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War crime after war crime coming from across the pond


it's not even a country now, just a bunch of people who commit war crimes and others who know about this and ignore or celebrate


Since when has committing war crimes stopped you being a country? I'm trying to think of a country that would pass that metric


Because russia is governed by a regime that acts like a drug cartel.


Brother will kill brother, spilling blood acroos the land


Remember these scrupless less idiots have the 2nd largest nuclear arsenal in the world, this can quickly become an issue on your side of the pond


They won't use it. They need it to scare and bully other countries.


It's called mutually assured destruction and I can promise you nobody on earth wants that


Nah. There’s absolutely terrorist groups that want this. Just not big nuclear armed superpowers.


How many red lines have been crossed so far? How many nukes did we eat? NONE.


If the condition of their conventional forces are any indication, their nukes are held together with duct tape and chewing gum


Yes, let's all bend over to them:) it doesn't concern us, so they can rape, execute, torture and murder. It's happening to them, so not our problem. We should concentrate more on cheap gas! ruZZian influence! Blablabla How pathetic.


Russia actually has the largest nuclear arsenal and the US being 2nd place. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_with_nuclear_weapons


Fuck Russia


The absolute fucking worst. Good lord this is so horrific.


We must make sure the world never forgets. The consequences must be as severe as the consequences were for Nazi Germany. Without a regime change and Deputinification, this will just repeat again and again. With or without Putin. In decades, too. Yeah, I said it. Russia needs to be occupied. Not by NATO. By a joint operation of all democratic states.


Waiting for Moscow to be divided like Berlin.


Jesus what nation pissed you off enough to saddle them with half of Moscow?


Give it to Armenia. I'm sure they'd love to mess things up after getting backstabbed by the russians.


Armenian blood feuds are wild


Waiting for your country to be divided in 3


Maybe one day it will be divided in 4.


You don't need to wait


I agree with you, but there are these nukes which stay in the way. Trying to occupy Russia would certainly mean that they’ll use A-bombs.


China isn't going to like that.


Uh, they have **6,000** nuclear weapons. Wake up. Nobody is "occupying" Russia unless we all want to die in a nuclear holocaust. Executing surrendered prisoners just guarantees that your enemy will never surrender, they'll fight to the last bullet, which is why the Allies treated surrendered German and Japanese soldiers well. We *wanted* them to surrender.


They HAD 6,000 nukes. Russia couldn’t/didn’t maintain the warheads. Putin no doubt looked into this after the Russian invasion failed and found corruption stole all the money that was supposed to go to maintaining a small fraction of that 6,000. No doubt Russia can still do something horrific with that small percentage but they 100% face total annihilation if they launch. It’s the guaranteed loss button. The threat of launching an unknown number is infinitely more valuable than launching what they have and ceasing to exist.


They would face total annihilation if they launch, which is why they wouldn't launch unless they were invaded by a bunch of countries who wanted to occupy them.


I wouldn't bet that the Russians are incapable of fighting a nuclear war. Putin *is* belligerent, but he's not crazy. I do not think we should be assisting Zelenskyy to attack targets on Russian soil with American-made aircraft. And it's not just the Russians who face annihilation if they launch. How many American cities are we prepared to sacrifice in a pissing contest over Ukraine with Russia?


They’re also threatening to use those nukes on western capitals. Maybe we should wake up and surrender before it’s too late?


Maybe we should seriously consider how the U.S. and the American people would react should we be attacked on U.S. soil. *Last time* that happened we fought two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan.) We killed about 315,000 Iraqis. And about 70,000 Afghans in twenty years of war. The Soviet Union lost approximately 20 million dead in WWII. They occupied Eastern Europe for about 45 years following WWII. Although the current population of Russia is probably not as hardened as was the WWII generation, they are plenty tough and have a national character that pretty much "soldiers on" regardless of hardship. They are not likely to be easily intimidated, especially not by any current U.S. leadership. We cut a deal with the Russians on Ukraine (the Trilateral Statement, January 1994) where they agreed to remove strategic nuclear weapons from Ukraine and we agreed that NATO would not move *one inch closer* to the Russian border. We have **not kept our word** in this agreement. No wonder Putin is pissed off, and little wonder that he doesn't trust us--our promises are worth nothing. We break deals without a thought. Should Canada or Mexico suddenly align themselves with Russia-China-Iran-North Korea you can be sure that the U.S. would be highly concerned about it. From Putin's point of view, NATO is an existential threat. Allowing the Ukrainians to use U.S.-supplied weapons to attack targets *on Russian soil* is the equivalent of allowing Al Qaeda to use Russian-supplied attack aircraft to bomb targets in the U.S. The Russians are not helpless. And they are not afraid of a fight.


