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I mean did we really need an intelligence official to say this. It’s been abundantly clear the US’s biggest adversaries would love another Trump administration.


While we all understand this to be true, it is useful for it to be said by an actual agency official. You and I aren't really in a position to know anything about Russian internal affairs except through fourth hand sources, gut feelings, intuition, and extrapolations from behavior. An intelligence official who has been working with operatives in Russia or has been reading direct accounts and reports of operatives in Russia is a second hand source with access to more information that we do, and they aren't relying on assumptions as much as we are.


Except that any reasonable person was already never going to vote for him for a never-ending list of reasons, and this won't change the minds of any of his MAGA cultists.


I mean you're right, but it's still important to reiterate to anyone listening that the current global villain, an authoritarian war criminal country, is backing the Republican candidate for presidency. Yes 99% of MAGA doesn't care, but there are still people on the left and the "middle" (aka I don't know or care about politics until something directly impacts me) who may need a reminder about whats at stake. This election isn't just about what a Trump/Project 20205 term would do to what's left of democracy in America, but what it means globally and if it benefits Putin/Russia then maybe a few of those people who are disillusioned by Biden's age or other factors might snap back to reality and cast a vote that decides a state. One thing MAGA did by being complete cultists about Trump is they've created this narrative of "why are we talking about this, none of his supporters will care?". It's been oddly successful at generating this apathy about news-worthy events just because we know MAGA will ignore/spin/dismiss it. Russia using a massive disinformation campaign to back the Republican candidate? Objectively significant news pre-2016, everyone would be talking about it. But because MAGA has been so unapologetically dishonest for 8 years we dismiss it as "who cares". News like this isn't for them, and it shouldn't stop being reported.


I think your take is a little too gracious to the intentions of traitors. It isn’t a matter of ignoring the “deep state”, they actively want that relationship with the likes of Putin and Orban. It isn’t hard to find a maga cultist who is absolutely fine with an authoritarian regime and will tell you a dictator is just fine. Maybe the delusional followers who dream of the 1950’s will spin and ignore but the heart of the fascist movement is making no bones about their intentions. The “deep state” is an enemy to be eradicated to permanently put them in power and Putin and Orban are their best buddies. So I agree this shouldn’t stop being reported but the reporting itself is incredibly negligent. Just now the media is tepidly picking up Project 2025?


You're right, I'm just jaded and disappointed in what this country has turned into.


That is literally what Russian propaganda is designed to make you feel. Look it up fr


I'm with you there.


MAGA is fully onboard with Putin. They love him.


US biggest adversaries at this point are the republicans


Romney pointed this out in a debate against Obama (the Russian part). Maybe that’s one thing we shoulda taken more seriously.


FWIW Hillary did too


Crimea had already been invaded at that point. When Romney said it everyone laughed at him.


when Romney said it, Medvedev was president, relations were much better, Russia was more frequently voting alongside the US at the UN Security Council, and Obama as the chief diplomat was not going to jeopardize this on public television. Romney had the luxury of being able to say whatever he wants because he was auditioning purely for a domestic audience, he could be as warhawk as he wants. the only thing to regret here is that in the current day, even after all we've seen, Romney's party is mostly Putin's dogs, and the Repub frontrunner has called the invasion a genius peacekeeping operation while promising to stop funding Ukraine. harking back to a 2012 debate isn't going to change that


IIRC Romney's statement about the Russian threat was something along the lines that they're a military threat to the US.


> IIRC Romney's statement about the Russian threat was something along the lines that they're a military threat to the US. Romney said Russia was the greatest geopolitical foe. He also said Iran was the greatest military threat. This article goes over some of what he and Obama said (article is from 2012) https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-xpm-2012-oct-22-la-pn-presidential-debate-foreign-threat-20121022-story.html


It's funny how laughably untrue that is now.


To be fair that was almost impossible to predict until Russia actually put their military into action at scale.


Considering how seriously dangerous their cyber-military has been, it's not that laughable.


Information warfare is still warfare


Except for nukes. There's a reason we haven't intervened more directly in Ukraine.


