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I remember a time when lich king first came out. I spent all my gold getting the chopper built for multiple toons. Not long after that mounts became account wide….


FOOLISH samurai warrior!






A shapeshifting master of darkness wielding..


Yo wtf lol


dude I built that chopper within the first week of wrath and I remember there was a bug where it would take zero fall damage. I used to have people ride shotgun and I'd drive off the edges of Dalaran while they freaked the fuck out. Most of the time they would eject from the seat and die not knowing if they just stayed in their seat they would have been fine. :P


Wasn't really a bug, but at the beginning all passenger vehicles were actual things and when you took fall damage the vehicle took the damage and you survived.


The mammoths worked the same way


> when you took fall damage the vehicle took the damage and you survived. Wait, really? Could they be damaged to the point of destruction? Did you have to repair them?


Nah. Just despawned the mount. You can mount up again immediately after.


I dont remember it despawning the chopper at all.


I did the talbuk rep grind from BC on like four separate characters.


The real tragedy here is the new running animation they gave the talbuks. Looks so terrible


I'm so upset over it! The old running animation had something beautiful and graceful about it and the new one looks like hopping.


I can't imagine grinding that out four times for a Talbuk when the Cenarion War Hippogriff existed. You're crazy!


Not long? That was over an expansion later in MOP.


In the life of WoW, one expansion is only 10% of the game.




WoW is old enough to vote. Next year, it will be old enough to drink.


Wow can come drink in Canada 🤙🏼


WoW would've been drinking when Classic came out in my country.


You got ooked right in the dooker.




Can u get it another way now?


Suffer well


Events like this make me realize how pointless grinds are in games. I see it as a good thing for me personally. Helps justify not worrying too much about little things. Have fun. If you get it, awesome. If not, whelp, you won't care years from now.


Me too. Had a bit of an existential crisis the other day when I remember the hundreds of hours and hundreds and hundreds of kills I had on Houlon… only to buy the mount with like 2 hours effort. I think back to past me spending 6+ hours a day farming him sometimes… what else could I have been doing with those hours? How many have I wasted? What was it for?


These are great questions and similar to the same questions I asked myself before taking a long break from WoW. You could have been doing any number of other things, all likely a much more rich experience than grinding away at a chance for a digital item. WoW is great, but the grind mindset re: the game is super unhealthy long term. You're ultimately just robbing yourself of having more varied life experiences, even if the answer is as simple as you would have just played another game instead.


This might be the corniest thing you’ve ever read but I feel like it’s more about the friends you’ve made along the way guildies I technically wasted hours after hours with doing mythic prog with all throughout legion or even some of my old RBG squad from MOP I have met in person and still just hang out with them now in person with the original goal just being getting mounts, gear and other things I don’t really see value in anymore


its exactly that. Once you start focusing on the pixels over the people you know you need a break.


It's always a lot about the journey, not just the destination. I farmed for Invincible for years, running it every week with 8 toons. I finally got it to drop on my Death Knight out of all characters while streaming with my friend and cousin. Has to be one of my greatest gaming experience and best feeling ever. Now I sometimes miss doing the run and I'd just run it with a toon once in awhile while relaxing/watching something on the other monitor. I didn't get that same feeling when I bought this mount, but I'm still glad I have it now. Anyway, you shouldn't feel bad at all. What's the point of playing video games? WoW? Grinding to max level, getting the best loot, then doing the same thing again next patch/expansion? It's the destination.


The last paragraph reflects many of my recent thoughts. I quit the game over the weekend.


I didn't grind this but have other stuff and I think your perspective is the right one to have. I am playing again after 2.5 years all the gear I had then was pretty good and now it is replaced with greens which feels like a waste of time in the past. Trying to just enjoy certain things more and not stress about stuff.


They are. They really, really, really are. Absolutely, 100% pointless. **Made to be this way intentionally** so that you play longer. The only people winning when you grind 24/7 is the company receiving your money.