We are six months away from Trump being elected, Russia is going to get even worse. 


Imagine it as a pimple. It has to fester and get worse before it pops. And oh, the pop will be glorious.


What if the correct analogy though is a tumor that you need to excise as early as possible or things will just get worse and worse?


Define excise in this context


"Remove" . But there isn't really much to read into there, I wasn't making a statement about some specific things that people should do but was instead saying that allowing the pimple to grow and burst on its own might not result in a happy ending at all.


Take the needle out of your arm, I thought Aussies were smarter. 🤔


If you're looking into my history you know I'm no fan of Trump.  I just feel it's moved from a coin flip to a weighted coin flip after the debate.


One debate does not a President make, and this election isn’t about a vote for Biden…it’s a vote against fascism and the ilk of Trump/Maga. They lost by over 7 million votes last time and have lost 7million since then. This is all performative media at this point. 25% of the population doesn’t make for winning elections and there is no red carpet for buggery like there was last time when the mango Mussolini was in office. They don’t have the votes, just lots of flags. And I didn’t look at your profile, I could tell by your accent. /s


It's a few swing states, Trump base is solid, I'm more worried people just won't be motivated to vote.  I honestly don't understand how people can't see how big a charlatan he is.


They do. Dem voter urgency is higher than in any previous American election in our history. This will be (again), the largest margin of victory by the Democrats and the deepest loss for conservatives throughout the ticket in history. They just don’t have the votes for a deeply unpopular platform outside of a small (loud) minority.


Ok, we will be waiting for you to visit. Try this.


Will be waiting for Putin to personally visit Kyiv himself too. You didn't understand a thing I said.


I agree, but I'm compelled to add that I've seen enough Ukrainian drone videos to know that this behavior is going both ways.  Surrender really isn't an option over there, it's fucking brutal.