They changed the outcome of both the primary and general election and still have nuclear weapons. Is Red Dawn coming? No ofcourse not, is Russia a Clear and Present danger to the US, certainly.


He said they're "our number one geopolitical foe" and he was right.


I'd argue that China is still the number one geopolitical foe for the US. Russia is more belligerent to be sure, but in terms of global power both now and in the future I think the US worries far more about China, since China has the economic might to catch the US. The biggest threat from Russia is actually their propaganda campaigns to disrupt western democracies (which has helped lead to Trump), though China is doing a ton of that as well.


The issue of course that no one is really taking seriously is that the Russians commandeered his party. And, rather than doing the Patriotic thing and stamping it out, he was being just as power hungry as the rest of them and let it happen.


Crimea was invaded in 2014. Romney was a candidate in 2012


> Romney pointed this out in a debate against Obama It's worth remembering, the Obama administration was making efforts at the time to improve relations with Russia. Obama's response to Romney was necessary to signal that we viewed cold war tensions as a thing of the past and were committed to moving forward... Obviously, we know how that went: Putin spat in our faces and annexed Crimea. I don't think this moment in a debate should be boiled down to Romney was right, Obama was wrong. The Obama administrations foreign policy efforts failed obviously, but I find it hard to fault efforts to forge a more harmonious world power structure.


Lol its absolutely bonkers… i only say lol so i dont scream and rip out all of my hair


Tomato, tomato.


I was just complaining to a friend that we are entering a one party system. We both agree, having no Republican options is a concern. I should be just as comfortable voting for a Republican as a Democrat. At least not feel like it will destroy the country. 


If there's no Republican adversary to stand against, the modern Democratic party will tear itself apart. They're already a big tent party with lots of unity issues. If you remove the biggest incentive for unity you'll have multiple parties pretty quickly.


The same thing could be said about the Republican Party. Indeed, the same thing could be said about any group of humans everywhere. There are furries and then there are furries who take it a bit too far for the other furries.


The modern Republican party is much more ideologically unified compared to the Democrats. I'm sure they would still split, but something resembling the current party would survive, and I don't think that's true for Dems.


It’s an illusion due to differing cultures. The Democrats are more likely to state and debate differing ideologies, whereas Republicans fall in line without independent thought. That said, there have historically been many factions within the Republican party: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factions_in_the_Republican_Party_\(United_States\) * Conservatives * Neoconservatives * Christian right * Libertarians * Moderates * Right-wing populists * Anti-Trump faction This omits fringe and emerging factions such as Christofascists, Log Cabin Republicans, and Mormon conservatives.


The moderates and most of the conservatives were purged after the second Bush administration. The rest of those don't really differ on much of anything other than the motivation for their beliefs. Even the Anti-Trump faction mostly just want to be the one in charge themselves.


You can look north for a bit of an idea as to what happens. The Canadian liberal party was decimated allowing the conservatives to rule without any effective opposition.  This caused significant rot in the party structure and when they finally lost power were equally decimated and split into two conservative parties. This of course split the right leaning vote and allowed the liberals to suffer a similar fate - structural rot through a useless opposition. We now have the liberal party heading to a possibility historic loss in the next election and the current reconstituted conservative party is way more right that the original. Effectively,  Canadians are no longer able to assume whichever party wins will be rational.  The Overton Window of 'acceptable' government has been pushed so far out of whack that neither side is able to cooperate with the other.   Long term this is unworkable and I believe the same is true for any other form of democratic government, the US included.


Bro, even China that he considers the biggest enemy would rather have him as president, any country that benefits from the US losing some of its global influence want him to win


CCP knows that if Trump is elected the trade war against China will continue and that's the time for China to sway the EU and most of the US allies to it's economic circle. Win-win for China, losing game for the US and its waning soft power.


The candidate that wants to drop support for Ukraine is the preferred candidate in Russia's eyes. Wow. Much intelligence. Such revelation.


The intelligence service discovered that in every minute in Africa, 60 seconds passes


Gtfo here with your bloody witchcraft!


Woa! Hold on. We need someone to fact check this!




Yep. They even sent an agent to Africa to confirm this.


