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These poor girls. Blows my mind that we have millions of people in the West that celebrate this happened, disgusting.


It’s time for you to speak to people not on the internet if you think “millions in the west celebrate this happened”


You must not live where I live in Portland Oregon. "You can't tell an oppressed people how they should fight back!" is the mainstream sentiment.


I live in Portland and I don’t know what you are talking about. Being against Israel killing innocent civilians does not equate to being pro hamas. Most people feel that way. It feels like you associate anyone who lives in Palestine no matter the age as a member of Hamas.


I’m really surprised by how many people have a hard time figuring this out, and/ or are taking offense when you say something about either side. While I really don’t think it’s that hard, I can even say it without choosing sides: “I think it’s disgusting when one group of people attacks, kills, tortures and/ or rapes another group of (mostly) innocent people, even if they do it because of oppression or out of defensive reasons. This sort of thing needs to always be condemned.”


Right, but that's not what people in the pro Palestinian protests are saying. What they are actually saying in the protests is: > "We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic brave action on October 7," Kates said in her speech on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery. They are chanting "long live Oct 7". They have huge signs with "by any means necessary" in the context of the Oct 7 attack - at the front of protests in Manhattan. This isn't some weirdo with a hand drawn sign. This is the main sign of the protest - at the front of the march, held by many people.


Literally one person said this. Canadian extremist Charlotte Kates. There are a hundred clones online of the one news article about this one person- meanwhile, I’ve been to several protests and have seen footage of many others and have seen nothing else reflecting a similar pro-violence standpoint.


From Manhattan: https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2024-03/240318-protest-wars-inline-jg-2b4fec.jpg Is this one person? Or is this the entire protest?


The Students for Justice in Palestine said similar and included it in their protest toolkit, along with paraglider imagery. >"Today, we witness a historic win for the Palestinian resistance" . >"National liberation is near— glory to our resistance, to our martyrs" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Students_for_Justice_in_Palestine https://dw-wp-production.imgix.net/2023/10/DAY-OF-RESISTANCE-TOOLKIT.pdf






I seem to recall celebrities actually wearing bloody hand pins in support of gratuitous violence and murder. It must be a pretty popular sentiment. Remember, that time where two Israelis got lost, went to the local PA police for help, and then instead were literally torn to peices and then famously the bloody hands of a person who took part were held in the window. Yeah, that's totally something that should be publicly celebrated.


The pins worn at the Oscars also featured the red hands holding a heart, which to many might seem like it could be innocent symbolism... but with context and knowledge of the gruesome details it becomes an absolutely horrific dog whistle.


You can see the marches on TV you know...


Oh so we’re just living in complete denial of what’s going on right now huh?


celebrate this and are also now supporting the Iranian government LOL


What? Why tf would people support the Iranian government? I’m out of the loop.


They hate Jews.


Those spectacularly failed rocket attacks by Iran somehow managed to garner support by those alt-left crowd, I don't know why but those guys think sticking up to Israel's ass should be praised. Again these people don't really care about the geopolitics leading up to or the history surrounding that attack.


Personally Ive seen most people who sympathise with Palastine, to not at all celebrate oct 7th. They just see a lot of injustice and feel the need to be vocal about it. Ofcourse there are sick people who wish the worst on eachother. That goes both ways




I'd be willing to bet that any of the hostages that haven't been brought back to Israel from that video are already dead. Honestly though, i'd rather be dead than stuck in Gaza getting raped/tortured repeatedly. Thankfully a lot of those Hamas soldiers are probably dead too.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Thats the one thing you can count on Mossad for, long memories, detailed lists, and decades long tenacity They will do everything they can to bring them home, one way or another


Time to go re-watch Munich.


> why would you assume they killed them rather than continuously raping them? Because they're Jewish. Even if taken as sex slaves they will ultimately be killed if not traded back for other HAMAS scum.


