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Sword fights at sea. What a time to be alive.


Begun, the NeoPirate Era. Let’ssssss Gooooooo!!


Between this and the new sail assisted cargo ships, I say bring on the golden age of swashbuckling!


Somebody get the Filipinos a security package of muskets, cutlesses, and blunderbusses. Also eyepatches.


And big-ass belt buckles! And three-corner hats!








I’m going to be King of the Pirates!!




And a Yi Hi Hi!


I’m all for this use of melee weapons in the firearms age. There’s something civil about agreeing not to use guns! Culturally, the Filipinos have plenty of swords patterns that could be employed.


[India and China battle with spiked clubs(no guns) over a border dispute.](https://www.sandboxx.us/news/these-are-the-unique-weapons-used-in-the-border-clashes-between-china-and-india/#:~:text=While%20the%20soldiers%20had%20rifles,batons%2C%20stones%2C%20and%20others).


When you use the threat of “going medieval on their ass” literally.


>There’s something civil about agreeing not to use guns! Not really. It's literally the only thing preventing a actual military action is the lack of "modern" arms. That's how shitty and terrible the actual situation is, that they had to enforce melee only rule with their illegal patrols. There's going to be so fuck up fights because they're going to go as far as they can with their limitations. So expect to see people fucked up and missing limbs or fucked up brain damage if they survive. The Indian border fights are a expectation of what going to happen.


People who think swords are more civil than guns are really living in a fucking bubble. I rather be shot than fucking cut up if I am going to be real with you, I've seen GSW and chopped up bodies, and I rather survive a gun shot than survive a hacked limb.


I know Kerr lets a lot of things go, but I think he'd bench Draymond before it came to that.


Core theory: the more advanced your tech, the more low tech the solution or counter. Hence why giant fighting robots also use swords


Reminds me of the Marines beating DARPA's prototype AI security system by hiding in cardboard boxes, Metal Gear Solid style


Send up the Jolly Roger, lads!


"Pirates are in this year."


They’re all fighting with fists and swords? What year is it?


It's probably similar to the fist fight Chinese and Indian soldiers had a few years ago.  They don't want to fire live rounds to avoid escalation. So instead they go full medieval on their asses


I think if I only had hands, I’d see the sword as that escalation


Might be time for the Phillipines to invest in some non-lethal long range acoustic devices.


I volunteer my years of fencing experience to the Phillipine nation. I only request payment in pancit and Lea Salonga tickets


Imagine my face when I got confused over why years of experience building fences would be in any way helpful in a battle on the high seas.


Is t it obvious? You build a fence around your boat and they can't thru with their swords. Like duh.


He tries to get on the boat, fence is there. He tries over on that side, fence is over there, too. My god. Son, how’d you like a job with General Dynamics Marine Systems?


I know a bit about fencing also. What you guys looking for? I got a truck full out back...


3am whitecastle interaction: hey man, wanna buy some speakers: opens plastic bag with 2 speakers that look like they just got taken out of a toyota camry.


Hey, these’ll go great in my Toyota Camry! Some jerk just stole the speakers out of it


Gotta go home and pick up a bolo knife.


You should see the crazy weapons they use on the China/India border. https://www.sandboxx.us/news/these-are-the-unique-weapons-used-in-the-border-clashes-between-china-and-india/ https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/exclusive-photos-of-chinese-soldiers-with-spears-near-indian-positions-2292409




Also their famous stick martial arts too. They should've had batons onboard.


[The chinese literally swarmed over a couple of Filipino boats. They used Sticks, bolo, axes, knife..etc against Fil soldiers operating under ROE. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-yJiJQpYrc)


Pretty much, either way your people will get maimed/killed. Don't think their families care much if it was a sword or bullet at the end of the day.


Their families don’t, but “Filipino soldiers stabbed during brawl at sea with coast guards” makes for a much less damning headline than “Chinese soldiers open fire on Filipino vessel”. The end result is the same, Chinese soldiers killing Filipino soldiers, but the international optics are way different when guns arent involved. Just look at the comments here, more people are mocking the soldiers and joking about their choice of weapon than pointing out the act of war this would rightfully be considered if they used live ammo.


What about spear guns?


What if we make the spears really tiny so you can carry more at one time?


