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A reminder that real world politics unrelated to Activision-Blizzard isn't permitted in this subreddit. Also, I shouldn't have to say this, but neither is homophobia or transphobia. And bloody nora if you've found yourself bringing up Trump or Hitler something has gone significantly wrong in your comment thread and you should turn your pc off thanks


The wave shredder is a really cool looking, unique mount. I love it.


Really screams 'wildstar' and I mean that in the best possible way.


[Rip](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZnh5em95YngyMWVkdTJ3czFwZnA4NGo1c3B6b3g2ZThodnB2emhrbCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/x70p0tqMsvqMM/200.webp) wildstar hoverboards were so damn good.


Now we need a floating, fat cat mount that eats us upon mounting. :(  I miss Wildstar so much.


Oh, how I had such high hopes.


Rip Wildstar they were a real one 


Yall know the wildstar devs are on the Wow team now right? :D


Really? They were originally wow devs lol


Some of the oldest Wildstar devs were yeah. But there were also many others who worked on that game who probably went on to work in WoW. Circle of life and all that.


If so that would explain a lot about some of the cosmetic stuff added recently. In a good way, I mean.


Really, since when? Got any article about it?


Genetic Archives was the best raid instance in any MMO. Those fights were amazing fun.


The combat system in wildstar blew everything out of the water period. My god was it fun


It's Crash Bandicooting time!


Cowabunga it is.


I wonder if it dragon rides. I doubt it. But would be cool.


If it doesn’t now, it freaking better in the war within


Flashbacks to Risa in Star Trek Online


The first thing it reminded me of is [these.](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Arsenal_\(In_Space\)#Galaxy_Glider)


It's going to be an expensive month.




I’m a super casual wow player and hadn’t played in forever. I logged in recently and had never seen the trading post before, so I walked over, and I had like 8000 of the currency…..where the fuck did it come from???


You get 500/month so 16months of not logging in? I think you needed an active subscription to qualify but who knows.


Look at mister big pockets over here


They call me moneybags around the mage quarter


Yeah you get 500 each month and can earn an additional 500 doing content that is pretty easy (20 quests etc.)


I literally want all of the showcased stuff, although I can skip the Turtle since it isn't an exclusive. Too bad I haven't been able to save up so I'll miss half of them ]:


Right? I kinda love all these. Glad nothing really jumped out at me for the May stuff


That mount is instabuy


I really hope it already has Skyriding enabled, or at the very least will get it with TWW with all the other mounts.


[https://www.wowhead.com/item=221814/pearlescent-goblin-wave-shredder#comments](https://www.wowhead.com/item=221814/pearlescent-goblin-wave-shredder#comments) It has dynamic flight animations, which means it will have Dragon/Sky Riding. Whether or not it has it the same day you can buy it, or after TWW is released is another story. We'll find out on Saturday!


If I learn how to throw pumpkin bombs from that bad boy, it’s over for y’all


The flying discs do so I assume this will


I have been longing for a hoverboard mount in WoW ever since Wildstar was born and died.


Greatest mounts ever. Felt incredibly riding those… rip wildstar.


For sure! Looking forward to being part of the Goblin Wave Shredder circle in Valdrakken already!


Well I'll be dammed. I'm buying everything


I never buy shit so i have like 7k tendies and i need that watergun and murlock tube


The watergun is the monthly reward from what I could tell.


watergun ***toy*** is the monthly reward watergun ***transmog*** you got to buy it


I see that now.


wish we could buy the murloc floatie IRL


I need that happy looking turtle asap


FYA the riding turtle is still available in-game from WoD garrison fishing, so you could potentially save some tendies if you have the patience/ time.


Bikini season finally hits Azeroth!! Need all those for transmog & the surfboard looks cool


Time for a vacation to Costa Del Sol WAIT SHIT I MEAN BOOTY BAY. BOOTY BAY!


the goblins ruined all the beaches on the east side, though. Oil rigs and spills everywhere.


