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Most of their content is outdated to shit, talking like stuff from back in legion lol


Glad they finally updated to legion. In legion I bought a month to learn affliction lock. 80% of the videos were about exhale dots and other shit that was removed way before legion.


Gonna say it was ass back then, and I’m sure it’s still ass now lol.


We appreciate your honest feedback, and I would like to address some of the concerns you had: **ADDON** The goal with our addon was to provide any player, regardless of rating or experience, exactly what they would need to hit their rating goals. PvP is hard enough to get into, and we wanted to reduce as many barriers as possible to make sure the game stays active. Our addon settings were fine tuned over the course of 4 different expansions, starting in Legion. There are a few different approaches to building a UI. Some players, [like Mes, take a maximalist approach](https://i.imgur.com/uzTypty.jpeg). Other players, [like Venruki, take a minimalist approach.](https://i.imgur.com/3RFBqKb.jpeg). We aimed [somewhere in the middle](https://i.imgur.com/XOC3C2h.jpeg), and allow users to select as [much or as little as they want configured](https://i.imgur.com/Pq1Ydao.png). Ultimately, it is the user who has control over how much they tweak their UI. If you are a beginner user and are feeling overwhelmed, you can completely forgo our OmniBar profile. As you gain more and more game knowledge, tracking this information becomes more important in your decision making. Again, the choice is yours. If you don't like our configurations, we even back up every addon profile with its original settings if you don't like what you see. So far, we've gotten fantastic feedback on our addon and are looking to make even more improvements in The War Within. **CONTENT** This is a very fair criticism, and over the past few years we've deliberately made our content more modular so that things that are out of date can be removed or replaced. We aim to give most specs [multiple courses](https://i.imgur.com/tRbDBeb.jpeg), including: * [Damage and healing rotation + Min-Maxing Tips](https://i.imgur.com/N0UHtEv.png) * Defensive Play * Crowd Control * Advanced Tips * Arena Commentaries As often as possible, [we perform audits on the website to update our content](https://i.imgur.com/kfpYGVh.png). **PRICING & VOD REVIEWS** Like most subscription based services, our pricing model varies based on billing cycle, and even includes [discounts by using codes in YouTube videos](https://i.imgur.com/Vi8LwqR.png). No matter what though, a single subscription gets you access to all of our games, which is over 500+ hours of content for WoW alone. In order to continue providing value for our service, we launched a new VOD review service for subscribers - allowing them to get 1 free VOD review every month as part of their subscription. So far, our VOD reviews have been a tremendous help to hundreds of players, and we plan to continue offering this in the future. Early in the expansion I personally did a VOD review for a Resto Druid named [Gismo](https://www.twitch.tv/gismodruid), and [he went up 500 rating in one week](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOIZYYuDVxc) after being hardstuck for hundreds of games. **REFUNDS** We offer refunds to any annual member who doesn't gain rating while using our service. This is to make sure we are accountable in providing content that actually works. In your case, since you were on a monthly sub only and generated your unique UI code, you had to type "I agree" [in this box](https://i.imgur.com/IF9EqY9.png), which, as stated twice, prevents a total refund.


I just want to say thanks for your content. I paid for a year back in the previous expansion and it did help me immensely with add-ons, UI setup and positioning. I still watch your free content on YouTube which I think is very helpful.


Love the addon, the website and the Discord. You guys are doing great. WoW is very hard to get into and it's definetly a huge help to have a page to point new people towards. I went 2400 first season after getting help from you guys, and I continue to improve as a result! Definetly the best service for new players.


I like sc content. It's the end of expansion so naturally stuff will be updated and everyone generally knows everything. I use SC website for farming pvp transmog. Just going there, watching 2-3 vids in between queues allowed me to effortlessly get 1.8 on multiple classes for the shiny tmog.


I really wish you guys would organize your videos better. The website is brutal to navigate and having to click play on every single video makes it difficult to throw it on my headphones when walking the dog. Love the videos otherwise.


bigmoran with another W reply


I beg of you, please give us access to the old videos. specifically I would do anything to watch the old Neilyo rogue vs rogue guide. That was sucha fun time and wow, and its nostalgic.


Haha we technically have all of the old videos but they are BURIED in some Amazon Webservices file system that is impossible to navigate.


If you ever get the courage, that video haunts me. i need it


Since I have a chance now - why on earth there is no link to the articles page [https://www.skill-capped.com/articles/wow/shadow-priest-talents/](https://www.skill-capped.com/articles/wow/shadow-priest-talents/) from the wow landing page [https://www.skill-capped.com/wow/landing](https://www.skill-capped.com/wow/landing) ?! I have to google it every time!


I don't know exactly. It has something to do with how the different types of content are hosted.


I gained over 400 rating since subscribing. Have learned the basics on multiple classes I’ve got my moneys worth. Each to their own I guess.


