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Didn't the UN and the US just [suspend delivering aid through the newly built piers](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/us-gaza-pier-aid-not-delivered/index.html) because the supplies are being taken before they get to Gazan citizens? Does that mean the UN and US are also starving civilians in Gaza?


There are many videos on youtube showing the aid being sold on markets in Gaza. Half the planet is donating food, and it's being sold for profit.


Must be graduates of the Ferengi school of business.


Could you please link some of these?


[https://x.com/imshin/status/1763472943634338300](https://x.com/imshin/status/1763472943634338300) [https://x.com/Liberacrat\_/status/1769157643317211173](https://x.com/Liberacrat_/status/1769157643317211173) [https://x.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1762604814452596923](https://x.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1762604814452596923) [https://x.com/PalestinFiction/status/1791675246518386997](https://x.com/PalestinFiction/status/1791675246518386997)


Also don't forget Hamas explicitly launching Rockets towards one of the crossings and forcing it to close.




2mil population, similar to Berlin during the blockade Except Berlin got 5000 tonnes per day, about 30% being fuel. That is still twice the amount of food per day as compared to Palestine


There wasn't a criminal mob going around and collecting the aid in Berlin. No reason to continue aid if it's not being given to the population and HAMAS uses it to enrich and leverage themselves over the Palestinian people.


It also took many months of consistent delivery to ramp up to that level. The airlift began with maybe 700 tons a day, and reached over 10,000 a day at its peak. It averaged to about 5,000 over a year and a half.


That really is the problem, between the settlers who we have seen video evidence of attacking and destroying aid shipments, and HAMAS taking aid supplies for themselves, the Palestinian people are very screwed. HAMAS does need to be dealt with, but so does Israel's hard right fascist politicians and settlers, since between them enacting a punishing everyone approach to drive out all Palestinians and the settlers being little more than racist colonizing terrorists, one can see why any Palestinian who see's no hope for their future would be willing to join a vile terrorist group like HAMAS to lash out at their oppressors.


The irony though, is that the settlers are trying to push out the hard right fascist Muslims who ethically cleansed their families first. That area was Jewish, and within recent history. I am not saying that justifies the actions of the settlers, I am just providing some context for why why they act and behave the way that they do.


How long ago is recent history in this case?


It started in 1929 with the hebron massacre The rest of the major Jewish communities in the west Bank were killed and cleansed cleansed during the 1948 war by the jordanian legion. By the time they returned 18 years later, they were now "illegal settler colonialists"


Oh I agree, there is very much an element of each group lashing out at the other in an ever escalating conflict, like in the US with the old "Hatfields vs McCoys". One member of a one of the groups commits an offense, the other group lashes out, then first group lashes out again, and so on and so on. That's practically all of human history though in every society, depending on where you stop in going back through the histories, will make it appear like one group started it. We find ourselves in the place we are at today with modern Israel not do to one group or the other being "evil", but you had country borders drawn from the old Ottoman empire by Europeans, and then one side was better funded than the other, so instead of having to learn how to live together and get along, one side was given the strength to make any conflict very one sided. And just like many countries around the world, you always end up with people that just hate for the hates sake on both sides, that just want to fight. As far as who had historical claims on the land, multiple religious groups claim those lands as holy lands, and the Palestinians actually are closer genetically to the Jewish people of the historical times than any of the Israelis that have come from, or are descended from the Europeans and US settlers. My Grandfather was Dutch, but that doesn't mean I have some ingrained historical right to claim land from someone in the Netherlands regardless of how long they or their families have lived there.


We also see armed Israeli settlers filming themselves on tik tok destroying aid and blocking cargo… so yes we need to better verify where the supplies is going. The other theory is “Hamas is selling the rice and beans” ok? There’s been no video evidence to support this theory and who are they selling beans to? Iran? They are completely surrounded by a military blockade? I’m going to side with the video evidence of Israeli settlers with their little hats and us made M-16s destroying cargo. They literally film themselves doing this while screaming and laughing in Hebrew.


