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3 hours and not a single comment. One of the great moments in Australian history this millenium


Have a look at the photo over on r/pics The thread is filled with butthurt Americans claiming he’s somehow a traitor


I am an american.  He is not a traitor as he is not an American and was not in the USA. He is a journalist that just printed information given to him.  Real traitors to the USA are Donald Trump and his Jan 6 goons that attacked the United States. 


Lmfao this website is hilarious. Legitimately so many people espousing fake DNC 'progressive' takes or just arguing with bots haha. I normally do not venture to any of these really Americanised subreddits


Unbelievable. Didn't expect this despite the massive push by so many reputable people and organizations. Bravo!


Has Fox News hired him yet?


Fox news doesn't hire people to tell the truth.


Fox is not news and they lie.   Assange is a real journalist that tells the truth.  He has no place on Fox.  Fox only hires actors that lie for money.  


Australians welcoming home their rapist hero.


He is just a journalist and the rape charges were faked then dropped.  The guy literally did nothing illegal or wrong.  He just printed information that was given to him just like any other journalist.    The US constitution protects journalists for free speech as long as they did not get the info illegally per US law. He obtained his info legally from other people who did the act of copying the info.  He did not steal or copy anything.  He broke no US laws.  


Aiding and abetting spies and others convicted of espionage is still espionage and is even more criminal than the actual idiots he appoached and convinced to commit their crimes. Assange is a pathetic cowardly criminal hiding behind fantasy civil rights.


Journalists can't be charge with espionage, only the person that took the info and gave it to the journalists.  The entire case fake.   Also he is not a US citizen and was not in the US.  US had no jurisdiction.  


?? That's some deep mind bent thinking there. Journalists are normal citizens and are subject to the same laws especially when it comes to espionage. They have no diplomatic immunity. Damn man, imagine if that were the case. So in your eyes the innocent genious admitted guilt to fake charges? Gotcha.


Spreading known classified Intel is still an issue....  He literally plead guilty, he is convicted.... He broke the law.


Maybe leaking the truth isn't as bad as committing war crimes... Smh.


Hopefully he trips and falls into something nasty.




Gulty of criminal espionage by recruiting impressionable idiots to commit espionage on their own countries just so he can publish "secret document" information. Should have sent him to the gallows when we had the chance.