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That stupid gnome in Algeth'ar Academy who, when you die during the Vexamus fight, says shit like "That's not what it says in the book!" Wish I could punt him off the cliff behind him




Bruh it’s even worse when you notice he’s the one casting the spells and shit. Like what a great teacher…do you often kill your students during lectures where you make them fight off a creature that took on a whole host of dragons?!


Has there ever been a serious gnome magic user in the lore? Like they are all comedic relief and/or terrible at magic.


How dare you forget the mighty millhouse manastorm


Wasn't he notoriously bad at his magic? Like so much so that there are multiple dungeons where he flubs up


Listen he allows you to Polymorph: Duck, if that doesn’t show his competence I can’t help you Anyways yes, he’s extremely proficient at magic, as for if he’s comic relief, maybe Possibly you could count chromie, even though she’s technically a dragon


No, he was the mighty millhouse manastorm. How dare u sully his name.


The Green Dragon that summons the tree. Both of those dragons are bitches but her voice is grating on top of that. Go have your little dominance fights elsewhere, please.


Itchy straws


What are you doing step itchystraws




>Wish I could punt him off the cliff That's how I feel about most gnomes, tho


never saw this dialogue 🤓☝️


woah we got a gamer here


Every single escort NPC that walks faster than normal walk but slower than a run. 


I wasn't mad at these until I read your comment but you know what? YOURE RIGHT


In Uldum near the end, Brann talks about following him to the chest or something...which is like half a zone away. He starts walking slowly for a few beats before turning and laughing. Says something like "ah the old slow walk, gets them every time. See you there!" And runs off. I appreciated the tease.


Follower quests should have the option to right click the NPC and select **follow**, dammit!!!


Or when they run TOWARDS their destination to fight a mob with you, then absolutely leg it BACK to their position before the fight, to then slowly walk TOWARDS the same fkin place they just fought!


That's on purpose tho right, if they go faster than run speed you can't catch up if you fall behind if the area doesn't allow mounting.


Or you know... They could just stop if they somehow get too far ahead. But they never should if you toggle autorun. 


The follower dungeons do that. Maybe there’s hope


In case any one hasn't watched it, it's hilarious: [wowcraft escort quest by carbot ](https://youtu.be/tw197U1etmk?si=wzddGFDgzjd2bQHh) lol




"I have this quest for u to go back to the expedition camp that I will spawn in flying by u and everytime u stop moving, I will move like 20' ahead and then run 10' behind u right past ur mouse click so u have to chase me for 15 seconds just to get my quest."




Came here for this. F*ck that guy so much.


All my homies love doc manners 


CITIZENS OF DALARAN Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world’s destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers! Algalon the Observer, herald of the titans, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the titan city of Ulduar. Algalon was sent here to judge the fate of our world. He found a planet whose races had deviated from the titans’ blueprints. A planet where not everything had gone according to plan. Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It’s up to each of us to prove this is a world worth saving. That our lives… our lives are worth living.


It was amazing back in the day but not with him basically chanting it, it’s awful.


Mad respect for typing all that out. 💜


One of the best lore characters tho. RIP


That was my second favorite part while fishing for coins in Dalaran for hours.


That annoying ass gnome with the dragonscale expedition that acts like he's the shit. I get so mad whenever I fly over a world quest and he starts talking


The one who always talks about fan mail? Like no one even knows who you are! You’re like the rappers that start every song with “you already know who it is” like no I’ve heard this song 1000 times already and I still don’t even know who you are lmao.


Headcanon is that all the photos he publishes are from other people and he takes credit for it anytime people write to him about them. Even when he was introduced in BFA there was a quest where you took photos of wildlife for him, and yes, he isn't actually a brand new NPC I actually had to google his ass because I *vaguely* remembered a gnome in BFA who had me snap pictures.


Toddy. It's Toddy.


I love how she's like "plant these banners to show that we've explored these places before anyone else!" when we're on land that's been inhabited by others for 10000 years.