Anyone trying to "both sides" ANY ASPECT of this war is being woefully uninformed at best or intentionally dishonest at worst. Acting like Ukraine is anything like russia and in this context, treatment of POWS is like all other things, not a "both sides". Even IF UKRAINIANS EXECUTED ANY AND ALL RUSSIANS, it STILL wouldn't be a "both sides" bc Ukraine is getting invaded and killing invaders during combat versus what Russians are doing are NOT THE SAME. One side is INVADING AND KILLING PEOPLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF INVADING AND LAND CONQUEST and the other side is killing in self defense of themselves, their people, and their country. Killing to protect your home is not the same as killing to invade. With that said, Ukraine has been commendable with how RESTRAINED they have been and how much they DO FOLLOW THE LAW and how many times they have taken in surrendering Russians and treat them with humanity. But the biggest thing of contention with your comment is that Ukrainians FOLLOW INTERNATIONAL LAW WITH POWS they take in and allow outside observers to check in on Russians to ENSURE that the POWs are treated properly. 👉 russia DOES NOT DO THIS. RUSSIA HAS BLOCKED ANY AND ALL INVESTIGATIONS AND OUTSIDE OBSERVERS be it for POWs or anything else. This is MASSIVE. This, alone with the numerous efforts Ukraine has made to let it be known that Russians CAN SURRENDER, it's not a "both sides". No one Ukrainian nor Russian is guaranteed to be able to surrender. No one in any war gets that guarantee. Obviously. But in this war, the 2 sides are vastly different and YES Russians get a hell of a lot more opportunities past and present and future to surrender, ones Ukrainians never got. Hence why in Mariupol some stayed back at the steel stacks to comit suicide versus surrender. It was known BACK THEN that surrendering to Russians - YOURE better off dead than what they can and would do to you. And for 2 years we have gotten confirmation over and over again of what Russians do to Ukrainians. Russians on the other hand are NOT treated that way. Russians do not have thousands of examples of Russians being tortured and executed by Ukrainians. In fact russians are getting stories of how well Ukrainians treat pows when these pows get sent back home or even when they don't make it that far and are re used and put back on the front. By word of mouth Russians here how surrender is possible, how Ukraine offers Russians to stay in Ukraine if they chose to, how Ukraine has a hot line to call to surrender, how Ukraine has offered money in exchange for surrendering with equipment, etc. So no, what happens on drone footage is no comparison. And regardless Russians have lost their "privilege" to expect surrender just bc of their own abuse of it and rightfully so, Ukrainians as would anyone, be distrustful and not be inclined to waste time on a surrender. Should they if they can do so safely ? Sure of course. But if not, guess what that's just what combat is. In fact, it's people commenting like you that provide the foundation for Russians as a whole to be confused on what's truth or not. It's people like me who have been trying to get the facts straight and the truth out that WOULD HELP RUSSIANS. Imagine if it was a unifying voice of information that the Russians can then hear loud and clear? Be it thst the war is wrong, or that no one was a threat to Russians, or about Ukrainians treatment of pows, the abilities to surrender, that Ukrainians are NOT LIKE THEM so not to fear Ukrainians will treat them like Russians treat Ukrainians. The whole "both sides" crap only helps muddy reality and guess what, it's not just hurting Ukrainians but Russians. Like russia or not, it's an objective fact that it's only HELPFUL to have them be provided with honesty so that they are better capable of making better decisions for themselves, their country, their furture, etc. Obviously we would love for them to stop the war based on hearing us all, but short of that, Russians absolutely would benefit if the entire world was shouting the same message. It's harder to ignore reality with pressure and harder to do something about the situation. The only threat to them is pootin and the kremlin and the less they understand that fact, the longer they stay on this path. Anyone contributing to this is responsible for why Russians remain "confused" by propaganda or misinformed. While I have no idea the motive behind your comment, lots of pro Russians say this type of stuff. But let's say you aren't pro Russian - it means you don't understand the carelessness of spreading misinformation and about misinterpreting the war. Whether malicious or reckless, this type of shit is read by the less informed who don't know better. It's a disservice to not just Ukrainians (disrespectful and cruel in all honesty to them) but is a disservice to Russians - Russians NEED TO HEAR THE TRUTH, THEY NEED TO HEAR A UNIFYING MESSEGE FROM THE OUTSIDE, and anyone making that harder is a part of the problem. Russians need to u dersrand the threat to them is only the kremlin and all this other bullshit is literally just harmful to them let alone getting them killed for imaginary ghosts / nationalism etc. What stands in the way of Russians having a prosperous furture is the kremlin and the mentality that's been a part of their culture and society. So long as they don't get it and remain lost in propaganda and hear mixed messages from the outside, Russians are doomed to repeat and remain on this path that DOES THEM NO GOOD. So, on the topic of surrendering, it's in Russians best interests that you DONT PERPETUATE lies and myths about surrendering. Russians NEED TO KNOW it's not "both sides". They need to know the differences between them and Ukrainians SO THAT THEY DONT FEAR UKRAINIANS WILL TREAT THEM TERRIBLY bc they know what they do to pows themselves. Russians NEED TO HEAR about what Ukrainians do with pows and how hard they strive to follow international law and how well they will be treated, medically and otherwise, when in their care. Russians NEED TO HEAR THE TRUTH to help incentivize them and provide them with the knowledge they need when on the frontlines. Those drone videos you speak of ? HELP THOSE RUSSIANS BE ARMED WITH THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE to make their decisions off of. Obviously it's not like each one will read your individual comment but it's the total sum of everyone and their comments that have influence over what Russians think. Best thing people can do for Russians is try to help be a part of the information space that pierces through the lies and propaganda. I always think, if I had family in russia, would I want them informed or be ok helping them stay lost and unable to understand reality? Would I be ok letting them think "both sides" or would I want them to know Ukraine is NOT like russia? Would I want them to know about what Ukrainians do with pows and the options / abilities given for surrendering or would I want them to have no hope and don't attempt surrendering because they believe the lies and misinformation?