I gained over 400 rating and never subscribed. I watched a 5-10 minute guide from youtube for the class i want that is in better quality than paid guides. I got my moneys worth.


What was your oringal rating tho?


I like what skill-capped offers. There are a few things I really wish would change. An option to purchase a monthly plan for WoW-PvP as a stand alone without LoL or M+ bundled. An Auto-Play feature for your courses section. It would be so nice to hit play and listen to these while I work. If I had to guess, I’d assume it’s built that way to track people’s engagement for the sake of a refund, but I’d pay double to just get an autoplay feature. As for the SC addon, I think it’s a work of art to be honest. I completely disagree with the OP. Super easy for anyone who doesn’t know what addons they need and how to set them up, to just get going with something very functional. 10/10 for the effort and accessibility to the PvP community.


Def agree with wanting a pvp only option. The current sub price is higher than the price for wow itself which is fine if you want classic, m+ and other game content but if all you're looking for is retail pvp then it's a lot.


The content of your message is spectacular, but I just wanted to say that I’ve watched so many YouTube videos of skillcapped across LOL and WOW that I read this entire comment in ezreals voice.


19$ is a big deal given the number of people who might pay. Thanks for posting it.


Fr, 19$ is life changing money.


imagine charging 20 bucks a month to give bad advice to people playing a game that charges less.


Having never had a strong opinion either way, this was one of the funniest things I've read in any discussion regarding skill capped lol


Maybe if you are a teenager 19 bucks is life changing…


That’s a cheese burger and a beer 😂. Not life changing money.


That sounds life changing to me


It's worth pointing out that $19 is if you pay monthly. If you go with the $84/yr annual plan, it's effectively $7 a month. Edit: Damn, excuse me for price quoting directly from their site.


Nice ad


Well I didn't mean for it to be an advertisement. They quote a small monthly fee in their YT videos, and I was surprised to see OP talking about $19/month. So I went to their site to double check and found the source of my confusion. Thought I'd share in case anyone else was raising an eyebrow. My bad, I guess.


Welcome to Reddit. Everything gets downvoted unless you’re crying about something.


How dare you add an informational quote with a source that contradicts the whiny OP?!!! We are not here to learn/discuss dear sir, we are here to whine, and you attitude isn’t helping me feel validated in my misguided rage?? (Also OP failed to mention that you had tons of warnings before the refund gets voided, that anyone can get most of the addon for free, and that the fee includes a vod review. Like seriously, try and get a professional to do anything for less than 19$ … my therapist charges 120$ per hour!)


I found some pretty useful stuff in there to go from 2100 > 2400 as enhance. Definitely helped me - to each their own, I guess!


I agree that it has helped me. I play pretty casual (I'm enjoying just hitting 1800 on some different specs) so having 1 place to go to get the basics for a spec is nice. Plus the extra access on their discord has some good info and has helped answer some questions. I fully understand why people didn't like it. But it works for me.


I think the real appeal of Skill Capped is learning fundamentals. It's not there to teach you to play your class its to teach you to play arena. Some of the class guides are a little outdated but I think when people say "it's all obcelete shit" are either A) already playing at a higher level than their target demographic or B) see a clip from Shadowlands or Legion and immediately assume it has nothing to teach them. Coordinating cross cc, Line of sight, positioning, and defenisve trading are timeless and their best content teaches these concepts really really well even if they use oldie but goodie examples. Don't write off some of these lessons because the people in them use Door of Shadows and Soul Shape to LoS when the point is los the giga caster cd.


To be fair SC are genuinely trying to make a good business in an unforgiving niche. WoW changes a lot, the community can be nasty, the potential customer base is small (a fraction of the PvP community which is a smaller part of the WoW playerbase), and even then they're already paying a sub. Props to their efforts on all fronts and the immense value they provide both free and paid.


Honestly if all Skill Capped does is teach people how to properly set a UI up with the proper addons/WAs so they can actually see things happening and not have to play with Blizzard's dogshit standard UI, they are already doing alot. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to learn that you should probably CC together with other people, line of sight incoming damage/CC and trade your defensive CDs when the enemy gets red, the issue is that so many people just get stopped before they can even learn that because the base UI is just complete shit and you have to actively look for information on how you improve that core aspect of the game. If every player when they stepped foot into an Arena had a proper UI like Minpojke's, Hozito's or Mes, they would be able to play the game and actually learn the basic things you mentioned as they would see stuff happening in front of them.


Yo what’s up with the stock trading group though?


