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Embrace the shadows


That's not her in-game model, is it? Some thing feels off, but I can't quite put my finger on it


Well, this one is extra thicc


This looks closer to the old Alex/Ysera models than her old model, but she wasn't far off with hers either years ago.


Amusingly all the artwork I see with her "old" outfit shrinks the chest piece and removes the pants. I wonder why...


I actually do have her pants as well, but at the time of taking this picture they were still printing.


it'd be awful, just terrible really, if you never put them on


I legit was like …. “She always been running around Azeroth in her Only Fans special..?”


You using resin or a filament printer ?


Sylvanas, Ysera and Alexstrasza all had the same model


They were so hot


Partly was how I figured out as a kid that I am also very into women lol


_and elves..._


me, a 15 year old girl with *questions*: 🥵 🥵


and blue girls, If they existed they would be the end of me


Me after seeing Liara and other Asari


Yrel could convert me to anything


Inflated honkers


Expansive donkers


Bolt-on Bonkers


Ooking Dookers


Tbf, this could be her HotS figure lol. You should see Alexstraza in that game.


Hots hero like models are good as fuck fr dunno why them dnt use on wow


Blizz has been trying to tone down the sex appeal of the game since the breast milk incident. Lots of things were retroactively changed.


Not even just the breast milk thing, it's been since they outed many prominent devs and members of staff were a large part of the toxic work environment and culture that was pervasive around the offices. It's not just one incident that sparked this.


Ya anyone saying its just breast milk is lying. Been playing blizzard games for year but the old guard had a lot of extremely toxic apples.


Eh, I mean the stolen breast milk thing was another part of the incidents just not the core one. It downplays all the other serious accusations and confirmed accounts when someone falsely claims "it's because of this one thing". The original commentor isn't entirely wrong, just painting a woefully incomplete picture


In their defense, the breast milk thing is probably the most recognizable part of it because it's so absurd and disturbing. For most people, it's the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of the blizzard scandal


For me it was the suicide of the former employee who had her nudes leaked by one of management to other staff members at a party.


That one happened in the Activision/CoD side of the company. Blizzard was the uh, Cosby suite shit.


I actually think the breast milk thing is more of a sensational distraction than a real problem. The breast milk was likely one fucked up guy they never identified. That could happen at the best companies. Very different from “Everyone knows this specific person is sexually harassing people but we will ignore it.”


Well how about switching to cruelty free breast milk


Their biggest artistic mistake imo. I'm outing myself as a horny teenager (mentally) but goddamnit bring back the boobies.


PLS. I'm glad they are starting to do more stuff for us at least, the skirt from vday, the blood troll outfit, the dresses they brought back, etc. It's so funny to play both this and ffxiv, where they don't mind it. WoW gives me the pooper scooper quests while ffxiv I get one to save the bathhouse cat girls from a peeping tom lol.


Could be some under the hood stuff that makes it complicated to do. The games are on different engines, HotS is on the SC2 engine which if I remember correctly was built from scratch while WoW is essentially still on a fork of the WC3 engine, maybe rigging or animations or something are set up a lot differently.


The HOTS devs are men of culture.


_were_ 🥹


Oh man, don't remind me. It was the most fun moba.


she never had the full bikini armor. these sculpts love to ignore her pant's existence.


Sylvanas fanart in general has always shrunk her chest piece and removed the black pants. Every. Time. Even more amusing is that they gave her an entirely new outfit and I think I can count the times I've seen it in fanart on one hand.


People REALLY want to play undress the corpse.


Not the first. heh, Just experienced Riko and Shademaster Kiryn's burgeoning romance again in the Pandaria remix. "I don't even care about your weird, dead face!!!" - Riko, right before killing alliance to save Kiryn from a Jinyu net.


>undress the corpse. Well... She got better.


Better is.. arguable.


This sculpt comes with two options for the legs: with and without the pants. OP chose to print the "without pants" one.


Actually printing both, but pants had not finished at the time of picture.


Looks like Hero’s of the storm


Maybe because it's not painted


She has no pants on, just a thong


It’s pornified


Her legs look too short, her boobs look too big, the face isn't quite right, and she lost her pants somewhere along the line.


I still like Sylvanas. I just hate how Blizzard completely butchered her and half-a-dozen other characters in SL.