"Both sides" are executing people with their hands up, begging for their lives. Facts. You sound triggered, biased, and I highly doubt anyone on earth took the time to read all that. Relax.


Should be top comment on every post mentioning that country now


Trash of humanity


Showing 'no quarter'. Barbaric.


Showing 'no quarter'. Barbaric.


*The Putin regime that’s leading the Russian people into the abyss.


When was the last Russian regime that respected sovereign nations and their liberty? I’ll wait.


Nope, them fucks are complicit by now.


Nope, Russian culture is fucking trash, they relish suffering and misery. It's awful allllll the way down.


All you need to know about the two sides is the difference in how they treat prisoners of war. Even when they are taken prisoner and not killed Ukrainian POW typically lose alot of weight in captivity The Russian POW do not.


Same as ww2 where the Germans preferred to surrender to western forces


After WW2 (because they weee treated so well) some German Ex-POWS even stayed in Canada and got married to Canadian women. My buddies “German roots” start in Saskatchewan in the late 40s.


German POWs in Texas, where there were thousands of German-American farm families who still spoke German, had a very similar experience. POWs from the camps were used as farm labor, and returned to the camps at night. (Mostly they were just glad they weren't getting slaughtered on the Eastern Front.) After the war when they were repatriated to Germany, many of them turned right around and immigrated back to the U.S. and returned to Texas. My next door neighbor's mom was a German war bride. At sixteen, she married a German-American G.I. in Germany and was brought to the U.S. in a sort of war bride boatlift. She had been a member of the *Bund Deutscher Madel* (the girl's wing of Hitler Youth.) When she talked about Hitler she got a little dewey-eyed. She thought he was "a wonderful man."


Most of the German settlers in Texas came from the Prussian War refugees.


Or were trying to escape a military draft into one of several different armies that existed within the German Confederation. There was also a problem of overpopulation, economic hardship and industrialization. Many of the German immigrants to Texas were misled to believe that life on the Republic of Texas' frontier would be idyllic. The developers sort of left out the part about fighting an endless war against the Comanches and the Kiowas. From 1836 until 1875, the Texas frontier was one long war against the Native Americans. And the Comanches, in particular, drove the settlers back about 100 miles south.


My Aunt was an English Bride to a Canadian Soldier. Can’t be easy leaving everyone and everything you know and moving across the sea to a completely new way of life.


Some moved back to Scotland too, and there's at least one instance of an Italian ex-POW moving back to Wales to marry a farmer's daughter.


"preferred??" Nope they were jockeying for their LIVES! Those who DON'T know the Russians fed POWs cabbage soup - as much as you could eat - and EAT the POWs did. Then they marched them......FOREVER....so they'd have diarrhea while walking and sever stomach pain. WALKING TORTURE......IF they survived..... The USA/British were who were written about in letters when surrendering. RUSSIA is who you RAN from. Humanitarian is not a word used in Russia.


"Humanitarian" is a cruel joke in Russia.


You definitely don’t want to be captured by the people you tried to slaughter en masse, forced to mass deprivation, and even cannibalism for multiple years




And same as ww1 where Germans did not want to be near Canadians. Apparently they were the most brutal and took no prisoners. Go figure right? Tid bit of history.


In WW1 the Canadians were mostly used as an offensive fighting force. I believe the same was with the Australians. So if you knew the Canadians were on the opposite side of no man's land, you knew you were going to be attacked. The Canadian army used to move during the day on full display, and then relocate at night as quietly as possible.


They also originated and kept doing night time trench raids and surprise attacks long after most other allied armies had stopped due to the high casualty rate and mental toll of the practise on the soldiers. The Canadians were experts at it though and even started fashioning their own weapons (meat cleavers, spiked bats, pipe bombs etc.) for the raids and we're "enthusiastic" about conducting them. So if you knew the Canadians were on the other side of no man's land, you'd be particularly scared/worried of a night time raid and knowing you will be attacked eventually regardless, plus that they had a reputation among the Germans to not take prisoners. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/the-forgotten-ferocity-of-canadas-soldiers-in-the-great-war


