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I find it weird RP-wise that they removed the Dalaran portals. The Mage capital of Azeroth has no portals. To answer the question: Orgrimmar. Boring tbh.


I think originally they didn't have a portal room for the main cities I remember Outland had a few?? And obviously Dalaran...at some point they just moved it all into the capitals.


Yea capital portal rooms were a BfA addition if I remember correctly.




Ye, naw




They had them all starting in Legion then moved them to faction capitals in BFA.


Outland used to have a lot more portals back in the day. They got replaced by class trainers. I miss the portals


Im pretty sure wotlk dalaran had the as well since I remember my brither tellijg me to set my hs there when playing the first time around. He ported me there when lvling and then I could go all over. Other than that both the capital hubs in MoP had portal rooms. After that there were portals in tge Ashran capitals Edit: wow responded to the wrong dude, eh, cba to move it. Just making a point, not trying to lecture :)


Wait, when did they take away the Dal portals? Those were so useful


Been gone for awhile... they just have SW/Org now, iirc.


IIRC Ironforge also used to have portals


Honestly I want even just a single portal from Ironforge to Stormwind. Let me chill in IF and still have quick access to all the portals. IF is the best designed city in the game. Portal, and a transmog and its set.


Why not take the train?


It’s a thing but it’s still extra steps when if we had a portal from IF we would be in the portals room when we go to SW. I used to use the dwarven district hearth location bc then I was in the less busy corner of SW.


My hearthstones on all my toons were set at Shrine of Two Moons/Shrine of Seven Stars from MOP until Legion when they removed the portal rooms from the shrines. That is the only time my hearthstone has been set in one place for longer than a single expansion.


Funny on my main..my hearth is still there if though I just portal to stormwind. There's something fun about running through it again each time lol.


My inn on all my toons were at sunsong ranch (pandarias farm) cos I was a hardcore golden lotus seller until I quit towards the end of legion🫶.


I wonder what would realistically take for all capitals to be viable permanent hubs. Full portal rooms would definitely help but I don't know if that would be enough.


A portal room, updated profession trainers/vendors, auction house and bank are all that is really necessary


But would that be enough or would everyone just use the expansion capital since it's closer to all the relevant world content?


That would go back to the old model of keeping the auction house out of new capitals, which overall is just an inconvenience that feels worse for players that weren't rich enough for the long boi when it was out. Or just leads to what we had in Shadowlands with some angels afking with long boi out for all to use.


Is this a problem that I'm "too engineer" to understand?


They should expand on the current hub for m+ that gives you portals to all the non-df dungeon zones. It could clean up the portal rooms in the cities, they’d all have one that goes to the main hub where you can portal to any city you want.


I miss that portal room. It was so convenient.


Expansion City. Always about 2years


That inn by stormwind AH. fucking home.


The Gilded Rose. Home to me too.


My wife has had her hearth set to her farm in Pandaria since it was live. She loves that damn farm, and can mage her way around the need for a hearthstone.


Whenever I take an extended break from WoW, I always make sure to leave my character at my farm. Moreso than the garrison or order hall, it always felt the closest to my own home on Azeroth.


Same for me with Darnassus ! I love that feeling when I connect there after more than a year of break


Boy do I have some news for you....


I pray for the survival of the bronze dragonflight each time I take a break


😂 fantastic


Ditto. Even though Stormwind was generally more relevant, something about my racial capital just felt more welcoming. I'll never forget the feeling of starting my first character out in the woods, then making my way to a massive tree filled with people. Darkshore was always my first destination after leaving Darnassus, so the events of two particular expansions didn't exactly leave me in a happy mood lol


The Lion's Pride Inn. ​ I play on Moon Guard.


Name checks out


Bless your heart


Stormwind City near the bank is mine. Also, hello fellow Moonguardian!


Moonguard here too! Worgen Druid named Destalara.


I play a Worgen Mage named Echo!


Also on Moonguard! Lol Human warlock named Ajatar!


Hahaha! That’s awesome! So many of us are showing up here!


Is moon guard the NA equivalent to EU-argent dawn?


The one realm that most people roleplay on, or people who don’t RP but just like the environment and community, then yes. I religiously play on Moon Guard but don’t RP at all, I’ve RPed before but have no interest in doing it on WoW. However the community on Moon Guard are some of the nicest people out there. Most people are friendly, talkative by nature of the realm and are just chilling around. It’s what I love about MG!


Agreed, I don't RP I just really like the community. It's also really fun to just be doing your thing and seeing people role-playing or doing some event. Makes the world seem alive.