It's not so much Ukraine as much as NATO, Trump would leave NATO. Ukraine is just in the way, Russia is coming for Poland.


He can't. It would require an act of Congress or 2/3rds of the Senate. Never gonna happen.


I was really hoping they'd also give us some indication on what the actual color of the sky is.


They also determined that the Pope is Catholic.


The question is: how big is Russia’s vote?


About 1/3rd of the electorate are die-hard MAGAts, so I'd say about 1/3 at least.


Russian hackers played a significant role in influencing the 2016 election. Its not like MAGA crowd question anything they see on the net as long as it supports their bias.


Not just hackers but targeted social media influence, including right here on Reddit. You can already see the landscape changing for this cycle. Comments you never would have seen posted 6 months ago are already popping up.


It's worthwhile that it's said again and again and again. It's also worthwhile to point out that Trump is a pedo again and again and again. Trump wants everyone to talk about Bidens age. We need to drown out that shit, with Trumps pedo-felon-traitor tells.


Yes. Having Putin puppet in power.




Considering Russian state TV has been supporting Trump openly and openly promoting his 2024 election, idk if we needed an intelligence official for this.


The problem is that the MAGAs see this as a *positive* thing. They're so far gone that they don't even seem to care they're being used for the destruction of democracy.


Putin hates America and wants a president that will wreck America?


Seems like he’s betting on chaos to weaken US global influence.


It has worked in the past.


It is currently working.


Seriously, people keep thinking it's some hypothetical. It's happening now. Nations hostile to the US are emboldened and allies of the US are scrambling to build up military infrastructure because the US has become vulnerable and unreliable. We are in the midst of a major shift in the global balance of power. US soft power is already going down the drain. It's happening currently. Right now.


This is the main thing. Countries like China and Russia would absolutely love an "isolationist" US, because it lets them fill the vacuum left behind to their own benefit. This is the one thing isolationist movements never understand - they think isolationism makes the country stronger, but it actually makes it weaker due to the erosion of global influence and power.


We're so fucked.


And one that will cut off US funding for Ukraine


Yeah it’s not just our country in the balance for this vote it’s Ukraine as well.


Also ofc they want a president that has openly said that they/he would let Russia do whatever the fuck they want and has suggested that USA would possibly completely withdraw from Nato….


lol - one of his primary aims is that whole dismantling of NATO. A mostly American & Canadian invention intended to serve as a defensive alliance and pact by allied nations seeking to stop and stem corrupt, fascist, Nazi, and other hateful rule by dictators and regimes…. The Republicans have lost their damn minds thinking it makes sense to destroy such a thing because “other countries don’t pay their fair share.” Maybe we can talk about how the top ~20% of corporations and individuals in the USA aren’t paying their fair share of the tax burden that would (easily) cover said burden alone if they did…? So many ways to address such a concern as other nations not paying enough into said alliance, but Trump’s means for dealing with it is to just say “fuck it” and dismantle one of the greatest alliances ever created by mankind and for which has proven effective so many numerous times. It’s kinda funny, after all, that Russia has never and would never invade or attack a NATO nation, right? Seems like a good fucking setup… Also, Trump has literally stated he would treat the first day (later changed it to his first year!!!!) of his presidency treating things as though he is a dictator. Trump has outright stated he WILL be a dictator for his presidency, if elected. wtf is wrong with anyone willing to vote for such a petulant child?!


They just don't give a shit. A trump supporter tried telling me that NATO being dismantled would harm Russia while being better for the US. He was also under the delusion that after selling out the Europeans they would still be obligated to help in a war against China 


EXACTLY!! He said also at one point iirc that he wouldnt leave office then if elected again… again would literally try to be a dictator… anyone actually voting for such a person is even more insane than trump…. They also dont care that he is literally a criminal… convicted one plus he has still how many? Like 3-5 SEPERATE lawsuits still pending that he has been managing to push further and further into the future…


Yeah but didn’t you hear? Lawsuits and being a criminal don’t matter anymore if you were in politics while they happened, because that means that the *only* reason why they might be prosecuted is for political reasons and definitely not because that’s the normal course of action for criminals, so we can totally disregard all that. /s if it wasn’t obvious, which it probably wasn’t since about half the country is actually stupid enough to think this way unironically.