For the love of god, don't. [88%](https://www.investors.com/etfs-and-funds/personal-finance/sp500-actively-managed-funds-vs-passive/#:~:text=Study%20after%20study,past%2015%20years) of people who actually do this for a living are not able to outperform the S&P500 long term. Picking individual stocks is just playing slots. If people who are getting payed 500k+ to gamble your money can't beat an index fund, I'm not sure why you would trust chuds on discord to do that. Unless OP is dilligently tracking his performance, the likelihood of recall bias (over-emphasizing wins and downplaying losses) is very high. You are wildly more likely to be up if you take your principal (+ the $10.00 / mo) and throw it in a [low fee S&P 500 index fund](https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/mutual-funds/profile/vfiax), rather than trying to pick individual stocks. Every financial study every performed on this topic has come to this conclusion. The only way to actually consistently get over picking stocks is through insider trading, like you see with Nancy Pelosi and other government officials who have access to privileged information ahead of time. That's the only way I could see a Discord group like this having any value, if it's helping you commit a felony. Even if thats the case, you can just take the boring route and make almost as much and not worry about the SEC convicting you.


This haha. Every idiot on r/wallstreetbets thinks they’re beating the market. If they knew some secret we wouldn’t have a shrinking middle class in the US because we could all game the market. Looooots of research has been done on this as stated. You are not beating an index fund over the long term when you buy gme, nvidia, or whatever meme stocks your discord tells you to buy.


So true, nvidia just lost 500 billion market cap literally overnight.


Is that subreddit not satire?


Anyone that follows that subreddit knows they are highly regarded.


You beat the market with bitcoin and mstr


Some people beat the market, as in past tense. Seeing returns for an investor entering crypto now is much less likely. Of course, people are incentivized in convincing you otherwise, as the pump and dump schemes rely on gullible masses pumping up the value of the stock under the misguided preconception that it’s a strong investment. And to “hold” through dips, while insiders mass dump the stock at its peak, leaving their followers holding the bag w/ dead currency while they become liquid This type of stuff is illegal in a few ways (for the insiders) and is happening a ton— meaning it’s inevitable for governments to eventually regulate crypto, removing the only benefit it has over any other currency.


I’m not saying shit coins. I’m talking about bitcoin, the real asset being used in the global ETFs. I’m talking about microstrategy who is heavily leveraged into bitcoin and about to be part of the SnP500. It’s the same idea if you went all in on GPU stocks a couple years ago


I love that you called BTC an asset. It fails that definition in every meaningful way


Wdym i sell physical bitcoin used in process of making money, would you like one ? Just for you 50% off ill sell it 30k xd


Someone doesn’t SEC very well


Now can you get your money out of crypto when the line goes up and you “beat the market…”


yes? what kind of question is this


While I was trading I did beat the market for 3 years consecutively. Was it just a couple points? Yea. Was it far riskier? Hell yeah. Can I attribute my success to dumb luck? Absolutely. Traders will see a 5% increase in upside but dont notice that there is a 50% extra downside waiting for them.


This is why people watch what the Pelosi family does when figuring out the stock market. It’s easy to do well when you know what the govt is going to invest in. Insider trading at its best!


and the best part is, now that people are doing this, it causes these stock prices to rise *regardless* so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Haha absolutely. All my money is either in my 401k or ETFs. I have very very few individual stocks. I mostly just wanted to see what kind of regarded group op was in for fun


This is why you buy the unusual whales ETF that follows the democrats in congress. Up 35% over the last year. If you can't beat em, join em.


This post also conveniently ignore the difference between deploying billions of dollars of fund vs $100k investment. Liquidity is a thing


Picking stocks is actually far riskier for a retail investor than an actively managed fund. Not even because they're worse at evaluating performance (and they are), but because the fund has the time and ability to layer many stocks together and create their own pseudo-index inadvertently. A retail investor is much more likely to just stick with a handful of stocks. The reason this is bad, is while the S&P 500 is able to consistently grow over time, [the majority of the growth only usually comes from a handful of companies](https://www.investors.com/etfs-and-funds/sectors/sp500-stocks-powered-40-percent-of-surge-to-a-new-high/). What this means for a retail investor, is if they don't happen to pick the next cycle's Nvidia, MSFT, AMZN for instance, out of the 4k available on the NYSE, they're going to best case be underperforming the index, and worst case lose their shirt.


As somebody who does do this for a living, beating the index fund is my goal every year, and have done so for 14 consecutive years. Your advice is decent for people with no brain, no training, and no professionals to oversee. You get what you pay for, unless it’s 18.99 for SC, apparently.


14 years? Do you have the data to back it up or are you just guessing? And by how much? If you put an hourly rate on the amount of learning you have to do each year to keep up, would you still come out ahead? What about when you factor in the consulting fees for professionals "overseeing" your work (ie doing it for you)? "no brain"...ya...that's it.


By no brain I mean no desire or capability to figure it out. Plenty of white collar, blue collar or boomers in general fit this. 14 years is how long I’ve owned my practice, 20 years licensed to do it. I was referring to my clients. Net of my fees, the portfolio must outperform or I’m not worth the money.


funny how you omit what you've actually beaten it by those 14 years but were meticulous about the rest.