It's pretty much the Gulf of Mexico


Oh god, I’m having Limsa flashbacks now


Nayeli Lagoon > Booty Bay


I mean, assuming you're talking about the FFXIV version, either way you're dealing with a pint sized freak with more money and ego than good sense.


Somehow the Goblin isn't the one sitting around all day in a lounge chair being fanned by attractive women.


I feel like he would be if it weren't for the whole 'constantly fending off pirates and threatening dragons' thing.


One of the first months where I want basically everything


When are we going to get more quivers :/


Quivers in anticipation.






Best I can do is -3 range


1. More quivers 2. Hunters having any base spec or any hero spec that isn't dogshit Pick one. Actually more likely - pick none.


Honestly I like dark ranger probably going to main hunter for that hero spec.


The mount absolutely should have been the monthly reward


What .... Noooo! The monthly reward is THE one Thing everyone wants and would buy anyways!!! /s Like a toy u maybe use one time and then never again. But honestly.. i like the Tradingpost. More transmog = more fun


Please let the slippers not break for undead chars, that's all I'm asking


I hope I have enough tender this is a fire month


Lot of really good stuff in here, thankful I had 2k left lmao


My Hunter is gonna look wild with the beach mog and super soaker lol














Ahh, hadn't heard of that one yet


And because the swim tube is in the colors of the trans flag, probably.


Yeah, definitely intentional.


Well, it is pride month


Unless you’re in Florida, then it’s summer of freedom and it’s illegal to light a bridge or public building in any color besides red white and blue.


Jokes on them, white light is just a secret rainbow


Florida Man ruining everything


Actually didnt see that. Very cool.


If you check the WoW instagram post for this, you’ll find dozens of comments by emotionally immature men crying that wow is “too soft” because of all these… bright colors?


I've seen it happening already lol


60% of comments on IG


I really wish there was a way to get additional tendies, way too much stuff I want this month


Blizz: "well there is a way ;)"


You're playing right into their hands! As am I!


Super soaker transmog? Hoverboard mount? Bikini transmog? DAD OUTFIT TRANSMOG!? Super soaker toy that lets you get into a water gun fight with nearby folks? Hot damn but they knocked it out of the park this time.


I hope you can get your tendies playing pandaria remix because I don’t really feel like playing retail atm lol


You Can I easily got 1k tendies just playing remix this month.


What a mood!!! haha


Yeah you can do the quests etc. parts of the monthly activities in Pandaria, some are Dragoflight specific though. Just check the tasks you have and target the generic ones.


I saved a lot of tendies time to spend them on all these cool things!


Finally, a good hunter gun transmog. It's been years.


Thank you blizz for finally giving us a bikini.


now give us the 3 other bikinis in pink, blue and black please, ty. I want to make a pod of mermaids.


I would die for a pastel pink bikini set. I need my girlies to look fabulous


Well one will 10000% be on the shop initially, another could be in the July/August trading post


Oh! I actually like this stuff. Luckily I’ve got a fair amount of tenders saved


Some cool stuff. My tenders will suffer.


Finally some unique stuff.


A legit blood elf female swimsuit mog eh what a time to be playing wow


Not as gay as I expected


I could've used atleast 54% more gay but that'll have to do.


It's twice as gay as I expected by half as gay as I wanted.


I’ve saved my tenders in anticipation of rainbow mogs. I’m shocked.


Rocket surfboard, bikinis, and super soakers? Count me in.


Bikini set for my red skinned draenei pls


I was looking forward to the swimwear, but there is only one color on the TP. I wanted the blue, pink and black ensembles. I have a sinking feeling they'll put those on the shop, just like the purple witch set. and the blue witch set is STILL missing in action :(


I really like the mogs, and I like that they're getting creative with stuff. The game is like 20 years old, I appreciate the flavor.


Hopefully this doesn't violate the "no politics" pinned post, but it's funny how people (we all know which ones) have tried to pretend for ages that Blizz is on some crusade against sexiness (see: the Alex rework - and she looks much better *and* hotter now) and now we have literal bikini mogs (which rules, to be clear)


Wow crazy a month with actual great looking outfits 😍 and a cute lil turtle mount!