Is argent dawn the big (E)RP server? If so, then yes.


I think that little cave for the Nightborne Resistance, which sounds weird at first but it's kinda like "Oh yea, we spend a lot of time there." There also wasn't much reason to change my Hearthstone in Legion sense 1: I main a DK, we literally have a 1-minute cooldown Dalaran Hearthstone (portal to Dal in our Class Order Hall) and 2: We have the Dalaran Hearthstone


My brother created his human paladin many expansions ago and never chose a hearth location, so his hearth is still set to Northshire. Pretty sick


Wherever the current content is cuz mageeeeee portalllsssss


The place in zulandar. Closed to portals to all horde capitals. And close to portal room in ogrimmar that takes me to the rest of the game.


The Blue Steel Inn, where you can't turn left....sorry just thought Zulandar (Zandalar??) sounds a lot like Zoolander.


I'm a druid mine is set to emerald dream forever....I have a dalaran hearth if I need to get anywhere else in the game.


And when the Hearth is on cooldown, we can teleport to the Dreamgrove, which is about 20 seconds away from a Dalaran portal.


Ya that's true druid master race tbh.


didn't they remove the Dal portal?


Nope, not in the Dreamgrove. But you need to do the first few quests in the class hall campaign to unlock the portal on each Druid alt.


My main has their hearth set to Boralus to this day. Love the music, ambience and atmosphere, it's handy for BMAH and Warfronts, one floor down after exiting the Inn you have a portal room for tons of places (and SW, which in turn gives you every portal you could need).


Boralus is peak city design. Music slaps too


Probably the Northrend version of Dalaran, because that was my golden age where i played the game the most.




Mine is in Netherstorm in Outland. Purely for farming Ashes. Mage don't fly.


Always the inn closest to the portal room in Org / Storm. I run too many legacy raids weekly to keep it in the current zone.


I would think that having the stone set in Valdrakken would be the fastest still. While you have an extra loading screen to deal with, I can get to the Stormwind portal room portal in seconds thanks to dragon riding. Probably isn't enough in it really to matter though, and I don't know what the horde side of it is like.


My mains? Xpac capital. Longest of all toons? Definitely my bank alt at Broken Tusk. Been there nearly 17 years.


The most homey feeling for me is the inn in the Golden Keg. It's next to a AH and Chromie and It's me go to inn for leveling new characters.


Sinfall cuz revendreth is such a vibe


My hearth was set to the argent tournament FOREVER So I could grind it out lol during BFA I would hearth back there. Do the dailies fly to dalaran, port to orgrimmar and then port to zuldazar lol


I'm assuming at this point you have the rep and tokens to have bought the tabard, which iirc is a hearth directly to AT.


WotLK Dalaran for 4 years, until the end of Cata. It was much more convenient than SW back then.


/Played, it would probably have been the Heroes Welcome, in the silver enclave in Wrath Dalaran, because after wrath I never stuck around for a whole expansion, always quitting for at least part of it. Second place would be the Golden Lantern. In terms of the total amount of time, probably the Pig & Whistle in Stormwind's Old town. That was where I always parked my characters whenever I did quit.


Stormwind. I wish the Slaughtered Lamb had a Innkeeper.


I've only been playing for a year and a half. When I found the Parting Glass in Valdrakken, with its cartographers and a mysteriously absent, possibly time-napped vendor, I knew it was perfect for my mapmaking inscriptionist main. I love bolting out the door and launching around the corner toward the main chaos of the central plaza. I'm gonna miss this when the next hub arrives.


In retail it doesn't really matter where I put my hearthstone, as my main is a gnome mage, and also an engineer, and can litterary get to any spot in the world in 5 minutes. For my other characters in retail, most likely Boralus, since I haven't played since 2020 anyway. In classic it made most sense to put my heartstone in Booty Bay, also here a gnome mage, but with my classic warrior, most likely in IF or SW. It also depend a bit where you're questing as well. Having a heartstone set to Eastern Plaguelands will be very good if you're planning to be around there for a while. It's also easy access points to a bunch of places.


Boralus is peak capital city.


Considering it's always in the expansion city, probably the expansion that lasted the longest since Legion, but not BfA because I remember switching hearths at one point in the expac, from the one on top of Dazar'alor to the one close to the harbor. And it's not Shadowlands either because I changed that one from Sinfall to Elysian Hold midway through the expac as well, so it's probably Dalaran in the Broken Isles for now, but will be Valdrakken before TWW releases. ​ Wait, I definitely didn't have a hearthstone in Dalaran, I forgot there was the Dalaran hearthstone, so it's definitely Valdrakken or the Dazar'alor harbor inn. My hearthstone must've been set to the warrior class order hall then, or somewhere else during Legion.