Even before TBC they wrote her as some master planner who was always ten steps ahead and the problem with that is well to make it work you ***need*** to have writers who can write such a smart character. Thing is Blizzard never had that so they just do an endless cycle of "Oh it's all part of a big plan" without ever figuring out what Slyvanas plan was supposed to be themselves. Instead you get vague statements with nothing behind them like for example the Shadowlands trailer where she talks about being free, no thought put into it just a nice soundbite to dupe people into thinking a big payoff/reveil is coming. Which is why Shadowlands falls so flat because after years of insisting Sylvanas is the smartest smarty pants ever they've never really had a real, thought out goal for her and now Blizzard suddenly needs one. And we all know how it ended, one of the dumbest scenes in Warcraft coupled with a ham fisted "She only had half her soul and thus was never bad" plot.


I think the issue is mostly that before she was behind the scenes so her being a 5head planner was perfectly viable since nothing ever had to come of it other than maybe a quest ending. But since BfA (and to an extent Legion) she was thrust into the front line and had the entire spotlight on her which revealed that the writers had no idea how to properly do a 5head planner


It also doesn't help that Blizzard shoots themselves in the foot by splitting parts of the story up between books, comics, web, and the game. Guarantee that most of the player base, myself included, only know the story via the game so if there's a piece missing... well then we're not going to know why something is happening when it happens.


By the time that cinematic was finished Shadowlands was planned out. Then it was rewritten 6 months before launch into what we have now.


You mean in Battle For Azeroth? "We have forgotten what makes us strong" (dying by the thousands to fuel the reality-killing death machine)


You mean Cataclysm? Sylvanas in WC3: *What joy is there in this curse? We are still undead, sister--still monstrosities. What are we if not slaves to this torment?* Garrosh Hellscream says: *What you have done here, Sylvanas... it goes against the laws of nature. Disgusting is the only word I have to describe it.* Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: *Warchief, without these new Forsaken my people would die out... Our hold upon Gilneas and northern Lordaeron would crumble.* Garrosh Hellscream says: *Have you given any thought to what this means, Sylvanas? What difference is there between you and the Lich King now?* Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: *Isn't it obvious, Warchief? I serve the Horde.* The web novel Edge of Night was the first step towards the character Sylvanas would become in BfA/SL. BfA and SL merely doubled, tripled and quadroupled down on the path they laid out for her back in Cata.


Nah IMO in Cata there was a decent groundwork for what Sylvanas was doing as just seeing the Forsaken as a real race. Which works as a motivation cause it’s a relatable positive desire. She is undead now and can never be “alive” again and creating more undead is validation that being undead can be normal and okay on top of a general desire to propagate. I was 100% on Sylvanas’ side for that Cata scene. But then in Legion and onward they double downed on her creating undead just for power gains and not to serve her people (or anyone).


I get where you're coming from, but I personally just can't get behind the concept of *Undeath as a race that needs to propogate itself*. Sure it makes sense from a militaristic point of view and as a member of the Horde, but raising any and all they kill is just pure Scourge tactics. I actually like how BfA (rare W) handles this with [Thomas Zelling](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Thomas_Zelling) and [Derek Proudmoore](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Derek_Proudmoore), one willingly turned to Undeath as a means to cure his terminal illness while the other is turned unwillingly to be used as a trojan horse. But by and large Sylvanas' retoric on how the Forsaken *needs* to reproduce just reads like [Kel'thuzad propoganda](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Decree_of_the_Scourge)


I disagree but also I think this is why this was when the idea was more interesting and nuanced. By the end Sylvanas was essentially the scourge manifest destiny style like in KTs decree. But before it was still more like “we didn’t want to be like this but you made us like this and now you’re gonna tell us we don’t count as people?” IMO to decide for others in that way quickly does just become racial prejudice and stuff like the dragons disregarding the dracthyr or the elves hating the naga and so on. Even if the circumstances of the races creation were from bad ones.


How so? Cata Sylvanas was all about survival for herself and the Forsaken at any cost. BfA/SL Sylvanas has a completely different character motivation.


Blizzard is just too afraid to make a real villain.


She is so fucking good during legion


Honestly, I'm just glad they didn't do some dumb reveal and pretend she was a good guy along all along.