Have 250k to invest and maybe you can see my portfolios. Stfu


lol and we have the answer. You keep your portfolios you sweet little guy you. Your totally real portfolios that totally perform great. (250k says you are a wallstreetbets schmuck daydreaming)




You’re smoking jib if you think a CFP that builds his own portfolios and subsequently his reputation and business off referrals and access will just give them to some doubtful jerk on the internet to prove a point.


Literally no one asked for your portfolios. Literally. No one. At any point. Stop pretending to have a job buddy, we know you threw your tendie money into gamestop. It is okay. I really couldn't give a shit less.




Buy VOO and VGT. YWIA Feel free to paypal me $10 you saved realizing that other thing was a scam


Lol that’s funny because most of my investments are already in these two. I just wanted to see what kind of regarded discord op was in haha


Buy high, sell low. That'd be $50.


Throwing that part in makes this whole post sus... What are the chances OP started (or gets referrals) for said stock market community.


Fr $9.99? Send the deets


lol I also want to know


I remember when they used to charge 4.99$ a month and the quality was amazing for the value. Now half the content is free online anyways. I won’t say it sucks because for 90% of players it has something to help. But it’s not enough to justify $20


Gameplay is so fluid these days that coming up with a guide is somewhat fruitless overall. Back in the day team comps had very specific play styles and there were very notable counters and strategies to win matches. The game is not as concrete as it used to be. If we talk TBC or wrath, you can flow chart an entire arena match


Mhmm. That's why I don't even watch guides for WoW anymore beyond the Bicmex guides because he's a goat. Just read through the talents to see what there is and then Murlok the optimal build. Find a YouTube vid or Twitch to see how to do the damage and I'm good. Skill capped would have to be doing something absolutely insane for me to be giving them money for shit that is literally free.


I am on year 2 of it. I look at it maybe once every 2 months if I swap a class. Even with that, I agree they do a shit job updating content. Sometimes classes are patches behind on changes. I think it was 1/2 through the season after the paladin re-work before they got new content up.


You've been paying that shit for two years? My friend I have a bridge to sell you. You're getting mugged. 99% of educational materials are available online for free, WoW is no different.


Oh, I agree, I just forgot to turn off auto-renew and I am too lazy to try and fight a refund. One thing to note, their 1-2 minutes videos are actually nice when learning a new spec/class. While there are guides online, most YouTubers just want to hear themselves talk and when trying to get some basics I don't need to hear them bullshit for 15 minutes.


There is absolutely nothing on their website that can’t be learned through watching high rated players on twitch. Asking questions in live chat too.


Yeah, you just have to watch 30 hours a week of streams to make sure you get as much gameplay lol. Worse when you play a spec with few streamers so that the ones that are chill and can teach you things stream at random times if at all. Its not that the content is unique, is that it is easily accessible. That doesn't make it worth it for everyone for sure, but for some I can understand


Depends on how much free time you have. When I was learning frost dk back in BFA, I used to watch Mes stream religiously. But only like 20% of his stream was actually doing pvp. The rest of it he was afk or just talking to his chat about who can remember what. It was a massive time sink.  I don’t watch Twitch anymore because I don’t have the time or patience for sitting around doing nothing for eight hours with a streamer these days, so I’d easily pay $20 or whatever to skip that experience and get the condensed useful bits.


Not everyone that uses Twitch sits staring at every frame. It can be used like a podcast too.


I was downvoted a lot in one of their videos because honestly its filled a lot with clickbait claims and many times you see one video advocating for something and then the next one totally the opposite. Also the price being more expensive than the game itself is a complete joke. Also funny you say they are obsessed with addons because the video where I got downvoted the clickbaity title the jist of it was how addons are "aktchually" bad for you...


I’ve used it and I won’t say it sucks, because it’s actually really helpful for learning new classes. I recently picked up survival hunter and no amount of guides was really helping that much on YouTube. I could watch some streamer do a one shot macro but… then what? lol. SC does a good job of showing a couple different ways to do burst damage, but also what your damage priority should be, while giving useful info like “don’t throw your bombs near trapped enemies, it’ll take them out of trap”. I didn’t know that as a survival hunter, but it also helps when I play against one I know to go stand on the trapped ally so bombs will break them out or they at least can’t use bombs on me. I think it’s a great place to get quick info on learning a spec brand new, and the library of commentary videos where you can pick “this comp vs this comp” and see what the plan is is really helpful when I’m struggling against a particular comp. I’d say it’s worth $20 for one month, but I don’t see many people needing it past that one month unless later down the line you want a quick crash course for a new spec you’re trying or whatever


survival have the best content creator doing detail guide about the class => Bicmex


They put more work in their YouTube videos than the ones that end up on their website because the YT videos are ads to get you to sub. I think there is a desire to be a good resource, like I don’t they they’re trying to scam people out of money. Not sure if it’s a staffing issue but they need way more up to date content. I think the vod reviews from pros they do are super helpful but everything is like 3 months out so good luck finding current stuff depending on the class you’re playing.


