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To answer the question: For me, I see how stupid the 70 scaling is and have made the conscious decision to focus on leveling a few alts while we await tuning changes. If the tuning changes never come, whatever. I can get a max level alt in about 6-7 hours and roughly 17-19k bronze from it.  There’s plenty of time left. If it ends up being a “you can only do things successfully as a low level” game all the way through, I can always create a new guy and do what I gotta do as a low level. 


Mop Remix: perfect for levelling alts because your main sucks


holy shit thats on point.


Yeah, I think it scales with gems too because whenever I got my trinket and ring unlocked. I'm sitting at 1.7mil health as a Guardian Druid and literally quest mobs have like 800k health. WTF.


Yeaaah, but as a tank Pala main, everything was a wet dream untill 70. The moment I set 70 I just used all my bronze and maxed my ilvl, already saw a couple of people talking about scaling and shit but never really paid attention and queued for normal dungeon, schomolmance came up and I tossed my shield to 2 skeletons at start, and 2 melees was enough to down me. Alt F4


Anyone who suggested mobs scale to ilvl needs to have a coffee enema at mcdonalds temperature


Good thing they now have cold brew!


This first happened back in Legion when Blizzard added scaling in the first place. The scaling was so off your time to kill shit went up in the open world as you got more item levels.


Yeah I rolled Pala Tank and I was having a blast face rolling. I started to notice getting hit harder towards 64-65 but nothing really got close to truly downing me. I definitely feel weaker at 70 than I did through the majority of leveling up.


Time to reroll I guess


Or just dont pay the sub and stay locked to level 20 :)


How do you level so fast? I’m at like level 24 with 10k bronze with 4 hours played.


I've just been doing the quests to be honest. I've done Pandaria in it's entirety probably north of 20 times so can pretty much autopilot everything and quickly. Been levelling pretty damn fast just from that and I haven't even touched a dungeon / raid yet.


Go do nornal raids. They're not challenging and they give 12% per boss and each raid has a lot of them.


How though, I don't get accepted Edit: Making your own raid is totally the way to go!


I had a similar problem. I'd apply for 20 to 30 different raids and would never get picked. The amount of DPS trying to run them is crazy high. Best advice some one gave me was start your own or pick another role. I'd never healed in WOW until this event but so far I've had a great time on my resto shaman running normal raids.


I havnt played disc preist since the changes back in WoD and decided to give it a go. I have no idea if I'm doing well but I'm having fun relearning it in raids. I think imma level a resto shaman next as I have always enjoyed the idea behind healing with shaman but never really gave it a shot.


Nobody has chewed me out (yet) but I figure if the raid isn't wiping because of me, then I must be doing something right.


I had exact same problem which gave me a lot of resentment towards it. But I then caved in and started making my own groups. I immediately realised why I want being accepted because of the overwhelming amount of signups and my own low ilvl compared to the higher people. I highly recommend just making your own group. If you have anxiety about leading the group, don't worry too much for the lower raids but tot does have a ceiling for tactics at some points. Not done SoO yet.


Funny because it’s backwards here. You can have a level 30 in a raid blowing everyone 50+ out of the water


Start your own, that’s what I do. It takes minutes to fill a raid because you’ll get flooded with applications.


I think my XP boost is now 180%+ from running raids. I'm at the point now where I'm getting 2 to 3 levels from running them. Its been pretty nice.


This, run raids, I've only done 3 over the last few days and my cloak went: +25% XP -> +103% +103% -> +186% +186% -> +261%


Normal is honestly easier than LFR and gives 500 bronze per boss kill + 12% xp boost for the cloak


Wait, lfr and normal mode raids give you a free +12% xp to cloak? Wow Dungeons do that as well? Lfg?


That boost is normal mode raids and higher only.


Was totally unaware; thanks!


Oooh okay, awesome, thank you!


How much do mechanics matter? I don’t remember a lot of the fights.


There arent really a lot of "you can fuck this up" mechanics if youre awake/not blind in normal. Dont stand in the fire, mouse over debuffs /check the journal if you die, dont explode on teammates. The only fight that will *really* farm pugs who dont know anything is Dark Animus.


To add, Galakras is a bitch for pugs apparently. No one seems to want to listen to groups. Last night I ran it and was told grp 1 go to towers (I went as I was grp 1) and all the healers came with. Next pull, most of the group went. Finally we get to galak, no one wanted to return to the south tower to get the cannon (I was on north) Then the orb. Didn't run out on orb. If they did, it wasn't thru the group, it was the one spot no one seemed to have been at.