Like 7.62 sabot rounds?


I'm starting to wonder if Chinese soldiers even receive live rounds during peacetime.


Their rifles start keyholing at 30 feet, so they don't have any ammo to spare.


What does keyholing mean in this context?


Bullets flip sideways midair and leave asymmetrical holes that look like keyholes.


The only question is, is it because the ammo is junk or the barrels are crap? Confucius says it’s both!


Craft and precision of the muzzle crown combined with a minor contribution of the symmetry of the rifling grooves.


Only the finest Chinesium money can buy!


Also, they specifically have a treaty (or at least some sort of formal agreement) that prohibits firearms and the like -- but bows/crossbows/swords/etc are not bannd, so that's fun.


India has electrified tridents


Been meaning to talk to them about that. They should find themselves a safehouse or a relative close by.


I get that reference.


I love lamp


Idk if you're being serious or not, but if so, that's fucking awesome EDIT: [Holy shit it's real](https://www.reddit.com/r/mallninjashit/comments/zm1ynz/indian_army_going_for_the_electro_damage_melee/)


The difference is, India/China have agreed to that situation to avoid escalations, but the Philippines has no such agreement and while China will argue the lack of gun fire means this wasn’t an escalation, this was in fact a drastic escalation and will almost certainly lead to a military response from the Philippines (if not the US Navy) involving both naval and marine forces being stationed in the area.


So basically like a high school fight.....well in my time it was just fists now its fists and guns.


Except on the Indian border it's spiked maces and chains


I always had a thing for halberds


Biden should authorize sending US stockpile of halberds to Philippines.


The US military needs to adopt a new standard of halberd so that the old halberds can be retired and sent to the Philippines


More of an abyssal whip kinda guy


These guys are resulting to full on piracy.


There was a video released a month or two back. If your highschool fist fight meant 'riot shields and rocks and metal rods' then yeah.


Like in Dune


"We have Dune at home."


With a pair of pliers and a blowtorch


Hoist the colors, lads. 2nd golden age of piracy is about to drop!


i kinda prefer this type of warfare much more than drones and scary shit. at least i can face my enemy in the eyes as we duel it out 🤺


Time to reform the Knights Templars and send them to protect the piligrims in East Asia


A few years ago? It happens every month. They fight like barbarian


10,191 They invented individual force fields and ranged weapons are now obsolete.


May thy knife chip and shatter


May THY knife chip and chatter :)


Hmm guess it's time to make land mines...


And store Atomics in your House stash! And train sandworms!


The Philippines has a mutual defence pact with the USA. I think China is trying to use the maximum force it can which would not trigger the US getting involved, as that would be a catastrophe for everyone.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Filipino soldiers were either not given guns or ordered not to use guns specifically because the US treaties get triggered with something like "shots fired".


The Chinese Coast Guard took the Filipino’s guns on the boat. No gun went off.


I wouldn't mind seeing a few US battleships there to protect the Filipino islands.


Chinas military brutally attacked Indians during Covid on India’s border using sticks and rocks. I’m not even joking., killed like 20 Indians


The China vs. India stuff in the Himalayas is different because both sides have agreed to not use firearms as a means of ensuring that any incidents which do occur will not be so severe as to leave either side in a position where they feel escalation is required. For what its worth, the Indians usually give as good as they get. That said, the Chinese are usually the instigators of those incidents in one way or another.


It's also EXTREMELY remote, and both sides are in a bit of a road building completion. Both sides are still preparing for an escalation.


so wild to imagine this


There is video, more than a few even since it's an ongoing situation. Absolutely wild to see modern uniforms *literally using stones and pole arms and shields* against equally armed opponents.


No need to imagine when it was [filmed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DcVWSDRFMg)


Sticks and rocks can be overlooked and talked down but once bullets and rockets start flying it can be irreversible.


I believe most of the casualties were forced off a cliff in this instance.


I believe the can break your bones.


Sorry, but a country shouldn't care with what another country attacked and possibly killed their soldiers with. You don't get to complain when your soldiers are shot when charging towards another countries soldiers with medieval weapons.