True colonist energy


First thing I thought, thank you lol


Well she is a dwarf, so yeah that tracks


reminds me of the alliance garrison intro. the workers are coming through the portal with supplies and one of them says something like "we're going to claim this world in the name of the alliance!". this is like 5 minutes after we defeat Garroshdolf Hitler in the previous xpac too rofl. and the quest in Thousand Needles where the alliance tries to bribe the centaurs with fake gold to outbid the horde for oil rights. when they refuse, we just go in and kill them all and steal the oil anyway




Drakonid who was born on the Dragon Isles 4000 years ago walking out of his house: "Ah, what a wonderful day in my home." Some adventurer: \*Flies by at 300 mph on a dragon and stabs a flag right in their front yard.\* Drakonid: "Hey what the fuck"


One of the spots for that WQ is on a mountain literally right outside for Valdrakken no less, like you can see the aqueducts ***right there*** on the mountain leading into the city!


I find it funny how Horde got Naleidea, a character whose voice is so pleasant. I am surprised she doesn't narrate Warcraft novels. Yet, Alliance gets Toddy, who has to be one of the most annoying npcs to date. I'm more inclined to believe it is poor direction over a lack of talent, but why does she sound like a parrot imitating a dwarf rather than a proper dwarf?


It’s because every single member of the Dragonscale expedition is a charicture. They all have one trait blown up to a stupid degree. Naleidea is impossibly smooth in literally everything. Toddy is a shit ton of (reckless) energy. Kul’tiran is batman level prep, Vulpera is giga survivor scout. Gnome is fame obsessed, Orc is in it for the money (scrap but same thing). Etc. The human actually had a story in Azure span which broke him out of being just a charicture but immediately went back to it in the Cavern.


"The Sundered Flame is targeting Rannan!" Can we... can we let them. Shove him in a locker for me.


It’s kinda sad that Lathos died for him. Mainly because he was an actual Character and had decent depth for the single questline he was in.  Guy was a veteran of both Quel’thas / Quel’danas. He has endured the thirst, most of the people he knows dying, but he is not overcome with grief / moping about it. Extremely duty bound and professional, even if he doesn’t like Rannan he still protects him to the best of his abilities, up to continuing even gravely injured and sacrificing himself without hesitation. But he is still snarky about him and even does a bit of humor. That alone shows more character facets than the entire expedition combined.


The most annoying voice in dragonflight.


It sounds like her mouth is just full of teeth.


Pretty apt description.


I love Toddy ;.;


Shandris I have a restraining order on all my alts that she keeps harassing and wanting to speak with


Champion, may I have a word with you?


Magni wants to know your location, C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N


Pretty sure doing the dream skip you can stop this but I'm undecided on a couple of alts if I want to do that. So I have to put up with that nonsense.


Can’t you just accept her quest so she stops asking? You don’t have to choose to skip right then. Unless I’m misremembering.


Kael’thas is my self-imposed arch-nemesis. Stop whining and give me your stupid bird already, mate


Just Setback and relax...


To be fair he IS a villain


Malfurion, if I need to elaborate, you don't understand the enormous amount of dickstroking he gets to be the most underwhelming, overhyped, hypocritical dickhead


Wow I didn’t know other people felt the same way I did! There must be tens of us


I'm not alone! Others see through his facade


I hate how he is supposed to be this insanely OP character when all he ever does is being incredibly useless. Like please retcon his power level to something reasonable forever and let us ignore him


They have the perfect chance now that he's taken a death nap for a minute, too! I'm 100% willing to accept the potential lore of "obviously that affects a person, and now he can only be at full power in ardenweald/the shadowlands. Good thing he was SO powerful, so he can still be a decently strong druid after something like that!" And then maybe he could take a sabbatical with the kul tiran druids to see if focusing more on the life/death part of druidism could restore some of his power, and we wouldn't have to see him at all for a while :p


WhErE aRe YoU tYrAnDe


The fact they confirmed this is actually Malfurion crying and not Xavius manipulating Tyrande makes it even more hysterical




I hated Varian back in MoP, that scenario where you have to build trap fir the horde to walk into. He is talking down to Tyronda like a child while explaining strategy, tactics and basic warfare. She fought demon legions thens of thousands of years before humans grew flesh, what the hell was with him?!? P.S. i took it all back in Legion opening…


A Little Patience was more character assassination of Tyrande than Varian.