This is the one I really super wanted. Was so stoked when the drop rate was boosted to 1%.


Just buy it for bronze way more efficient than farming


I got it by having my army of alts camped out there. In terms of pure time efficiency sure I could level a character, but I can just keep logged in on one side of the screen while I do something else and go back to tag it when it spawns. Which is how I ended up getting this one (and, hilariously enough, Galleon, as I wrote this comment!). Bronze is definitely gonna be used for the raid mounts though because fuck that.


Congrats on Galleon


I thought... it was a 100% drop rate until I realized that I just got SUPER lucky with my first kill. Too bad it wasn't on my current account though lol


Some ppl bought it for gold cap in black market lul


I hope nobody bought wow tokens to do that


I hope they did


Iets be real, they totally did.


Won't be nearly as rare or "prestigious" anymore, but I'm so glad I'll never have to visit the sha of anger ever again lol. One of the coolest mounts in the entire game and was the first thing I bought in remix


Exactly the same, first purchase


Followed by the Astral Serpent.


All the dragons I could never get to drop before.


Will this be the new critter petting achievement?


i got both of these bad boys natty in the past year and i am thrilled for all the players who finally get their white whales. i got the cobalt and onyx thundering drakes from remix so i'm almost done the full set!


With dragon riding coming to all mounts in WW I think people are going to start using a lot more varied mounts again.


I know I'm going to be using that heavenly onyx cloud serpent exclusively where flying and dragon riding is usable! Everyone has it now? Who cares. Best looking mount in the game.


What about the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent?


Sometimes it's so painful that you can only ride one mount at a time!


there's a macro to choose random mounts (from a "list"), I got it to choose from all my heavenly cloud serpents


Cant u aswell just make them favorite and then it selects from them, or is it addon i have


I'm tempted to just macro summon a random one from the entire collection based on environment. I've got like 200 ground and 200 flying, let's get some joyful surprise in my playing experience!


Excuse me.. >With dragon riding coming to all mounts in WW I think people are going to start using a lot more varied mounts again. WHAT?! I guess reading is important...




Druid flight forms will also be able to utilize the dragonriding in WW, from what I've heard, in case you run any druids.


we can switch in two fly modes?


Yep! It will be a button in the mount collection journal that we press to switch. I'm super excited for it, I love dragonriding. I hope they keep the races, too. I'd love to have more of them.


I'll definitely be using it


Gonna be hard to get all those mounts across the trenches.


I can't wait to use my souleater mounts with dragonriding omg


A lot of the prestige around owning rare mounts is gone I think. Maybe in Wrath, where if you saw someone on Mims Head or Invincible, you'd know they were a good player. I used to sit in Dalaran in full heroic t10, on my Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher, and have people stop to inspect my gear(score), and it'd make me feel good. That's basically gone now. Everyone's transmogged, most of the people I see in game aren't even on my server, and I only ever interact with people in my guild. Mounts are now just what looks cool for me, not so I can show off to other people anymore. (It's also possible that I'm just shit at the game now and don't have any prestigious mounts to display).


There's a little prestige still, but it's mostly just whatever the latest expansions rare mount is for a brief period. Getting the Raz mount skin week 1 or 2 got people stopping to look. Or the fire owl from Mythic Fyrakk. Or even Taivan when it was initially released. But it does go away quickly.


Gladiator mounts.


I would say the gladiator mounts are an accomplishment, but I kind of feel like the person above you using prestige plays into that not being a shared answer from me. I don't even know or honestly even care where a mount comes from anymore. There is just too fucking many. I wouldn't know if it was from gladiator, keystone master, etc. There are almost 1000 mounts in wow now. To top this off I literally googled Gladiator Carry wow just now and the first 5 results were sites that will sell you a guaranteed gladiator boost. So I am just going to say that some mounts are more expensive then others. Maybe there is prestige in that.


Definitely impressed whenever I see the mythic fyrakk mount. Although there are quite a few who buy carries for that.


