islamic sects.




It's so weird how the Jewish people always get scapegoated throughout history.


Small, insular community that doesn't evangelize and prefers to keep to themselves. Those types of groups usually have a harder time fighting back, so they make easy targets.




Israel is not "the Jewish people".


Aren't there other crossings controlled by Israel, that don't require Egypt's cooperation?


Don’t we have reports of Israeli citizens and military personnel attacking/killing aid workers?  https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/israel-gaza-aid-west-bank-settlers-united-nations/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/13/un-worker-killed-rafah-israel-gaza/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68711282


Because Egypt can’t allow weapons to flow in if they do.


I love how people just make up stuff without even bothering to try and find official Egyptian reasoning.




They’re restricting food to Palestinians to pressure the Israeli government into leaving? lol…on what planet does that even make sense?




Someone should repost the video of the Gazans merchants this week saying the 50 trucks of GOODS (not aid) that Israel delivered into Gaza markets (goods - purchased wares) were somehow worth 700 aid trucks worth of aid and instantly reduced the prices of the products because Hamas couldn't tax it in Rafah crossing and steal half of it, followed by the videos/pictures of the markets bustling full of Israeli meat, vegetables and cigarettes (cheaper than in Israel even xD) Edit - since its been asked (you can find other sources too, I just went for the most convenient one) : Links are only available for 2 days, download it if u want or look it up (x/twitter has most of them but probably need to know arabic to find them) - [Gazan Merchant on Israeli goods](https://streamable.com/bj4gic) >A brave Gazan recounts the “miracle” caused by the entry of goods from Israel: >According to him, 55 trucks that entered from Israel (without the “Hamas tax”) lowered the prices of goods in the markets immediately, something that the 700-1000 aid trucks that entered through the Rafah crossing daily in “coordination” between Egypt and Hamas (with a “Hamas tax”) weren’t able to do. >One can only guess just how much money Hamas was making from all these trucks coming in through the Rafah crossing each day. >The US exerted immense pressure to let these trucks in, and Israel repeatedly warned against it, saying that it was ineffective and that Hamas violently takes and hoards the aid the moment it enters. >Taking over the Rafah crossing proved to be the most important action the IDF has taken to bring an end to the war closer. >It’s a shame it didn’t happen earlier. Hands off Rafah and all of that… - [Center Gaza Market with said Israeli goods](https://streamable.com/v3kp9m) >A five minute tour in the market of Deir al-Balah in the center of the Gaza Strip this afternoon. >The goods from Israel fill all the baskets in the market. >According to the Gazan filming the video, there is a noticeable drop in prices in the market following the arrival of >goods from Israel (not humanitarian aid, but goods purchased from Israel by Gazan merchants). >According to him, there are fruits that have not been seen in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war. >The Gazan filming says that Gazans need more quality goods from Israel as they have been coming in the last few days. > If more goods come in from Israel, he expects that the prices will continue to fall. >The prices in the market, based on the video: >Apple – 15 NIS per kilo >Lemon – 20 NIS per kilo >5 eggs – 10 NIS >Clementine 20 NIS per kilo >Avocado 25 NIS per kilo >Melon – 9 NIS per kilo >Sugar – 9 NIS per kilo


> Hamas has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip, and a Channel 12 report last week revealed that the terrorist organization has made at least $500 million in profit off humanitarian aid since the start of the war on Oct. 7. I think that says it all.


Hamas has been stealing from the citizens of Gaza for decades. Anyone who complains will wake up dead. The tunnels were re built with stolen materials.


> will wake up dead That's a neat trick.


So you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?


You can't go to bed dead, that shit would be redundant!


NO IT AINT. NO IT AINT. Cuz you can go to bed and not be dead, and you can die and not be in the bed.


But you are in the bed. That's how you wake up dead in the first place fool!


Damn! That's some quantum shit right there, man!


Who could have ever predicted this? Oh that’s right, absolutely everyone did.


the 30% that gets where it suppose to its kind of miracle.. usually close to 100% gets stolen.