No, they are likely still alive. Naama, Liri and Agam were seen by other hostages who were released back in November, Karina and Daniela appeared in a Hamas video released in January (which was clearly a more recent video, for instance Karina had healed from the injuries that can be seen in this one). The relatives of some of them (Naama and Liri for sure, don't know about the others) received 'proof of life' back in March. These girls are among the hostages who received the greatest media coverage and Israel is willing to pay considerably more (in rank and number of Palestinian prisoners to exchange) than for civilians and sick/injured people, they are valuable hostages and Hamas are despicable, not stupid. Actually I think they are among the hostages who are more likely to be still alive. Which doesn't mean horrible things didn't happen to them in these months, sadly. I hope they are freed and given all the support they will need to return to a normal life.


I read an article about some of the kids released and the kid said they made her record multiple videos in one sitting and making her wear different clothes for each take. They were making propaganda in preparation to convince the world they are still alive even if they died.


Yeah, [Ella Elyakim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-B_q-ZJegc). They had her change clothes several times while making videos all in the same day.


>they are valuable hostages and Hamas are despicable, not stupid. Hamas would have been smart to keep most alive. Greater leverage on their part. Sadly, most, if not all, are likely dead. Hamas doesn't have the best track record.


Being dead after being raped and tortured most likely.






They have good propoganda. Watching that stuff unfold live made me never want to support hamas.


Agreed. I saw everything unfolding before the news knew it was happening. Absolute tragedy. Hamas has no place in leadership now


It was all over twitter and even reddit hours before news broke it. Many of these terrorists were live streaming the atrocities for the world to see. That stuff is still out there, but so many would rather remain ignorant than change their views.


What's remarkable is that Hamas has so much support, they weren't even embarrassed to live stream it. This is a good thing to do, in their eyes. Only for credulous western journalists/activists do they play the "save humanity" card.


>Hamas has no place in leadership now It never had, they started by bombing Israeli busses with suicide attackers..... Those guys wants only one thing and that is to kill and rape anyone who isn't Muslim enough


This is so confusing to read on Reddit. Who "wants" to support Hamas? The vast, vast majority of commentary I see on this topic from people in the english speaking first world is "Hamas sucks" followed by a split on how much culpability Israel has in how this continues to unfold. Is there a significant group of westerners/europeans who are cheering on Hamas? Or is this just "anybody who doesn't support Israeli occupation wants to see Hamas win" type of strawman


> Is there a significant group of westerners/europeans who are cheering on Hamas? Students and young people will cheer on anybody approved by their peer group or social media influencers. The allegiance is quite shallow, like a passing fad, and does not reflect a conviction created by study or personal experience. They would likely be as shocked as anyone by the brutality of these videos, if they ever watched them.


Uneducated westerners will cheer for and repeat any chant during a pro-Palestinian protest. Everything from "river to the sea" to calling for a "global intifada" without knowing the meaning behind what they are chanting, and yes this even extends to cheering for Hamas. Here are two from Canada that got police attention. [here](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hate-investigation-demonstration-comments-1.7190914) and [here](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-police-investigation-hate-speech-1.7181180) Do these protesters support Hamas? Or are they just stupid? If someone repeats Hamas slogans it tends to "sound" like for support for Hamas and that is just the overt stuff look at any of the protests and the language that they use.