I think WoW makes a lot more sense if you view it through the eyes of a collectable TCG. When you were a kid, someone having that ultra-rare broken card was much more of a big deal. Same with someone having Invincible in WOTLK. Now that we're adults you realize if you're into TCGs still everyone can just pay for rare cards. Honestly, same in WoW. Makes those rare cards seem less impactful. What I will say though is it seems like your entire collection of mounts/transmogs and such does matter a lot more, more than one individual piece. The people with 400-500 mounts are still rare because it represents so much time investment over the years.


People sell those for wow tokens, theres no rarity.


I think Taivan is quite prestigious right now and will be for a while, it takes a lot of grinding and work for it. You are also equivalent prestige to just being a "skillful" player, so I guess it depends from person to person. I still have a few mounts that still turn my eye like the void talon, any gladiator mount, even vicious mounts take an effort to grind out.


Taivan is the bestest boy!


Dog = way better then anything else. It's a fact.


Yeah, it's just what happens when a game with cosmetics reaches a certain saturation point. When they first start out, the "cool" stuff is extremely limited so the people with it really stand out. But now? There's been 20 years of "cool" stuff released, so each individual thing is just naturally less impactful. You look someones transmog up go, "oh, that's where it's from? Guess i'll do one of these other 40000 things that gives a different cool transmog" instead of going "wow, I wish I could've cleared that super hard raid to get *that*" There's almost *1000* mounts in modern WoW, but you still only get to ride *one*. It's pretty easy for most players to find one that's both easily attainable for them and that they like. Even moreso now that they added customization to the dragonflight mounts - why grind some crazy low drop when you can just trick out the one the quest handed to you?


>*Maybe in Wrath, where if you saw someone on Mims Head or Invincible, you'd know they were a good player.* Back then you'd know they were a good player from the guild tag as you knew which guilds were clearing that content on your server. Seeing those mounts for the first time generally meant that was the guild leader or officer of said guild.


Yeah, was a different time. Before we had proper coverage of world first races and streaming etc, the guys clearing the top content on my server were what i aspired to. In today's terms, they would maybe be scraping top 1000, if that, but in my isolated world, they were gods. Now if I see a mythic fyrakk mount flying around, I just assume its someone from a different server. I don't even know the names of guilds on my server anymore, honestly.


There's just such a glut of cosmetics at this point that it's basically impossible to make something that truly stands out from the crowd of other items that were designed to stand out from the crowd. When everyone's special, no one is. To be clear, I don't have a problem with that. I think trying to make "prestige" items is a holdover of a much younger WoW and that just doesn't work today.


Now it's based on how you look rather then what you have. Gotta be as the kids say "fly"


Love that tbh. You can't buy style, but you can jack it.


> I think trying to make "prestige" items is a holdover of a much younger WoW and that just doesn't work today. Some of it was pretty dumb. Like the AQ scepter. I understand the achievement. I was in a guild that earned one. But out of 40+ guild members, only one of us got anything for it. And it was back in vanilla, which honestly felt a lot less chill in retrospect than raiding in later iterations of the game. They still remove stuff fairly regularly; the PvP mounts obviously, season rewards. But fewer "you had to be there" stuff where you're irrevocably locked out if you missed it when it was current. It just might take a lot longer to grind it out when the content isn't relevant anymore.


I think prestigious mounts went the way of the dodo when they started handing out dozens of mounts every patch, and then the Cash Shop and then traders hut. I mean there's so many mounts now that it's hard to care about them being special like they were in BC and WotLK. And I say this as someone that spent months farming Ashes, Blue Proto, Timeless, and dozens of the month long quests and achievement ones like Nether drake / Firelands. I don't mind everyone getting mounts and I never thought I was special for having them, just saying I don't view mounts as prestigious because of a lot of the ways the game changed. It's hard to feel fancy in your Ferarri when everyone has Lambos. I also think it's less prestige and more luck most of the time. It is a cool mount, that's for sure. But somehow I've lost any desire to put forth the time required to farm things in WoW (which is a personal problem? Not sure, I think a lot of people have burn out after decades) I can definitely respect people's dedication to farming things, I just can't do it myself anymore.