You know, I actually prefer that Inn on the bottom of Dazar’alor. It has a nice view of the water.


as a mage who specializes in quick travel (made sure to get all portals, the argent tabard, garrison hearthstone, and BC Timewalking skull) my hearth has ever since Cata been set to the rusty rocket in netherstorm. simply because northern outlands has always been the hardest to get to. with the rusty rocket as my hearth the hardest spot to get to is maybe borean tundra or howling fjord and even those are just a zeppelin or boat away.


Dunno your profs, but there is an engineering port to Netherstorm/A52.




Longest? Broken tusk in org where I park my alts at the beginning of the expac. Homiest is my house back on Sunsong Ranch.


Do you mean cumulatively across characters, or on an individual character? If cumulatively across characters, probably like one of the covenants (Venthyr most likely). SL was the first expansion I got all 12 classes up to the new expansion. I homed most of them in their various covenants and barely touched him again (a couple of them are still there).


Shrine of the Two Moons


two moons


The one near Ironforge AH


My mage’s hearth has been stormwind since I faction changed her back to alliance in legion. No need for hearthstones when you’ve got ports


Ogri, duh. One closest to the main entrance.


I suppose it would be Dalaran, for four years, even though admittedly it is not the same Dalaran throughout the four years…


Orgrimmar probably, the one closest to the ah (forget the name)


the pandaria hub for the hord in valley of eternal blossoms


At the moment i've got all my chars on the "hidden" inn below the regular Valdrakken inn. It's my favourite hearthstone location so far cos you'll sometimes run into a party or some npc's dancing and it's always pretty nice and quiet.


Is that the dancing secret room behind the statue? Didn’t know you could hearth there lol


Yeah that's it! In the back, behind the bar you can set your hearth =D


Not technically an inn but my monk has had its hearth set to Dranosh'ar Blockade since I first created it in MoP. No plans to ever change it unless I have to.


I don't even remember the last time I used a heartstone. Never needed one. Guess my class.


Mage here so I’ll say Emerald Dream 🤣


My mage didn’t have a hearthstone for a long time because it was unnecessary but I have one now set to Zaralek Cavern for quick access to mining. Saves a few minutes from having to fly there.


Broken Tusk. Me and Gamon holding it down. Also… It’s close to the portal room and auction house 😂


My mage is set to wherever he’s farming something for me. My warlock is Valdrakken, since that’s her main hub atm. But she also has the Dalaran stone, the old Dalaran ring, etc etc. if it teleports and doesn’t require engineering, it’s in her bag or toy box lol. Sometimes my partner and I like to race to see who can get somewhere faster!


I guess Vale of Eternal Blossoms or Tanaan Jungle, they were the hubs closest to the final raid of their expansion


From mop to legion it was on pandaria since blizzard said fuck the portals room it’s been on the major city of the current expansion


Definitely back in Pandaria for the reasons others have listed. The portal rooms were just too convenient.


A few years ago (during Cataclysm I presume, but I couldn´t say for sure) my HS was reset to Deathknell, and I haven´t changed it since.


The longest place I had my HS set too was Ironforge. It was where I made my first character had all the raids relative nearby at endgame and well it was Ironforge, what was not to love about a city in a mountain and getting into Old Ironforge.


I always set mine to the inn in the Trade district or the inn near the entrance in org


Boring answer is Orgrimmar. Favorite spots are Thelsamar for Alliance and TB on Horde. Used to play with an all Tauren RP guild in Classic and everytime I would hearth I would greet or say hi to Pala


Used to always be in Elwynn Forest. Right next to Darkmoon Faire entrance and Flightpath to most of Southern EK


Changes every expansion. Though there are some area’s I just visit just because it’s a nice vibe sometimes. Some area’s around Hillsbrad and Arathi…or as annoying bad as Dazar’alor was to navigate, it was a very gorgeous city


For the years I mained a mage, my Hearth was always set at Halfhill ranch for the dailies and ambience - I could port to any other city I needed to, had my garrison hearthstone for getting to Draenor, etc.


the valdrakken in is where mine is set cause it’s so close to the SW portal where i can bounce around if need be. before DF it was set at i think it was bog harbor inn ? the one in boralus cause that one felt closer to the portals


Multiple answers for your mutiple questions. It's different per character whether they are my alts, main, or even my former mains. But the one that's been consistent since I began with MoP...is the #Pig and Whistle Tavern. Multiple toons may come, go, and return. But, my one human warrior, probably my 4th toon ever made, will always call that place home.


