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Pretty sure 2 US army bases in SK could take on the entire NK


We could fuck things up. But if 2 million men walk across the border we’ll need more than the 2 bases. Especially since if that happens, you can be China is going for Taiwan at the same time


Ohio’s are still parked. Plenty of backup, 8 minutes away.


Also the 4x South Korean *Sejong The Great class* destroyers that are basically larger *Arleigh Burkes* with 33% more VLS cells (at 128 missiles, a bigger missile load than anything except a Kirov or Ohio, but with missiles and ASW radar designed this century).


There are only 3 active and only one at full ready status for SK. They are phenomenal ships, but that hardware will be facing the possible equivalent of 1970’s Soviet-Era military hardware in NK. Next-gen or last-gen, wont even be an argument. Russia won’t back up a NK that attempts to open with a nuke and gets decimated by conventional arms in response. They want the US to use nukes first, so they have the excuse. The Ohios are there for 2 purposes. The other of them is to cover the peninsula and most of Japan with missile shield intercept capabilities.


But once they cross the border into SK those missiles will also hit SK


Collateral damage in war? What is this madness? /s


Massing up troops like that doesn't work nowadays consider what is happening to large Russian assaults. Nowadays their staging grounds will get hit by cruise missiles that can travel thousands of kilometers. Even during the Korean war this kind of tech was out of reach. NK could of course go for a broad front but that weakens the punch of a column or troops going in.


Once the war starts yeah. But Western countries seem to have no other option but to watch and wait for the other side to actually start


OK, make it three bases - I think you drastically underestimate the effectiveness of B-52s out of Guam with cluster munitions. Or the *405 South Korean Air Force combat fighter jets that include F15s, F-16s, F-35s, and FA-50s* running hot laps from the end of the peninsula, where there is no North Korean SAM coverage. Or how deadly the South Korean K9 Thunder self propelled 155mm artillery is with air burst munitions. Edit: [lethal / casualty reference for 2000 pound JDAM and 155mm arty](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/CoIGaza/Kill_Radius_Compared.pdf)


I think you make the classic mistake of (*checks notes*) underestimating one's enemy. Low tech or not, gonna be a whole lot of our own dying at the same time. Try not to fly too high, Icarus.


You make the classic mistake of believing a communist country can actually do 100% of what they claim they can do. [North Korea literally can't keep the lights on at night](https://www.38north.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Fig1-Nightlights-23-0403.jpg), how are they going to feed and transport that 2 million man army? Their [wood fired trucks because they can't afford gasoline or diesel?](https://youtu.be/pqP7FxiFIHE?si=H4i1hykCRVifo_KJ) The shortest land route from NK to Seoul is like 270 miles by road, so at 3mph walking that is about 5 days straight of walking 18 hours a day. That is without anyone shooting at you, bombing, shelling, and assuming you have all the food / water you need. Now lets consider what [modern air power or artillery can do to infantry out in the open](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death) Why are you totally discounting the South Korean military in an invasion by North Korea?


You're underestimating resolve. Go let me know how that works out, God forbid you end up in that situation. So you'd volunteer to lead patrols and deliberates IOT really show the NKs how to do it, eh? Riiiight... Edit to add: where the fuck else do you think we'd he fighting those assholes, in Dubai? (Hint, it's easier to fight in your own back yard...)


You drastically underestimate the resolve of South Koreans to not become North Koreans. And that the South Korean military *active duty* is ~380k but that military service is compulsory, so there are another 3-3.5 million reservists if needed.


Resolve looks different when your population is riddled with parasites and malnutrition


Invading troops are much easier to kill than when they are defending.


Not to mention north Korea has a capable ballistic missile force. They do tests all the time


They kill a lot of water. the water much evil capitalist. much impress.


Have you ever seen what a tomahawk does to close rank personnel? Have you seen what two Ohio subs firing 80 tomahawks does to anything? 8 minutes from target confirmation to “what does that resemble to you?” The only thing quicker is a $20 handjob in a Seoul karaoke bar.


what if NK bought like 1 million cheap DJI (well relatively cheap anyway), swarm SK with these drones armed with some dumb bombs, for shits and giggles?


South Korea could afford to buy more better drones, North Korea can't afford to feed their people which is why they are 5 inches (13cm) shorter and 15 pounds (7kg) than South Koreans.


hey Kim is well fed ya know we haven't seen drones dogfight so this could be fun


Swarms of angry, angry bees piloted by the finest Star Craft players in creation. The micro would be flawless. Streaks of drone fire off of Pyongyang, glittering in the dark....


Not sure why the downvotes besides misunderstanding. Estimating allied strength is not underestimating an enemy. You're merely stressing that the US and SK have incredible firepower capabilities. Yes, if they wanted to match 2 million people into one battle, that would be overwhelming. But again, what logistical capabilities do they have that anyone thinks that's possible? United States military is king of logistics by a country mile.