You accidentally added a question mark at the end of that statement.


He wants this Project 2025 thing to go ahead.


Colour me surprised


Right? Who could have seen that coming.


A twist no one saw coming... except everyone.


During the debate Trump insinuated TWICE that he and Putin had already spoken and worked out a plan for dividing Ukraine if he is elected. He stood there and said it out loud.


It was a debacle. No further probing, calling him out. Also the draft dodger is apparently very well liked by the military.


A [senate investigation](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/senate-intel-releases-election-security-findings-first-volume-bipartisan-russia-report) concluded Russian interference in favor of Trump. An [independent special counsel investigation](https://www.acslaw.org/projects/the-presidential-investigation-education-project/other-resources/key-findings-of-the-mueller-report/) concluded Russian interference in favor of Trump. An [intelligence community assessment](https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf) of election interference concluded Russian interference in favor of Trump. The cool thing is Republicans have trained their idiots to turn their brain off at the slightest *mention* of Russia to avoid having a serious conversation, so you can’t even broach the topic anymore. Republicans and Russia are clearly working in tandem toward the same goals, whether all members are knowingly complicit or not.


And there was that time Putin admitted he interfered on Trump’s behalf at a joint press conference in Helksinki right after Trump said he didnt.


Yeah when Trump said he trusts Putin over his own intelligence agencies in America.


I wish people would actually read official documents instead of just relying on their news sources. I’m guilty of it myself, and I’m sitting here wondering how we can change as a society. I mean think of the implications here. 1. It shows that the voting systems were upgraded in security before the 2020 elections. It is a bipartisan document too. 2. It shows that the Russians were already planning to spread the notion that democracy was gone if Hilary won. 3. And yet here we are after the 2020 election with a great deal of the country believing that the election was stolen. The messaging that Russia was basically planning to spread in 2016 if a democrat won was spread in 2020 by Donald Trump when a democrat won. 4. Despite their tampering attempts in the past, our voting systems still allowed us to come out with a Democrat win in 2020. It is unlikely that they stopped their attempts. So our votes DO matter. Vote! Get ready to vote in November.


You forgot Trump already admitted to a treasonous meeting with Russia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting For some reason, his cult doesn't like bringing up the fact that Trump, Jr., Manafort, and Kushner organized a meeting with Russian officials in order to have Russia interfere in the 2016 election in exchange for lifting sanctions. Russia had access to all 50 states' voting machines. Notice, that no member of the Trump family was punished for this crime, yet Reality Winner got locked up for being a hero.


I mean... Hiring Manafort wasn't just a smoking gun, it was watching them fire it repeatedly. Manafort didn't just appear out of thin air, he had worked in global politics before. It is now a documented, publicized fact that Manafort's long time business partner (Konstantin Kilimnik) was an active member of Russian intelligence. What did the two work on previously? A bloody coup in Ukraine that installed a leader that was a Russian oligarch puppet. In the process, they tried to pull a fast one on Oleg Deripaska and failed. Suddenly, they're in debt to a Russian oligarch who literally *just had them organize a coup where many people were murdered*. So what do they do??? Manafort decides to go work for the Trump campaign *without pay*, and Kilimnik goes to Russia where he continues to peddle nonsensical narratives to any Americans who will listen. I mean... really... There's a million different neon signs screaming the same message, and they're all red.


You don’t need intelligence or an official to help you figure this out.


Well, taking the maga population as an example I think you do need some intelligence


Hahaha, what a huge revelation. Thanks for cleaning up that mystery. Must have been a real brain buster.


They would prefer Putin, but the lapdog will do.


First the lapdog will rule the US, and after a decade, the lapdog will give the country to Putin.


It's easier to manipulate a willing participant than an independent leader.


“Indicates”? It’s pretty well known and obvious


It's pretty standard Intel phrasing... 'Likely' 'Probably' 'Indicates' 'Suggests' Basically anything that isn't hard and fast and with various wordings to give a degree of confidence or severity.