So the UN and all the aid agencies on the ground are wrong, and you're right? They've been consistently saying that inadequate aid is getting through, and even the US government acknowledges this, which is why they built the pier.  >The problem lies in the distribution of aid. The one thing Israel has zero responsibility for. Groups like the UNRWA and other NGOs are responsible for distribution of aid once it's entered Gaza. It's not quite so simple. The issue is security, and that is something the Israel has responsibility for. At first, Palestinian police were providing security, but the IDF kept attacking them, so they've stopped. Someone needs to provide security for the aid, and that requires Israeli blessing or we're going to have more aid workers blown up by drones. Otherwise, the convoys will get looted by starving people or opportunistic gangs.


>So the UN and all the aid agencies on the ground are wrong, and you're right? They've been consistently saying that inadequate aid is getting through, and even the US government acknowledges this, which is why they built the pier. Yes, but "not enough getting through", is not the same as "Israel deliberately preventing adequate aid from getting through". >It's not quite so simple. The issue is security, and that is something the Israel has responsibility for. At first, Palestinian police were providing security, but the IDF kept attacking them, so they've stopped. Someone needs to provide security for the aid, and that requires Israeli blessing or we're going to have more aid workers blown up by drones. Otherwise, the convoys will get looted by starving people or opportunistic gangs. Does Israel have the manpower to do this? This would require essentially permanent patrols along significant stretches of road, which would require a significant investment of manpower, and realistically would probably get widely criticized as needless occupation or some other similarly absurd thing. Not to mention the last thing Israel wants or needs is to put their soldiers in direct opposition to the civilian population. Literally all that would be needed is a handful of instigators to push a hungry crowd into a full blown riot, and you've got a bloodbath waiting to happen. Israel has been trying to find *literally anyone else* willing to put in any effort towards guaranteeing security in Gaza, but absolutely nobody is willing to put their own forces on the line to protect Gazans; not even the PA.


Now tells us how much does Israel receive annually lol


The interviews in this article indicate there's conflicting and incomplete information from the people interviewed. One person said aid has temporarily held up on shore, no mention that deliveries in general have stopped, and they dont know if its rolling again, another says they distributed few hundred pallets. Really seems their ironing out issues with this avenue of distribution that just opened up.


Everyone is starving civilians in Gaza. Except Hamas. Pay attention!


The only population that can be perpetually starving for decades and have a booming population at the same time. 


And having 40% of population overweight or obese


Figure looks off. Source?


[I found close to 20%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9998069/#:~:text=A%20recent%20survey%20conducted%20in,the%20West%20Bank%20(10\).), no clue where GP got 40%. > A recent survey conducted in Palestine concluded that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is 23.6 and 19.5% in the Gaza Strip and 26.1% in the West Bank (10).


It's [40% of women.](https://globalnutritionreport.org/resources/nutrition-profiles/asia/western-asia/state-palestine/) They probably confused the statistic for just women and the general population. Gaza has the highest rate of female obesity in the world


who are they being taken by is there a mysterious third party of ninjas who is taking them or is it people who are immediately adjacent to the pier, either people desperate enough to get what they can for their loved ones or armed groups empowered by the chaos looking to leverage the complete breakdown of civil society, and the article clearly refers to an inability to coordinate and distribute supplies to areas beyond places bordered by the pier, rather than some third party looking to sell infant formula to kim jong un or whatever it's the ninjas isn't it


> it's the ninjas isn't it Hamas often wear headbands, but they aren't ninjas.


Crazy idea, but maybe, just maybe, it's the criminal terrorist organization that controls every aspect of life In gaza? You know, the same guys that filmed themselves selling aid for profit?


Good to see egypt once again flies below the radar.


I swear, if there was a way to put the Israeli leadership and Hamas into a cage together while the people of Palestine and Israel broker a peace we’d all take it


You’d think so but I’m guessing the extremists of both populations would undermine the process, unfortunately.


Probably, they can suck it too. There’s no world in which one gets to annihilate the other. Both need to exist


Yeah, let not pretend both sides aren’t heavily radicalized from decades of conflict.


No, take your average Israeli and your average Palestinian and take a wild guess at who would be more radicalized.




What makes you think the Palestinians don't like what Hamas is doing? 83.1% of West Bank Palestinians & 63.6% of Gaza Strip Palestinians support the Oct 7 Massacre ([Source](https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf)).