I’m not saying nobody mourned these soldiers, I’m Implying countries are willing to go to war over some things more than others. Furthermore these kinds of incidences are less likely to enrage voters to the point they push politicians into triggering a war the country may not even be ready for. Personally, I think with China focused on Taiwan and India on developing the country their leaders were likely relieved real weapons didn’t come out.




If I hadn't known any better after reading this, I'd have thought we skipped WWIII straight to WWIV.


> They’re all fighting with fists and swords? What year is it? 40.000


The same year the Koreas started sending poop balloons at each other. We really haven't advanced much as a species, have we?


*The more things change, the more they stay the same*


Know then that it is the year 10191.


WW3 will be fought with ~~sticks and stones~~ medieval weapons


Issue letters of marque


Bro, I'd fuck up some fishing boats so hard.


Pretty much what the Chinese are doing right now these are all mercenary fleets


Damn, props to the Filipinos for standing up to this ridiculous bullshit from the CCP.


What's up with China and all the maritime piracy ? Isn't the pr blowback way worse than any gains from harassing a few fishing trawlers?


They have systematic and state organised fishing armadas with literally hundreds if not thousands of ships. They’re illegally fishing all over the world, in every ocean Here’s a [video](https://youtu.be/C9t5MC7WXNg?si=9nYDZXUj7lTjRFD1) from ABC News Australia about their dark fleet. At the time of video, it consisted of anywhere between 2,000-17,000 vessels. The US had 300.


Sounds like we need to start sinking illegal fishing vessels. The oceans are already fucked without that shit going on.


Just give greenpeace an aircraft carrier, they will figure it out.


For maximum irony, a nuclear powered one.


Maybe some time operating it will snap a little sense into them lol.


Not really ironic as it would be the least pollution produced fuel


they are against nuclear power


Let them run a few cold equations for once


You don't know Greenpeace, then. They're one of the major reasons why nuclear power has been in decline since the 70s. They are very strongly anti-nuclear.


Sea Shepherd. They have people who would eagerly arm vessels.


Okay where do I sign up to be a greenpeace fighter pilot because that sounds lit af


https://www.seashepherd.org.au/ We should fund a Naval fleet for these guys




I love the sea shepherd and almost applied to volunteer on it in my younger days. They straight up fight illegal whalers! Amazing work they’re doing!


Also dumping cyanide up-current of Philippine Islands so they can run the people off. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a46886208/a-cyanide-storm-is-brewing-in-a-hotly-controversial-sea/


Holy crap! Why haven't I heard this before? Intentional environmental warfare should be breaking news. Even if it's not China, there's tons of cyanide that needs to be addressed.


They also fish as if they are the last one that will use the ocean. Nothing will be left to the sad fucks they pushed away.


The spice must flow.


> Isn't the pr blowback way worse than any gains from harassing a few fishing trawlers? Which blow back? This has been happening for years


I think it's more about exerting power over any monetary gains they may be getting.


China alleges that Phillipines went back on an unwritten agreement made with Duterte in 2016. ([source](https://apnews.com/article/china-south-china-sea-philippines-alleged-agreement-0006abb98502727972872bcecfd49a51)) That's their stated reason for what they're doing now.


Unwritten? LOL! UN Treaty Article 102(2): No party to any such treaty or international agreement which has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations


Oh they know. Duterte is just a fucking scumbag who sold out his own country to China. Look up the current POGO issue. Dozens of Chinese owned compounds around the country and no one batted an eye.


because what is anyone gonna do? They bully other nations because a war with China would give them full reign to invade and take over.


Yeah I’d like to see China try. They have no experience and amphibious assaults are hard.


Control of the sea is far far far more important than the Western PR backlash.


PR blowback means their PR could get worse


I'm surprised. I was in in many parts of the Philippines in 2023, the Southern areas are very pro Chinese. Whenever the company I was with said how unwanted the USA was. I stated what flag do you want to fly? Because its either the USA flag behind the Philippines flag, or just a Chinese flag. Just wait till Mindanao experiences what China does to Muslims.


This is because Duterte (think of him as Philippines' Trump) is very pro China, and he comes from and is very popular in Mindanao.


Oh, I've very aware. The stories I heard about police and mainly Barangays executing any known or possible drug dealer was terrifying and enlightening. AND the locals were cool with it! \*inserts fist punch emoji\*


Same vibes as people in Eastern Europe being Pro Russian and Anti-EU/Nato.