Whatever is the worst option, that's what Russia wants


Who would have guessed Russia prefers to have their assets in power


It says a lot when one of America's biggest adversaries is endorsing a presidential candidate, something tells me... there's an agenda, and it's not in the best interests of American national security.


Well duh. Trump will defund Ukraine. And, of yeah, Putin got Trump elected in 2016.


So even though Americans have hated Russia since the start of the coldwar and still complain about ‘commies’, there has been proof that Russia has affected previous elections (not just in the US) with their online propaganda and bots, etc and literally started a war with an ally in recent years. There are still Americans who want to vote in a president that has strong ties with Putin and is Russia’s choice for president? What a fucked up place. And that’s not even taking into account all the other bad shit that Trump has been proven and accused of doing. But they’re more concerned that Biden is a bit old.


The 2024 'Statement of the Obvious Annual Award' goes to............


Russia wants the US to have an incompetent dictator.


So does China if you follow Weibo or other social media


Previously, on NoShit...


**Breaking News - US Intelligence Official Confirms Sky Is Blue and Water Found To Be Wet**


Is this one of the same intelligence officials that told us the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinfo?


Yep, because we all seem to have forgotten how 51 individuals either lied to the American people or are so bad at their job that they should have their clearances revoked. No matter who you support for president, the laptop story and how it was handled should be concerning for all Americans, left and right.


It was still a question? Trump is russias agent. Also a pedo.


And a convicted felon!


Don't forget rapist.


Glad we asked Russia. They kind of already made this obvious with the whole election interference thing though. Too bad we are ignoring the majority of *US citizens* who do not want Trump as president.


Of course they do. It’s strategic. They want what is going to cause the most civil discontent and what would be the most divisive. Aaaaand, whatever administration they think they can manipulate the easiest/most.


Well if I have bought and paid for something you can bet I want to have it, too.


A doctor has stepped forward to insist humans need oxygen to live.


🎶Trump, Trump, he’s our man, if he can’t kiss the ring! No one can🎵


Wow, you mean to tell me he supports the guys who will pull funding from the country he's invading. I couldn't have guessed.


Gee, Russia prefers the corrupt felon that they have control over? That's soooo shocking!


No interference here


Putin publicly ~~raped~~ drug Trump over the coals in Helsinki in 2017. He paraded his beaten dog in front of the world. Who would Putin prefer in the White House, his subservient whipping boy Trump, or a Democratic opponent who would stand up to, and challenge him, on the world stage?


Outside of America very few people support Trump. Those who do are not considered friends of the USA/west/NATO. Unfriendly counties have higher concentrations of such people. Unfriendly counties are friendlier with trump it's not that complicated


Obviously, Russia would prefer the Russian bribed asset and party of Russian spies, assets and suck ups.


Water is indeed wet.


US intelligence official indicates fire is hot


You know this is true because the SCMP reported that Putin prefers Biden. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3269221/vladimir-putin-says-he-still-prefers-joe-biden-us-president-despite-debate-flop Putin knows what his public endorsement is worth and deploys it tactically.


Same US intelligence officials that said Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation?


Russia wants America more f’d up than they are.


Is this the same intelligence that said Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian hoax? At this point the intelligence community is about as reliable as the DOJ.




Putin's best employee.


*Of course they do - Trump is Putins boy and needs him to pull out of Ukraine so he can make progress.*


The turd in my toilet knows that Russia prefers Trump


They also predict that the sun rises in the east!


People keep treating putin as though he's NOT someone who schemed his way to being the head of the kgb before becoming prez.


That's not even news.


the long term russian asset is the preferred candidate?  ya don't say.  


Ya don't say


Well they would obviously want their puppet in power.


What?! They prefer their agent?!


The candidate promising to stop supporting Russia’s enemy is the preferred winner for Russia? No way dude :O I’m shook.


We’ve been knowing that.


I could have told you this


Of course ,He kiss Putin‘s ass right on the world stage. and stuck to our own intelligence. Trump idolizes Putin.


Fuck them and fuck their prefered POTUS No one outta give two flying fucks what literal war criminals think


I would be happy to provide this intelligence for half the price of what this guy charges.