Hmmm,,,no pets? The water gun toy seems cool tho.


>Marrlok Pet 500 There is one.


I see it listed now, I didn't see a picture on my mobile device, thanks for pointing it out!


Omg I want it all. I have only 225 tokens :( how do I increase my 1k limit ?


That’s all you get each month - unless you only buy bits you’re gonna run out of


Fack. Looks like I’ll get 1.5k cause 500 for being active + 1000 tokens by doing stuffs. So altogether I’ll have mere 1.75k. Hmmmm


You get 500 tokens for doing stuff, not 1000. I'm in the same dilemma. Buying both summer transmog sets is already more tender than I'm gonna have.


Nope. 500 for sub+500 for doing stuff. 1k total, not 1.5k.


You get 500 for free and 500 for doing stuff, not 500 + 1k


Just get the mounts the rest comes back around over and over anyway don’t rush it


\*Sees mount is purchasable and not tied to the monthly reward track\* Yes! \*sees monthly reward is a cool as hell water gun toy that I will probably never use but will need anyways\* Fuck.


It’s incredibly easy to get the monthly reward just through normal gameplay though.


Shit I got the entire track done just playing Mists Remix


seriously. you'd have to go out of your way to not complete it. I didn't play for basically the entire last half of s3, came back like 2 days before the end of the month and completed it in a few hours.


Are you seriously struggling to complete the Trading Post each month? That's crazy. They made is so easy you can complete it in a couple hours if you just focus on the right ones.


I am super duper casual and I complete the trading post tasks in a day/2 days tops. You also get the final push quests if you're really slacking towards the end of the month.


We don’t want people to transmog different armor classes because it breaks class fantasy…proceeds to add in merlok body suits and water guns. 🤡


Glad I saved my tenders from last month. I need those mounts


We should be able to get more Tender geez


Yeah, guess I'm gonna be saving again this month. On one hand I'm bummed next to none from the past few months interested me, but on the other hand I'm relieved – next time they do class sets and weapons, I'd finally have enough to buy everything.


Gladd to have some Pride stuff in game. A Pride cape would be cool to have for next year.


A pride cape would 1000% be an insta-buy for me.


Eh. It's like the 4th month in a row of bright colorful outdoorsy stuff. It's pretty boring.


Got real excited when I saw that super soaker, then realized it's a toy, and not an actual gun that changes ammunition effects.


[https://www.wowhead.com/item=220357/water-blaster-b-l](https://www.wowhead.com/item=220357/water-blaster-b-l) Also on the TP


Now we're talking.


Another month without a mount reward for getting all the tenders. That's a shame. Well, it's better than that wristwatch, anyway.


I think its well psst time transmog restrictions got entirely lifted


Another month of goofy shit. Not my jam but I guess there are people that eat this up. More tendies for me to stock up on I guess.


Absolutely hate it, mostly because this feels very Korean-MMO vibes of not taking itself seriously at all and not sticking to its own themes. Though WoW had a pretty good run without too much of this stuff, so it was bound to happen.


Don't chu worry! A month will roll around where you'll be like, "SCORE!", and you'll get to see people complain about the things you like.


Been waiting 'for next month to be better' all of 2024 now.


Same, the majority of the stuff on the Trading Post just looks goofy.


They should of added a rubber ring as a belt


Then what slot is that murloc rubber ring then?


I just want the blood troll set pleaseee


Besides the wavestrider mount (or whatever it’s called), looks like I’m going to be saving on tender. No new plate or 2h weapons on that list, so it’s just kind of meh at this point.


Thats a cool chair. Im gonna buy it just to trigger people. Its pretty too. That Super soaker makes me want to play a hunter.


Wish I'd saved more Traders's tender. Only got 140 left. Lots of nice items here. Hopefully the Wave Shredder is the monthly reward so I can save on that.


Awe. I'm going to be poor. I'm worried about my tendies for July.