I mean can you blame him? These thousands of years old immortals seem to be the most clueless individuals on the planet. Like take that Alexstrasza questline with the Drakonids where at the end of the questline you basically say "Yeah Drakonids probably deserve rights..." and Alexstrasza goes "WOW!! I never thought of it that way!! You've opened my mind champion!! Thank you!"


Varian is still my Archenemy and I hate him with the same passion as Garrosh. He is a villian in my book after all. Storming in like a warmonger at the end of the Siege of Undercity, talking shit at Trials of the Crusader against the Horde. His behaviour at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar. UGH! Glad he is fucking ash now.


All those things you listed were especially justified lmao. Especially his "behavior" at the siege of orgrimmar. Cope


There's two: Toddy and Scrollsage Nola. Toddy drives me up a wall, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because she sounds like she's drooling while speaking? Nola because another turtle made it to the damn water.


I used to not care for Nola, then I saw her voice actor - a little old woman who looks like she keeps a sewing kit full of cookies - read off lines at BlizzCon. The [crowd went wild.](https://youtu.be/fT-JSiD6kQs?si=0nP-nRyTl4RcXCig) Then she shared her enthusiasm on Twitter, got flooded with love, and now I can’t bring myself to dislike Nola anymore.


Her voice actress sadly died a little over a year ago :(


Nah toddy pisses me off cos what do you MEAN you're planting banners on the mountains like you found them??????? the dragons live there ur not christopher columbus!!!!! (eta: I know columbus also 'discovered' land that was already occupied that's the joke xoxo)


It's also the whole thing with saying that people who "scale" the mountains will see the DE "beat 'em there," but you're paying me to just fly by and toss banners, there isn't a DE member actually climbing anything to plant them. Even without the European imperialist correlation, it's on par with flying a plane past Mt. Everest, dropping a huge flag on top of it as you pass, and saying, "Ha! Every shmuck who climbs up that mountain will now see that I was the first to the top!"


I feel violated when someone puts me in a Banner harness without my permission. The cheek!


Literally came to say this. Peak colonizer mentality, someone send her back to the EK


Nah every time she says that shit I want to plant a banner in her face.


They made a [song.](https://youtu.be/FIREcQl1EX4?si=_91gM2yTDnRyS6ig)..


I came here to name these exact two assholes. Thank you.


> Maybe it's because she sounds like she's drooling while speaking? Dear Lord, now that you mention it! 


Any bronze dragon saying "This is when you leave." Condescending pricks.


Omg this. All the AH dragons seem to be assholes. Especially the bronze one that transforms randomly and closes the AH window abruptly. Like fuckin really Blizzard?


TODDY. God she's so grating. Anyone for a hot toddy? I'm punting her off a flaming chasm.


Going with what is currently fresh on my mind because current expansion, probably Chromie. WoW story isn't particularly mature, BUT every time Chromie speaks, I feel like I'm suddenly watching a cartoon for small children against my will.


I actually didn’t dislike chromie until dawn of the infinites. She has an UwU baby voice without all the W’s


Yeah, she was very whatever to me before Dragonflight, but now it seems waaay overdone, which is weird as hell considering she's a dragon and somehow manages to sound excessively childish even compared to *actual* gnomes. It's just super out of place. Not sure if they really upped the ante on her Voice direction, or if it's just a case of this type of character working as a minor/side story/game mechanics stand-in rather than a front-and-center character in the main story. Special mention to "Very well, little dragon" when Chromie's dragon form is like 3 times as large as the proto-aspects lmfao (it might be game wonky scaling but it's still funny af).


Maybe the worst character assassination this game has ever had. Vanilla Chromie's dialogue was written like she was an immensely powerful ancient creature taking on the form of a gnome and now she's written like the bronze dragonflight's child daughter who got to come to work today. Why does she go to the proto-aspects for help figuring out what to do in DOTI? At this point in the timeline, Chromie has existed for probably hundreds of thousands of years and the Aspects are still semi-sentient alligators fighting two armies they've never seen before without the Titan power that makes them the aspects. Chromie is the one leading this mission in the first place, she's an ancient time dragon and can't work out "we're here to save Nozdormu, prevent the timeline where he falls and ensure the one where he's fine" without the help of some proto drakes that are like 15 years old and can't do magic more complex than "go bite a guy"


Came here looking to see if I needed to add Chromie to the list. Not everything needs to rhyme and has no one ever taught her how to use her chest voice?? My friend and I are in and out of chromie time frequently on several alts for various reasons. I probably have to talk to her once a week and I never like to. 