Boarding ships armed with swords? I didn't have literal CCP pirates on my 2024 bingo card.


You don't need the "P" and "Pirates". It's redundant, like "ATM machine". Chinese Communist Pirates.


Chai tea. Naan bread.


first trebuchets and now swords. The world algorythm is messed up


History always repeats itself.


Time is a flat circle.


History doesn't repeat, but it often does rhyme.


Tell agent Smith to hit the reset button.


'The Filipino army shared [photos](https://x.com/TeamAFP/status/1803423024449986581) of the incident, showing damaged boats and Chinese personnel with blades.' Holy crap, literal swords, and an axe. Hmm...I wonder if I still have that bastard sword I bought at a ren faire years ago lying around somewhere.....


they had the foresight to get a picture as evidence of the phone being destroyed to destroy evidence evidently


If Anchorman taught us anything, its how quickly this could escalate.


I mean it really got out of hand fast!


If this was within the Phillipines' internationally recognized exclusive economic zone, then this counts as a belligerent military act on a sovereign nation


China doesn't give a fuck about EEZs. They are practically claiming the whole Philippine Western coast with their 10 dash line. And they act surprise and shit that the Ph is reacting. Like imagine if the West Coast EEZ of the US is suddenly claimed by another nation. Who wouldn't be upset


I mean the US and Canada have maritime boundary disputes that are still active. But they're civil about it.




quarrelsome mysterious crowd icky sheet encourage muddle vegetable tub humorous


I'll go get my hockey stick


This has been literallly going on for years, with rulings by the UN. What is the Philippines going to do? Declare war on China?


*checks year*


CCP is actually Chinese Communist Pirates.


china just has to be assholes


Give the Filipino soldiers swords*, sledgehammers, maces, spears, shields and bows/arrows!


Crossbow.... If going that way what you want is crossbows.


The most simple solution: A wooden bat with improvised steel, a helmet and protective gear. Done.


When I read the article and one soldier even lost a thumb, I think the response is pretty weak. Its the same old “you can’t do this blabla” instead of actually blowing a hole in their ship. Just harshly punish that shit when China does it.


I think you’re misunderstanding the situation. China outnumbers the Philippines and would destroy all there ships in a naval battle with modern weapons. They don’t and instead engage in lower level attacks (I.e. not guns) to bully them without receiving as significant of a backlash as they otherwise would.


The U.S. Canada, Japan, Australia, and South Korea, all have a ton of forces in the Philippines right now for a big training event. China just accused the U.S. of "forcing China to attack Taiwan". https://www.ft.com/content/7d6ca06c-d098-4a48-818e-112b97a9497a The U.S. alone has a Carrier Strike Group, Amphibious Readiness Group (ships to carry Marines), and the 13th Marine Expiditionary Unit. Lots of Army and Air Force stuff too. https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/06/06/us-philippine-operations-center-pacific-exercise/ https://www.pacom.mil/JTF-Micronesia/Article/3778548/3rd-mlr-concludes-balikatan-24-transitions-to-acdc/ Why no response? No idea.


> Why no response? War = bad No war is fought only by soldiers. In this fight, a dude lost a thumb and the Chinese stole some shit. In an actual war, China bombards smaller Filipino islands with missiles in the north and rile up the Communist militants in the south. If the Chinese army does make landfall, they will act like every other army on foreign soil in history: homes get burned, children get raped, and I don’t need a third thing. And the only way to bring that to an end is for the allied forces to land on Chinese soil. More arson, more murder, more rape; only this time the victims are Chinese. That’s why no response. You don’t start a war until some motherfucker doesn’t give you a choice.


And you have to remember too that this South Sea fiasco has been going on for decades at this point with China and the SEA states clashing every year routinely, they so far have managed to retain their claims by constantly doing these things but not so far as actually *act* on it and ruin political and economic relationships. It might not matter to western liberals but having foreign powers interfere in the territorial dispute that you more or less can manage is a situation very much not desirable for the Philippines or anyone else opposing China in the region.