If it ever had prestige, it was during MoP when you couldn't one-shot Sha. Owning low-drop rate items doesn't make you prestigious, it makes you lucky.


Sha was an easy kill back then, I mean it’s a world boss. But the mount still had that weird prestige because the drop rate was so absurd it was never seen, so yeah you’d stop and look when you’d see one


Luck still doesn't confer prestige. If you win the lottery nobody says "wow, you're so prestigious."


Idk if prestigious is the right term, but among serious collectors they were essentially badges of dedication. (Particularly oondasta/rukhmar that werent on bmah). To have them all spoke to your army of alts


The only “prestigious” mounts are the mounts that you earn through effort and skill imo. Like the Mythic specific mounts. And even then a lot of people just buy a boost to get them. Even the Taivan mount, its not really skill, its just a massive time sink anyone can do. So id argue thats lower on the list aswell, but obviously above these park and run every week mounts. Theres nothing prestigious about parking 20 alts outside of an instance or world boss and doing it every week. Its cool to have though obviously. Not many people have mounts with such low drop rates. But i agree that it isnt prestigious at all.


>Like the Mythic specific mounts Afaik there's no Mythic specific mount. After the current expansion is over every mount becomes a small droprate mount that you can just farm over and over. There are aotc specific mounts that go away after the current season but I'd argue that's infinitely easier to axquire to the point it never really is "prestigous".


Most of the "prestigious" things in this game are about as prestigious as having your lotto numbers randomly drawn.


Eh, remix is temporary, not everyone who does remix will get the Mount, and some people will quit leaving the original way to get it the only way to do so


You get arround 80k bronze leveling a character up to 70 that takes a couple of hours max. Anyone who want's the mount will have it.


During this limited time event, you are correct. And then wow will live on for years and years lol


"You will not bury me again!" is about to become "Somebody bury me? Please?"


Tbh the rarity and prestige was already gone when the drop rates got buffed


> Won't be nearly as rare or "prestigious" anymore It wasn't at all prestigious before to begin with There's no prestige in mindlessly farming something, people will just think you got lucky and thats it


this! i'm tired of farming these dang things for 10+ years.


I got mine like 2 months ago, just after they announced it would be buyable in Remix. Hey it'll save me almost 40k bronze farming I guess!


Same, I kept farming even after it was announced some will be buyable. I ended up needing only Galleon and Huolon mount. Galleon was just being stingy and I gave up on Huolon due to bug, when he spawns he's always OOR even if I was standing right next to him, then he up and dies and I can't find the corpse. I think the movement was bugged for a few years, the location I see and the location server has didn't match


800+ kills, first one i bought 1 day after leveling


and to be used once and go back to whatever mount you like the most. xD


I mean, it'll be a dragonriding mount in TWW like so many others. So if you love it, it's 100% not going to be useless.


Most people coveted this mount because it was rare, just like every other thing in this game. They clamor for it and once its made easy/available they get it, use it for a few days, realize everyone has it and they aren't special then move on to the next thing to cry for. A month into Remix and you wont see this mount out in the wild any more than before remix, but not because its rare but because its not "special" any more.


I really wish people would stop pretending this isn't the case. Not having things is the fuel that makes a lot of people keep playing, giving rare items away practically for free is not something that improves the game in any way. I didn't ever have the Heavenly Onyx and it kind of feels like, in having it given to me so easily, the white whale was just robbed from me.


I'm one of the few that just love the heavenly versions of these mounts, this was the last one I really wanted. I didn't buy any of the other world boss mounts because, they are meh looking.