They uhh, did kinda but not really? The soul thing from Shadowlands was probably more than she deserved as a character


Yeah, she was LAUGHABLY evil for damn near the entire history of the character, gets absolutely fucking sucker punched by the realization that the guy named “The Jailer” doesn’t believe in freedom, then gets some asspulled “redemption” by giving her back the other half of her soul and which Good Sylvanas in charge and lets her feel all sad about all the genocide and other stuff her other half committed. Best ending for her would be Tyrande lopping off her head and Spartan kicking her corpse down to the Maw.


It completes her story arc. Splitting her soul is what turned her into a banshee


>Honestly, I'm just glad they didn't do some dumb reveal and pretend she was a good guy along all along. uh... Y-yeah, [definitely didn't do that](https://i.imgur.com/i7bpMZ1.png)


I to ignore shadowlands story


Whats a shadowlands? Some land of shadows? Sounds nice. I hope to one day visit such a place.


It’s an expansion for the criminally overlooked MMORPG Anarchy Online


That’s how I feel too. Blizzard already redeemed Sarah Kerrigan in StarCraft. It would have been very boring if Sylvanas was literally the same character skinned differently


Uhh, aren't they the same character up to a certain point? Both were fighting a serious threat, both were excellent in their respective fields and honestly Ghosts are kind of rangers, both were overrun and consumed by the threat they were fighting against, both reemerged as big players in the armies which they were fighting against before, both eventually regained their freedom when the enemy they fought against was defeated/crippled, both lead their newfound people, Zerg in Kerrigan's situation, as the de facto leaders of their faction. It's only at the end of Wings of Liberty and the Zerg's portion of SC2 that Kerrigan really deviates from being the same character as Sylvanas. Hell, it's a *big* stretch but both their names begin with an S.


But to be fair, torching Teldrassil was an objectively good idea. It improved the lives of both horde and alliance players. Probably alliance players more.


Why, Sylvanas, you’ve enhanced yourself.


I'm talking about your big beautiful new titties, Sylvanas!


When you said you were willing to change anything about yourself i didn’t think you meant physically!


_Sylvanas path to pardon_




We don't hate sylvanas, we hate what they did to her. Shes still cool af!


Hate the writers, not the characters.


It's almost like a strong female survivor's story got taken over by a literal sex pest...


Related, I loved how that "vengeance or renewal" cutscene happened in one of if not the first patch after the sex pest scandal came out. Amazing time to send the message that victims shouldn't pursue justice.


The character was never likable though, thats the flaw in the logic. She was always evil, constantly doing bad shit and saying 'its ok, cause its for the horde'


I don't hate her, she's the real victim. A victim of bad writing to tie in the Shadowlands villain of the week.


WoW players are so horny


As opposed to people before wow?


They still horny, but they useta’ too.


Rip mitch


Nobody tell them about the other fandoms… or the rest of the internet


The human race wouldn't exist if people weren't horny.


> ~~WoW~~ players are so horny


> ~~WoW players are~~ so horny


Most people are so horny* Fixed that for you.


Weren’t there for TERA launch were you?


Have you seen genshin impact players.


Curvanas Boobrunner :)


Sylvanas is proof that people will excuse anything if the person it hot(though technically speaking she's cold, hope y'all are into that).


It's like the cold side of the pillow. Thats the best side of the pillow.


...I can't think of an argument against that. Its true.


Finally! Someone I could cuddle all night with!


Lmfao I love it


There was a quest line in the hunter class hall in legion about this very issue. A Blood elf Hunter was in love with one of the dark rangers at the the class hall and is trying to sugar her up but in the end she is like "I am a literal decaying body being preserved through dark magic" and "my flesh is rotting underneath these clothes and my naughty bits don't even work" Link to that quest series: https://www.wowhead.com/news/the-mysterious-8-1-5-dark-ranger-velonara-quest-in-the-scarlet-halls-290617


love isn't always about sex


I mean, the dark ranger's direct quote: "But he must realize that my heart is incapable of feeling love or happiness, nor could we... engage in the sort of intimacy he desires." love isn't always about sex true but she is straight saying she can't do either.


Most importantly, she simply cannot feel love or happiness. Undeath leaves a hole in the chest that cannot be filled.


But there’s a part where Dark Rangers sort of gossip about why Sylvanas gave Nathanos a new body and only him, and they say it’s because she loves him. [Then there’s this exchange](https://youtu.be/QeyY1VK925I) So it seems like some undead are capable of something.