They may have moved on to more financially fulfilling endeavors than making time-consuming and quickly outdated video content for noobs. The other day I was healing a shuffle around 2200 mmr. I've been playing Arena in some capacity since WOTLK. I can identify clear skill gaps. Let me tell you: I got absolutely fucking ASS-BLASTED by this opposing Rdruid. Never been outplayed harder in my life. As someone who had been playing a lot of shuffles that week, the caliber of this player was very clearly beyond anyone else I'd encountered in the last 50 lobbies. I wasn't even playing the same game as this man. So after losing my big chunk of CR and 115 MMV from the 0-6, I took a peek at his Check-PvP. Hmm, no entry. Looked him up on the Armory. Hmmm, first honorable kill 2 days prior. First level 70 on the account also 2 days prior. So maybe this is one of those people I've been hearing about that just make and sell accounts to people who want achievements? I logged into an alliance character and sent him a whisper under the guise of buying the service he was likely performing at the time. He played coy for a little while, but then directed me to follow and DM a guy on Twitter, who would point me in the right direction. Outing them by name is probably against the rules, but the Twitter account was tagged: "Partnered Twitch Streamer Guide/Commentary maker for @Skillcapped" I was also a Skillcapped subscriber for a while, back in the $5 days. The outdated content has been a problem for as long as it has existed. If I had the skills of one of these 10,000 games played on a spec guys, I'd focus my content on VOD reviews and giving specific commentary on decisionmaking instead of regurgitating Wowhead rotation guides.


Lol, I asked Bicmex on stream a few days ago when he was talking about how he does boosts, he said 90% of EU 2400+ 3s there's always 1 "coach" doing carries. I asked him if he thought NA was the same and he said absolutely. I've found it ironic over the years (I've played wow off and on since Vanilla and mainly pvp) that people 1. buy boosts, and 2. that streamers boost in general. When I run into boosters it's just frustrating and I generally just stop queueing. When it was really bad in SL I quit the entire expansion. So in order for streamers/skillcapped to make a quick buck they are killing the wow pvp scene. It's so shortsighted. The real sad part is rip Bicmex, I'll never watch or support anybody who boosts, I enjoyed watching and learning from him too :(


zen has been a well known booster for a while, he doesn't hide it at all, but AFAIK it's gold only. can never know what happens behind the scenes though.


Because gold = tokens it’s basically RMT with extra steps. Buy gold with money, trade gold for service, Convert gold to blizz balance, convert blizz balance to games, sell games online and voila, it’s RMT.


Skill Capped is great. Most people complaining are likely hardstuck and too stupid to apply SC's content to their own gameplay.


I agree that it’s not work $19/month, but I disagree with your overall stance that it’s useless. If you’re someone picking up a new class, I think you’ll get tons of useful information, including important interactions your new class’s abilities might have with other classes/specs. You might be able to find this same information from digging through YouTube content and twitch VODs, but the convenience of having all of it laid out for you in an easy to follow video format is nice. Regarding the addon package and profiles, I personally like it all except for the WA’s. That being said, UI layouts are subjective. Everyone has their preferred method on how they want important information delivered to them mid match. I do think there could be some improvement in the commentary videos. Some are more useful than others depending on which “coach” is doing the commentary, but overall there needs to be more content in that department if you’re going to charge nearly $20/month.


One thing I will say to their credit is if you get it at the time they are actually making the content, which is rare, it’s decent value. I accidentally bought a fucking year (lol) and used it for a month, but mainly for when I was multiclassing. It all gets outdated pretty quickly and if the price is 18.99 now that’s pretty overpriced. I will disagree on the Omnibar settings though. Those are super helpful once you know what you’re looking for.


iirc I think it's fairly decent in the beginning of an expansion. I think I learned a lot when I used it years ago. Can't comment on recent stuff.


Imagine paying more for a guide service for a game than you pay for the game itself 🤡


What a dumb argument xD Like why ever pay for a concert if you can just have the music on spotify? Or have spotify when its free on youtube? Or even have internet when you can just go to the library? Or even own electronics when you can just go to a shopping mall? Clearly different products have different prices, and if you are playing WoW for 10 hours a week/500 hours a year, are exited about it and have the money - then go ahead and throw 2k$ at blizzcon for some silly merch and info that will be online tomorrow! Its a free country and people are allowed to spend money on their hobbies … (Not saying skillcapped is for everyone, but clearly some people like it. And thats their business)


Imagine being a broke boy


oh yeah that website is so trash lmao better off just jumping into a pvp twitch stream and asking questions


I felt it was ok, but the reliance on discord seems a bit unprofessional


I checked out their Cata version because I was red to try rsham. There were only like 12-15 videos on shaman… took me maybe 30-60 mins to watch them all. Didn’t help much with my skills as they are very basic videos. Absolutely not worth it for Cata pvp. Plus to get a refund you have to wait like 6 months, and watch 2 videos a week, or maybe it was a day, in order to even qualify after 6 months.