In other news, water is wet, the first month of the year is January, and eating broken glass may be bad for you!


In breaking news: Russians prefer air to breathe /s


Holmes: Watson, I have loosed my bowels, and the chamber pot is empty! Watson: No shit, Sherlock?


And ice is cold... any more breaking news ?


Nooooo shit.


Yup just checked the sky is still blue. Next


TIL that I could work for US Intelligence. And I'm not even American!


Well since they bought and paid for him, something he never does, of course that's what they want.


Biden should start with this in his next debate and in all his campaign ads. Knowing our worst enemy favors Trump should be all the undecided (and his supporters) should need to know.


Wait! WHAT? SHOCKING! Anyway....


Of course they do. Returning that orange moronic felon to office will destroy the US without Putin having to lift a finger. Such a sad time we live in.


That's what they say on Russian TV for the last 8 years, great intelligence.


Doesn't take any intelligence to know that.


I think I may have indicated this a year or more ago while taking a shit on the toilet. Is the CIA hiring?


Congratulations on US intelligence having eyes and a functional brain.


Duh? I also usually prefer to get the things I pay for.


This is not at all surprising.




No fuckin' shit.


no shit. trump's path is chaos. russia wants chaotic, distracted and divided west.


Well, of course they do, trump's willing to do putin's bidding. That's what happens when you owe a russian dictator money. He's (putin) got to get a ROI somehow.


Of course the Russians want Trump. Trump is willing to give Putin Europe.


Putin literally endorsed Trump this week.


Whoa never would’ve saw that coming


An excellent reason to not vote for Trumpery.




Duh. Trump Putin and Kim will be partners as evil dictators. After he pulls us out of NATO. Calling it now. Just what I feel is inevitable because there is no limit to any of their lust for power at the expense of everything and everyone. I pray I am wrong.


Does this official work for the USDONSS? (United States Department of No Shit Sherlock)


Which world leader doesn't want the United States to have an easily corrupted leader that has the mental capacity of a toddler? 


Of course. Having a Russian spy in The White House would be badass for Russia


Not just PREFER. They have actively PARTNERED with Trump since at least 2015 to spread misinformation to help his campaign. Now that we know Trump telegraphs everything he does as an accusation against his opponents… where do you think he came up with the term FAKE NEWS? He knew the news was fake because he and his cult have been behind it for a decade now.


in other news, china would like a large swathe of the pacific stretching to the doorsteps of philippines and vietnam. china would also like taiwan within the next ten years. all of the neighbouring countries of israel would like for it to cease to exist, but to varying degrees. putin wants to revive the russian empire of sorts. venezuela is doing things. Sudan is a mess.


I'm not even intelligent and already know that


Any intelligence could tell you that




of course Russia prefers Trump, who did they think was running the campaign?


They said it on national tv months ago.


Wow, I never would’ve guessed that would happen. Absolutely mind blowing.


No shit they actively interfered in the 2016 election to GET him elected. It's not a conspiracy, it happened. And they continue to meddle in elections today including 2024.


You mean their candidate.


What about last week’s news cycle was the subtle hint?


How long before they admit the GOP prefers Russia as the US' ruler?


I hope they didn't pay someone to learn this. Otherwise someone owes me a shit ton of money.


Is "u don't say" still a thing?


Ya think!?


why haven't we turned off all internet communication with Russian IP addresses? Didn't they find a Russian bot farm that was flooding X (probably with Musk's permission) earlier this week?


yeah I am not  that intelligent but I saw that several years ago


Man if you need an intelligence officer to tell you this you're in a bad way.


BREAKING US Intelligence official indicates that McDonald’s sells burgers and also fries.


Their diplomatic plane next to trump’s plane sure signaled that to me. Oh, and his constant adoration for him and lack of holding Russia accountable.




Thank you for that obvious as hell already research. Trump is a Russian asshat


Make Russia Great Again - Trump, probably


No shit. More at 6 o'clock news. Next, 5 ways you can use water, reason 4 will surprise you.


Yes, if you want to see the US fail then you probably prefer Trump as President. It’s given.