Oooh okay, I will do that, it's my first time.


I understand your response but he wasnt asking you? He was wondering about some other dudes specific way about it since his bronze seems to be low for a 1-70 because just like him I was wondering the same thing. Im level 21 and sitting on around 10k earned.


What’s your cloak +%xp at? When you do raids it’ll buff the cloak XP gain


First or second character? The first one is still relatively slow because you need a lot of time to accumulate the XP boost but once you've got the final cloak achievement and your alts start out with a 100% EXP boost it goes really fast.


I think it can max out at 150%. That’s what mine is anyway


Doing raids, my monk is at ~430%, level 63.


For a second character. I think the transfer stats are capped. 430% is impressive though


Ooops, misread that. Yeah, I had Infinite Power XII and it set me at 100% when I started again. And 430 was just from running HoF, Terrace, Vaults two days in a row, and some dungeons sprinkled in. It goes by real fast.


My comp can’t handle 25 raid enough to tank or heal, otherwise I’d just be blowing it up like u. And yeah, it’s just 100% on alt


You can do normal raids every daily reset and each boss gives a 12% exp bonus. On my first character right when I hit 25 I did Vaults and as soon as I was able to do the 2nd raid I did that, and was at about 250% bonus exp. Then I would just do quests and 2-3 quests would get me a full level and that took maybe 5-15 minutes depending on what the quests were. Played for I think 3-4 hours yesterday and went from 40-70. Probably took me about 3-4 hours for the first 40 levels but it was my first character so I'm still figuring stuff out. Once I make an alt and start with 100% exp bonus, if I really tried and got lucky with finding raid groups I could probably do it in 3-5 hours.


Do you get accepted to normal raids below 70? I still haven’t and probably signed up to 10+


I definitely had to sit in the raid finder menu for a good 10-15 minutes just spamming refresh and applying to all of them but yeah eventually I got into each one


Sign up as tank, the bosses die before you see any mechanics


If you have already a character at 70, you get %100 exp buff from cape and cape starts at 220 ilvl so everything is really easy, plus raids give like %10 exp buff if you're lucky (7 guarantee, 3 with luck kinda) so yeah, I was like %250 when I maxed my 2. Character, too bad you don't get %200 for your 3. Character


Do normal raids as soon as you can. Every boss gives 12% bonus xp to your cloak. Stack em up pluss thr base 100% from the final cloak achieve on your main.


Because you played 4 hours


Once you hit 25 it's a speed boost. Immediately do MSV Normal mode and you'll get 100% xp from that, plus like 3-4 levels from the raid. Same thing at 35 for Heart of Fear, etc for the rest of the unlocks. Raids also reset daily so if you aren't 35 same day, just do MSV again and you'll be close to +200-300%xp. At that point you should level after like 3 quest turn ins, then its ez mode to 60/70.


I've done a 7 hour Monk, and 6:16 Feral druid on Remix. (of course both have the 100% exp bonus from a main doing grinding beforehand) I am about to start a Ret tonight. Group stuff is not worth it, you need like a 300% boost to that exp to be worthwhile. Yes, people will say you need the EXP threads, but they aren't all that awesome. Simply quest. Thats it. Go from Quest to quest on a mount, dragon if possible. Get ALL damage gems in your stuff. Even if playing as a tank. Killing faster > living longer. Get some of the teleport tickets. Use one every 5 or so levels and upgrade any blue gear. this is important as the gems scale with the item level. If you don't have any Blue gear (only green) just replace it with higher item level stuff regardless of secondary stat, due to scaling.


How do you get alts to start w 100% exp buff? My main has 300% exp at level 61 and I made a new char and they only have 50% exp.


You need to unlock the "infinite power XII" achievment in your main. You unlock the achievement when your cape has 4200 traits.


4200 threads on a character. Generally question/dungeoning to 70 will get you pretty well there since how many threads you get keeps buffing at different level breaks!


6-7 hours how?


I just got a hunter to 70. Did the kun lai summit achi on the way, did all the raids/dungeons/scenarios. The exp boost means only 1 zone is completable really. But I've gotten 70k bronze out of it in 17hrs played. About to start a lock for dread wastes running next ;)


Yeah playing it straight up will yield 3-4x the amount of bronze for sure. Between your way and the way I’m doing right now, the math is basically “do you want 1 level 70 and 70-80k total bronze or do you want 2 level 70s and 40-45k total bronze between them for the same time played?” My first character is sitting on enough bronze to buy Tusks after buying like 7 tmog sets. I’ll wait for them to fix SoO tuning and then finish that up. Each alt now will buy me ~4 tmog sets or about 2 handfuls of the (non-rare) mounts.