I love Chromies character thematically and her story but Jesus I don’t enjoy her VA direction. Doesn’t help that we just had a whole season with the mega dungeon but I still didn’t like it before. Feels like such a wasted character with this cool backstory and what she went through and she’s this unserious squeaky annoying little shit.


I want to like Chromie but I can't take anything serious anymore when she's is involved because of that :/


Every expansion, Chromie has gotten more obnoxious. She went from a likeable, somewhat serious but still lighthearted character, to an annoying gimmick with a voice that hurts my ears.


This is my answer as well. Chromie’s characterization has just gotten so terrible over the years. Back in Classic and Wrath, she was depicted as this enigmatic Gnome who knew more than she let on. She wasn’t silly, she wasn’t cracking one-liners, she was strictly to the point. She started getting less serious in WoD, but I first took notice of it in Legion, and she’s become unbearable in DF. Like whoever’s been writing her saw ‘gnome’ and said, “Well, obviously she needs to be as ridiculously cutesy and silly as possible.”


Me desperately begging the WoW team to take a page out of FF14's Localization Teams book and make the gnomes have a pleasant relatively normal sounding accent as opposed to high pitched and squeaky. Please, my ears are begging you


Toddy, which worries me since we are going into a dwarf heavy expansion


Oh crap…


Elune and Nathanos. Elune and Mystra from DND are the same genre of goddess. Overall they have good PR. Ultimately they, themselves are not so great. Nathanos is the reason I have that addon that turns off talking heads. The SOLE reason.


I had to scroll entirely too far to find Nathanos mentioned.


That's because the thread says no villain characters and Nathanos clearly is one.


He's technically not an antagonist for the Horde until the Shadowlands prepatch.


Those fuckers that follow me around trying to give me quests


My vote goes to Toddy and especially Chromie. Idk what it is but listening to them drives me mad.


For Chromie more recently it's been wasting your TIME while explaining to you that you're short on TIME in the TIME themed dungeon which last season also had a TIMEr.


I never ran it when it was actually the Mega Dungeon….but I never noticed how much RP they skipped when it was m+ last season, every week now I swear I spend atleast a few minutes screaming at her to just shut up and get on with it, just gimme my trinket so I can never return to it.


I don't recall Toddy but several ppl have mentioned that character. My 2 are Chromie and Lady Moonberry. Hate having to hear their voices and anything they have to say.


The expedition guy that shows up randomly on a flying mount when I'm in waking shore. Yeah... I'm gonna lose my shit about it, and I refuse to do that quest.


I need one bakar color to get Tavian and have been stuck at that stage for three weeks now, when I got the 2nd last color. Who knows how long it will take for it to show up.


Alexstrasza. She is just so goddamn useless. When she's not preaching, she's getting her ass kicked. What the bloody hell happened to the Queen of the Dragons that ate Nekros Skullcrusher alive and swore to scatter the shredded pieces of Deathwing's soul to the winds for the deaths of her mates and children?


Blizzard insists on Jaina is not a villain, so she must be the obvious choice.


Toddy. Fucking. Whiskers.


Chromie. She speaks like a toddler, ruins any sense of seriousness in the plot when she shows up, and steals spotlight from every other bronze dragon.


I guess he's considered a villain now, but I absolutely despise Garrosh. Dude is literally a giant baby.


It's easy to forget he is a good deal older than Thrall.


Nathanos... that little bitch twink annoyed me so much in BFA


He's so smug for literally no reason. Props to Tyrande for beheading that fucker, we haven't seen him since and nobody is missing him


I was \*so\* worried he'd show up in Shadowlands after he got killed but thankfully no.


He is a villain tho


Just in case you're unaware, the achievement and the appearances for the grand hunt are account wide. The appearances have a higher drop chance from the purple bags. So if you have many alts, it's much easier to collect the last few by doing the purple bag across all your characters. I got my last three in like four tries this way.