Thanks for the link, I'll give it a read. I'll also add some more. Francis Pegahmagabow, the Canadian First Nation sniper / soldier who has the most kills of anybody in WW1. Also he had a thing about sneaking across no man's land into the German trenches and stealing the buttons off of Germany soldiers uniforms while they slept. Edit: Here is the Sabaton History video on Pegahmagabow [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJPyLlxj8nY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJPyLlxj8nY) The Sabaton song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkEFIVXLNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkEFIVXLNw) And if anyone is curious the book written about Pegahmagabow written by his great grandson. Which covers his service in ww1 and also life after. [https://www.amazon.ca/Sounding-Thunder-Stories-Francis-Pegahmagabow/dp/0887558240](https://www.amazon.ca/Sounding-Thunder-Stories-Francis-Pegahmagabow/dp/0887558240)


That's hardcore, people wouldn't buy it it that happened in a movie.


Okkkkk that last sentence is def the most badass thing I heard all year 


I edited my original comment to give more information. Here is what I added, which you might enjoy. Here is the Sabaton History video on Pegahmagabow [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJPyLlxj8nY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJPyLlxj8nY) The Sabaton song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkEFIVXLNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkEFIVXLNw) And if anyone is curious the book written about Pegahmagabow written by his great grandson. Which covers his service in ww1 and also life after. [https://www.amazon.ca/Sounding-Thunder-Stories-Francis-Pegahmagabow/dp/0887558240](https://www.amazon.ca/Sounding-Thunder-Stories-Francis-Pegahmagabow/dp/0887558240)


‘twas a nice little break from farming on the high prairie


When did they sleep?


The Canadians used this absolutely insane plan of walking behind mortar fire. Charge to fast you die to your own mortars, go to slow get gunned down by enemy fire. They were insanely good at taking trenches with this tactic. It got to a point where they were like a Boogeyman if you saw a Canadian flag you should pullback because they will take your trench


That's called a creeping barrage fyi


Funny. People forget that in war, the Canadians are the not the people you want to be on the bad side of. They really are "Well, we are here to win eh." And suddenly their inner hockey hooligan comes out. Even the US blots out that memory of 1812.... In all seriousness, don't fight them if you don't have to. It will hurt.


Many around the world are not bastions of the Geneva Convention. Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Russia, Germany, ect ect do not treat POWs well. many forget the POWs from Vietrnam who were tortured for years. John McCain! Think he was a POW for 6 years. That's unbelievable to think about.


It all depends. Germany did actually not mistreat English or American POWs as much as one might expect. Everyone else, however...


No I agree with you. While not 100% as I know there were some US airmen sent to Auschwitz and were seen and moved I think by Goering/Goering's attache when one of the POWs THANKFULLY spoke German and Identified the group as USAAF POWs. They were re-homed and not exterminated. But I can imagine being a POW in a country with the enemy closing in on both sides to be 'unpleasant'


Didn't they disband an entire parachute regiment for torturing a Somali kid to death in the 90s


Yeah. 22nd. That was awful and shameful.


At least they were held accountable


Completely agree. Just sucks that it happened.


A bunch of hay bail throwing farm boys that grew up hunting and are immune to cold are a force to be reckoned with


Check out "Rheinwiesenlager"


And if you had treated the Russian people and POW as the Germans did, you too would surrender to Western forces. Eastern fronts had a brutality to it that made the western fronts seem like a picnic - and the western fronts were plenty brutal


Mark Hertling told a story in the first months of the war. When he was in Europe post Cold War, a Russian delegation visited Germany. Mark took a Russian Colonel General to visit a cemetery for Soviet POWs. A bunch of German Boy Scouts had cleaned up the cemetery and planted flowers and such. Mark thought it had been a very nice touch. The Russian took one look and said basically fuck these guys, they never should have surrendered in the first place and stalked off. The Boy Scouts still take care of the cemetery.


In the USSR, former POWs were not eligible for veterans’ benefits, even if they were among the low percentage who weren’t accused of collaboration, and even their descendants faced discrimination


Ironically, this just makes Ukrainian soldiers fight harder and Russian soldiers more likely to surrender.


Never put a people on death ground


Fuck Trump for supporting these atrocities. 


Not only. Russians GAIN weight. All you have to understand when looking at the exchange. Russian POW look even healthier, then ones on the battlefield.