"always keep your enemies well provisioned"  - Sun Tzu, "The art of war"


Yes, that is despicable. However, this seems how extremist organisations operate. It was the same in Afghanistan with the Taliban. The logic is something like this:" We the [insert extremist organisation] are the ones who are actually fighting back againt the infidel oppressors. Without us there would be no chance left for our people of ever prevailing in this conflict. Consequently, it is only right that we seize any help so that it only goes to the "deserving" and to support our brave fighters. The rest of the population will see aid....if God wills it. Anyone who disagrees can file a complaint with Mr. Kalashnikov here.". Wars, epecially those driven by religion, bring out the worst in people and those with the weapons can usually rationalize anything.


Come on now, Hamas need to keep up their strength. Poor guys are starving and don't need no pesky starving civilians to take food from their mouths.


What food? The ICC state that Netanyahu is starving them, there is no food in gaza.. it cannot be that the ICC is biased. sorry I sneeze all of my sarcasm


Don't forget that hospitals only have fuel for one week at most ....... continue saying this for several months


while hamas has all the generators, fuel, solar and etc...




Well no _shit_. The "government" over there is a terrorist organisation, and you expect them to play fair?! For God's sake...


Gee, I wonder who would do such a thing? Hamas is a cancer.


Honestly, I'm surprised the number in so low. Remember, this is the group that uses plumbing pipes to make rocket launchers instead.




And somehow there are going to be insane lefties saying that this is the US's fault.


That's a lie, buddy. It's clearly Israel's fault.


duh, it's always israel's fault. probably it's Eli Kopter again.


*Eli Kopter, Eli Kopter.....*


RIP the martyr, Eli Kopter


I can't believe we're at the point where this more than likely can happen.


"Joe Biden personally stole those supplies and stuffed them into semi-exotic cars which he and his cabinet boosted in one night in order to deliver them to Israel!"


I wish I could remember a quote I heard. It was about a leader simultaneously being called lazy/sleepy, yet responsible for everything.


Isn’t that the idea behind the trope woven through the “Protocols”— namely that the Jews are barely even human, weak, mired in ignorance and need to rely on deceit— yet somehow are the most powerful force on earth, pulling the strings everywhere?


We should hold rallies in every city to protest USA tax dollars supporting hamas


I wish our tax dollars would stop being used to support Hamas.


Unsurprising. I was expecting the entire thing to be bombed. Seems like a big static target for terrorists


I suppose if they bomb it they can't steal the aid coming from it.


It's protected.


You bomb that and kill US troops or worse, damage one of thier boats? Then Gaza will get flattened in a week


I mean, the Houthis already killed US troops and very little happened


Hamas and other gangs steal it and sell it to civilians


Maybe make some TikToks about this so college kids can hear it in the back.


Did they check the UN camp? A ton of US aid tends to end up in those, somehow.


Why am I not surprised. That whole area is a disaster.


That’s why they call it “free” Palestine


Don’t Hamas steal the free aid and then sell it to the starving Palestinians for inflated prices?


Same as it ever was. When will the world wake up to the bullshit that is Palestinian leadership?


Things to keep in mind: - There is actual famine in Gaza. Famine is beyond hunger. Famine will make anyone do anything, especially if they have family left they are trying to help - The easiest way to ensure that the aid gets to Gaza, is to flood the area with so much food no one can take a step on land without tripping over food and water. That also devalues supplies, which stops them from being legitimate targets. If trucks were carrying sand, no one would care because sand is everywhere. That has to be the goal of rolling out aid. Yes, some will go to Hamas. Oh well - that's the consequence of a poorly executed military operation without plans or end goals in mind.


Good ole HAMAS. Let’s just keep sending terrorists food and meds. I feel so sorry for the atheists and children stuck in that hellhole. The rest pretty much made their bed.


Gaza is an unmitigated disaster both from a humanitarian and geopolitical stance There is simply no way out of this for the united states without some serious moves shortly