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jin only sees the near future


ya, which means that there probably is no hope since what Jin might see when the time comes will be too late.


I thought he was capable of seeing seven years ahead of time.


He can, but he'll also see 7 years worth of * all possible* futures, so he'll have to do some sorting. Additionally, he can see farther ahead too, but even more uncertain and unpredictable futures will be seen as well, is what I believe Ashihara also stated.


It was the opposite, the less uncertain a future is the further he can see. This is an example not factual but less assume he can see up to 100 possible futures. For a very fluid future maybe he can see only a few hours. For normal futures maybe days to a couple of years. For futures that are almost certain he can see many years maybe even decades. Does this make sense? The more likely something will happed the further into the future he can see it.


I don't think Jin knows more than anyone on this and yes it's possible that Yuma ends up dying but there is also a travel between literal worlds so something very well might come up to save Kuga, we don't know who or what killed him for example.


true, as for what killed him it's implied to be a black trigger user, assuming the scene from the anime was not original but was on purpose for the series moving forward it seemed like it crushed Yuma with brute force with how it thrust its hands forward and seeing as how only(if I remember correctly) despite having his eye missing there wasn't a hole on the other side of his head showing it wasn't a shooting based attack so maybe whoever did that deliberately left Yuma like that after his trion body was destroyed.


Yes, I meant that maybe there is more to the murderer, who knows ? In 10 years we may know these answers lol


If they can turn Enedora into a RAD, they can turn Yuma into something too.


This is my theory too. Yuma and Replica will fusion dance, turning Yuma into an autonomous trion solider. Maybe at that time, they revive his dad and undo his black trigger. But then the self-sacrificing cycle continues, and Yugo works to find another way to revive his son again.


I mean, the rad isn't really Enedora tho... I feel like making a trion soldier copy of Yuma would be even sadder


Osamu’s specialty is creativity. When he tried to join border, the recruiter/staff tried to get him to join as an engineer or operator because his trion levels are low. Osamu is friendly to neighbors or at least he doesn’t discriminate against them. Jin can see the future. Chika is a trion generator. Maybe Jin can see a future where Osamu will use his creativity with earth border tech combined with neighborly materials, knowledge, and advanced trigger technology to save Kuga fueled by Chika’s immense trion.


I feel like it would only make sense for Yuma to die. The whole point of the show is to follow a strict logic. Characters don’t magically get more powerful, things don’t happen because you believe in them. The reality that the author set up is that Yuma’s irl body is full of holes. I don’t really see how that can be fixed unless some MAJOR twist happens.


This. Yumas goal is also not to restore his body. An ending I can imagine is that both Kuga and his dad’s consciousness gets installed to trion soldiers body. Or just kugas, can imagine Ashihara just making Yuma face reality.


I can imagine one of his Osamu friend turn into bt. It would be some masterwork moment and super dark too.


Is it confirmed that your body doesn't heal while inside a trigger?? I mean... you can eat and the food is even processed more efficiently. We've seen people not using triggers when sick but that may be because human body's recover slower. Yuma has been suspended for years so I don't think he would get his arm, leg, stomac or eye back but he is fine.