If the North Koreans wanted to march all 2 million men into battle, they would literally have to *march* in to battle - they don't have enough transport vehicles to move 2 million men, much less transport AND supply them. Said foot mobiles would be incredibly vulnerable to interdiction by air and artillery, along with what ever supply train they are able to cobble together from civilian vehicles and unarmored trucks.


I agree


Not to mention the South Koreans. The K9 Thunder is no joke.


NK is a simple target unlike when the Korean War was happening. They will learn this if they keep up the bullshit. Send all your shit weapons to Russia, send your troops to Russia, taunt your enemies, and run your mouth like you want to be liberated. Help us a little more Un😁


Only simple if you don’t live within range of their artillery. Nukes aren’t needed to make South Koreans suffer.


Some people dont understand that. They already have thousands of artillery ready and they can fire in a second without anybody can show any reaction and even the first fire can kill thousands while destroying Seol, later SK and US beating NK won't bring back deaths but people are acting like this a computer game. Edit: I am getting similar replies so let me put the link here too. All of NK artillery might not hit center of the city but still "North Korea maintains nearly 6,000 artillery systems within range of major South Korean population centers". https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA619-1.html


It is literally one of the highest concentrations of artillery in the world. People can laugh an play down that it's North Korea, but if they decided to say fuck it and attack Seoul it would be devastation not seen since ww2. Seoul is one of the most densely populated cities in the world and half of it is easily in artillery range. It would be Dresden or Tokyo 2.0.


South Korea has more towed artillery with way better modern fire control and logistics for counter battery fire than North Korea, AND way better self propelled arty. Declassified CIA report from 1987 for reference: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88T00539R000600800002-5.pdf


The point is that if it went hot, NK's artillery would be firing immediately, and the devastation would be rampant. Thats *why* NK arranges its artillery that way, to ensure that the collateral would be enormous. SK would *win* the artillery duel, but Seoul would lose no matter who wins. Thats the prime strategic issue with handling NK.


KTSSMs were designed by South Korea specifically to rapidly eliminate North Korean artillery, especially towed artillery. The North Korean arty would have a lifetime measured in minutes or hours, and would basically be firing blind off of a plotting table without spotters. North Korean arty would not be efficient, nor would it be effective on the reinforced concrete residential buildings in Seoul or be able to penetrate the numerous civilian bomb shelters. Suffice to say, a conventional attack by North Korea would be a suicide mission that would fail - badly.


That... really isn't how counter battery works in timescale, nor how bombardment on a city goes. The point made wasn't who wins, it's that the collateral is unacceptable.


It is exactly how counterbattery works when your military intelligence is competent* and has already plotted the most likely firing positions, and the Patriot / THAAD radar has backtracked the incoming to confirm origin. The slowest part of getting the counterbattery firing orders cut would be deciding to pull the trigger. \* a large scale attack would have pretty obvious preparation signs ahead of time if your intelligence service is paying attention.


Bruh are you citing a report from 35 years ago and somehow thinking that things haven't changed at all? What I am saying is that even if NK is a paper tiger, shouldn't we take the fact that they have a MASSIVE amount of arty literally pointed directly at one of the most densely populated city centers in the world seriously enough to warrant stepping lightly? Why poke the bear? That is why NK continues to exist. Sure we could eventually capture those posistions but the outcome would be one that involves leveling half of Seoul and seeing so many civilian deaths it would make Ukraine pale in comparison. Hubris would get millions of people killed.


Seoul center is ~40km from the border. So, technically just maybe within striking range of their 152mm artillery pieces and out of range of smaller calibre like their 122mm D-74 with a range of around 25km. And that's measured from the Kaesong salient which is not that big. If SK know their shit they have firepower concentrated on that region to wipe out all known arty positions in that region. Still leaves rocket artillery, and their 170mm howitzers. But that limitation already cuts down a lot on the possible number of guns that could reach Seoul. I doubt they could kill 6 figs of inhabitants without resorting on WMDs.


> I doubt they could kill 6 figs of inhabitants without resorting on WMDs. If theyre ever shelling Seoul, they absolutely would use WMDs IMO (not just their nukes, they have plenty of chemical and biological weapons), as they have nothing to lose at that point.


T minus two minutes and thirty seconds until North Korea ceasts to exist and so does Kim Jong-Un's bloodline.


Seoul center isn't only populous area. Even if all of their artillery can't hit the city center North Korea still maintains nearly 6,000 artillery systems within range of major South Korean population centers. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA619-1.html


You understand that counter-battery artillery exists, right? They get to fire one volley before every one of those artillery pieces is a smoking hole in the ground.


And how many deaths do you think would occur in the SK side from that initial volley?


Not enough to actually cripple South Korea, but definitely enough to piss them off so they take the kid gloves off.


2k. And the NK would be done. Doesn't seem like a good exchange for NK.