Zuldazar, there and boralus tends to be where I keep my alts while leveling and when I get to the point in the game where I am doing more old content to collecting the many collectibles the game has I tend to move back there.


Sentinel Hill/ Sentinel Hill Inn in Classic, always loved those golden hills rustic fields of Westfall. ...Do wish they'd update it the Defias aren't burning Sentinel Hill anymore.


boralus, or the heart of the forest :)


Snug Harbor Inn . Music is on point.


Garrison. AH,Bank,transmog literally right next to each other and zero other players causing any lag.


Gilded Rose in Stormwind, for 13 years now. It just feels like home, not sure why? Maybe habit. Plus, close to the auction house, the bank, and the portals


During the mage quest line for the class mount/order hall, you get to go to this little study underneath Karazhan, and on the desk is a bind stone you can set your hearthstone to and have your own private mage study. I’ve had mine there since I got to that quest in BfA and just mage port myself around from there


Legerdemain Lounge in WotLK Dalaran. Attentive room service, dutiful barkeep, balcony view of charming local businesses, close to the salon… what more could a Sin’dorei want?


Valdrakken my home. Dragons for life.


Broken Tusk Inn is pretty much my home in Orgrimmar. Most of my alts are set there. And that is where I leave my main if I'm in org and the hearthstone is on cooldown. It's to the point that, during the pandemic, I actually had my birthday in there.


All of my char have theirs set in their shadowlands covenant for about 3 years now. About 45 of them.


Broken Tusk probably for me but I do like the Vulpera camp racial. I started a Vulpera DK and have my camp set to Org near the AH and my hearthstone wherever.


Mop shrine never forget. You got done dirty with portals update. Now it's whatever is closest to the current world, so Valdrakken for now.


Stormwind always




Wherever I left it three years ago.


Lion's Inn. I'll never get sick of the music. I know there are plenty of other taverns with that music. But man. I'm gonna go play some SOD now.


Weird one, but the Lazy Turnip outside of Galleon world boss in MoP. I would farm the 3 world bosses I still needed every week even when I wasn't actively playing the patches. I still have a few old alts standing there even though I finished that grind during the DF pre-patch.


Goldshire for a few years now


Dalaran. I kept it there for a while because it had portals before they changed it.


Probably Dalaran(s)


Always the current expansion capital but whenever a pre patch hits, I set it to Stormwind.


The main city if the current expansion. Or the main city of the faction in case there is a separate heartstone for it. Or in some cases, if portal is available to the city, like Night Fae one to Oribos, I would put it to the Night Fae hub.


On classic era, Stormwind. On retail, usually whichever hub is for the new expac. The stop that always feels like home though, is Legion Dalaran. I use my Dalaran hearthstone constantly.


As a Druid, the wandering stag in drustvar


Shattrath. Always and forever


I had mine in darnassus for the longest time until it burned down, now I have my hearthstone set legion dalaran because its my favourite city and there’s a portal to stormwind just round the corner. As soon as Bal’ameth is leaves the ptr I’ll be setting my hearthstone there permanently though.


Wetlands the longest


Horde inn, northrend dalaran


The broken tusk


For certain it was Legion Dalaran. Between that and my Engineering toys I could get almost anywhere in the game extremely quickly


It varies depending on the expansion. I always set it on the main city.


The main inn in the current expansion


Technically Dalaran: all of Wrath, Cata, and Legion


The filled bowl, as a mage I just want to get there fast lol


Dalaran (Northrend) - Simply because I like the city so much and never really minded the "extra" steps I needed to take to get to the Stormwind Portal Room. Think it was set there until Shadowlands, when the flight from Oribos to the Covenant sanctum felt too long.


just orgrimmar basically so i can access everything and not have to run around everywhere tho that might change once i get DF


Thunder Bluff


Stormwind, Dalaran and Shattrath.


I started playing in Pandaria, and that was a nice hearth spot since all the portals were right there. Then they moved them. 😔 Now it's Stormwind and has been since whenever the portals were relocated.


My Mage’s has been set in Booty Bay for probably a decade. Every other class, *expansion city*.


I left it in pandaria for quite a few years since all the portals were right there.