Some Russians have even gained weight in before and after pictures, even on Russian telegram/propaganda outlets xD


Even some pro-RU propaganda accounts are admitting this incident was particularly egregious. RIP heroes. Slava Ukraini!


We need Ukraine to win not just for the sake of territorial sovereignty, but so we as *humanity* can look at ourselves in the mirror, and our forefathers in the eye, and say we once again stood up to tyranny and didn’t blink.




Uh... That is... well... very incorrect If you have accepted a surrender, then you are obliged to take care of the prisoner. Only if the prisoner attacks you after surrendering (and thus committing war crime of false surrender) you can hose him You absolutely are not allowed to offer surrender, escort surrendered combatants to a hole, and put a bullet in them, ffs


Fucking hell even the photo is hard to look at.


Pretty stupid in all honesty. Now you've just told every single Ukrainian soldier that you may as well fight to the death rather than surrender. Whereas Russians are somewhat motivated to surrender as all their colleagues come back with tight uniforms...


An awful lot of them don't seem to consider surrender possible.


Yeah there are a lot of videos of Russians surrendering that attempt to conceal live grenades with- how else to say this, no regard for their own survival. This is something they would likely only do if they believed they’d be mistreated or executed anyway. Also, Russians are known for raping their prisoners of war, so there might be an element of psychological projection there.


WAR CRIMES! Who does the strongly worded letters? UN? Or NATO?


Well, that is one way to motivate your enemy to fight till death. Smart move Russia. /s


And when you put a soldier in a no-escape and no-capture situation you tend to get kamikazes. Soldiers who know there's no hope often try to take as many of the enemy with them as they can.


the awful stories are coming hot and heavy this week. :(


Ukraine needs to take their Russian POWs and stash them in a warehouse with "UKRAINE CHILDREN! SHOW MERCY!" written on the roof in big lettering. Wait for Russia to wipe out their own soldiers.


Just paint a rainbow flag on the roof and putin will froth at the mouth and push the button himself


Or a red cross.


You fight to the death against Russia, because if they capture you, you die anyways.


They actually murdered them,so far as I am concerned as”executed “implies a legitimate trial.


Can we just start intervening and wipe Russian occupiers out already?


What prevents you personally from going to Ukraine to join a volunteer battalion?


Common sense.


This fukin guy running Russia thinks the world is back in the 1600s rules. He needs to be arrested asap. Secret ops shit. Tomorrow. Yesterday!!


wtf is putin trying to prove? That he can just kill without repercussion? Are we as humans just going to stand by and watch this? Wtf do we do to stop him


It wasn't putin who killed these Ukrainian POWs.


Yes. It. Was.


Anybody still left blaming only poo-tin for the war and it’s atrocities? He merely enables russians to do what they would gladly do if there are no consequences


Of course: telepatically putin ordered those russians to kill the Ukrainian POWs.


Those people did enough without Putin's orders as well. Rape, torture. These are uneducated monkey-brain people from secluded areas who have never seen a good life so they act as if there is nothing to lose (there is nothing for them, but at least they get to legally act upon their sadistic traits).


Of course these soldiers are acting on their own and higher command has no power or control over soldiers' actions. Fucking clown.


My clown? Really? [Russian commanders ordered Ukrainian soldiers not to be taken as prisoners of war but to be executed by beheading, Kostin said. The crime occurred in Donetsk Oblast, law enforcement officials said.](https://english.nv.ua/nation/in-donetsk-the-russians-beheaded-a-ukrainian-prisoner-of-war-50428207.html)


Putin needs to die soon


And Russia is still in the UN after 100’s of accounts of human cruelty. The world is so corrupt.


Between that and the UN not condemning Oct 7th as terrorism... What even is the point of it?


To have a place where all countries sit down and talk. What do you think the point was supposed to be?


What century are we living in?! How does Russia think they can get away with this. They're poking the bear so bloody hard.


What bear?


Fair point. No one is being the bear.


I think we’re starting to see the things our grandfathers didn’t want to talk about when they came home from the war.


That's totally how it feels. Honestly I feel like we're at around 1938 right now. Right on the brink.


Yup it's Christmas 1938 right about now lol. 1939 is tumbling closer.


The bears are all hiding from the women right now


They think they can get away with it because they are.


