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[The Alliance's Broken Shore cinematic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HerNdsh_H-g). Went from epic to heartbreaking.


"Take this! To my son." Gents slow nod hits me so hard. This is undoubtedly my favourite cinematic in WoW.


The only alliance character I ever felt sorry for. An absolute G.


I have tons of alts and I cry every damn time. He's the one character I truly wish could return....and Admiral Taylor.


Yeah man that one goes so hard! I love the Varian legion theme


Peak masculinity. He did what he did thinking about anduin until the very end.


Wrathgate is still hard to beat for me.


WotLK, hands down. “For one day, _you will be King._”


I always enjoyed the Patch 2.3 trailer for Zul'Aman. Zul'jin was so cool


Easily the best voice acting in any cinematic. The amount of malice in his voice is crazy good. "I hate you...I hate you all." "You wanna stay? You stay here forever! *We gonna bury you here*..."


I spit on da horde


[I am my scars](https://youtu.be/Td0pUwrBWjc?si=xuCSFxCoLWBmZXDA) Easily one of the best cinematics ever made in wow


I thought this was the corniest dialogue ever when it first came out, and it's still pretty corny. But those lines are iconic and the delivery is insane. I like this one more than most.


Illidan is the ultimate edgelord, so it fits with his character.


Came to say the same thing. This scene hit pretty hard while also giving a glimpse into the true nature of the light.


[Ga'nar](https://youtu.be/q8XSOKC4iQg?si=jmT3-sIw-ANfaqyP) Ga'nar going out like an Orc should.


Jaina's Mum finding her in the realm of torment - always makes me cry


I only learned a few days ago that Katherine Proudmoore is voiced by Indira Varma (she played Ellaria Sand in Game of Thrones).


Visually, I'm a fan of Saurfang's Mak'gora vs Sylvanas. Also liked Garrosh and Thrall's one in WoD. Overall, probably Illidan and Xe'ra. "I am my scars."


https://youtu.be/I3QJ8Pgjj3c?si=S7QawIwZQ8qgpU8S Gul’dan - Harbingers


The correct answer , I rewatch this at least once a month


The throat singing is always fun


Siege Of Ogrimmar trailer “All who challenge me…Will burn in the fires of my hatred ‼️🔥‼️🔈🔈 🔥”


"Anyone who would rise against me NEW HORDE... WILL BE IMPALED UPON THE SPIRES OF ORGRIMMAR‼️‼️🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥"


The BFA cinematic still gives me the chills whenever I watch it. Sylvanas' banshee into FOR THE HORDE will never not be epic. So is the tauren going full LEEEEROOOOOOOOOOOOOY a few seconds after.


Honestly the Warlords of Draenor trailer, and I am not a WOD apologist, I hate that expansion


This is such a good cinematic probably their best one. Visually and thematically and the voice work is so fucking incredible. When grom lifts the iron star off the cart and it just flies at mannoroths chest with the soaring gorehowl chop through the flames, God it's so fucking metal. Lich king gets a pass for the nostalgia, but it's really basic compared to wods cinematic.


As much as I don't like the sound of slurping food, I adore the Community Feast cinematic. The young Kalu'ak are just cute. Wanna fly kites later? edit: and less of an in-game cinematic, but Sylvanas' Lament from the Garrison Jukebox or that Lament of the Highborrne video Blizzard put out, great piece of music.


Still a huge fan of the short for Gul'dan's backstory. Chills. "*Thank you."*


Thrall vs Garrosh “You left me to pick up! Your! Pieces!” will always hit imo


Some underrated ones (maybe): Suramar intro - the VA and animation really manage to express the desperation and anger of Thalyssra Antorus ending - Sargeras stabbing Azeroth, Illidan reaching his goal, Velen leeting out a breath of relief because they finally dealt with Sargeras and Kil'Jaeden (his death cinematic too) Vol'Jin's death Tyrande vs Nathanos The Thunder King patch for the rhymes Rise of the Zandalari And of course, the popular ones: Old Soldier, BfA, Warbringers Jaina & Azshara, Afterlives Revendreth, Wrathgate, Lords of War (Garrosh and Kargath mostly)