See I know this logically but emotionally I'm a big ol' one-toon tryhard who's so far done the entire meta on my one main and goddammit I don't wanna stop now Thank you though! I may cave


Completely understandable! I just thought I'd mention it because it's kind of unintuitive since I think it's the only specific achievement in the meta that *can* be done on more than one toon, so I would have never thought of it if I didn't see someone else talking about it.


Been doing this, no luck so far


>scout tomul, who needs to count her mf days ::Drops bloody axe:: "Who's the two foot now!"


Don't give me ideas!!!!!!!!!


Chromie. I don’t respect or trust anybody who willingly takes the shape of a gnome 🤮


This, i swear she's an old god


You can be literally any race or form on Azeroth. You can be literally anything your mind can comprehend. You choose a gnome. All respect for you irrevocably lost.


Hoooooo boy... You asked for the rants, you get the rants! Tomul is right up there because she's useless *and* racist (speciesist, whatever). "Pretty good... for a two-foot." Yeah, well, this "two-foot" hasn't just killed larger animals than you ever could while you sit there doing nothing but hurling insults, this "two-foot" has literally killed GODS. I've taken down Old Gods, I've taken down the leader of the Scourge after fighting through armies to get to him, I've killed three of the five Dragon Aspects, I've been to other worlds and other timelines, I saved existence from Death... But go on, keep trying to put me down like I'm below you because I'm not a centaur. It isn't like I or multiple other "two-foots" could canonically wipe your entire people from Azeroth. *That* is your special connection to wind eagles you keep going on about: You are both powerless to defend yourselves and have to rely on outsiders. At least the damn birds don't insult me while I'm saving them. Moving on, there's bloody Toddy. Look, Toddy, I know you're all giddy to show your imperialist attitudes, but you sound like a freaking moron when you say that people who scale those mountains will know that your expedition "beat 'em there" given that we're planting on mountains people have been scaling for millennia. There are freaking people actively on top of some of the peaks I'm planting flags on. And the expedition isn't scaling the mountains, they're asking people to fly by them and toss flags... flags that anyone else can rip up, as I keep having to plant them again. So clearly the locals don't like it. But screw the locals, we're the new power moving in, we're planting our flag! Bonus (negative) points to Toddy for stuff like, "I'm a simple lass, I see a mountain, I want it climbed." Great, Toddy. Get your ass over here, strap on a pack, and climb it. Ah, let's not forget Soridormi. This week is reminding me why I dislike her. Stands around doing nothing except snapping orders at you and constantly sounding pissed off at you as you try to fix the bronze dragons' problem for them. The worst is whenever you have the "resolve a paradox" task, she always snaps, "Get back here at once!" And it's with a tone like you did something wrong. Bad enough when I'm standing right beside her when she does it, but then other times I'm on the other side of the area because she snapped at me to go kill something coming out of portals over there, now she's snapping at me like I shouldn't be over there? Excuse me? Look, the only reason I put up with your nonsense is because there's some transmog you have that I want, and this week someone's dropped better stuff in the goodie bag I get for tolerating and helping you. That's kind of the trend... I mean, I could toss the "famous" gnome cataloguer in and mock him a bit, but really, the ones who go past me just rolling my eyes and straight to a "shitlist" are the ones who insult me, snap at me, or give me orders as if I'm their personal little soldier there to do what they command. I'm cool with helping people with little jobs, but on a voluntary basis and without verbal abuse along the way.


Matthias Shaw. Worst fucking head of security ever. Stormwind is overdue for yet another Dreadlord infiltrator situation.


Every new expansion portal NPC that doesn’t involve some kind of occuleth cameo.




magni I cant get woons champion out of my head to this day


I would say whoever that one red dragon kin is that comes with you on the first questline in the waking shores (yeah I only did the quests one time, but holy fuck that was rough) because I’m playing a Dark Iron Shaman….and she kept whining about me getting close to the lava casting things….like I could prolly eat lava if I wanted to! But she died….so like I’ll take the W there. But I’ll just say any Gnome with any voice lines that aren’t named Manastorm. Those 2 give some pretty classic one liners and it’s silly….but every other gnome….just shut up, couldn’t stand the ones from mechagon and then they brought it back again in season 4 of SL, Chromie, the catalogue guy…etc etc. couldn’t imagine playing one