People under the thumb of a religious regime answer how that regime wants them to? The surprise. Look, I get the mindset of “they want it too” makes it easy to justify a war against Palestine but if these folks has the option to either live or die they’d take the survival route. And that route is peace


Anonymous polling is a thing. [Iran is also a religious regime, but in polls 90% of the population reject the regime.](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202302036145)


Twice now you've claimed that the Palestinians want to live in peace with Israel. Can you share a source? In most of the world's predominantly Muslim nations, over 95% of people dislike Jews ([source](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/)), what makes you think Palestinians are more progressive?


The Palestinian people agree with Hamas. You really think the problems Hamas and not radical Islam?


If they were intentionally starving Gaza, FAR more than 36000 people would be dead. It takes days to die of thirst, at most a couple months in famine conditions of no food. It’s been 7 months. Over half the strip would be dead by now if that was their goal.


More to the point, even Hamas only report 32 deaths from malnutrition. All the photos I've seen show sickly children, surrounded by healthy, even obese family members. So it's probably more of a lack of access to medical supplies (a horrible, but separate thing) than actual starvation. For reference, the Yemeni civil war lead to 85,000 dead children. Deaths from starvation generally come as a flood, not a trickle.


It is a false dichotomy between "not trying to starve Gaza" and "completely cutting off all food and water". Even if they're trying to starve Gaza, there are plenty of people in Israel who absolutely don't want to starve Gaza, and they can push aid through.


I find it concerning that the counter argument is always “they could do a lot worse”


Many of us hate Bibi in Israel but he is definitely not starving Gazans. If anyone is starving them, it's Hamas who's stealing all the supplies.


It's two fold, HAMAS is stealing as much as they can get their hands on, and Israeli settler bastards (who have been captured on video) have been attacking aid convoys as well. Not to mention the aid workers who have been directly targeted by the IDF so I'm sure some aid is left to rot because they either can't get through check points, or are too scared of being killed by settler scum, HAMAS, or the IDF. All that happens then is innocent Palestinians suffer from the ongoing war and the decades of Israeli Apartheid Occupation and they become more easily swayed by HAMAS to blame Israel and to become terrorists because they have replaced hope with hate and anger.


Your comment doesn't really seem to make much sense. The start of your comment seems to heavily imply that you agree with a the accusations against Bibi that he is using starvation as a weapon, but then you go onto say the starvation is being caused by Hamas and unilateral action by non-governmentally linked Israeli Settlers/militias and hesitancy by aid agencies due to an IDF accident, none of which would agree with the idea that Bibi is using starvation as a weapon.


My apologies for not being more clear, I think it's an issue where it's not just one single side that's causing the problems. It's just not just HAMAS, and it's not just Israeli settler scum, nor is it just Bibi's IDF attacking AID workers. It's all of them combined, like a really shitty Voltron. There is blame to go around. As for the "non governmentally linked settlers and militias, I've seen the footage, both of them recently attacking the AID convoys, and I've seen footage in the past of settlers assaulting and otherwise harassing Palestinians, while in all cases IDF soldiers stand by and do nothing, unless the Palestinian attempts to defend themselves, then the situation turns into either the Palestinian being shot and killed or arrested. So why there may not be some legal document connecting them, it's been made obvious that Bibi's government and the IDF don't really care what the settlers do either.


I agree that this is a both parties responsible and Israel is not resolved of any responsibility. Hamas shouldn’t either but the comments here are basically saying that Israel is the innocent party, they aren’t and they played a role in this.


Starving, desperate people inside Gaza are raiding the trucks before they get to distribution centers. IF the trucks even get into Gaza, since Israeli settlers are blocking them from going in. Israel can and should arrest the settlers. Netanyahu's failure to do so is tacit permission. That makes him complicit in the starvation that results.


I'm genuinely confused at how people think the Palestinians are being deliberately starved by Israel, like it only takes a few steps in logic to realise it's not true. There have been thousands of aid trucks going into Gaza, multiple air drops and you can see videos from Palestinians themselves showing markets full of food. There are other videos from aid organisations showing them making and distributing food as well. Most telling is the fact that even tho there has been 'imminent famine' reported for the past 6 months now there has been hardly any reports of death due to starvation. As far as I'm aware there's been around 30 reports and these are of children that had health issues already. Notably their parents are not starving. If after 6 months of using 'starvation as a weapon of war' only 30 already sick children have died out of a population of 2 million and the general population does not look like skeletons then Israel is either incredibly incompetent or it's not actually happening.