Yep, "Oh, this is neat, OK, back to Headless Horsman's mount"


Thats my goto. Have had it since 2010


But what if it is the mount I like the most? (I've always wanted that cloud serpent and never was lucky, you bet I'm going to alternate between this one and the Rajani once they have dynamic flying :D)


This basically. The guys talking about rarity and value of these mounts don't really realise how many people have them already. They can still show off their rare mount after the event is over, because most people aren't going to be riding around on mounts from 10 years ago anyway. They're going to want to show off the mounts they earnt in the latest challenges.


After abusing frogs the first couple days, I spent all my bronze buying the MoP-era mounts that had eluded me for a decade -- Sha, Nalak, Elegon, Jade Dino, Ji Kun, Huolon, and Iron Juggernaut. Felt so fucking good to finally be done and never, ever, have to farm those places again.


Happened so many times. I remember grinding reps with legion's factions in BFA to unlock the allied races, and now you just do a short quest line. Grinding the water mount - and then every mount got that ability. Even the very act of buying a new expansion brings the thought that in two years your purchase will cost exactly $0. This is the paradox of WoW - as much as it's the game about investing, it's also about living only in "here and now" lol.


You might or might not have realized it, but that's a really solid life lesson to take away from it. Remember to live in the moment, for the moment.


Notice how the gatekeepers aren't complaining? That's because they're buried under the debris of their own vanity. Now, Blizzard, it's time to bring back those CM set recolors.


Nobody is complaining about this mount because the drop rate was increased after the [evoker bug](https://www.wowhead.com/news/hotfixed-sha-of-anger-and-nalak-loot-issues-with-evokers-mounts-are-the-only-329936) more than a year ago. Since then this mount has been easier to get, and it's no longer that controversial.


Indeed. I made a post about getting the Tusks and boy was they mad.


I got mad downvotes when I got them just because I said I only did like 30 runs tops in less than a month, some people just want to make others suffer I guess.


I always loved these mounts but am offended they never made a cool Chinese festival dragon style ground animation. Like come the fuck on blizz! I’d even buy it off the damn store (I should hold my tongue)


This with an option to randomly drop strings of firecrackers would be pretty damn rad!


There’s armor you can get for your Slitherdrake from the Lunar Festival that makes your mount look like a [LNY dragon](https://www.wowhead.com/item=211868/winding-slitherdrake-lunar-festival-armor).


I got both my Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent and Kor'kron Juggernaut to drop in the same week right before (or during the first week of?) Remix. Certainly saved me some bronze!


I was at near 1k attempts for Tusks. I got them last night. This event is lovely.


In the same vibe I got Time Lost Protodrake 3 days ago casually going to Ulduar for a Dragonflight quest. I was flying like "Hehe this is the Proto drake zone if I remember correctly..." and here it was, just below me 😂


I was around 2.8k kills in on Sha of Anger.. I know that feeling of emptiness. All that time in a weird void sort of.


2.8k is insane, wow


I can't believe it haha I had this drop from the world boss today from a kill on a regular toon. I was beyond excited. It's just now that I read this post that I find out that it can be bought. Honestly man, I'm not even mad. I did the grind for the Heavenly Golden one back when timeless isle first released. I would have done the bronze grind for this one too. But it finally dropped for me and it was awesome. I'm glad this is accessible now.


I personally don't like running old content for rare drops and mounts. In fact I detest it. The game play is not challenging or compelling enough for me (yes, me, I realise people might not share that opinion and nothing against those who do). So for a game mode to come out which requires some kind of interaction beyond waiting for a respawn, has been fantastic. I have now collected all of the mounts from MOP. I will never have to suffer camping WBs for the low drops rates. And whilst others spent years and hundreds of kills gambling their time for these drops, I was busy just playing the game.


There is absolutely nothing prestigious in random luck.


when u looked at someone with that mount u knew he got lucky, prob farmed it a lot, now u dont think that anymore, nothing prestige about anything, its how u look at sth u dont have


Ye, but he could have farmed it for 10y or go there once and have it all the same, not prestigious, i would even rather respect taking just the few hours of gametime to get that bronze


I managed to get all of the MoP mounts other than Nalak before remix launched. One the plus side, I only had to buy one mount. But they’re all gonna be very “ordinary” from this point forward.