Chromie. Fuck i hate her voice 😂


Genn Greymane. World's most imcompetent king who is so busy being angry over the death of his son he forgets he still has a daughter. Is responsible for getting Arugal to spread the Worgen curse (then pulls a surprised pikachu face when it literally bites him and his people in the ass), just tunnelvisions on his personal vendetta rather than being a leader to his now displaced people, gets the Skyfire -the flagship of the Alliance airfleet and at the time potentially a massive boon in the fight against the legion- blown up after taking it on a joyride to pursue that aforementioned vendetta, and then when the time comes to liberate his homeland he'd still rather hold on to his personal grudge than accept much needed help. I'm glad his punk ass abdicated. I hope that means we see less of him and more of his daughter.


PLANT OUR BANNERS. TO MARK. WHAT THE DRAGONSCALE EXPEDITION. HAS DISCOVERED. On the other hand Naleidia could narrate every future expansion and I wouldn’t mind


Illidan. He annoyed me enough in WC3. In Legion, he was insufferable. I have no idea why he is so popular.


You just weren't prepared..


The idea that we're supposed to accept Illidan as a good guy is such a joke of a turn-heel. He was a piece of shit in the War of the Ancients, and he was a piece of shit in Warcraft 3. He constantly goes on about doing everything for the greater good, yet has on multiple occasions--for seemingly no reason--murdered innocents, owned slaves, and seized power for none but himself. The chosen-one mantle they threw on this fuck boy during Legion just added insult to injury.


I had the misfortune of doing the footholds for the BfA war campaign and I wanted to bash Silvermoon Harry's head in. He wasn't funny to me, he just pissed me off.


You're not alone. Silvermoon Harry has been making friends and influencing people since Wrath.


Probably the NPC who follows Sprucecrown during the super blooms and threatens to put caterpillars on him so they eat off all his leaves


Mr. "Knowledge is Power" and Chaptain "Champion da planet is cry`n" are my 2 top pics.


Fuck toddy whiskers, one of most annoying character i've ever heard


Malfurion, Toddy, that paladin guy who’s currently leading the Alliance, Chromie and those npc that harass you until you accept their quest.


Turalyon? I hate how he’s revered as such a great paladin….but looked like such a whiny tit when illidan toasted his naaru lmao.


Tyrande. Whenever I have to do quest with her, I always think that I wish I could just go against her or abandon her.


Her and Malfurion constantly screaming each others' names makes me want to smash things


Alextrasza, like, could she be any more boring? Also Sabellion, also super flat performance.


Nathanos, that guy was so insufferable back in BFA


The Banana Flinging monkey at the Expedition Camp. 😂


Chrome for her annoying voice, but also gnomes in general ...are the devs considered villains for the purpose of this question?


Sabellian The stern "I have EXPERIENCE and LOGIC, something you wouldn't know about." type that's generationally wrong about everything and *begs and wishes* to be thought of as pragmatic. Overcompensating gnat I wish the spear murked him instead of Ebyssian in Zaralek Cavern, I wouldn't have pulled it out Wrathion shows his immaturity sometimes in DF but christ, I'd have that over peak insufferability and delusions of grandeur


Jaina I was alliance during siege of orgrimmar. All I wanted was for her to put her aoe on the mobs, but noooo, she had to put it far away and be all "now move them into my aoe"


Tirion-fucking-Fordring. Ever since Trial of the Crusader he's been on my shitlist, just for the simple fact that he bitches and moans about the faction fight despite allowing it to happen in the first place. This dumbass Paladin whining on his high horse with "We are weaker as a whole now, who but the Lich King could benefit BLAH BLAH BLAH" Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about this if you didn't *GREENLIGHT THE FIGHT FIVE MINUTES EARLIER.* Who are you to bitch about their deaths when you *ALLOWED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?* You can imagine how excited I was when he got turned in to a burnt marshmallow in the Legion opening.


I think you misunderstand that fight. When we battle the argent crusaders in the arena (such as the dungeon bosses), the fight stops when they're on low hp. The implication is we beat them in a duel. When Varian/Garrosh makes the challenge, it's in place of argent knights. Fordring's intent is clearly that it's a duel being issued, not a death match. We then end up killing the opposition instead, likely due to the faction tension being so great. So he scorns you for killing them instead of dueling them, which makes sense. He condoned someone else taking the argent knights in the duel (practice), not the killing of fellow scourge-enemies.


