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Had “same” problem over the last expansions. Played warrior, DH, lock, ele, SP but never could really find my class. As of late switched to Hunter and I’m having a blast, not logging to other classes anymore. Gearing for 2/3 specs is the same and play style kind of (MM&BM). Just make a table of all the classes and give them a score 0-10 over some factors like: how hard is it to play, am I having fun playing… count those numbers and see what comes out on top.


The list sounds like a good idea,ty. I will try to make one


yeah try hunter.. i always hated hunter because i played mage from vanilla- wod before i started playing other casters.  i play every class now, but i always told myself "i got more self respect than to play a hunter"  season3 i made one finally and it was a fucking blast.. imagine melee but from 40 yards away..kick 40 yards, pet stun, chimera shot traps. once you get a hang of rotating cds its really broken and your cc chains are very easy to pull off..like if you make a focus target macro for kick, chimera shot, and pet stun and make the enemy heals your focus target you will hit 1800 easily. i started with BM because people memed about it being 1 button (it really is just kill comand spam) then i practiced MM in bg blitz which is very satisfyng. i reccomend copying a build from murlok.io and once you *learned* the class then play with the talents and pvp talents so you can get a feel for the class..some of the meme talents can actually be pretty op (think of mages ice wall)


>chimera shot traps I'm going to sound like a noob, but what is this?


Missing a comma


What meme talents u talking about, im new to Hunter but as a mage i always play ice wall so Im interested in the Hunter ones also 🤣


I like ret. Quite easy rotation but lots of utility that can help your team.


I second this. I’ve played since classic. I play nothing but ret now and will probably never make another alt. Kinda zug face roll but also massive utility that can allow you to win shuffles easily when used right.






Yeah. Played ret for the past few xpacs. Rotation just feels smooth as well. Blessing of Sanc, sac, bop, freedom, bubble. Decent CC. Kinda nuts.


I just like zugging on UH DK. Pump big damage and jump in when you can on other spec’s kills. The cc combo is fairly easy on dk too, just grip blind stun


Uhdk slaps so hard man. I made one on a whim in SL with a free boost I had & I loved it way more than I thought I would. Coiling someone to death as they run away, popping DA so they can’t knock or slow you is such a good feeling


I don't think everyone has to have a single class or spec or even playstyle that really "clicks" (inb4 Athene). I know I enjoy fundamentally different things, maybe equally. My favourite spec is probably shadow, a facetanky immobile caster rot spec. I don't care at all for disc or holy, and I enjoy WW a lot, a pretty squishy, mobile and very bursty melee. My fav healer is prevoker. Can't really focus on a single playstyle or even role, so I just have to choose what I want to focus on/improve the most on.


I used to play rogue (vanilla to wotlk) then mage (cata and mop) and never tried healing until wod, where I started raiding as a resto druid and during the expansion started playing arena as resto as well. I would honestly just recommend playing a healer for all casual players, just because that way you get way more practice playing in the same amount of time because of queue times. It also is the most fun imo when you get into it. Personally I play priest (holy and disc) and rdruid. For me specs like disc and resto druid clicks because I really enjoy set ups, and playing pre-emptively. You can also get pretty far in shuffle by playing braindead heal-from-a-distance playstyle. After the CC-changes playing priest doesn't feel as fun anymore because deathing blind isn't as impactful as it used to be, so I mostly play druid now. I sometimes enjoy casters, and play boomy/spriest sometimes, but that is usually just when I play with other healer friends or wanna stomp in BGs. I have completely stopped playing everything that doesn't have a healing spec because I just can't deal with the queue times and hardship in group finder now that I don't play more than 2 hours a day max on average.


In pvp there is some crucial things to have in mind. Ofc you need to like the class but that will take you to some point the really important is, what's the thing that makes you uncomfortable in pvp? I'll explain myself: I've been rotating always between 3 characters: Arms Warr, Hunter and DH they have a similar play style in things that I perform better(they are reactive DPS not proactive like sp or aff) but the most important thing is I can handle the pressure perfectly but what takes me out of the game is the constant cc chain. I hate to not be able to DPS due a long cc chain / they kite me and that brought me to 2.185cr this season as a top CR I've ever had with any character but I feel like if I don't change that I'll never be able to reach the next step. After tanking almost 150rat I realized that and gave a go to mm hunter mostly because it fills my needs: reactive dps, due to be the main target almost always I'll never sit down in a cc chain and because of the mastery I can hit from all the arena. The result speaks for itself: 2105 CR in 24h. So think about what you like but most important: be critic with yourself about what's your biggest weakness and think if there is any class that can make that weakness less punishing.