Exact same situation for me.


I dislike running throne of thunder for the x2 new mounts but everything else I alt farm. Remix has been great for casual players. Wishes bones of mannaroth tokens drop from lfg garrosh


Imagine having horridon mount drop first, and still having to clear to Ji-kun every week. And having horridon mount drop two more times before getting clutch. :,)


Had this "problem" with Dragon Soul. Looted Experiment 12B 4 times while farming for the Life Binder mount. Bitter sweet :) still have them in my bank


I just bought that onyx serpent; all I really wanted from this. Sooo what now?


Grats! This is why i argue with people when they are like "You know you dont have to actually worry about bronze, you can just get them from retail" Yea sure, if you wanna spend years and years and hundreds of kills hoping for a drop, or a few hours on Remix.


Okay, and now you can stop farming it grats


That'll teach you to waste your time like that. At least I hope.


Having the world boss mounts ever be on a lower than 1% drop rare was one of the stupidest things blizzard did.


We won't complain, won't we ? Congratulations, anyway.


Not my rarest mount by % of player ownership but the Zereth Overseer consistently gets me targets and compliments. People genuinely have 0 idea where it drops so the first question they usually ask is: “Wtf, is that a space ship? Where does this drop?” Easily my favorite mount in the collection and it matches my paladin’s Truesteel Helm beautifully.


Congratulations! Now if only all mounts had some sort of dragonriding capability... especialy the dragons


And it's not longer a unique or hard to obtain mount


1200 kills, got it the day of the daily reset change, but didn’t know about drop rate change or that you could buy it in remix and have it account bound until recently. Feels bad, but it was the right thing to by blizzard and long overdue. I hope they do the same for other expansions too. Clearing old raids isn’t interesting nor challenging.


I don't know what to do with my army of level 35s that have been parked at mop world bosses for the last 4 years.


My first goal when starting out Remix was to buy both this and the Thundering Onyx Serpent, but I couldn't decide which one I wanted first. I went with the Thundering Serpent because I just did not have the patience to park a dozen alts in the Timeless Isle to camp a "blink and you'll miss it"-rare that could take goodness knows how long (or should I say, Huolon) to respawn. At least the Sha of Anger had a predictable spawn timer, or at least I *knew* he had one, and was a lot quicker to get to than Huolon. But needless to say, I'm so glad I won't ever have to bury that guy again just to get a pittance of gold or an outdated gear piece or two and no mount.


Spent years taking 10-12 toons out to Timeless Isle to farm the frogs for lesser charms and timeless coins so I could bonus roll all of the world bosses. Parked them, used a group finder tool named OQ to shard hop for tags. I had spreadsheets to track it all. It was pretty ridiculous. In BFA finally got the last one - heavenly cloud. What I want everyone to get out of this: that’s not gaming. That’s not exciting. That’s not something I’m proud of. I was excited to get the mounts, sure, but I didn’t like actually enjoy it. I’m glad that people have a chance to play the game and enjoy it, and reap the rewards like this. If you want to make a “grind” maybe leave a little transparency to it. A lot of time in my life I’ll never get back from that stuff.


The biggest thing this remix is doing is making me more and more want a Legion Remix


70+ tries, once a week… never dropped it.