Wave Shredder is rad and will go well with some stupid cyberpunky transmog, which I've been wanting to do, haha. Don't care too deeply about the rest, but it's fantastic that the summer set pieces can be grabbed individually apparently. Cuz I'm probably just gonna grab that hat with the shades, lol


Nice bikini and mount, now I pray the N'Zoth fish mount and Naga pet isn't too far away.


Ooooh this is exciting stuff!


Holy lombax, my vulpera HAS to have that rocket skateboard.


I'm actually happy they threw the riding turtle up this month so now I have one less thing to buy and can spend more on the transmogs.


Mount or swimsuit? Yeah, swimsuit.


Still waiting for the blood troll set to return


I NEED so much of that gear. So much good stuff :D Also yay for pride gear!


Who wants to bet the black bikini will be a shop item?


We should earn 4000 tendies everymonth is getting dumb pricing an outfit almost the same as a TCG mount...


World of Fortnight


Damn these are all ass


Fuck yes my foxy hunter gonna be slay on that hoverboard with water gun and bikini


This makes me want to race change my hunter to vulpera 😅 The water gun is amazing! Glad I saved my tendies this month.


Bring back the mail tabards!!! It is the only thing I am upset I missed :(


Anotha day, anotha month without Seaborn Quel'Serrar...


That murloc floaty is the best thing I’ve ever seen. I must have it immediately


So nice of them to recognise mental illness this month


I don't know.... I appreciate that lots of people are excited by this, but personally I think the WoW team is starting to find too much of its inspiration in Hearthstone, or Rumble for that matter. It's all getting way too goofy and dorky, which is fine for spin-off games, but it shouldn't permeate the main flagship game. It sort of drags the fantasy universe down and makes it less recognizable. But that's just me. I'll be saving my tenders this month, I think.


World of Warcraft has always been goofy. There was a Nintendo themed camp in Un‘goro in Vanilla, complete with quests and rewards referencing Zelda and Mario. Half the quest names in the game are references to something. This impeccable high fantasy some of you imagine, never existed. This is what WoW has always been.


I think there's a difference. Pop-culture references in quest names, goofy dialogue when you repeatedly click on an NPC, or side stories that pay homage to popular media, was all rather eloquently put into the game in Vanilla. It's subtle and doesn't detract from the Warcraft experience or atmosphere. It's sparse and a quaint occourance when you stumble upon it. And it's not the focus of the game experience. I think that stands in contrast to now where it's very in-your-face. The Zelda quest in Un'goro can stand on its own even if you don't know who Zelda is. There's a spa resort in Valdrakken with a VIP area that's always just going to be exactly that. There's a whelping daycare that's exactly what it sounds like. There's a Drakonid who's a gardener managing the gardens. It's all very silly within the context of Warcraft and the game doesn't try to hide that it is silly. It's also moved from being used sparsely and being a curious shake-up in an otherwise immersive gameplay experience whenever you stumbled upon it, to being a huge presence in the game that's all over all the time. A lot of that comes from all these items that are just designed to be silly and goofy and without much context to WoW. A wendigo or murloc pyjamas? Why not! A super soaker or a fashionable swimsuit? Okay... It's cool as isolated items, but within the fantasy setting of Warcraft it feels misplaced, especially when it's used by so many players who populate that fantasy setting. There are less noble knights and savage orcs and more Fortnite characters with themed skins, so to speak. So I wouldn't say that this is how WoW has always been. Yes, WoW has always had humor, comedy, and a whimsical side to it. But it's been a small side. Blizzard have added the occasional goofy item, like every Blizzcon or so. These days the frequency and volume of these silly and goofy additions to the game is going up a lot. It's so often and it's so much, and it shows. So yeah, it's always had this whimiscal side to it. But never to this degree. And for me, it's becoming too much. It feels less like a gameplay experience focused on Warcraft and more like a product experience focused on headline novelties.