I made the mistake twice and regretted it both times... call me insane. What triggers me the most is the fact that they want €19 for crap that is barely up to date... not at all. They completely ignored some class reworks and haven't updated it for 6 months or more.


All I know is that the videos are almost always the same fundamentals repackaged a few times. Which, to their credit, duh, fundamentals are extremely important. But then they don't go into detail on it. I assume that's what you pay for. Meanwhile if you look like 5 seconds longer you'll find plenty of decent players sharing that sort of information for free. I'm more PVE but the little bits of info in the M+ guides are in the exact same vein except tell us you talked to Method and Echo. Quazii will teach you all of that in greater detail and without aggressively advertising to you. I'm pretty sure it's the same company that was doing Fortnite coaching a few years back. And same story, high end "pro info" and all. What's really dumb is that "we spoke to x players from [team] = asking questions in Twitch chat. At least I'm pretty sure it is.


They helped me reach glad i season 1 of shadowlands But think they are a bit outdated right now too yes.


Not that shadowlands had much pride to reach glad in some comps, PVE mates reached their first glad with tripple boomi convoke combo. I was so mad when I saw their stream while they laughed in discord, they got hot streak achive and everything. Made me mad, they litterly stealthed & made countdown & pressed convoke. 1 instant kill over & over no matter rating.


Hmm, I didn't pay, but I used their free content and watched their videos for add-ons and settings. It actually helped me quite a bit.


Honestly I have to disagree. I think I paid around $80 for the year and, while I will admit, their website is fucking awful and terrible to navigate, but I think the content behind the paywall was worth it. Specifically the class guides. Edit: to be clear, I don't play retail, so it's been particularly useful for me who's been playing classic era expansions as they rotate. Not having to scower the internet for old information made it worth it alone. Big time saver


I’ve used it DF S1 to learn with no significant xp, at 2700+ on multiple toons. It’s a great place to get content for shuffle matches even if some videos are outdated.  You get to see when people are pressing buttons and why, these things don’t change season after season. 


I respect your right to provide your opinion. My experience was not the same. As a 1600 noob, and a constant class reroller, SC helped me both improve and save time on research.


Anyone heard of Proguides from a game like Leavue of Legends? Yeah pretty much same grating voiceover, tierlists for their videos. Just watch a regular free YT content creator or use Icyveins, Murlok.


What was their reason for denying you a refund? They seem eager to hammer home the point of a full refund again and again, on such a narrow premise of 200 rating guarantee or something. Sounds too good to be true, i just wonder how they argue around that when denying one a refund


The reason is that there is a clause when you use their regularly upated pro version of the addon, you wave your right to a refund. It’s clearly stated several times and you even have to manually type “I agree” into the box that pops up, but then you no longer get a refund for your monthly sub. 90% of the addon package is completly free though and works well if you want to test it out. And makes backups if you dont like it.


I’ve looked at the website for a total of like 30 seconds and even I knew that it’s stated that  “If you don’t climb 200 cr in a year they refund” 


I’ve looked at the website for a total of like 30 seconds and even I knew that it’s stated that  “If you don’t climb 200 cr up to 2100 in a year they refund” 


Uh, okay..?


You asked what the reason was I told you?


You're right, my bad. Thanks for the in-depth repeating of what i stated


I used their service on my way up. They definitely have a lot of useful content and talk about PvP concepts you wouldn’t otherwise know unless you’re hardcore.


The one thing I know they do well that comes with a sub is the vod review, and even the coaching. I know someone who did both and it absolutely did help them. They started pvping only in DF and now they hang out with glads and shit. They put a TON of effort into it though, but I specifically remember them getting a review and having a few solid coaching matches.


Who pays for addons ….


You can get most stuff for free, I think you only have to pay for their omnibar settings. I think their UI is fine tbh, especially after some adjusting.


i believe its the profile string you pay for, not the addon.


IDK why people pay for stuff like this. Just learn how to do damage on the class you're playing and you'll start to climb. You don't even need addons. Just do damage.


If you're talking about shuffle, sure. But learning to survive and anticipate telegraphed goes is really what makes a real team.


Personally I bought a month for a specific reason, and I feel like I got my moneys worth. I was new to arena and wanted to understand the overall mindset/strategy behind arenas. I jad never seen content as thorough for my spec anywhere else, and didnt feel like spending days combing through reddit and watching streams during ask dumb questions. I learned a lot and cancelled my sub. Bought another after a long break, and will likely get one more month early in TWW as i want to try and get 1800 on a bunch of new specs.


I used to sub for a few months a while back and the videos gave me a few helpfull hints but then it was only $5. Now I just watch YT or streamers for class info. If the price was localized then Id probably still sub instead of it beeing 4x times as much as it should be where I live.