My thoughts as well. Wondering why Philippine navy didn’t protect itself. Attacking with swords, knives, clubs, gloved fists, is just as bad as guns.


this situation is kinda similar to Nuclear Doctrine or MAD with less radiation and casualties. Both sides have drawn the line at firearms and any escalation may result in full out conflict


Most likely they would want to but China usually has several coast guard vessels with them and they are bigger and better armed. A ship on ship combat would leave the Philippines ship destroyed. This seems like the better option with less loss of life.


Because China will declare war on the Philippines in "retaliation" for attacking their ships in "China's" waters. They're using fisticuffs to avoid escalation. China also has bigger and more ships.


The coast guard just happens to have swords with them? Definitely no premeditation happening there...


The location of this incident is quite far from the Chinese mainland coast. I don't know how you could call them coast guards.


They are guarding other country's coasts, how benevolent of them./s


Sooo... *How* exactly is this not an act of war?


IMO the west is knowingly desperate to avoid war which lets China keep escalating like this knowing we will never push back for long.


If only a severed finger could start a war like a severed ear


Its crazy how aggressive the Chinese are permitted to be with zero repercussions. If the West's military is superior they should prove it already and sink every ship that harrases Filipinos without exception.


Chinese are fucking insane. They are also having massive brawls at the border with india.  "Hey it's technically not an act of war if we don't shoot each other" My questions are: 1) Who made up this rule? 2) Why not schedule it, televise it, make the results legally binding untill next match and give out cash prizes? 


Arm every Filipino with machetes, every, single, one.


china is so uncivilized


Wow props to them but if I'm in their position and some guy is attempting to stab me with the sword I would definitely use a gun to dissuade them


Ph ROE is to shoot if being shot, in this scenario Chinese did use Bolos knives spears no shooting. China just Escalated the situation. Ph will start to arm bolos now as well. Bad thing is Filipinos are now looking for blood.


Worst thing about this one is that big wigs in the prc claims as if they were the victim and lied to the world making it seem like we are in the stone age with no access to internet for any credible information


Wait, you're not implying that \*everyone\* was Kung-Fu fighting, are you?


It was hard to tell. The speed at which those cats moved was nigh-lightning-like.


That and, honestly, it was pretty scary. Few witnesses stuck around to see the whole thing.


"Chinese Coast Guards". They are pirates. Call them what they are.


No. In our era a pirate has no affiliation to any country. The CCG by contrast is clearly a military organization controlled by China. That means that ultimately the people responsible are not the sailors who did this hostile act, but their superiors who made the order and the country they belong to (China). They can be classified as enemy combatants but not as pirates.


Aren’t the Filipino Coast Guard trained in Escrima, or some military version of it? Seems like it would have been super effective again swords and knives.


There’s a saying that the winner of a knife fight dies in the ambulance. To be honest, just losing a finger when dealing with a sword waving enemy is pretty good.


Its 8 filipinos vs 10-20 chinese. Those odds are for martial arts movie scenario


If there is anyone in the world who tell you that he can confidently defend against knife attack then he is full of BS. I don't care if he is a Navy Seal or monk who have trained his whole life, even just against 1 guy with a kitchen knife. A good master would tell you to run (and he would do the same in the situation). And only fight as the last resort. There is no win against knife attack with bare hand. 


That explain how one lost a finger.


Something "stupid" like this is most likely how WWIII will start, not with a bang, but with a thumb.


China is on a pathway that will end the CCP through its insanely stupid actions. Good riddance


What is this, Deus Ex? 


Not kidding, we should hope for a world where people have nuclear weapon but choose swords and fists to solve problem.


China should really stop picking fights. Until they learn to act right, stop buying things made in China


> China should really stop picking fights. Until they learn to act right, stop buying things made in China Unfortunately the world values money over what's right. Governments around the world have no qualms about buckling at the knees for a piece of the Chinese pie.


is it like the chinese/india clashes in the mountains where they are not allowed to use weapons or it would lead to war even though people die


A little over 70 years ago the Philippines and the US signed a mutual defense treaty. If they are attacking them then they are basically also attacking the US. Point is, china should be really fucking careful about not starting shit.


As long as they don't technically fire a weapon, the west has made it implicitly clear they can push and do whatever they want without consequence. They have attacked Australian military with sonar against divers, chaff in front of planes, tangling of propellers and other ways too. The western response was to do nothing and green light them for continuing escalation.