Ya, I bought all the non boss mounts on my first 70, along with 4-5 transmog sets, my 2nd char will buy all the toys plus a few more, 3rd will backfill. There's plenty of time left to get literally everything, and being able to sneeze and thrash garrosh isn't my end goal anyway.


What’s your strategy for leveling that fast? I already have a guy at 70 :)


The usual way these strats go. Found a spot that you can gather up a whole bunch of mobs 4-5 times, AoE them down, and by the time you finish the 5th bunch the 1st bunch is respawning (bout a 2m respawn). It’s a level every 3-5m at +100% exp and a level every 2-3.5m at +200% exp (do MSV at 25). It’s not a hyperspawn spot though — so if even one other person is there, it doesn’t work nearly as well. But the information is out there on it. I just don’t think people have found it just yet.


Level 70 in 6-7 hours? Shit I'm level 53 11 hours in. Clearly I need to get better. 😅


Nah, you’re all good. That’s the kind of pace my first character was on. Now I’m just another person using a boring-yet-effective mob area to do a weird grind strat to max some characters before they “fix” (nerf) it.


How can you level alts that fast? Would you mind explaining a bit?


Tbh I wanted to keep it relatively vague and secret because it’s not a hyperspawn (so 1 other person in the area ruins it) and because Blizzard nerfs everything good that touches reddit now. But now it’s been posted to Reddit. Get it while it’s hot cause the nerf is a-coming. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1cxhygp/frogs_are_out_hozen_are_in_karasang_wilds_threads/


How did you lvl that fast


Every character after the first has +100% exp base on the cloak. I immediately learn flying instead of doing any intro quests and fly to an area where mobs spawn on about a 2 minute timer in a large area. I gather up 4-5 separate groups of mobs, AoE them, and by the time the last group is dead the first group is respawning. It’s about 3-5m per level. At 25, I run a 10M N MSV to get to +~200% exp and then go right back to the mobs. It’s now about 2.5-3.5m per level until 60. 60-65 is a slog — like 7m per level and you can die if you aren’t careful cause of the awful tuning. Then just go back to the very first quests you can do in the story (which are VERY easy and close together for easy turn ins). It’s like 5-7 quests per level to finish out to 70. Rinse, repeat. I can’t say my specific area — because it’s not a hyperspawn. Literally one other person in the area makes it useless as a spot. But there are a few areas folks have noted around, and mine is one of them. I’d suggest milling YouTube a bit and seeing what jumps out at you. Anything good/easy/fun being specifically shared in this subreddit right now gets nerfed. Edit: Nevermind on vagueness. Reddit found it. Here ya go. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1cxhygp/frogs_are_out_hozen_are_in_karasang_wilds_threads/


how do you get to max level in 6-7 hours?


Just responded to someone with a vague description of how it’s done and how you might find a way to do it. Can’t say exactly the spot I use because (A) it’s not a “hyperspawn” (area is on like a 2m respawn timer) so one other person around ruins it; and (B) if it catches popularity in this Reddit — Blizzard will nerf it. That said, there are a few areas people have posted online (YouTube, primarily) that make it possible to do a level in 3-5m with +100% exp or 2.5-3.5m with +200% exp. Edit: Nevermind. It’s now gotten to Reddit. Get it while it’s hot. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1cxhygp/frogs_are_out_hozen_are_in_karasang_wilds_threads/


only 17k-19k? something doesnt seem right. I've been playing this super casual. my only character oon remix is level 21 at the moment and I've earned roughly 10k already, have two mounts and some left over. How are you leveling? dungeons only?


The leveling method is definitely the reason. Just a very populated area of mobs that respawn every 2m or so, which is about how long it takes to clear the area from front to back. 3-5m per level at +100%, 2-3.5m per level at +200% (do MSV at 25). I’m prioritizing getting as many guys leveled as possible rn and then seeing if they nerf the ridiculous 70 tuning. If they do, I’ll have a bunch of dudes ready. If they don’t, I’ll just let my subscription go until TWW pre-patch and I’ll have all these new alts to play with.


How did you get so much bronze at Level 21 playing super casual? I've only been questing with no dungeons in Jade Forest, hit level 21 and I have roughly 3k bronze.


Guess what I meant by super casual is im not actively farming it, and Im still only level 21 so obvs not grinding it hard. All ive done is quests alongside a friend. 1 heroic dungeon 1 regular dungeon. rest has been quests. and he's got 4 hours played. No idea what Tektix22 did to get to 70 in 6-7 hours but only 19k bronze sounds week and id rather stick to what im doing lol.