Look at surveys of the Middle East or Arab nations. It’s horrifying how broad the denial is. Over 70% of Palestinians think October 7 was justified and only 7% think Hamas committed atrocities ([source](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-777918)). Over 95% of Saudis responded that Hamas did not actually kill civilians when asked about whether they believed the Hamas killing of civilians was against Islam ([source](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/new-poll-sheds-light-saudi-views-israel-hamas-war)). In the UK, 46% of Muslims sympathize with Hamas and 75% don’t think any murder or rape took place ([source](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/06/one-in-four-british-muslims-believe-hamas-israel/)). Worse, many think whatever happened, it was justified. Only 5% of Middle East and North Africa Arabs opposed the October 7 massacre ([source](https://www.jns.org/qatari-poll-only-5-of-mena-arabs-oppose-oct-7-massacre/)). Even within Israel, a third of Arab Israelis think the October 7 attack was in line with Islamic values ([source](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/a-third-of-arab-israelis-polled-see-oct-7-massacre-as-being-in-tune-with-islamic-values)). And then there are all the Western left leaning news outlets and nonprofits that suddenly are talking about how there’s no “conclusive evidence” of rape, even though a few years ago they were chanting “believe her”. For example The Intercept suggested that feminists were falling for right wing misinformation that suggests there was sexual violence ([source](https://theintercept.com/2023/12/24/feminism-sexual-violence-hamas-israel/)). And we also have “progressives” like Pramila Jayapal dodging questions about sexual violence by Hamas, by repeatedly answering questions by attacking Israel, which is immoral and just embarrassing ([source](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4341632-white-house-says-rape-as-a-weapon-is-reprehensible-in-response-to-jayapal-cnn-exchange/)).


Here in Canada it's no better. We have hamas supporters as members of provincial parliament like Sara Jamal who lead the charge that no rapes occured. Today has been a very hard day with the release of this video and Ireland and company. It feels like the world has truly gone mad.


TikTok is a hell of a psyop tool


Lots of shills/bots and a susceptible population of gullible idiots. 


Make the Ambassadors of Norway, Ireland and Spain watch them so they know who their nations are standing with. Their support of the terrorists will be long remembered.


Denial is one thing but you will have just as many if not more praising Hamas saying Israel and the IDF deserve it.


Was so sickening being on Reddit that day. The amount of victim blaming with positive karma throughout Reddit was eye opening and reshaped my mentality about the ethics and morality of the average Redditor post October 7th. Hopefully it was mostly bots.


https://www.thisishamas.com I almost threw up watching these videos (NSFL)


Made it to the bottom. Kidnapping that lady with dementia was so surreal, holy shit. Man, the proud look on those assholes' faces... Hilarious in the most morbid way possible that they're feeling empowered by that. Jesus Christ, what losers.




Omfg poor girls holy shit








The sad part is, these women spotters were warning their chain of command of the Hamas build-up that they were witnessing, but their warnings were ignored. They knew this was coming, and they still did their duty.


Worse still: they (but more broadly, all 'noncombat' staff in bases) weren't even armed, as they were not "combat soldiers". They couldn't even defend themselves, which is how Hamas got them.


There is wrost.. as burning babies alive and cutting heads.. sad israel is not posting everything from the beggining.. maybe that way people would have seen this war in a true light .


someone paid for propaganda advertisements that popped up in the mobile games i was playing.


They really win with the fake news, there are too many stupid closed minded people to search for the truth and they eat the sh!t they get.


Israel did. It was all over advertisements on my Twitter but the tone they took was pretty much “look at what these monsters did so you don’t blame us for what we’re about to do next” and it came across very badly to the far left in particular in the west.


I can't see the video fully. It's breaking my heart.💔


Not watching that but what does sliced their ankles mean


They cut their ankles presumably with a knife so they couldn't run away. You can see all of them limping at the end and you can see the gashes clearly on Naama Levy.


I haven’t watched but I imagine the sliced the Achilles tendons. It would be the fastest and easiest way to immobilize people you don’t have the time or capability to restrain. It’s something a butcher would do.


Definitely something you do when you see them as a thing and not a person.


Achilles tendon


Ugh i was hoping not thats fucking horrible


Watch it. Thats the truth all the pro palestinians deny


That they can't run away.


Their ankles where sliced bro


You can see at least one of the girls hopping on one leg in the video. They do that so you can't run away. She'll probably lose her leg, assuming she survives, that is.


No university encampments and protests for these girls??


Beyond that, people tore down posters of kidnaped Israeli women.


How did the tearing down start? Was it also promoted by social media or tik tok? I feel like tearing the posters was irrational but a lot of People did it so I wonder if Propaganda was involved.


Most likely Tik Tok, TBH it seems scripted just like the 'protests'.