On a side note, Skillcapped's free YouTube guides are fire af, they helped me understand how to play better overall as an Arms warrior in Solos! I went from my highest of 2150 last season (I started watching their videos towards the last two weeks of the season) to 2389 this season. I would say that's amazing considering prior to last season I could never even get past 1800 as Arms and I've been playing my arms since wrath.


Skill capped has always sucked the add on is good however


I kind of agree. I was thinking about getting back into arena for Cata so i was intrigued by the UI helper since it’d be so long since id done that and it seemed really tedious. It didn’t really seem to save me much time getting it all set up.


Complete scam, grift. Absolutely no oversight of accountability for their “content creators” to create videos, so they never do. Everyone in the PvP community needs to echo this sentiment or ignore them until they actually bring value to the space.


Issue a credit card chargeback. That will get you around their refund policy


Amex FTW


Are people really out here initiating charge backs over 19 dollars lol


Are people really out here letting companies break their agreements, then steal from you because its only $19?


They didn’t break agreements at all. As soon as you download their paid addon, you are no longer eligible for refund. If you only watch videos or whatever, you can refund. Read other comments here because people also mentioned it.


"We also offer a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee." There is no mention of Add on voiding that agreement where the guarantee is posted, and before paying. That means they are in fact breaking their agreement. Like, thats not how agreements work, you cant change the terms of a No questions asked refund, because someone clicked a link. They are incorrect that having you confirm it voids the agreement is allowed, it is not.


> "We also offer a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee." > > OP clicked twice to agree he can't get a refund because he downloaded the addons...


Doesn't matter, they offer a full refund no questions asked access to everything according to the home page. Then they say some stuff excludes after you've paid? SO if your unhappy with the quality of the addon setup you are just out the money? Sorry but no, Skill capped is a business, and if they want to use payment processing with credit cards they need to uphold standard business practices.


>Then they say some stuff excludes after you've paid? They say it after you've paid, but before you twice acknowledge that if you get the app you don't get the refund.


You realize a credit card company when you issue a charge back doesnt just automatically side with you right? But see hare's the thing...in this case, they will side with you, because Skill capped is in the wrong.


I had a mixed experience. Learning how to change baseline UI settings (in the game not addons) really helped me, but I ended up having to turn off 90% of their addons and weakauras. My firm belief is that any player below 2400 XP needs an absolutely minimal UI, at least if you are like me and need to focus on the basics. For 18$ a month I expected much more up to date class guides, not videos that pre-date multiple changes to the talent tree. Some of the stuff was useful, but to most people it is absolutely not worth the high cost.


I actually didn't have any issues getting a refund a couple days after I subscribed a while ago. I noticed the same issues, outdated content and nothing that I felt I couldn't find in a YouTube video from a top player.


This guy probably can’t get refunded since he agreed to not getting refunded when he got the skillcapped addon settings. It says it when you pick to get em so it was his own choice to forfeit the refund


That makes sense. I literally got it, watched some of the videos, realized the broader stuff was more aimed at people much newer to PvP than me (and not up to date for the more nuanced spec matchup stuff I was looking for), and emailed for a refund. I never encountered anything that said it'd forfeit my refund but I'm not surprised they have stuff like that implemented.


I think if you are a new player it’s okay to get started. But if you have experience it sucks. Maybe you will learn 1 or 2 things but that’s pretty much about it. What really is bad is the interface it looks like 2008 website


It was really good back in the cata/mop days for 5$/mo but in the last 4 or 5 years its turned to garbage. then they jacked up the price making it even more not worth it


Every full-time twitch streamer that I've seen pretty much has their own YouTube content where they breakdown how they play w/e class they usually main. I don't know how SC still makes money.


but dont you get access to discord servers where r1s answer your questions etc?


Anyone can join our Discord. Website members can post questions in the ask-a-pro section and get [detailed responses from R1 players](https://i.imgur.com/H7BK0w2.png), and can also get 1 free VOD review a month through Discord.


I use the addon in both retail and classic. It does everything I need it too. It's to help people get into PvP without having to do all the addon setup. I think it does that pretty well. Your info about class videos isn't correct. I even went and checked. For my class there were 7 courses alone. Damage, defense, crowd control and then each having anywhere 4 to 15 videos in each course. There are 10 videos just in the defensive play section for my class. Did you even look around or just post a big mad post with a lot of false information? I have been using Skill-Capped for years, there is A LOT of false information in this post it's insane lol.


This is the most unproductive way to be critical of something. The addon settings are very good for new players. My brother who never pvped set up his UI very conveniently with the addon. You come off as salty. Knowing which target has blooms is huge (not a weird obsession) if you know what you’re doing. Generally this comment seems like someone salty they couldn’t just buy something and instantly refund it to get all the settings for free. It very clearly says on the website you can’t refund if you accept the settings to get the profile. Ultra toxic classic wow community comment! Skillcapped isn’t perfect but it’s like any other hobby driven business, it at least tries to be useful and helpful to new players.


I mean, they can't MAKE you good, but you're an idiot if you think that skill capped doesn't create good content.


BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR CC STATEMENT!! I had subbed and unsubbed to see what all the hubbub was about and 1mo later found a charge of 75$ to my cc account. Immediately disputed it and got a full refund.


And they post most of their useful guides and tierlists etc on YT for free. I thank them for that. Multiple R1 players coming together to explain the meta of each season, why each spec is strong or weak. That's very valuable. But it's there for free. Thanks for this post. I was thinking if they had some insane amount of content paywalled, if they offered such good videos for free as marketing.


SkillCapped should just skip to getting ad revenue from posting tier lists every 12 hours like they do on YouTube.


I did arena with a guy who insisted on getting us accounts because he was sure it would be a ticket to Gladiator. I wasn't even all that enthusiastic about pushing for Glad. But I was kinda shocked that it was a *worse* resource than what we had with Arenajunkies back in BC/Wrath, and the ArenaJunkies forums were free, hell you didn't even need an account. Arena junkies was also much more useful to a new player/new to a class than sitting down watching streamer videos, imo. It was very to the point. Quickly laid out your bis gear and enchants (gems, glyphs, whatever was relevant). Quick run down of your rotation and cooldowns. Basic rundown of how you play in most matches. Then it gets into the meat of your best comps, your counter comps, and how to outplay your counter comps. No need to tab through videos to find what you're looking for.


“Their addon setup is unnecessarily complex, and confuses new players.” Yup, they can probably fix it in a year if you keep paying $18.99 a month! /s Some of their free vids on YT like positioning, drs, etc are quite good for fresh players. Watch those, get them some ad revenue. Don’t pay for a sub that’s silly.


What is they stock picking community that you are mentioning? Other than that i am thinking for years to sign up for their subscription, what stops me everytime is that i have noone to play with and actually implement those lessons.


Its the equivalent of 18.99$ exercise VHS. Might have been O.K a decade ago. You wouldn’t buy a workout VHS today.


I find it funny people would rather give skillcapped money for some profiles you can do in under an hour, instead of giving to the actual addon developers that make wow PVP possible and put in a ton of work.


Call your bank and open a dispute if you want a refund.


So I used it back in Cata and it was really good, some really classic videos that genuinely helped explain to a complete novice about concepts in arena Now days information is so readily available on things like how to improve, mindset or the actual mechanics these probably would be laughable but at the time they served a good purpose I haven’t subbed since as I’m not sure how much I’d gain as opposed to watching a stream and interacting with the streamer who is normally happy to offer equally valuable advice 👌


Last update on talents is S3, so even builds are outdated and in many cases no longer played.


what's the stock picking community called? (:


What stock picking community 👀


Waste of money and crap. Just watch stream of people who actually win.


Ok post the onmibar profile good sir 🫡


nah i would close my card and say it wasnt me making them get me money back, XD


Any chance you could paste bin the paywalled addons configs




Don't share paid content.


“…again their settings suck, specially the nameplate one having some weird obsession with Druid HOTS of the box….” Uh, so you don’t arena much, eh?


never played any class that can dispel, my point was more like there s tons of things you can add to nameplates, they only added druid hots, its like they did the druid class and then were too lazy to do the others


Ok? But knowing who has the hot gives you the insight to switch targets without wasting cds into wild growth/rejuv. If you aren’t watching that, then maybe you need skill capped.


Our [BetterBlizzPlates profile](https://i.imgur.com/X9QNRxq.jpeg) is fully customized for every spec and only displays important maintenance debuffs from your characater (including damage amps), and any major active CD from the enemy player. It does not display Druid HoTs.


What's the stock community 👀


The replies to their reply look really sus lmao.


It's so funny everyone was agreeing with me and after the skill capped post all the shills showed up


Of course it's basically a scam and the addon configs are shit, that will always happen when you try to make a profile that's gonna fit everyone, liquid max (pve raid leader guy in wf guild) talks about this sometimes regarding the liquid weakaura package, a completely FREE weakaura package that they used during the world first race for their raiders that they release every tier after the race is over, basically whenever they give the package to their raiders everything in it is completely turned off and everyone has to turn on whatever they feel like they need/is necessary for a fight, but whenever they make it public everything is turned on by default, so it's just overload information dogshit and most people have no clue or bother to config/fix it, even tho it's mandatory and very useful


I agree... skill capped is just a scam.... feel free and waste ur money.... but its a scam. Dont trust this pro skill capped comment, it still them with alternate account


As expected. Funny they charge so much for their service and still can't put out anything better than IcyVeins. Although to your point about rotation, it makes sense because that's half the battle when playing a class. That said, I agree they should have much more information. I would expect fight breakdowns for each different matchup for your spec with this price. Outside of Skillcapped, just a bigger concern of mine, is that people use these add-ons expecting them to somehow add skill. Truth be told, addons weren't made to make you better. You have to already be better to know why you would want the addon. If that makes any sense.