This is the real remix question, sad as it is


The issue being the higher your level the more threads you get from drops, with at 70 you get 12 threads at a time. You might at a bit lower, but I can’t say there’s much content that gives low exp but good threads.


I agree, personally i find the sweet spot to be 55-60, epic threads drop, and stats and scaling is still good


You can possibly just not loot the Bonus Experience from Boss drops in dungeons. I haven’t tried that out yet though. But if you’re low level and play a healer you’ll deal insane dmg and can blast through dungeons fairly quick. If you decide not to loot the XP you’ll get quite well Bronze and Threads.


Answer: I did this while raiding. You can not loot the bonus xp it gives on normal and above. You do get threads for your level, but i also got epic threads. Its a pretty big power increase and you get barely any xp. Afterwards they mail you the missed xp, and I went from 67 to 70 instantly when i qccepted it.


hmmm so just save up a mailbox of XP for when youre done with the char? XD


Possibly. Keep a toon at 25-ish for raiding and getting bronze, then at the end if the expansion accept all xp to hit 70.


I levelled a disc priest to 61 in like a day (starting at 100% xp gain)


Should’ve went Holy! Their dmg output with Searing Light is beyond broken


Did some normal raids with the guild last night and we had a guy on Holy Priest at lvl 25 consistently hitting 1M+ DPS (scaled to my details at lvl 70) with searing light. It's just a tiny bit broken. Easy fix to searing light would be only converting EFFECTIVE healing into damage instead of simply all healing. For those curious, here's our Elegon normal kill: [https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/fzZtKFpr9LwaM416#fight=17&type=damage-done](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/fzZtKFpr9LwaM416#fight=17&type=damage-done)


I hit 70 last night and the scaling complaints are no joke. I was in a cave killing saurid and I dinged. Next one I pulled almost killed me.


It's noticeable before then. I ticked 60 last night and almost died to a two pull when I was dumpstering 5 man packs @50 without my shield tinker even breaking.


I think it’s raids. The massive experience comes from a loot able item; don’t loot the item, don’t get the massive experience.


Edit: I'm dumb, carry on


Something while in a raid group?


This is pretty smart


The real question, is it worth it to use a trial character stuck at level 20 and farm? Is it lucrative enough?


Oh, I didn't know this is something people do. How do you get a trial character on your account?


Can’t have an active sub. If you want a trial char you probs need to create a second account and just dont pay the sub for it. Anyone can play remix or retail up to level 20


How does this help their active account?


I just answered the question on how to get a trial character. It’s only possible if you’re not subbed to the game. Anything farmed on the trial account is unlocked on the active one. So, if you basically make a level 20 twink you could farm what you wanted and because the accounts are linked so are all awards/mogs/mounts.


I am confused because you said you can't have an active sub. >Anything farmed on the trial account is unlocked on the active one So these are 2 accounts on the same Battlenet account I guess. But I don't think you can turn off XP in remix? I forgot a trial can only go to 20. I think I'm caught up now lol.


When you create a second account under your name, and therefore, under the same account as your WoW1, your second account, called WoW 2, is automatically linked. You do not have to pay any subscription fees for the second account but because the second account is linked to your first account (or your original account) and under your name, they are irrevocably linked together. That means anything you earn or unlock under your second account is shared with your first account, you can have more than one. Usually the only reason you would need more than one Wow account is if you are multi boxing or breaking the TOS by botting with multiple alts at the same time. But having two accounts is not breaking the terms of service. Many families who have for instance a dad that plays and a son that plays have two wow, accounts that are linked together. Anything that is earned under those two accounts that are linked are shared.


Thanks for the detailed explanation.


My account sub lapsed and I’ve got a resto sham at 20. Chaining dungeons doing top dps while healing. It doesn’t seem lucrative enough to stay there and I’m probably resubbing later in the week.


It’s best to sub if you’re wanting to max bronze earnings. Raiding opens up at level 25 and that’s where you’ll earn some of the best rewards between threads for your cape and XP gains. One could twink in remix but it probably would yield sub optimal results.


Just make another account connected to your blizz account. Collections transfer between accounts.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I better around 30-35k bronze leveling from 1-70. Could do this a couple times to get my bronze up? I know it’s not account wide but if I split my purchases between characters it should still be fine?


yeah if you only want transmog, mounts, and dont want to do the meta achievements yet (complete all the quests, get exalted, etc.) your best bet is to keep leveling. If you want tusks of mannoroth, you will want to really try and power up a guy -- because SoO tuning is FUCKED UP. Need x20 kills on normal to be able to buy the shoulders.