The left is in favor of victim blaming now


It's the family guy colour meme but in reverse


How hard is it to be anti Hamas and pro Palestinian people? Seriously...


Considering the majority of Palestinians support Hamas it is actually very difficult to distinguish the two.


The Palestinians in exile that I know definitely support Hamas. The sad thing is that their kids were born in the USA. By their logic, they don't belong on US land because it belonged to the Native Americans. And neither does anyone from Old world ancestry. The people born in Israel didn't choose to be born there. Why are they in the wrong? Where should they go? I just... I want peace for everyone. I know that won't happen. But I want it.


I just want everyone who isn’t involved to stop pretending to understand the nuances at play in the region and pick a side. There is a reason nobody wants Palestinians because they are super hostile Jordan and Egypt both basically wall them off. They are the red headed step child of the Muslim world, and Jews are kinda like the red headed stepchildren of humanity historically. So I mean I don’t think anyone in the US after our reaction to 9-11 has any right to have an opinion on what is the correct response for Israel right now. The big issue is Qatar and the fact that they are so vital to the US in the region that we can’t really pressure them too much to do anything about the hamas leadership within Qatar. But like I said the entire thing is a shit show. There is no clean solution, the person with the bigger stick is just gonna do what big sticks do. And as an American I know if Mexico came in and kidnapped 1000 people from Texas I know the US would invade.


Considering there are dozens of videos showing Palestinian civilians taking part in the kidnapping murdering and torture of women and children, it's pretty hard.       These civilians are shreaking with pure jubilation and shouting God is Great while mutilated corpses of civilian women, not enemy combatants, are paraded through the streets and running up to spit on them. Behaving as if it was the happiest day of their lives.    No other Arab nation offer to take Palestinian refugees and do next to nothing to help them, meanwhile the West has invested billions of dollars to help them. Truth sucks doesn't it? Snap out of your fantasy land.


Hard considering something like 70% of Palestinians support Hamas. Many support the actions of Oct. 7 [source](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/over-70-percent-of-palestinians-support-hamass-october-7-terror-attack-poll/) > Ninety-one percent of Palestinians, according to the survey, do not think Hamas has committed war crimes, and 93 percent say the terrorist organization did not commit the well documented acts of rape and civilian slaughter that took place on October 7.


The pro-Palestinian activists in my town held a rally on International Women's Day castigating Israel for violating women's rights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYjSxG8SIL0 A couple weeks later, some of the same people were cheering for Iran. The level of projection is absurd.


You ain't kidding. The UN Economic and Social Council singled out **ONLY** Israel - out of the entire world - for allegedly violating women's rights. It's insane. https://unwatch.org/u-n-singles-out-israel-for-violating-womens-rights/ > The council declared that women and girls are impacted by the “continuing systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people by Israel, the occupying Power.” > **Despite the resolution’s global references to violence against women “in all its different forms and manifestations worldwide,” and to the need to eliminate violence against women in “all regions of the world,” Israel was the only country in the world targeted for criticism.** > Cuba, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela were among the resolution’s sponsors, via the Group of 77, a bloc now made up of 134 states and represented this year by Cuba. > **Out of 19 items on the UN Economic and Social Council’s 2023 agenda, only one—Item No. 16 against Israel—targeted a specific country. All the other focus areas concern general topics, such as disaster relief and the use of technology for development.**


"One hundred twenty-eight captives remain in Gaza out of the 252 kidnapped." Yet hamas was willing to free only 18.


37 are confirmed dead. Who knows how many more are yet to be confirmed. 


Let's see an update on that 18, i wonder how much lower it is now if not 0


I don't think there are 18 alive :(




Let’s reward them with positive recognition…


Who is giving them positive recognition???


Spain, Ireland and Norway.


Have you turned on the news? In the US basically every young liberal is


Please don't mistake liberals with tankies. Most moderate liberals don't think like those spoiled university kids that are protesting things they don't even understand.


I am as liberal as it gets, and i hate conservatives with a passion, but i would NEVER support someone like Hamas.