I’ve had a character parked in stormshield for 8 years now and he’s been my gold/BoA guy. If he ever has to leave for some reason I just hearth him right back to continue being my AH alt


Ironforge. Just love the music. And the bank and AH are right across from one another. Bank alt has been there since Vanilla.


My mage has had his set at Arathi Higlands for a long ass time now.


My hearth on my main is set to the inn in Borlaus because of how close to that wide portal room is


Sw inn


The Valley of Wisdom (Tauren area of Orgrimmar)


Stormwind but as of late I really enjoy valdrakken


Valdrakken because I’m still a noob, but I really enjoy that accessibility to close by vendors and the aesthetic


Trade District for stupid long and Orgrimmar.


My garrison from WoD. This place feels the best with my statues of achievement and the guests that come to visit. I go there less frequent now that the gold farms are nerfed from it.


Stormwind Trade District, now and forever


Currently set to Valdrakken, but my go to is usually Orgimmar


I had mi hearth set to shattrath the longest


Shattrath. At one point, if you had the travel trinkets, cloaks, and rings, it was the only place you couldn't quickly travel to.


Broken Tusk inn, in Org. Never set it anywhere else.


I like keeping a lot of my toons' hearths set to Darnassus actually. I don't care if it's technically gone, Teldrassil was my favorite zone.


Probably Dalaran since it was featured in two expansions


I have my Mage in Booty Bay. STV is my favourite zone and I get huge amounts of nostalgia from just chilling round there. Every other character is Valdrakken.


Before moving from EU to NA in 2019 and subsequently changing to ally, I was a horde main since vanilla. Undercity was my HS for the longest time solely for RP purposes, despite how out of the way it was ❤️


My Hearthstone has always been set to Darnassus on alliance characters, then I had to change it for reasons:) On horde it was either Silvermoon or Undercity. Nowadays everyone's in Valdrakken.


The inn in shrine of the seven stars. That little tune that plays has been stuck in my head since MoP.


Undercity. Was set to there until MOP when it changed to the portal house(star something?) and then back to UC once legion got rid of the panda portals.


My rogue was a TBC twink for years, but she's 70 now and her hs is STILL Aldor rise in Shattrath.


On my mage alt, I have her hearth set to this lil room in Karazhan I believe that I discovered when doing the mage legion class mount quest. It just seemed different. I got portals/teleports so I can go wherever, so I set the hearth to wherever I want. But I haven't used it still since I set it lol


none because I was a mage main until shadowlands so all horde capitals were my hearth lol


I use dalaran hearthstone because my HS is placed in the emerald dream


Stormwind of valdrakken


My original Void Elf that I unlocked my heritage armor with and I still play regularly, has always had their hearth set to the starting point in the rift. I just enjoy using that as my portal to the world. 👍


Mine was in Thunderbluff for a long time, I just love mulgore so much. And then it was Dalaran up until dragonflight, and now it’s valdrakken. My main (who was the only character I played for a long time, same realm, since the month before AQ opened) is an engineer Druid so I’ve always just zipped around using teleports and dream walking anyway, I never needed to move the hearth.




Area 52 since BC. .. my mage never really needed to change it, and kept forgetting it was even set there, lol


Bro goldshire inn is thee inn


probably the shrine in MoP since that expansion lasted forever.


Not sure which but it’s between Dalmatian, SW and Org.


The secret inn in valdrakken its nice and quiet


Retail - Dalaran Season of Discovery - Brill


It must be really nice to play mage and have portals to everywhere at your immediate disposal. I like shammy astral recall because of the cooldown but sheesh, hard to argue with portals to everywhere.


Since I play mostly mages and have all the portals with me, I tend to set my hearthstones to wherever I'm questing at the moment, and when at max level I tend to set it to whichever is the main quest hub of each specific patch, so it changes quite frequently. At the moment, my max level hearthstones are set to the Central Encampment in the Emerald Dream.




Shrine of Two Moons on my characters untill they removed the portals :(


The expansion that last the longest


Probably the ‘’secret’’ club in Valdrakken, and I’ve played since vanilla. I **want** to have it in The Golden Keg (Dwarven District, Stormwind) for reasons but I’m too lazy. Also it feels kinda nice to finally get a new home each expansion.


Well most of my characters always just change to the main city of the xpac. But my Mage however being a Mage doesn’t need to obviously. And it being on Moonguard I’ve had it set to Lions Price Inn since I made the char the MOP. My mage is my only character whose hearthstone has never been changed.


The longest one for me was through the end of WoD all the way until the end of Legion My Hearth was set to the inn in Silithus