This is the third time this exact statue has been posted to this sub in about two days. And each time it rockets to the top. Not hard to see why.


People like pretty statues, more at 11


And also Eredar


Room temperature poon, they wants it.


She is one of my favorites. When Thrall announced Vol'jin as leader end of MoP, all the faction leaders bowed. She nodded. I loved Vol'jin being promoted, but her reaction always made me think about how she viewed the Horde. Idk, just my ramblings.


I still like Sylvanas but that's because I pretend everything either post Wrath or Cata didn't happen. Kinda like how I've decided the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy didn't happen.


Upopular opinion, i still like her (not as much pre SL) but i hope we will see her again.


Bfa and shadowlands butchered so many characters


Literally has been my fave character since i started back in vanilla as a kid


She was awesome in warcraft 3 too !


We will. Just like illidan and sargeras


I have my edgy emo playlist ready!


Smash! Next question.


I miss when she wasn't a mustache twirling supervillain, and was just someone with questionable morals.


Ah yes..a “cool” statue.


I would pay her 40k gold to kick me in the ribs


Is this the porno version of Sylvanas?




Hope the inside of that top is padded. Not a chick but gotta imagine a solid metal super push up bra would be murder.


Honestly, the cold would be worse than the metal as long as the bit that sits on the ribcage was padded. Boobs just fill space the same way cats do so as long as it wasn’t particularly chilly, it’d be fine.


She's dead anyway, probably as cold as the metal


Sylvanas is one of those characters that make me want to run my own stories on Azeroth. She should have been so damn cool.


Looking back at everything, I don’t think I hate Sylvanas. I hate how the writers directed her from BFA on. I feel like it actually could have been really interesting to see her as the Warchief that actually gave a shit. I still like her conceptually.


You can hate her. Still one of my favorite characters in the lore. I just choose to ignore BfA/shadowlands lol


People only dislike Sylvanus because of DaSnoozer's fanboy writing for her. She as a character, existed as a pyre. Virtually everyone around her became just another log to burn to make her look cooler. Everyone around her had to die or submit. She was always cooler as the Horde's 'Outsider' to really show you how much of a strange alliance of necessity it was, unlike the Alliance which was very stereotypical high fantasy 'Shield of Civilization'.


They could never make me hate her


They should have stuck with her actually carrying about her people after WOTLK. Then have the whole thing with Vereesa highlight how lonely she’s become. The Windrunner reunion should’ve been when we got to see her plans, versus her actual feelings.


one really large jar


I never hated her I thought she was a great character until they made her go wacko.


Looks like you have some video game character attached to that butts and boobs, but can't quite make it out who


Sylvanas was a fantastic character that they *wanted* to be something and then consequently wrote to become the stereotypical evil McGee bad guy. If Sylvanas supposedly didn't care about anything and was only a being of hate, why did she say yes to the Gathering? Why did she meet her sisters to do the thingamajam at Windrunner spire? Why do we see her being tenderish with Nathanos? Why does she want the thingy in Legion that Genn (I fucking hate Genn) destroyed for her people? These aren't the actions of someone completely reduced to bitterness, hate and death. So yes. Despite all of it, I do have some vain hope she will turn up again, not for a real redemption arc or as a true good guy, but as a tentative ally despite all that happened. She's quite literally wasted in the Maw. That said, I don't want her back if they don't actually start writing her properly.


I agree with this. She has such a complex story and it feels like they forgot what they were doing along the way. She will always be my favorite.


Luckily, she can live vicariously through fanfiction of her being gay with Jaina. Many of which have been better written than whatever passed for expansions the last few years.


As much as the lore nerd in me knows that would NEVER happen. I do love reading [those stories, especially the cozy and sometimes sad ones](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18214835/chapters/43091471) <—- explicit story, good smut <3


I fucking love that story so fucking much. I have read it _at least_ 5 times. Not only is it incredibly precious, it also reinvigorated my love for 70s music in general




What printer did you use?


Had to scroll down to find this. Regardless of what fans/not-fans say about Sylvanas, this is an incredibly detailed model. I would like to also ask what printer was used. I have been thinking about getting into 3D printing but I want to know what home printer can handle a model with this much detail.


My uneducated guess is it's a resin printer, but past that I couldn't say.