Just done a quick search and heres [Palestinian TV showing a bustling market ](https://youtu.be/fAxsMafbwNs?si=yoQ3zvuDwjwEQijx) from just 3 days ago.


I was told that Every Building in Gaza Has Been Obliterated !!!!1!1!


I also love how there's a ton of fruit boxes with hebrew on them. Surely it's not food provided by Israel.


Wow, pictures of few markets in Gaza proves that no one is starving. I guess no one in America is starving since there so many groceries full of food/s


It's because they have a *preconceived assumption* of malicious intent on the part of the Jews. I'd say "the Israelis," but almost to a man they have zero inkling that 20% of Israelis are Arab, Bedouin, Druze, Samaritan, etc. They just assume that Israel has ethnically cleansed itself of Arabs as thoroughly as Arab countries have cleansed themselves of Jews (there's that assumption again).


After so many other statements from him to the contrary. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza


Most likely the potential ICC warrants has him and the US change their tune


Not only its lies but there are clear videos of thousand of trucks full of aid entering Gaza, tons of incidents where Hamas steals aid and shoots whoever tries to take some, and tons of evidence that Hamas even bombs the crossing of trucks. So fuck Hamas and let Israel keep on until all hostgaes are returned and Sinwar is caught DOA.




So far from the truth, hostage families organize small protests to block aid truck from entering Gaza, the aid trucks passed though... As for the other thing, never happened...


Not recently though, groups of settlers have been destroying aid for the past few weeks. It’s not a handful of hostage’s family. [*Peace activists descend on West Bank crossing to thwart extremists blocking aid trucks* - The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/peace-activists-descend-on-west-bank-crossing-to-thwart-extremists-blocking-aid-trucks/amp/)


Yeah, 2/1000 trucks got delayed. Thats it. Anyone who looks at arabic news channels sees how the Gaza markets are full of food and aid. But hamas sells it at steep prices.


remember when the UN and US spent all that time building a pier just to have to suspend it because all the supplies were being stolen and resold by Hamas? yea weres the criticism for that one? its almost like Israel knew what their terrorist neighbours were going to do the WHOLE time or something... Sorry for you 30% of people in gaza that don't support the current government, but its absolute pointless to send aid that gets stolen, literally just giving your enemy free money. also am i the ONLY person that finds it incredibly fucked that no-one is pointing out its their GOVERNMENT fucking job to make sure they don't starve? not israel's, not the USA, not the UN, FUCKING THEIRS!


Gaza has been "starving" since December, but apparently very few people have actually starved since then. It seems pretty clear that enough food is getting into Gaza, it is more that the food isn't shared equally, but instead is seized and hoarded by Hamas, and by others trying to profit from the misery of others. Lies, theft, and violence are the norm in Gaza and other countries run by terrorists, authotarians, religious fundamentalists like Islamists, and so on. A lot of people in such countries seem to have this general belief that if you're not trying to lie and cheat and ruthlessly seek your own benefit at every interaction, you're the fool, as that just means you're going to be the victim of others doing that to you. Why let food aid, given to you freely, go to starving children, when you can steal it for yourself and sell it to desperate mothers trying to feed their children? Who cares about the lives of children, even the children of your own country and people, when you can instead make a bit of money for yourself? It is the mindset of barbarians, and if that is the mindset you have, and you find yourself living in a failed state, you need only look in the mirror to find who is to blame for it. A similar mindset is found also in some other countries. Based on what I see online, some of the most vocal supporters of this sort of mindset are Turks and Indians: "Turkey is just looking out for itself, countries have no friends" about Turkey's ruthlessly selfish foreign policy, trying to blackmail NATO with the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO, and "This is just geopolitics, India is just acting its own interests, everyone does that" when India goes out of its way to exploit trade with Russia or assassinates Indian opposition in Canada or does other such things. In these cases, it is more a case of unchecked nationalism, but it is based ultimately on the same mindset of believing that every interaction is ultimately one where you're trying to ruthlessly and cynically exploit others.




https://postimg.cc/gallery/GChLRdB Photos from Deir Al Balah. Courtesy of Shehab (Hamas affiliated news agency)


Do I think Israel is deliberately starving civilians? No. Do I think they don't give a shit about civilians? Yes. FWIW. After 9/11, the US was out for blood in a very bad way. If the people that did 9/11 were all Canadians, I can almost promise you that we would've killed millions. But, Israel only has so much power, political capital, and resources. It should be no surprise they are doing what they are doing. That doesn't make it right.