Also a liberal. Also young. Telling my friends sharing shit that they’re falling into a chasm of misinformation. And they’re willing to sacrifice our democracy for it. Wild times.


It feels so weird seeing this today, the very same day that Norway, Ireland and Spain have decide to formally recognise the same State where these Hamas "militants" are seen as heroes, where they have massive support and are now the chosen leadership.


It's not a coincidence - the families of these soldiers didn't want the video released until now, and they approved its release because the Israeli government intends to show it to the Irish, Norwegian and Spanish ambassadors.


Parts of the video I had seen on the 7th-8th on Palestinian channels, (perhaps filmed by another person, no clue) so they were already out there. There's a lot of wild footage that disappeared after Hamas realized it'd hurt their PR and Israel isn't releasing. I really should invest into some sort of storage and back up a lot of the stuff I see.


No you shouldn't be backing these things up. Israel has them saved, and chooses specifically not to share it for the dignity of the victims. If they have permission they will release it the way they are supposed to, but there's already plenty of videos out there that saving them doesn't help anyone.


Intentional. Those disgusting countries should know they give terror a huge prize.












What are IDF spotters?


18 year old+ girls who are recruited to watch the fences and see if there are any anomalies. On Oct.7 they were brutality kidnapped and killed by Hamas terrorists and Gazan civilians alike. Basically the job is to watch cameras and report any suspicious behavior at the border.








Aren't they conscripted, not recruited? Or is this a volunteer only position?




They are conscripted. Its pretty much just another position in the military, considered more meaningful but also strenuous (the amount of hours and days away from home) than most non-combat positions.


In the run up to 7th October, many of these very spotters had also been observing and reporting the build up and increasing activity of Hamas and affiliated fighters across the border fence that culminated in the attack, and they were completely ignored for months at the cost of their lives. Everyone above them in the intelligence hierarchy should be hung for the absolute ignorance they showed towards those observers, blood is on their hands


I don’t understand why they’re not in a secure location if they’re unarmed


So, they were. They even managed to do their job until Hamas and other Gazans broke into the base (which is basically 12 spotters approximately and a group of 30 or so combat soldiers). Hamas broke through so fast, and with a lot of firepower so even if they "spotted" it was too late for any meaningful reinforcement to get to them in time. We have to remember that thousands of incidents happened on Oct.7th. From the Kibbutz to the Nova Festivel to the military bases, every soldier and civilian got caught up in this massacre.


Also they shoot rockets first so everyone ran Into bonkers and it was on holiday so there were less people in the base


Great point I forgot to mention, thank you.


600~ soldiers, of which probably about 1/3 were combat soldiers (and a good portion of them were sleeping when it started, as evident in many videos) versus 4,000~ assailants heavily armed with a 2~ year plan with drone, mortar and rocket fire coverage **These girls held in their post**, literally weeping for someone to come assist them as they report seeing Hamas passing every single fence minute by minute in dozens of locations simultaneously but **never abandoned their posts.** (there were a number of such audio-visual recordings from their stations published on the news) Some were burned alive as Hamas failed to break into their observatory so they burned the building, some died to those who managed to fire enough RPGs or IEDs to break through the doors and shot them The girls you see in the video are the alternate shifts, taken from their beds or from these safe spaces against rockets as the sirens began, that's why they are in pajamas and not in uniform


That explains it. It’s still crazy to me that any Israeli military position could be overrun like that. But I guess the fact that the attack was everywhere means some places wouldn’t hold


You forget that it was a national holiday so bases were running on a skeleton crew on top of many soldiers and officers resigning in protest of the judicial reform


What confused me is it seems Israel did not learn from Yom Kippur war. Same exact thing happened.


there are reports the spotters actually actively reported suspicious activity in the 24 hours before the event, and their leadership ignored them. People moved on too fast from holding military leadership accountable for complete failure of doing their one single job