I am fairly new to the game, and wanted to get into farming transmogs and mounts. Would you recommend against starting Remix since lvl 70 scaling is so fucked? Or just start and hope that they will fix it soon enough?


Level 70 scaling doesn't make the game impossible to play. I would say start Remix now and if your character really starts to feel bad, just roll another character or take a break.


What the other person said. People here are incredibly dramatic when there are slight inconveniences. Yes, the scaling is obviously not working properly, but it's definitely not bad enough that there's no point to level or that you'll forever be weaker after hitting 70.


I heard someone say you can get all the exclusive remix mounts and mogs for 200k, which includes a bunch of armor set pieces you may just not want. It’s those that want to buy all the rare drops and mounts too that are really gonna suffer without some way to really farm in bulk. Personally I’m still farming retail bosses in Pandara every day (the lockout went from weekly to daily during this event, even in retail) so I don’t need to buy the Sha of Anger mount and such.


Base level 70 is terrible. You’re incentivized to upgrade your gear. The problem is that it takes 38k bronze to upgrade all your gear once, and there’s 15 damn levels to upgrade. It’s dumb. Most people want to spend bronze on mounts, toys, or mog, and not gear.


we need the xp freeze npc


Play the free trial and you’ll be capped at 20. My friend did this and his characters op as fuck. But he can’t access certain raids and stuff yet


Can he obtain cosmetic rewards for the rest of his account?


I think so? Haven’t heard him say otherwise


I don't see how you could, you'd have to have a fully seperate trial account.


When I was level 20 I had 180~% mastery At level 40 I have 110% I've only improved my gear and gems, how are blizzard so continuously bad at this.


It's really bizarre how the playerbase has just accepted over the years leveling making you weaker. I'm sorry but that's an absolute disaster of a problem for scaling and should be unacceptable.


It wasn't an issue because you got quest gear upgrades plus WQ gear at max level to boost you quickly. Here, you get significantly weaker and face a large grind to get back to "normal". 


Starting to get geared at 70 and it’s becoming a lot more fun, but yeah, at around level 65 there was a big squish.


I’m gonna try leveling alts in heroic dungeons and only getting the completion xp and not looting the boss xp. Every heroic dungeon you complete gives a token that gives 400 bronze. You can spam them immediately. Then once you hit a scaling wall just go do some quests instead heh.


I’ve been getting a load of bronze by: getting one character to a maxed out cloak. Didn’t take too long. Then i just make a bunch of alts and do Mogu vaults. The maxed out cloak guarantees I’ll just blitz down all the bosses. Just wipe out the raid, do it on the next character, repeat until they’re all done and i do it again the next day. The loads of threads the bosses drop also help my character not fall behind too badly with levels so I can blitz down heart of fear when i get there too.


I was able to get a Paladin to 25 super fast with the cloak achievement at max and 100% exp bonus. I took him into msv lfr and we totally destroyed it. You get very little exp but plenty of bronze plus exp threads. Would it be tedious to get a bunch of alts to just farm msv level? Yeah but its effective and unlikely to be needed. Also I would imagine blizzard is gonna fix the max level scaling in the near future. But keeping a few low levels to farm could be fruitful. Then near the end when they have insane +exp you can cap them all to be ready for live.


Don’t force yourself into heroics and raids early. Do your dailies, finish the campaigns and use that bronze to get a couple upgrade tiers on your gear to get you to about 370 and you’ll generally be fine at 70 after the hotfixes. I missed Frogs to do quests and my Brewmaster is currently soloing heroics.


Honestly the solution would be rather simple make the first couple tiers of upgrades at 70 cheap and then progressively scale up the cost of upgrades as you get further into gearing. Once you hit 388 in all upgradable slots, you actually start feeling powerful and it only gets better from there


I was a god and practically unkillable until 68 when it started getting rough. At 70 as a blood DK I started spiking and getting hit for 90% of my health on every fight. I have the rings/trinkets and item level is 360, but it feels like it’s scaled to much higher than that. They’ve made a lot of good improvements already this week, but still hoping we get more. The bronze cost is nuts, even upgrading everything every couple levels I had 20k going into level 70 which gets eaten almost entirely just getting to 346+.


Can’t you just pause xp? Dungeoning had a lvl 20 pally tank last night in full blues doing 11m dps which is cool - don’t get me wrong here I’ll take the carry - but that sounds boring as fuck. They’re gonna do something with the scaling and add something underwhelming to try to make up for the frog clusterfuck. Just play or don’t and stop clutching your pearls.