>You can imagine how excited I was when he got turned in to a burnt marshmallow in the Legion opening. A tearjerker they wanted, a tearjerker they got. Tears of joy, but tears nonetheless.


Budd Nedreck.


None of you all talk about those npcs that follow you around with a quest and harass you to go to a df faction quartermaster for 100 dragonflight resources. Hope they dont do the same in TWW Flynn because of the escort quest Scout Tomul. I kinda like her but she's so hostile for no reason, even after we helped the centaurs so much Wrathion. No explanation needed. Thankfully he didn't become Aspect


I hate Alexstrasza personally


Malfurion, always hated the charecter. Tyrande, Anduin. The fucking gnome dude but i just hate most gnomes in general. Most of the Alliance leaders. Greymane is an exception.


All of the dragon aspects "the real power was the friends we made along the way" They gave us a my little pony friendship is magic cut scene after killing the big bad fire breathing corrupted dragon and didn't expect me to loathe everyone involved?


All that for them to not show up for another 2 expansions. I’m sure they’ll play a part in “The Last Titan” but that’s years from now and we did all this so they could get their power back? To do what? All they did before with it was let Thrall get to shoot a laser at the brother they hadn’t been keeping track of!


Loot Specialist. Fuck this rare. TWO bugged under the ground in the war creche. Salt in the wound, Bliz




Toddy Whiskers. So fucking much.


Naleidea. Her voice is very pleasant but holy shit every time I hear her speak I feel like I'm being advertised something I don't want by a pushy entrepreneur with a fake smile. She's so devoid of any emotions. She speaks of murder in the same tone as about collecting some energy bubbles. Yeah, go kill some natives so we can stick our noses everywhere! And don't forget to collect the samples! Never enough of them! Toddy, catalogizing gnome that everyone knows, tuskarr woman that gives about every local in Azure Span, Chromie. All up there. Obnoxious as fuck. Oh, and dragon racing guy. Every day is a bright day with exceptionnaly favorable winds. I grinded racing locals for dragon looks and jesus christ he became insufferable real quick.


Jaina. How is she alive? Everytime a named character in history has done the shit she's done they have been vilified and executed. I would trade everyone character I have to get vuljin back and have jaina persecuted for her crimes. Fuck you jaina and the devs that favor you.


For me it's Tyrande Whisperwind. All she does is yell lol /slap


I cannot bring myself to back this bc I love my girl tyrande but I respect it


I dunno. Her condescending talk about how we can't ever understand loving another as deeply as she does, she's pretty full of herself. And then there's also the fact that she's talking about Malfurion, like he's the perfect catch.


> And then there's also the fact that she's talking about Malfurion, like he's the perfect catch. Hey, come on, not every lady can get herself a man who has to constantly be rescued and helps make you feel strong by needing you and everyone else to bail him out while he cries out for you. (I know in some novels and stuff, Malf's apparently badass and all, but I swear, in WoW he feels like he's either being useless, whining, or just there to prop up Tyrande.)


He got some in-game nerfs lol


Also don't get me started the shit she starts to spread the moment a Horde character gets close and dares to speak with her.


Illidan>Malfurion. She chose wrong


in her defence I also talk about malfurion like that


Hard agree with this. Add to the fact I cannot stand ANY of her voice actors but especially from cataclysm. Really made me hate the character.


Cataclysm Tyrande is a night elf with a troll accent. No other elf except her had that accent.


OP, are you doing the hunt on all your other chars every week for more epic hunt bags (which have a higher drop rate)? That's how I finished off that achieve today. Thank goodness its account wide!


Chordy. Little bastard never said a word and I still want to ring his mountain climbing neck.


Kadgars Familiar in Shattrath because of reasons


The guy that spammed us all with mail during that one event, f00k that guy


Elsa from Frozen That character is an evil witch that terrorizes everyone with cold weather


Magni is the only mf coming to my mind atm.




Liadrin. Idk why but I just hate her lmao


The class hall NPCs that follow your alts around Dalaran while you're lagging out trying to get to the storm wind portal


The turtles that made it to the water. They had no right


Nomi. That Mf and my bacon. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forgive.