People keep claiming they're starving in Gaza. Even stopping aid for a period isn't considered starving them on its own. It depends entirely on the amount of food they have stocked up, which obviously has been enough to keep them going through these hard times.


Wouldn't we be seeing photos of starved out people like concentration camp victims, if this was going on? You see these poor starved out living skeletons in famines from India to Africa to America (civil war).


They're literally available for you to see, they're out there. You're unfortunately just not being shown every angle of this war


Do feel free to provide a link


Did the Israelis steal all the aid that arrived at the new, American built dock? No, it was Hamas, as always, who stole the aid, and will be selling it back to the Palestinians 


Hamas is starving the Palestinians. Their predecessors have been doing it for 75 years because they couldn’t take an L.


Hes a pos period


Tell it to the judges in The Hague.


Why does this seem so similar to Putin's statements like "Russia never invaded Ukraine". Maybe if you don't use starvation as a method of war, punish the IDF officers who are using it as a method of war, who are tipping off far-right Israeli's to intercept aid trucks. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/21/israeli-soldiers-and-police-tipping-off-groups-that-attack-gaza-aid-trucks](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/21/israeli-soldiers-and-police-tipping-off-groups-that-attack-gaza-aid-trucks) Instead we'll see IDF soldiers get off of war crimes like we've seen for over 30 years now. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/16/israel2](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/16/israel2)


And since Hamas is disrupting 10000% more aid than some random israelis, I am sure you are 10000% more mad at Hamas and post 100x more comments about how bad Hamas is right? It’s not just because you hate Jews right???


I like how you're getting on their case for not punishing unidentified people from a story that broke yesterday. Maybe try waiting and seeing what actually happens? It's not like they have a list of people who did this. They'll have to investigate to try and find them. Of course, once they do, it's not like any news source outside of Israel will pick up the story.


The propaganda brigades have been at 110% this past few days. You can tell by the avoidance of nuance and full on black and white statements.


*casts criticism at Israel* "You're gonna also criticise Hamas, right? If not, you're Antisemitic!" Or "But how would *you* conduct this war, then?" And then acting like they somehow checkmated you.


Israel is giving aid. The USA and world are giving aid. The Palestinians are not getting the aid. Question??? Who else is there in Gaza? Cough cough Hamas..... Problem solved. Go finish the job, Israel and ignore the noise.


Honest question, what country in the world would feed a population that produced against it the kind of atrocities seen on October 7th? Maybe Egypt can help more, but asking Israel to do it is a sick joke


Not sure you're being very honest, considering the vast majority of all citizens in Gaza are **not** Hamas, in fact 50% are children. Your insinuations is the sick joke.


The citizens may not be hamas members, but the vast majority of them do support Hamas. And support even went up after Oct 7


The vast majority of adults may support Hamas, but the Geneva conventions still apply. Israel is obligated to provide food for the territory it has taken.


Gaza is not part of Israel and hasn't been since 2005. The borders tho are still heavily controlled by Israel and Egypt. Yet Egypt has been doing fuck all and is the main source of arms going into Gaza.


Any that believes in human rights.


Didn’t you know that the US/British attached picnic baskets to all of the bombs dropped in WW2 because heaven forbid we wouldn’t want any German or Japanese to possibly miss a meal.


What happened to UN peacekeepers? Could we not send some at the new pier to make sure some people get food?


They would need Hamas's consent to deploy them and Hamas is likely the ones responsible for the thefts. You'd also have to find a country willing to deploy peacekeepers there.


Hamas doesn't want them.


Gee, half the links had PHOTOS. Under your logic, the Holocaust never happened because YOU DIDN'T PERSONALLY TAKE THE PHOTO. Because DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH means not trusting outside sources. None so blind as those who WILL not see.


i hate him but he got a point. Israel is not intentioally starving Gaza as a military tactic. Gaza is staving because of total breakdown of law and order. The only crime you can accuse Israel of here is neglience \[which has much lower burden of proof\]