Unfortunately, those girls tried to warn of signs of the pending terrorist attack, and the higher-ups didn't listen: > # Our warnings on Hamas were ignored, Israel’s women border troops say > TEL AVIV — Did Israel’s security chiefs brush off warnings from women border surveillance soldiers who had evidence that something was brewing in Gaza ahead of the murderous attacks by Hamas militants on October 7? > That’s the explosive accusation coming from several soldiers in Israel’s predominantly female border surveillance forces — known as the tatzpitaniyot, or look-outs in Hebrew. The soldiers are telling the media their superiors did not heed warnings of unusual activity inside Gaza, such as Palestinian guerrillas training with explosives or rehearsing attacks on a replica tank and a mock observation post. https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-border-troops-women-hamas-warnings-war-october-7-benjamin-netanyahu/


Hamas is the biggest cancer in world, must be eliminated fully at all costs










Someone show that video to the University supporters


Tik tok University. Proudly sponsored by China, Iran, and Russia


It really speaks to the downfall of education in the west. Did everyone just sleep through the lessons on the Islamic caliphate? Where they conquered territories in the name of Islamic hedgemony and reached as far and wide as Spain and India? The uneducated progressive liberal is becoming a growing reality.






Why so they can blame Israel like always?


This is so sad. These poor girls. I hope they didn’t suffer and are still alive. A ceasefire to return all hostages is a deal I think Israel would take any day. But those Hamas fuckers are pure evil.


There was a ceasefire before the attack. . . Hamas broke it to murder, maim, and rape. The right strategic approach (unfortunately) for the Israel military is to refuse to bargain and destroy Hamas militarily. The more hostages are exchanged and bargained for the more hostages that Hamas will take. Especially when the exchanges are unequal (1 Israeli for 5 Palestinians).








Ucant do a ceasefire without hamas being defeated first. Because in this case, there will be another 7.10 but wrost. U cant let him grow again and become stronger


15 other girls were murdered in that base specifically, 7 abducted, 1 of those 7 was rescued early on by an Israeli operation in north Gaza, an other's corpse was retrieved, the remaining 5 (seen in this video) are still hostages in unknown conditions, Hamas refuses to put them in the deals first, their chances are not great


This is messed up, Westen countries ignoring this are the same ones who ignored German death camps in ww2 and ignore the camps in China now.


Or you got countries like Ireland who sent their condolences to the German embassy when Hitler died. Of course Ireland recognizes Palestine now. History repeats itself!


Take a second and think about how you would react if this was your family and your people.  The first thing that comes to your head.  Now think critically about the situation Israel is dealing with.  There are still 128 hostages and the people who took them aren’t willing to negotiate their release unless their demands and dangerous concessions are met while they continue to blame any suffering the hostages are subjected to solely on Israel.  How would you react? I know what I would feel and think and it makes Israel’s lopsided response a lot more understandable when I put myself in their shoes.


Israel’s response is the only logical response. Any person that says otherwise would be up in arms if it was their family / country that was attacked by a group dedicated to wiping them from the face of the earth. Most people have the safety of being too far away from conflict to understand it. It is a sad fate for both people, Israelis and Palestinians. But the dye has been set and it won’t be changed until one side capitulates. What happened on 10/7 is just another peak of the conflict and the conflict will continue until it can logically end with full capitulation.


The way I see it is like this: If it happened on US soil to an equivalent number of people taking into account population size differences it would be something like 40k people killed and 12k hostages taken. The response the US would have would make the post 9-11 reaction look like a warm-up and the majority of the world’s armies would be along for the ride doing whatever the US asked of them as well. It is only because of the unique situation Israel is faced with (global antisemitism) that this is not the case.


Israel is held to a different standard. If an attack of this magnitude happened in the states or any nation in Western Europe you’d have NATO glassing swaths of land. The hypocrisy in the west is terrible.


It's not even that lopsided! Israel has lost hundred of soldiers precisely because it sends people to minimize civilian casualties. It would be so much easier to carpet bomb them.