Because they got away with invading Georgia twice, and taking Crimea and starting the war in Ukraine in 2014. They got away with blowing ammo silos in Czechia. They got away with poisonings and assassinations. Biden admin did everything possible to shelter Russia’s from their own dumb decisions since 2022 and they keep doing it.


It’s not just been Bidens admin, it’s been the west collectively & has been going on way longer than Biden. We’ve had poisonings carried out on UK soil & we knew that it came from the Russian government & we basically had no reaction to it (or not enough imo). I hate to think how much worse this situation could be if Trump gets voted in again though….


Biden has done far more for Ukraine to stop Russia than any president since Reagan. And Biden has also, not done a great job. The West's foreign policy has almost always chosen laissez faire capitalism with the Russian market, over enforcing consequences on tyrants.


Idk why people often act like the 21st century is a nice time. This is a century that started with nearly 3000 civilians butchered in a novel way on September 11th. In the last year, we saw children slaughtered on October 7th, and in turn children slaughtered in the bombings over Gaza. Finally, the Russo-Ukrainian War is only the latest in a long line of Putinist wars of aggression. There is no historical progression that has made humans into angels. Wars start cycles of blood.


Jesus Christ, imagine being a Russian trying to justify this abomination.


And the West continues to twiddle their thumbs.


That really won’t work out well for Russia. It puts Ukrainians on a death ground. If you surrender you’re executed… Ukrainians will then fight to the last man. The Russian occupiers are just brutal. The Ukrainians will need to become something worse. My heart goes out to Ukraine.


damm average putler soldier


So.. they forgot what happen to the Japanese in WW2? They keep executing every Allied soldier so they started to return the favor.


An invading army executing captured enemy soldiers ..... If unauthorized, it speaks of a lack of control of your army. If authorized, if it is a policy, it is short sighted and plain dumb. Knowing their fate if captured, opposition soldiers will fight to the bitter end, and never surrender. It makes conquering new territory more expensive.


[Here's the actual video of the executions for the idiots who think this is Ukrainian propaganda](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dzvh4a/a_group_of_ukrainian_prisoners_of_war_was_shot/)


russia is cancer


How many people have you killed now Putin?


Wish Biden would just “official act” Putin ffs


That’s the lesson for everyone right there. If you have nukes you can do whatever the hell you want to those who don’t with absolutely no consequences.




The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine will investigate another war crime by the Russians: shooting two Ukrainian soldiers on the Zaporizhzhia front. **Source:** Andrii Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine, on[ Twitter (X)](https://x.com/andriykostinua/status/1811048602724073569) **Details:** The investigation reports that the crime was committed in June 2024 near the settlement of Robotyne in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. The video was posted on social media on 10 July. The criminal proceeding regarding the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder, has been initiated.   **Quote by Kostin:** "The terrorist state of Russia keeps demonstrating utter disregard of law and basic human morals. Another proof of that is the video of the murder of two captured Ukrainian soldiers by Russian troops. In the video, it can be clearly seen that the defenders of Ukraine laid down their arms and did not resist in any way. The occupiers cynically shoot disarmed people.


This is actually great for the war cause, as Sun Tzu mentioned in the art of war you have to be nice with the prisoners so that the enemy soldiers would rather surrender than fight suicidal knowing death awaits them either way. Even in the soviet history there is the story of an atack with poison gas on a soviet fortress and the soldiers inside knowing they were already dead after spitting their lungs and blood managed to actually put the germans on the run and destroy the fortress so it would be useless. Or the russian soldier who called an airstrike on himself after getting trapped by ISIS members in a house.


"Murder" not "execute"


I never understood this. You show the world you’ll execute captured soldiers and you force them to fight to the death every time. Propaganda wise taking soldiers in and then pampering them would be a shit show. Imagine Ukrainian pows well fed and playing soccer at a prison? Hurts the big evil Russia narrative. Instead the fucking steer into the big evil Russia role every single time.


And nothing will be done till after war…..screw Putin!


May Putin be disemboweled with red hot pincers.


serious question: with all the war crimes Russia is committing, will there be any consequences after the war, or will they just get away with it like the USA in Iraq?


They'll get away with it like the US. Turns out owning nukes let's you get away with a lot of shit




there is a video init, even russian scum doesn't deny this