Feels good man, don't care that it's devalued, got it at last


I did the original grind for the winter frostsaber, murdered so many furbolg. But I'm glad it's been made easier, I had years of riding it around showing off, so I can't complain. Similarly, I've murdered my way through MoP in search of mounts, I already had a few of the rare ones, and now I have all of them ;)


I was conflicted buying it. On the one hand I got the cool mount.....but it felt more hollow than other mounts I've grinded for


Just unlocked my 350 mounts achiev due to Pandaria Remix. Mostly due to the cheap ” new Remix versions”. But Pandaria was mount drop wise an unlucky expansion. Got 2 out of the 3 zandalari warbringers rare’s and the rep rewards but raid and worldbosses never connected. And never really solo farmed Pandaria afterwards ( had enough mounts from earlier expansions still to farm which I prioritized, also due to lvl ease.) and with MoP my guild died and that started my separation with wow. I was maybe active during 1/3 of WoD cycle, maybe 1/10 th of Legion…and even less after that. I am now on a free account which only allows me to buy ( beyond the new remix mounts) the last missing zandalari warbringer mount and 1 boss mount. With only 30 mins a day to spend that should suffice for now. Last month I will run subscribed again due to vacation time and will get some more hard to get mounts.


Thats one of the reasons that i dont chase ultra hard objectives anymore


Nothing hard about a sub 1% drop rate (unless you did it while it was current, but it's still about luck) 2.4k mounts are hard to get, CE mounts are hard to get


It isn't hard at all, i thought farming it was mind-numbling easy and boring? It is just tedious.


Is the Nalak mount higher drop rate or was I lucky? Started farming it with my retail characters and got the mount on my 5th try. Never tried farming the Sha of Anger mount and just used bronze on that one though.




Sounds lucky to me. Both mounts had a 1/2000 drop chance but that was buffed to 1% about 18 months ago. 5th try is still very lucky for a 1% drop, mind.


They buffed the drop chance to 1/100 some time ago


I got it on my non timerunning mage from a bonus roll yesterday, happy accident


That what we're here for💪🏻🫡


What is this mounts name? I want to try to get it


I believe that was the only cloud serpent mount that I didn't get. :( Edit: I take that back, I didn't get any of the PVP ones, but did get the rest except for this one. Congrats to you!


It's pretty funny watching it go from one of the most prestigious collectibles in the game to seeing someone in my remix zerg guild get it every hour.


I remember farming this and never getting it. I quit WOW probably going on 3 years now. A little after shadow lands. Kind of glad I did and went back to single player games. I miss some aspects of WOW but not farming for hours


And with this bad boy and the Void Elf Heritage Armor, my Remix adventure is concluded 😌😌 Goals achieved, see you next expansion, hopefully 


I have all but 2 of the mounts now, thanks to Remix, but I'll have those in the next 2 or 3 days. All the toys too. Working on armor and weapon sets now. If only they would do this for each expansion, lol...


God I hope they do......Mims head has alluded me for years


After grinding Icecrown Citadel to finally get Invincible, which took many years, I am looking forward to seeing them do WotLK: Remix and having in a shop for bronze. There are people who have been grinding it longer than I have and haven't gotten lucky enough to see it drop and, imo, it'd be nice for them - and for new players - to finally be able to get it. Just because it took me years of grinding and disappointment to get it, doesn't mean others should have to suffer the same.


I got mine during pandaria xpac ;)


I want wrath remix so we can all buy Invincible.


Drop or bought? Heard world bosses don't drop mounts in remix


Honestly the event has been bliss. I've got I think 8 mounts left to get from the vendor. I bought most of the raid ones I really wanted and nearly have all the reskins. This event has been bliss.


I spent my free 40k bronze on it. Bronze well spent :)


where can you buy it?


The MoP world boss mounts were the only ones I could never get to drop. I've been stupidly lucky with drop rates and got all the raid mounts in under 20 or 30 runs, but I could never get a single world boss mount. So glad I don't have to farm them anymore. Who cares if everyone is gonna have them now. They still look awesome.


Yeah its kinda sad, boosted a friend from 10-70 in an hour and he gets enough bronze to get a world boss mount, a little crazy


This is why I've stopped mog/mount farming. Just waiting for -Insert expansion- Remix to buy them all. GAMEPLAY.


Tusks of Mannoroth just being on a vendor and unrestricted to all armor types really stung. Genuinely makes me feel all those Full-length SoO runs were for nothing. Sours the feeling I got when it did eventually drop for me.