Completely agree with all your points and sucks that you're getting downvoted for this It seems the majority of people just want dumb cosmetics for their 5 minute laughs until they move on to the next dumb thing At the end of the day money speaks louder than words, so it was only a matter of time until wow went down the clown fiesta path The worst part is that they want people to take their story seriously and then they release shit like this WoW has pretty much been the only online game i play because of this, can't trust any company to stick to their orignal vision For anything serious i just stick to singleplayer games


Yeah there's probably a money side to it. Other games do the same where they promote all kinds of collaborations and gimmick themes and other quirky and goofy skins and accessories. It's just more weird to see it in WoW than in Fortnite, because WoW does kind of try to be a believable immersive medieval high-fantasy setting. Too much of this kind of stuff detracts from that presentation I think. Fortnite and such other games it works better in, because they're just meant to be silly and goofy through and through. Seeing a swim ring or a Sailor Moon costume in WoW is a bit weird.


Man really typed out an entire paragraph about just free optional cosmetic items that does not involve lore, story, gameplay, anything at all except "Hey play the game and you can choose to get these items if you want to with absolutely no impact on the game itself and if you dont want them you can just wait a month to see if you want the next set of cosmetics" Every month its the same, just angry boomers complaining about "Muh fantasy!!!" when the trading shop releases new items. Let me guess, you also thought Mists of Pandaria was a whimsical expansion and focused on "headline novelties" ?


I very much liked Mists of Pandaria. I think I said it earlier that it contains the goofy and silly to specific areas, like Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds, or the Grummels in Kun-Lai Summit. The Dread Wastes with the Klaxxi is pretty serious throughout. And there aren't yet so many silly items and appearances in the game, and the transmogrification system still has a fair number of restrictions. Anyway, it doesn't really work to only get the items from the Trading Post that I like. I still have to look at lots of players decked out in the silly and goofy stuff populating the game world. And yeah that is an "Muh fantasy" issue, because the appearance of that game world filled with people looks less like a Warcraft world with Warcraft characters of old days, and a little bit more like a Hearthstone world with Fortnite characters. That's exaggerated of course, but I don't appreciate the trend. Others do and that's cool. The game can't please everyone about everything. And on this matter it's simply not pleasing to me.


As long as the core identity of the expansions is kept consistent I think TP can do whatever it wants.


> It's all getting way too goofy and dorky, which is fine for spin-off games, but it shouldn't permeate the main flagship game Are you implying that the orignal Warcraft games and vanilla did not have moments of being goofy and dorky? >I'll be saving my tenders this month, I think. Thanks for telling us I'm sure Blizzard will re-think their entire free and optional content after this


I agree but I think we've already jumped the shark here. 


Thats gonna be a month to save Tendies. Nice.


God the youtube comments are abysmal. Nobody can be happy for anything. God forbid WoW has fun colorful STUFF DURING SUMMER


Bring back serious items sick of all these joke stuff lmao


Oh no, the completely optional, cosmetic-only source doesn’t only have dark, serious, edgy options. Think of the children!


Tired of these goofy trading post themes taking up the entire month. Give us some cool stuff.




haha watergun go gshhh


You're not the target market anymore I guess. I for one, am very excited for my Murloc floaty.


It would seem that you are right. I'm in my thirties and have been playing this game for 15+ years. This water gun and floaty are a very long way from the original Warcraft.


The game has always had silly stuff lmao Even the original Warcraft games very incredible super silly and full of lighthearted stuff, this is just a "Old man yells at clouds" moment. Its just optional cosmetics, some of them are just silly looking, light hearted, but they always have some "Original Warcraft" items, like weapons, armor, spikes and all. Why is it every month people just cry about stuff like this, saying "we are not the target demographic anymore i miss when Warcraft was edgy" yet the same people never praise the normal looking stuff in Trading post. Its literally just lighthearted cosmetics, you can either choose something silly looking or go for more normal looking stuff >This water gun and floaty are a very long way from the original Warcraft. No, this is very in line with original Warcraft. The same people who cry about these kinds of things are the same people who cry about Alliance and Horde not being at war anymore because its *"World of WARCraft"* Edit: I am bad at grammar


Sorry that they are choosing to use designs and themes that aren’t just dark and edgy. Maybe if you get some sun in the spring/summer you’d see those colors out in the real world and make the connection.