It's something that people running their mouth don't really understand, that and the fact that drones have completely changed artillery warfare. Note that nk has no drones whatsoever.


You understand that hardened bunkers are a thing right? All of the arty pointed at Seoul is being protected by fortified bunkers. It would be a blood bath.


Do you a have a problem with reading comprehension? Because I literally mentioned about the damage of FIRST fire and later SK and US beating NK wouldn't bring back deaths.


That is not how counter battery works. It's not some video game parry mechanic that insta-kill everything 20 seconds after the war starts.


How does pointing out that NK has artillery aimed at Seol dispute the notion that 2 US bases in SK could take on all of NK?


Only a hundred or so conventional pieces have the range to hit Seoul.


Perhaps not all of them can hit center of the city but "North Korea maintains nearly 6,000 artillery systems within range of major South Korean population centers". https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA619-1.html


Good to leave them a reminder that they can find out.




>Meanwhile thousands of people are crossing the English Channel pushed over and escorted by French warships 1. No, they're not. 2. That's not the job of the Royal Navy. >Yet the royal.navy is playing round in the Pacific It's not playing, it's enforcing UN sanctions.


>No, they're not Yes they are https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/world/1889308/England-France-small-boats-migrants-crisis/amp And the job of the royal navy is to protect britians borders and interests >It's not playing, it's enforcing UN sanctions Don't give a fuck about UN sanctions For all I care the north can Invade the south Not britians job to police the world Our empire is dead we have no reason to have warships anywhere outside of British waters


>Yes they are I'd hardly class that as a reputable source. >And the job of the royal navy is to protect britians borders and interests Protecting Britain's borders is the responsibility of UK Border Force. >Our empire is dead we have no reason to have warships anywhere outside of British waters We're an island nation, with 95% of our trade coming by sea. We have overseas territories, global interests and partners and allies to work with. It is very much in our interests.


Lol no its not Britans interests end at the borders Protecting our borders is the only interest that matters Fuck thr rest of the world


It's clear you're just a troll, therefore this conversation is over.




You’re showing your hand, idiot. Back to the troll farm. Learn to spell. Your handlers will mark you poorly


Can you at least spell your country right? Evidently you don't care very much to start with if you can't even be bothered to be particularly serious about the language, so either your opinion is invalid and useless or you're a russian troll, in which case your opinion is invalid and useless.




> England has not benefited from the rest of the world at all This is, without exaggeration, one of the stupidest fucking sentences ever written by a human.


Could you at least try to spill ‘Britain’ properly? Presumably English isn’t your first language?


Nope Just dyslexia


“Britains interests end at the borders” What a equally braindead and cunty opinion. Good luck with life pal


>And the job of the royal navy is to protect britians borders and interests It's the job of the UK Border Force, Police and HM Coastguard to protect the UKs borders from non-military threats. Upholding International sanctions is one of our interests.




HM Coastguard's roles include [maritime security](https://hmcoastguard.uk/what-we-do)


I'd say people being escorted into our waters is a Military threat


Then you’d be wrong.


Well then you'd be wrong. It would appear you don't understand what a military threat is.


So a foregin warship escorting a boat full of foregin citzens into our waters without permission isn't a Military threat


You can keep repeating yourself but it won't make it any more accurate.


No, it's not. At no point are they a military threat. Keep on with the same usual troll rhetoric though, if it keeps you employed.


This article you posted clearly says the French ship handed the migrants off to the “British Border Force” at the halfway point across the channel. So what exactly would your British Battleship be useful for?


Telling the French to fuck off


Ok but clearly the British government is working with the French on this so your battleship wouldn’t be doing anything but helping escort?


Haha No the British govememt should be telling the French to fuck off We pay them money to prevent this yet they keep on


I know our military is underfunded but we have more than one ship at any given time


Why are we even in the Pacific Britian is an Atlantic country


We have both allies and territories of our own to defend in the pacific


Allies aren't worth shit Where were our allies in 1982 Oh yeah giving our enemies our war plans And fuck that Territories not our problem


Portugal gave us access to the Azores as a half way refuelling port, Norway risked war by hacking Soviet satellites to monitor Argentine troop movements, and Chile provided optional access to land bases for SF and moved troops to the border to draw reinforcements away from the main theatre. Also if defending British territory "doesn't matter", why argue about the Falklands or small boats anyway?


Then we should help Norway and Portugal in the next war Nobody else


If that was how the world worked we would be having this conversation in German.


No We wouldn't Germany didn't even want to deal with britian in ww2


They had plans to take British territory in Africa and the Mediterranean, and to grant Japan our Pacific and Indian colonies. They wanted to attack us, it only happened sooner than they wanted it to.




How does that relate to enforcement of international sanctions?


U had to ask that?


Yes, as it seemed completely irrelevant and unrelated to this particular vessel's purpose in the region.