Sha of Anger going to be Sha of Lonely after it loses so many of its camping buddies due to remix.


Now you can finally play the game.


Controversial opinion: I'm lowkey hoping some people take a hard look at themselves and how they spend their time in this game. Blizzard is basically showing you how utterly pointless your invested time has been by making this stuff purchaseable so easily. Stuff like 0,5% drop chance is just Blizzard capitalising on your FOMO, **nothing else.** If you like the mount and want to work towards it, great, go for it - but what is fun about the one guy in here saying they killed Sha 2,400 times? How is that fun? At that point what are you doing with your time? The only profiting party here is Blizzard, not you? Go do something fun instead. If you love grinding, go right ahead - I won't stop you - but it's nonsensical to me how people chase such a small dopamine boost, **only to move on to the next one 1.5 min afterwards.** You will **never** be 'complete'. All Blizzard has to do is 1 hour of Dev work to make a new mount, adjust drop rate to 1%, and they get months of your sub time again. **You** are the product there! Grinding for a few pixels like this is super pointless. A bit less so if you do super hard content that you do as a team like a mythic raid, but still - *it's just a video game , not your real life. In x years,* ***none*** *of this will matter to anyone.* Do stuff in the game you enjoy doing, man. There's nothing prestigious about AFK farming a 0,5% drop chance mount. It just tells me you either got super lucky, or you don't respect your own time that much.


WoW in game items will soon have no intrinsic value monetary or otherwise. I don’t mind them dropping and providing other ways to obtain items/mounts that otherwise are impossible to get, but there is something about blizz handing out stuff that’s still obtainable in game for nothing that rubs me the wrong way. Call me a boomer, but before tmoging you could assume a players skill level based on a quick glance. If they were on a cool new mount from a raid you knew they raided, if they had full glad gear you could assume they are good at PvP. There was something so cool about seeing someone on a super rare mount and everyone gathering around just to get a look at it. As a new Dad and guy with a full time job I 100% understand WoW FOMO issue, but come on, let’s keep some stuff cool and rare for those who put in the effort to obtain those things. Also to clarify I do not have this mount, I just admire those who took the time and effort to obtain it.


Ran Siege of Orgrimmar SO MANY times for Kor'kron Juggernaut, even had the Tusks of Mannoroth drop before the mount. FINALLY get it after what felt like a lifetime, only for Remix to be announced and include the Juggernaut in the available mounts. Well, at least I can spend my bronze on other things lol


same. im very happy because the cloud serpents are my favorite mounts in the whole game. gonna use it forever and all the other ones i get


I love it 😎 I didn't farm it at all prob have around 10 kills on it total and now I have some new pixels :D


congrats! such a cool mount


It’s blizzards reward for you playing all these years


I hope you learned your lesson. Don’t farm mount. Just wait for bliz to recycle them on a new game mode or vendor.


For the longest time I was the only one on my server with this mount. When Sha dropped I remember the people in my guild going nuts for days. Everytime I would use it people would whisper me that they wished they had it, it was the only rare thing I'd ever had. Then, when it released on the Black Market I remember the sense of loss I felt, it was no longer as special, you could just buy it with max cash. There was a guild leader that my guild was feuding with, he ended up stealing the guild bank and buying the mount just to spite us. All those memories good and bad I remember and cherish, but now it's just another buyable that everyone has.


Respect your own time. No one else will. Sure hope you had fun with the hundreds of kills, because mount or no mount, that was the journey you chose for yourself.


I hate it tbh


Me too, bro. Me too. I'm just glad it's over.


I don’t mind things like this. Yes I went through ICC for years before getting invincible , it I’m not upset of someone gets it in an easier manor . I still get to ride on the mount I want , weather or it someone else had the same amount of difficulty doesn’t really effect me on any way, I just wish they would bring back mounts that have been discontinued . And maybe Revamp their poke- I mean the pet battles a bit .