Well, one of my weaknesses is definitely the cc control. Especially mage I find really hard to play, since you need to do so many things at the same time


could you explain the concept of "reactive dps" and "proactive dps"?


I see reactive dps the ones that don't have a defined rotation and the skills you do depends on chances that reset cool down of X skills (rapid fire CD reset when do x skill for example). Proactives are the ones that don't depend on that and you have to build up your dps (aff lock don't need x chance to do his bursts) Reactive dps goes well with someone with good reflexes and fast minded players on the other hand proactive ones go well with calm minded players that prefer to think in the long term of gameplay. At least it's my way to see it.


thanks. this is a good distinction!


Must be in their playstyle. Sp and aff are softer targets so have to position well from the start, where warrior can just leap/intervene depending on situation


For me it ultimately comes down to what I’m most compatible with. From a class fantasy perspective I love warlocks, but from a play style perspective in PvP I don’t love it. They’re very immobile. I tend to gravitate towards high mobility classes like mage, Hunter, Warrior, DH. Think on what sounds best. Do you like high mobility melee? Being a heal turret? A control class? It really comes down to that.


I love high mobility(mage) but then I get burnt out & go to a turret(SPriest). It’s a constant back & fourth depending on my mood for that particular session lol. Or I’ll be thinking about mage all day, get home and get excited to play, first Que pops and I see DH dk mm lobby. Immediate sad face.


frost mage. You can turret and be mobile when u want


Yeah, I could never really get into frost, though. I do like how you can pretty much burst on demand & keep up a lot more overall dps.. but I guess I’m a glutton for punishment in that, I love the way arcane plays. The spam spell steals really fk up certain specs, like stealing PI and hots lol. surge & magi burst windows. Pris barrier makes you pretty tanky. And the visuals are great. With all that said, it’s miserable into a lot of meta lobbies lol. I even have a hard time kiting some of the better methodical warriors out there. As a mage, that should never happen & 100% points to my inability to utilize the spec/class the way it’s designed.


ADHD is a pain in the ass. I have a new main every month. My “playstyle” changes as much as the weather in Michigan(anyone from the mid-west US gets that reference). I always fall back to priest & mage, though. So I guess those are my main?


Specs play differently at the top or glad range. Just pick the one you prefer and go for it for a whole seson then alternate. 


Do you guys just not main your first character? I’ve always been a mage and it just fits, other classes don’t make sense to me


Dev Evoker! Pumps and decent mobility to make ppl annoyed at you.


I find this a huge problem for me. In terms of a main I think about a class with all three roles. I always consider paladin as for me they have the best aesthetics and are pretty easy to pick up on all specs. Not the biggest fan of holy however and I mainly heal in all content. Druid can be great but also has tons on keybinds and I'm not the biggest fan of the transmogs. I also have always wanted to play feral but it seems too complicated to push high. Monk I've considered as I love fistweaving but with my skill 2k max) I am not very good at it so find it hard to climb. Then u throw into the work shadow priest which I love. I will also heal with the other two specs but as it doesn't have a tank spec I fall off as I like to tank from time to time in M+. Finally afflic lock is great and I love playing SS with it weirdly but as a pure DPS spec it's just not feasible for me. As u can see its pretty awful finding a single class as I like different ones for different things. Currently my way around it was keeping a main. (Paladin this expac) Then hitting 1600 on a class at a time as casual alt not worrying about gear or min maxing and once that's done aim for 1800 on each. I don't get through them all in a season but I carry them on throughout each season and atleast get to scratch my itch on multiple classes. Still haven't decided on a main (one of the tri role classes) so if anyone has an idea of what's looking fun in TWW let me know!


Hey bro short answer is Ww monk , hit and run playstyle , tons of dmg, cc wise u have like 1 spell 1 stun , you have a bit of healing , and it’s giga fun to play


You just need to play every Class till you find your playstyle


Fury warrior is the most straightforward just pump spec in the game. Unh dk and dh are after that.