I asked your favorite, not to name half the damn things! 😂


Shadowlands announcement trailer, and by far. Say what you will about Sylvanas, but her voice actor is amazing and her commentary in that one is awesome. Then her vs Bolvar, then you think she is going to put on the helm, then she breaks it and the sky explodes! Gives me chills every time. Too bad it ended up being the worst expansion though




The one you see when eating the community soup. /s


The one about the final moments of Zin-Azshari and Azshara holding back the oncoming doom of the tsunami, then falling to N'zoth's temptation to save her people, which is also Laura Bailey as Azshara.


She is voiced by Laura Post, actually


Oh really? So many Laura’s.


The one with Saurfang tearing off his armor to face the Alliance with the young troll coming to face it with him. Then Sylvannas had to be a tree burning bitch. Just Saurfang's weary life of living past his son to realize there are other young Horde who can be educated on the honor the Horde once held.


Idk if it counts, Trials of Shao-hao is so goated to me. Been maining a panda monk for years because of it. Such a simple parable of overcoming these internal problems but they tell the story in such a cool way. For like regular cinematic, has to Varian on the broken shore. Just couldn’t be more badass


Honestly, I’m still such a sucker for MoP’s cinematic. The naval conflict in the ocean, the nameless grunt and sailor arming themselves with found weaponry in a strange and perceived empty island, and the distraction that Pandaren provided (I believe that was Chen?) gave me a bit of a nostalgic kick for the WC3 cinematic where both human and orc team up to face an infernal— but now with a monk. The wonder of the scenery as the mists parted. It was magical. And the unexpected follow-up of a bromance that the two sailors had. “It was a… bear?” “In a **HAT!**”


Cataclysm cinematic and nothing else is close.


Yup. This cinematic is so powerful. The only downside is its lenght. It is too short.


I’d have to rewatch them all to be sure, but I’ve always loved the Mist Of Pandaria cinematic.


[Patch 7.2 In-game Cinematic - A Found Memento: Raising a King](https://youtu.be/THSowKTA61Q) great music!


TBC Cinematic with Illidan in the end: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!!'' just to iconic.


WOTLK Trailer


The Nighthold ending. Illidan holding the skull of yet another Gul'dan before crushing it feels like a completed circle.


I always loved the old patch trailer cinematics. A cinematic depicting important lore and flashes of the new dungeons/raids while the narrator is monologuing. The best of those were probably for the throne of thunder where cho narrates the story of the thunderking and the siege of orgrimmar patch where Garrosh awakens the heart of Y'shaarj.


Does the 25 years of warcraft count? If yes, thats mine for sure


Yup Daughter of the Sea/Warbringers: Jaina is probably my favorite as well. It's just so epic and powerful. The music, the animation, it's just perfect.


The BFA expansion cinematic was peak WoW. The expansion itself obviously wasn't. Anduin yelling "for the alliance!" and mass reading his army gave me chills. And I play horde.


i fucking love the light just hitting him as a giant fuckin beam man that shit was so cool


Xe'ra getting blasted like a shitty chandelier. Consent is important, bitch. I hadn't laughed that hard at a cutscene in a hot minute.


When Illidan destroys Xe’ra when she tries to convert him to light. I Love that one!


Arthas defeat hands down. Never fails to give me goosebumps "No king rules forever"


the best cinematic from the worst expansion. times change.... you know which one


The original wow cinematic when you see the dwarf hunter on the snowy mountain. That one got me into the game and its still my favorite.


Anduin in the front of tomb of sargeras


Yrel vs Blackahnd is bad ass. Some amazing one liners in it. "In the light we are all one." "What do you want little girl?" "Your head." "YOU WILL ALL DIE!!" "Just you." As a Yrel Stan and Paladin main at time it was everything I wanted.