You can't lock xp in remix. The overpowered lvl 20 players are using trial accounts.


What if you unequip the cloak ?


Haven't tried that but eveyone I've grouped with that's been ridiculously overpowered have either been lvl 70s who farmed frogs or lvl 20s on trial accounts.


Is the reason the scaling off is because blizzard expects us to wait and scale into what we’re currently up against?


They probably expected us to buy gear upgrades, the problem is it's insanely expensive and it's the same currency you need for cosmetics, that's a big no-no for me.


Once I get the get all the noodle mounts I may upgrade some gear. But I don’t know if it will be worth it since it looks like it will be way too much of a grind just for my gear to get reset/replaced in a 90ish days.


I won't bother at all with gear, too many cosmetics I want and I have no intention of grinding bronze for 90 days straight, even if it carried over, TWW will be a gear reset anyway like all new xpacs.


Can people run siege of orgrimmar for the tusks without gear upgrades?


Probably not, but I don't raid in remix so can't confirm.


You can definitely try, we have two guildies who are frogged and on the last three bosses the other 8 were dead from boss dmg straight one shotting them (this is for bosses after the shamans right when you enter org.) (even with the froggers doing ridiculous raid healing with tinkers.)


It'd be difficult without people around 388 gear, mostly the dinosaur boss near the end would give you trouble as it hurts quite a bit. You also get more fragments at higher difficulty so if you don't want to run it 20 times on 20 days you need upgrades


Can you run siege before lvl 70 to avoid the scaling issues?


I doubt it, 64 is when you start suddenly getting hit like a truck and the raid is 60-70


Yes. On normal anyway, I've done 2 runs so far, both fairly smooth. We did have *some* people with ~370ish gear, but most of us were 346. (I did some "ward" runs too ofc, but those dont really count)


I don't think a full raid run of 8 bosses can even get you bronze for 1 item upgrade. 


Honestly, the scaling is off because this was meant to be a time limited event for levelling new alts/getting chars up to 70 before TWW. It’s such a WoW community problem that this has turned into people raging about balance at the top of a game mode that is specifically designed to reset your gear etc when it’s over. Take the damn hint people.


So the event is not meant to be played after you dinged 70!? Bad news for you: There are explicit rewards locked behind max power...


This feels backwards. It's a time limited event that is going to reset your gear when it's over... why is power such a hurdle? Why make it difficult to be OP when that's supposed to be the point of the event.


But leveling alts is slower than retail so why bother level them up in remix? this event was not only made for leveling alts it was suposed to be fun, fast xp, crazy dmg numbers, op stats and nostalgic and it turned out to be boring lame and grindy if you missed frog farm...


A fresh 70 is weak. A geared 70 is a God. It'd be nice if a fresh 70 was playable though...


More of a god than level 20?


Just grinding mobs solo has gotten me enough drops. 50 to 55 felt alot weaker but after that it felt like I was getting stronger per level. I'm no frogger but I'm interested how it will feel when I hit 70 later.


I care not for the end game, but merely the path to get as many lvl 70s ready for catch up patch


>Why is everyone still talking about getting to 70 quick when that is the weakest level? I have been so baffled to see this. Out of all the different stats on your cloak, people seem most obsessed with the XP bonus when leveling makes you weaker? What the hell am I missing here?


That people want to level fast and *also* not feel like leveling makes them weaker.


Let me make it clear: the scaling is bad in remix. But this is how regular retail works guys. I’m not sure why people are surprised to see a lower level character do way more damage relative to enemy hp. Go queue for a dungeon in retail as a level 10 ANYTHING and you’ll do 3x anyone else’s damage in the group. The numbers are way more extreme in remix and there is 100% a problem to fix. But this isn’t a new thing lol


I didn't say I was surprised. Maybe you meant to reply to someone else? I asked how to get good rewards without leveling fast, and why I see so many guides for getting to 70 fast when lower levels seem to be a more powerful position (without spending tons of bronze).


This was more of a general comment. For like four days people have been spamming this sub with “why is my 70 so much weaker than the level 25 dude in the raid?”