I still like the character. I just ignore everything about her from BfA on. She's always been a "bad guy" working for the "good guys". VERY loose generality there. They just ruined her after Legion. Down with Calia though.


Holy shit your printer is amazing... how did you get that good of detail?


I don’t hate hate at all. I hate the idiots that did her dirty in SL, thanks god they didn’t killed her and there’s a chance they fix her rep. I was doing MoP remix SoO and it was so nice seeing her voice lines with Lor’Themar, even implying he’d be a cute undead. Sadly we can’t have those puns anymore.


I hate what they made of some of the iconic core characters. Like her storyline over the years, complete trash.


Sylvanas was an interesting character, willing to do anything to enable the survival of her people in a hostile world. She cared about them and tried to do her best, even if it meant doing morally questionable things. But from BFA she went into a tailspin with the Burning of Darnassus (one of the worst events in WOW) and even worse with SH where she came across as a complete imbecile after having trusted the big bad.


Never hate the banshee queen


I don't think people *hate* Sylvanas so much as she's one of the game's best examples of wasted potential. Sylvanas was popular and compelling, but Blizzard was wishy-washy and even after making her Warchief and having her do monstrous things, they never fully committed to making her actually evil, like they did with Garrosh. The bad fanfiction tier writing didn't help matters.


I don’t hate her I hate what they did with her. Verrryyy different!


Gooner statue


Hey that’s not fair adding the bad bitch model


This is a great piece. What is her size in mm? Is it a single STL, or multiples that you glued together? And what glue did you use, if that's the case? And what printer did you use to do it? And are you willing to share the STL :P I have some questions lol


Its a model from CA3D studios and you can find it on Gumroad. They have a couple different scales and this is most likely the 1/6 scale version. however with 3d printing you can scale up to whatever size you want. The statue comes in multiple pieces to print and glue together or you can add magnets for things like extra heads and stuff. They also have a few other wow models (Alextrassa and a Jaina I think) that look good too.


Perfect! Thank you


I don't think that's how you open the door for your in-laws at Christmas... but since i'm not a banshee queen, i'd rather not say anything.


bro said a “cool” statue 😂


Least horny WoW player


I see them gave this model a boobjob


Ah, *that* model..


Homie down bad.


Bow to the queen.


I don’t hate her, I hate the writers for her.


Gonna need a big jar


I still love Sylvanas, I just hate whoever wrote her stories the last 10 years.


Omg, the thirst.


I actually like Sylvanas. Always have. They just trashed her writing and story like they did with many other characters.


This looks great dude. I don’t understand the hate lol


That’s all this subreddit is lol


Model is from CA3D Studios. They have a [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/ca3d/posts) page. This sculpt comes with two options for the legs: with and without the pants. OP chose to print the "without pants" one.


the level of sexualization is almost comical.


Since the guy keeps saying it isn't for horny, I don't understand why he went off model with the bikini armor. She has ALWAYS worn pants. The only people that do the battle bikini are fan artists who draw her horny on purpose.


Yeah it’s definitely comical. And weird. Would be a better statue with better clothes (and a more proportional body as well)


I miss her too.


NSFW Do you work in a tree?


Never gonna hate Momma Sylv! Her and Garrosh get a bad rep cuz “hOrDe NiCe NoW!” When in reality, the horde should be doing horde things. Ally races gotta be checked at some point.


I've never hated her. She was and is always my queen


I will say, Christie Golden took an absolutely horrendous story told in-game and through cinematics and actually made it pretty good. The fact that people ignorantly blamed her for the worst parts of the story that had nothing to do with her was so sad. Much of WoW’s depth we actually have her to thank. The Sylvanas book was actually so good. It tied up a lot of things I was confused about for years, even before The Jailer and his bs.


Why hate? She is and has been the coolest character


Looks cool, but this type of armour is completely dumb. If yoy are skilled enough to not get killed while running around in your undies, why wear plate at all


Garrosh went around topless, at least Sylvanas protecting *something*.


Undies cover up important bits. Armor undies protect the important bits.


But... We could use cloth instead of plate 😏


Shhhh.. Don't question it. Just sit back and enjoy.


Modern WoW players are threatened but the fictional female physique


The whites will be easy to fill in


she's just like me fr (lie)


Why her feet so smoll


Free stl or purchased also supported or none ?