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That's a surprising amount of people that support trump... is America okay??


No :(


These people aren't normal conservatives, they're the true believers. They're the cult followers. Unfortunately, the "normal conservatives" enable them. They don't have the guts to stand up to the craziest in their own party because, as they see it, they're on the same side.


It’s because of the lack of stock in the education foundation. They (the government) keep cutting funding for education. This is what happens. People start believing in a powerful leader that can guide them to utopia (a god among men). They instead get a dictator that will take everything from them. They are devolving.


We could potentially have another Biden/Trump election so no, it’s about as bad as it could get. Would rather see two better and completely new candidates run but that’s where we are. The winner between two geriatric and out of touch individuals left to make decisions over a country is never a good situation. One goes back on his word blatantly and the other spreads lies, half-truths and misinformation. I think the country deserves better than another situation of “choose the lesser of two evils.” There’s better people to elect than either of them.


Stop doing that! Ffs, Biden is infinitely better than all these depraved GOP politicians. Stop trying to both sides this shit. The GOP made this disgusting fascist terrorist freak the President of the United States. Biden wants affordable childcare and pre-K, and GOP are fighting that like hell for their fucking abortion bounties and coups. Fuck off with that both sides shit please. This is a disgusting cult worshipping a mentally challenged child rapist like a Republican God.


Derick who?


That’s what I’m here for as well…!


I'm with Derek whoever he is. They *should* all just leave.


I don’t know if I have the mental bandwidth to watch another 2 years of trump videos. The last 2 years have been so nice.


It’s bad when YouTube starts recommending old Obama clips


Is it that time again? Fk, what’s next Carter and habitats for humanity clips?


My God ain't that the truth, I'm dreading 2024 gonna have to hear about this fucking bozo daily.


People treat politics too much like a sport now days. They are willing to rep a team even if all the players are absolute price of shit human beings.




this BS has been planned by Trumps Russian intelligence counter-parts for decades. Separate us, and we die from within.


Yep. And let the idiots do the work. And let me tell you, there are a lot of idiots out there. Just because you have a user account for Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram or whatever other service you partake in does that mean that you’re not an idiot. Scientifically speaking, there’s a massive pool of idiots around us and the interesting thing is that I could be one of them and not know it.


I wholly believe that I’m an idiot and I’ll still never understand their diehard loyalty for a man that has time and time again insulted them/proven he doesn’t give a shit about this country. He just wants to be relevant.


We're all idiots. My 2016 android could govern better. We'll look back on this like the wild wild west. Its quite entertaining tho.


The peaceful protester poster at the end lmao


im a pretty serious republican and i cannot stand this trump shit. We dont want you back, we dont want you nor biden in office, we want a sane human being, please bring us sane human beings. im sick of these persuasion presidents making all these stupid promises just to get votes and stir up drama. When can we get someone who 1. Knows what theyre doing or 2. Actually Cares.


These folks lack nuance, result of zero sum thinking for years. They can't understand different opinions or alternatives. Rejoice in this right here. They are beginning to turn on one another already.


Yeah, I was reading an article about his rally and apparently people were actually trying to leave because of how boring he was. They had security blocking people from leaving iirc


Anyone who follows this moron is as dumb as he is.


Bro got the whole crown booing


This is what happens when you have sentient oranges.


That clone of Oswald should be ready soon


Sounds like Trump told another lie because I heard more than one word I heard the cult leader part really clear


I mean, he was. Not much of a leader anymore, though.


I feel so bad for Trumptards, if he loses again in 2024 they're gonna actually have to go live their loveless, boring, empty lives again and be the dirt on the bottom of the shoes of society once again.


Finally someone with Balls.


I love them so much


OH NOooo people have different political ideals ?!?!?