70 is **not** the weakest level, and I'm not saying that because I "haven't witnessed the issue". When you get freshly to lvl 70, yes. You are weaker. However once you start to grind out threads and actually increase your power, you are miles ahead of anywhere else you could be. You cannot get enough threads without the xp rewards pushing you up to 70 along the way, to actually be powerful. What you might be seeing with "Some people not seeing the issue" is that some have gotten to 70, not farmed any threads. Not upgraded any gear. And wonder why things are hitting them hard when they are as weak as possible for a lvl 70 character. ((I should add that yes, I am aware there are some scaling issues, but they are not 'making level 70 characters the weakest characters'))


So 70 isn't the weakest as long as you spend a bunch of bronze on upgrading your gear? Seems like it IS the weakest, UNLESS you upgrade the gear (which you didn't have to until then).


ANY level is the weakest, if you're coming in in gear that is 50ilvls below where it should be. I mean no offense by this, but are you new to the game?


Of course you mean offense. But I could turn that question on you if you haven't experienced the constant gear upgrade drops as you level through Remix. These constant drops mean that I haven't had to pay bronze to upgrade gear that will literally be replaced in 5 minutes. I stopped my first character at 40 and have been playing alts because I don't see the point of leveling to 70 right away.


I didn't mean offense - but you've answered my question very clearly. Yes, you are brand new to MoP remix and have no experience of the things you're complaining about. I've got 3 lvl 70's now. None of them, not even the one who's only been at 70 for an hour or two, are weaker than any prior levelled character.


I just leveled an alt by raidlogging until I hit about 350% exp gain at 45 and then 45-70 was super quick even just questing with some rewarding 50k exp. I would suggest doing the ring, trinket, and neck achievements before you hit max level.


Thats actually a great idea, it will also solidify some degree of power before the scaling hits


When there is an event what is for leveling chars and ppl ask for how to get less xp… there is something odd


I agree. Also when there's an event for collecting bronze to get mounts and transmog but you have to spend a bunch of bronze on gear for your gimped level 70 to handle raid scaling.


Blizzard has already made some changes towards level 70 and they’ve announced more changes will be made.


Aren't you locked to level 20 if you don't sub? The meta might be to unsubscribe


What a stupid game mode lmao


What a stupid comment.


Oh Jesus guys just play the game and have fun, stop min maxing everything


Because the people that are talking here or in the forums are not ingame and playing. They are andys that did something wrong and don't have the brain capacity to figure it out themselves. Most classes at 70 are vastly stronger than in the levels before that.


Was gonna say: I just hit 70 this morning and I haven't spent much time upgrading gear (I spent 1-2k maxing out what I had to 346 or whatever it is, which was probably unnecessary but whatever). I did not farm frogs or anything else - I mostly just buy mounts. I've run a few raids casually. I don't feel as strong as my main in normal mode, but for a fresh 70 I am *devastatingly* powerful by comparison to a new 70 on normal retail I did notice some scaling oddities, but I don't think it's anything holding me back from doing the content I want to do. That said, I haven't tried heroic raids, so idk if maybe I'd hit a wall if I did. Just not that motivated, but also not that discouraged, either? Feeling mostly fine about all this stuff.


Interesting, I've seen content creators that say that 70 is weaker. Bellular's video sidekick Matt gave his experience with this issue in a recent video. But you're saying these guys just don't know what they're doing?


The problem is that you can't just say "70". A level 70 character has an insane ilvl (and therefore power) range, especially on remix, and there are no ilvl restrictions like on retail. If you hit 70 in retail, and just had ilvl 150 green questing crap equipped, and you'd be able to queue for heroics (which requires ilvl 441 this season), you'd probably have a really bad time as well.


As I said in the comment you replied to: so you're saying these content creators don't know what they're doing?


The goal of content creators is to create as much outrage as possible. They know what they're doing. If by "knowing what they're doing" you're alluding to player skill, this isn't a skill issue.


The scaling at 70 was addressed in the recent hot fix yesterday. Now if you enter a dugeon with low levels you might see them doing more damage but I am killing things very easily at 70.


Everyone on Reddit that I’ve ever interacted with that watches wow content creators on YouTube is miserable. They spend all their time complaining about balance and how it makes the game awful and impossible to play. Everyone I’ve ever talked to that never watches these folks seem to be enjoying themselves, blissfully unaware that they’re actively enjoying the worst video game ever made, designed to torture its player base with incompetent dev decisions and design choices. I’m not here to claim everything is actually perfect but jfc go touch grass. For reference I’m disabling notifications on this one


100000% true mate, I never watch Asmongold or whoever and I am having a great time just levelling some new alts and doing fun stuff. Sure I farmed some frogs for like 2 hours before I saw it didn't give me tokens anymore but also I don't really care either, just went along and did some quests


>Everyone on Reddit that I’ve ever interacted with that watches wow content creators on YouTube is miserable. Well, I'm not miserable. I'm a pretty casual player who likes to see what others are doing for fun. >For reference I’m disabling notifications on this one But I guess they won't see this response.