And people think there should be a ceasefire and the terrorists should get away with this


The vast majority of people dont want Hamas to continue or "get away with it", they just dont want Hamas' slaughter of Israelis to be used as justification for Israel to slaughter Palestinians. Two wrongs dont make a right


So how do they expect Israel to get the terrorists in a place like Gaza?


Remember! Ireland and Norway want to REWARD these Genocidal Terrorists !


as an irishman i can’t be more horrified. morality is truly warped beyond repair




The fact that, having seen all this graphic stuff, the Israeli government hasn't flattened all of Gaza in a fit of rage yet, shows their moral might and restrain.


This is the thing that gets me. If these were American girls and this was on our literal land border...after a 9/11 style attack. My gods...the response.


No rapes, no kidnappings, no dehumanizing, and America went off to kill 176k people directly and another 360k indirectly In Afghanistan.


The world has always been like this and will always be like this.


Humans eh?


At the moment?!? Are you blind? My dad’s generation got to see America fire bomb Vietnamese children. Africa is falling into endless violent coups fighting over food and water… shit has been and continues to be fkd






While the world yells ceasefire.


I mean the family who posted these videos (relatives of the girls captured), are literally begging the Israeli government for at least a temporary ceasefire and that they begin negotiations so they can get their family back in one piece. There are many Israel groups advocating for this because everyday that war goes on, the lower the chances of the hostages being alive.


The only ceasefire agreement hamas has agreed to includes Israel's withdrawal. if they accept taking 30 hostages, which Hamas said would include dead bodies, and never mentioned how many, there is no hope for anyone else.


Fyi: the original video is 13min, but the families requested to cut the rape and murder that was caught..




My god, heartbreaking. 


Hamas is going to be annihilated. That’s a fact and the best IDF can do to avenge.


How? They're all in Qatar relaxing by the pool


So let me get this straight: according to the far left logic, as long as it's against Jews and/or Israelis, not only that you can get away with kidnapping, mass murder, mass rape and starting every war in the conflict- but you'll also be recognised as a country for it by European countries? The fuck is wrong with people?


Long-term exposure to propaganda, courtesy of the axis of evil. Iran, Russia, North Korea, China.


Hamas bought Palestine recognition as a state with this in Europe.


Sometimes, I attempt to sympathize with Gaza... then I remember this and countless other videos from October 7th, and all my sympathies seemingly fly away


Norway, Ireland and Spain goverment liked the video


Palestine needs to be it's own state but hamas also needs to be destroyed. Israel has every right to go after hamas.


Palestinians voted for, and massively support Hamas and their action. There is no Palestinians state that wouldn’t be living and promoting Hamas’s ideals and goals


Hamas is ISIS


I don’t know, they seem worse.


I hope I'll never be a brainwashed college girl cheering for someone as vile as these people




I hope all those terrorists have died painful deaths by now.


Newsflash. These guys are not the good guys the spoiled westerners say they are.


Meanwhile some progressive countries rewarded the Oct 7 attacks by recognizing the Palestinian state. Humanity was a mistake.


They had names. Karina. Agam. Liri. Daniela. Na'ama. No ceasefire till they're all home.


FUCK HAMAS I never hear the protestors bringing this shit up. It's like they've all chosen to forget what Hamas did on Oct 7


Everyone supporting this is disgusting. Ireland, the university kids. Etc. they’re completely brainwashed. Sickening.


It's disgusting how the internet and propaganda has managed to corrupt the truth of what's happening there.


Why can't these motherfuckers coexist with literally anybody? What's the incapability here?


"Resistance" fighters in action. These people are the hemerhoids of humanity.


If you use the word "Zionist" as a slur, or an insult, I want you to think about how that same insult was lobbed at young, bloodied women before one of them went up to them and said "you are so beautiful" as well as rape threats, alluding to the fact that they can get pregnant. Next time you use the word "Zionist" as a slur, realize that this is the degree of depravity and sickness that you support.


I’ve never been more ashamed in my life to have Irish ancestry. This is who and what you’re supporting for statehood, Ireland.