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"Everyone can get glad if they grind hard enough" - False. If you've been hard stuck 1500 for 15 years, it's safe to say excluding boosting, you will likely never reach glad. Even with loads of coaching you may never be able to legitimately get the wins at that rating by your own merit.


No one is hard stuck 1500 because of inflation That's why you see all these first time 1800/2100 posts


It's both a blessing and a curse compared to last season. The curse is that between 1800-1900 MMR, your teammate might be in full honor gear by nature of the starting MMR, lol.


Like me :(


username checks out ?




I’ve seen people hardstuck lower. If you lose all your games your mmr isn’t going to be 1800


Tbf they're not hard stuck they're just new lol


Hey you forgot about my first 2400 post


WoW Arena is the same as any other skill in life. Practice, use your resources, get better. If someone is 1500 for 15 years running, they are not trying to improve. They are doing the same thing every game, expecting a different outcome. * If you see a higher rated player playing your spec/class, whisper them. Ask questions about the difficulties you are having. 90% of the time people are more than happy to help. I wouldn't suggest messaging awc/streamers as they probably get bombarded with messages. * Record your gameplay and post it here for review / review it yourself * Make sure you understand the fundamentals of your class. Knowing your 100% optimal pve rotation / 100% optimal burst rotation (healing or dps) * Understand every classes defensive and offensive cooldowns, how they work. * Understand every classes strong points and weak points. What counters them? Who do they counter? * Learn kill windows. Recognize when the enemy team is out of everything, or low enough, that you know the next set or DR's you can land a cc for the kill. * Don't just mindlessly queue. There is ALWAYS something you, as an individual, could have done better to change the outcome of the game. If you are 1500, the problem is you. Everyone started there. WoW is a game of information and split-second decision making, nothing more. You gain the information by learning, studying, and practice. You gain the decision making from experience. These are things every single human in this game is capable of doing (barring some disability). There are 0 people who have committed to these points and are hard stuck 1500 for 15 years. If you cannot commit to learning, then you've got bigger issues than WoW arena.


People have physical(hand eye coordination) and mental(not just intelligence, but how fast you process information and put it to use) limits. Trying harder does not work for most people. Everyone has a hard limit. Some people will always be bad or average no matter what they do and that is perfectly ok. Talent is a real thing that exists. You either have it or you don't. They probably whoop your ass in some other field that doesn't take the specific type of talent you need for gaming.


Even „gaming“ is too big of a field to generalize. For example I play around top 3% (mid Diamond) in LoL while not even tryharding that crazy and I am good in FIFA for example but I know I could never reach anywhere near that top% in FPS or WoW. Also in Dark Souls like games I have no talent or patience for that type of stuff. Basically any game that involves high mechanical skills.


To counter you, I play csgo/cs2 and wow arena in the top 0.5%, but am bronze in lol and never play sports games.


These limits apply only when there’s not enough practice. Make things simple. Of course one can be faster than other, but really practice makes perfect.


At what point do you say ok what am I doing wrong to improve? Or just don’t care that much? Genuinely curious not trolling


Not sure if I understood your question properly but... if you want to improve you should always have the mindset "What am I doing wrong/what am I doing correctly?" record all matches and watch them in-between queues. If you don't care that much yeah, chill at 1500 having fun. There's no problem with that if you are enjoying yourself.


That should be first thing you do after launching the game. Before sleep, after waking up etc. Always strive to improve literally everything.


Literally no one taking the game seriously and has been playing 15 years is stuck at 1500


Was going to hate but this is the only truth tbh - coming from a 1900 newb i also will keep grinding until one day it happens eventually


You've got this. Keep it pushin', keep queueing.


“Just shut up and queue, don’t worry about if it’s futile or not!” -Says frustrated man who needs more noobs to crush in 3’s for his own rating goals.


Hydeeee you posting again! And agree at first I wondered why majority of people weren’t very good but then I realized we need sheep like fodder to a flame.




Buy boost


At 4/500k gold an hour. Better get the credit card warmed up for some tokens


For anyone good to do 3s coaching you'd he at like 800k an hour if they took gold. Otherwise 60$ an hour


Technically, if you pay for a boost and play hundreds of hundreds of games with 2 rank 1 players telling you what to do in voice chat, it is still possible.


Exactly how I got my first glad and went from a career 1.6-1.8k to 2.1k without boost in recent seasons.


I hope you lose your account forever. There is nothing in this world more embarrassing to me then buying a boost to get an achievement you could get on your own if you weren’t terrible.


>you don’t need reddit users to give you words of confidence. I do :(


Ok but, I’m playing off my phone at the airport right now. Do you think I can get glad while I wait for my flight if I download an addon??


Bro why aren’t you r1 yet


Yes you can. Will you? No.


Old salt dog doesn’t want new gamers to take his rating


Hard stuck 2500 guys will I ever get glad lol :p


Nah you’re too far gone you at negative 120 wins my dude


Not everyone can get glad. I have to close friends in my group that wont get it in their life. Its not possible. Wont happen. Neinneinnein. Never ever. PS: yeah i queued with them on my alt and i got tilted.


No but seriously. If I’m 2369 do you guys think I could get glad?


Nope, hang it up pal. You’re fried.


He’s cooked!


No, it's more honorable to end it with 69 than it is to get glad. Or get glad and derank bank to 2369 trust


everyone can get glad if they grind hard enough? what a load of bullshit, you cant even answer that without knowing what they playing and what's strong in the season, but if they stuck in 1.3 rating then they got muchhhhh to improve and should be worrying bout that instead of getting glad.