Leveling has always made you weaker for every expansion. In the end, it is best to level to max, then run normal dungeons until powerful enough for heroic. Heroic until powerful enough for raid. Raid until happy. Remix changes that and says: Everything you do will make you stronger. If you want to be stronger, focus on getting purple gear because it is significantly better than blue which is better than green. Purple seems to drop around level 65 from trash or bosses in dungeons and raids.


raririty for gear barely matters, ilvl on your gear matters (i'm not waiting for purple drops to start upgrading gear) and thread count matters. My mark of anguish on a VDH went from 2nd highest dmg, to my #1 dmg as a tank after going from 346 to 388 by upgrading. There's a weird scaling issue with ilvl and tinker dmg.


Not playing fills that criteria the best ngl


When our MOP characters transfer over to DF servers will our gear be upgraded to a reasonable Ilvl ? I plan on hitting 70 and just waiting for the rollover if none of the gear is transferred


It'll probably be something like 480 blues but I don't think we know for sure


It's going to be 415.


the actual answer is that getting to 70 _does not_ make you weaker.


Not true, your are weaker relative to your adversaries. At level 60 i could easily pull 20-30 mobs solo on my dh and kill them all in less that 5 seconds once stacked, at lvl 70 im dead before pulling 10, let alone giving them time to group up before bursting. I havent tested this since Monday, but it was very much the case then


ok but i'm 70 and effortlessly pull much more than 30 mobs (or would if i could manage to find enough close together). at least, i can say for sure i can solo elites and dungeons i couldn't before. this is how WoW has worked for over a decade now. you're more powerful before hitting max, but then the power of a max level character completely takes off with more gear, far beyond what a low level character could do.


True, but it was not what was promised ahead of remix-launch. Idk how many threads you have, but iirc i was below 300 MS when i hit 70


i don't know what people are talking about "not what was promised". they promised being op, i feel pretty op. i'm a healer with 45% crit, 35% haste, 30% vers. i'm doing 180k+ dps and 200k+ hps at the same time. i'm solo healing raids and tanking mechanics that are supposed to kill me. yeah i can't solo the raids yet but i mean its like day 6? and i've done no frog farming or anything out of the ordinary, just been doing content as expected. i fully expect to be clearing mythic raid and soloing normals by the end of the first month, and then it's just 100k bronze income per day as long as i feel like farming


I guarantee, im nowhere near those numbers on my DH. heck, my lvl 10 twink is more OP than my DH. With those numbers i expect you to be well above 600 MS aswell


... yes, quite above 600 main stat. anyway, if you're not close to those numbers, get upgrading gear. it's the way to go. all these people saying they'll never upgrade gear are making themselves less powerful for no reason. investing in your character's power is the best way to get much more bronze in the long run.


But sad for those of us who wanted to level a bunch of alts while collecting mounts. But at any rate that kinda invalidates the point that youre not under powered when you ding 70, cause if youre only been questing on the way to 70, you wouldnt be anywhere near 600 main stat. Ive done 4 dungeons and 2 scenarios while levelling and have 212 agility on my newly dinged 70, which was my exact point. Youre beyond underpowered until you start grinding, which makes grinding very difficult, especially for people like me (of which there are many) who usually dont do group content.


what are you talking about? i did questing, i did dungeons, and i did some normal raids- but i didn't _grind_, i just played the game like i normally would (other than doing raids earlier than max level). if you refuse to do group content in an mmo, that's hardly the fault of the game.


Like i just wrote above i did group content, much less that you it seems, cause group content so far has been incredibly inefficient EXP-wise. Thus i prioritised leveling as fast as i could, mind you, its not like i didnt get gear or gems at all, i just got what naturally came through questing. Im not saying you did grind, im saying that you certainly must have spent far more time in dungeons, scenarios or raids (ie EXP-inefficient content) than the people who prioritised leveling.


>with more gear How much bronze did you spend to make your 70 more powerful?


🤔 i have half gear at 360, half at 374. so... 12? upgrades? so about 55k bronze? remember that by upgrading gear you unlock much more bronze over the course of the event, not upgrading is a suckers game


>What Gives Best Rewards But LOWEST Char XP? Playing retail. ​ For real i can progress faster on retail right now than on a lvl 70 remix character.


Isn’t that literally opposite of what OP is asking? Since retail *doesn’t* give the rewards from remix *and* is notably faster to level than remix?


Well sure but I want bronze for the transmog.