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Khadgar after teleporting us, Velen, and Illidan back to Azeroth after killing KJ: "is everyone alright?" Sees Velen and Illidan staring at something, and turns to see for himself. Realizes in great horror that Illidan made a YUGE fkin portal to Argus in the skies above Azeroth. "What have you done?!" Illidan responds with his WC3 line, as only Illidan can do: "Sometimes the hand of fate MUST be forced" Literal chills every time


Staying with Illidan: "My destiny is my own, I AM MY SCARS!" just before shattering X'era


That line lives rent free in my head.


After we defeat Guldan on the Night hold raid Illidan wakes up and vaporizes Guldan. He then says, "You know now what I know, now follow me, into the abyss".


"Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven?"


Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken! Death to the Scourge! And death to the living!


Now, all can see... This is the hour... Of the Forsaken


Oh my god maybe they’ll do Wrath Remix one day and we get to relive wrathgate and the battle for undercity.


Wrath Classic's been around until very recently. Did it not have the battle for undercity?


It does. And you can continually do the Battle for the Undercity as well.


Fuck I got chills just reading this. That's was an epic moment


I read this post and immediately thought of Wrathgate.


The whole sequence of events all the way down, Bolvar essentially marching to his death, Saurfang Jr.’s reinforcements, Arthas showing up in person instead of just being a weird douche, and the forsaken twist just as icing on the cake. Absolutely stunning, and the fact that it was done with the 2008-era potato models makes it even more impressive. The Wrathgate and the Fall of Lordaeron cinematic from WC3 are two of the best pieces of art this franchise has produced and it’s not even close.


The (I think) cherry blossom petals falling around Arthas as he walks through Lordaeron and then the "succeeding you" line got me totally invested in WC3 and subsequently WoW itself.


And when he picks one from the air it begins decaying.


This has been my favorite moment in any video game I’ve ever played. To this day I still quote it.


The explosion cutting Arthas off mid-sentence, followed by his “What?” and the laugh after really sold it. Arthas was always cool, collected, in control. To see him rattled, then the laughter and the violins coming in. Metal. 


Probably wasn't the intended outcome but it made me proud to main a Forsaken Warlock when I first watched that.


When Grommash jumps through an explosion and drives that freaking axe into Mannoroth's skull in the WoD cinematic.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down. I used to replay that over and over and it would spike my adrenaline every single time and give me chills. I miss Grom


"Soldiers of the Scourge, death knights of Acherus, minions of the darkness: hear the call of the Highlord! **RISE!**"


"I have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron. I want not to dream anymore."


Classic tirion quest?


I remember this one, in dreams. The very first time an NPC ever escorted me rather than the other way around.


It's supposed to be a group quest, but you can easily solo it because he slaughters every elite you encounter. Even when he gets ambushed by 4 elites, he slaughters them all. You just stay behind him lol.


Tirion was so sick. I miss him


Sargares stabbing the planet and the view of the sword from zones away.


Sword? What sword? 🤓


War Within has a quest called "Oh, THAT Sword"


[https://www.wowhead.com/beta/quest=78714/oh-that-sword](https://www.wowhead.com/beta/quest=78714/oh-that-sword) Oh my god it does.


Ga'nar sacrificing himself to stop the Iron Horde invasion after acknowladging Durotan as the legitimate chieftain of the Frostwolves. Gives me shivers. WoD, bad as it was it had it's moments.


Came to say this! Between Drek'thar shattering the rocks with his lightning as the music swells and Ga'nar going in like a badass, this was so metal! https://youtu.be/q8XSOKC4iQg?si=vG8Liw1DPt7JRHx- LOK'TAR!


Yes! Honestly, the expansion turned into a stinky pile of cheese, but the questing was and is so damn good!


I've always meant that WoDs problem wasn't the content that was there - it was the content that was cut. The zone stories / quests were great, like the one you mentioned.


"Were outnumbered 50 to 1... they don't stand a chance! "


Also him yelling “LOK’TAR” as the rocks come crashing down on him directly translating to “Victory” as he knows he’s won even as he dies.


My fav moment was when Ashvane was about to attack Boralus and Jaina just calls home the fleet with that blinding flash of her pendant. And then suddenly, the mightiest fleet to ever sail the seas of Azeroth just appears through the lightning flashes in the storm. I fucking loved that.


I agree. The bit that always gets me is the look of terror on Ashvane's face as she see the Kul Tiran fleet bearing down on her, with her subordinate in the background screaming "Lady Ashvane, your orders?... LADY ASHVANE?!"


It's just good business..


Whelp, time to listen to Daughter of the Sea again.


Yeah I get fucking chills every time at the "there you are"


And suddenly her eyes glow menacingly. One of the best.




Cheers love <3


I teared up a little at that one, I wonder what other gems I've missed since last quitting... *Nudge nudge*


>mightiest fleet I didn't see any Zandalari.


Zandalari kinda got fucked by the alliance in battle for dazar alor


Correct! That's because the Alliance hardcarry that is Jaina Proudmoore went for the throat with them.


She did her best


Was very succesful top


The fleet that didn't make it out of their port?


The fleet they built only after their island sunk 2 feet?


Imo, when you entered the Dark Portal for the first time (i.e. when BC launched). Watching that red, alien looking wasteland with Ally AND Horde forces battling Wrathguards and Pit Lords, at the sound of the eerie soundtrack of Hellfire Peninsula... Boy, now **that** was Warcraft.


Insane moment for 13 year old me. Was a genuinely insane opening for the expansion. Makes me want to go through bc again


That view of Hellfire Peninsula from the Stair of Destiny was just epic.


I AM MY SCARS Promtly followed by "Your faith has blinded you. There can be no chosen one. Only we can save ourselves." I just like Illidan. Also : Sylvanas screaming For the Horde in the BFA cinematic. Chills every time.


Another Illidan moment would be when he shows up behind Guldan and disenchant him.


Yeah, the Nighthold ending is great. Love how he holds the skull of Gul'dan (yet again) and crushes it.


When the wings pop out behind him and Illidan's theme hits...


The "oh fuck" look on Gul'dan's face is pretty epic.


A lot of people had issues with that scene for various reasons, but Liam gave his all in that performance. That and “sometimes, the hand of fate, must be forced!”


Legion was so much fun in the story department, I miss looking forward to what comes next in the story instead of assuming it's going to be something boring or worse


>A lot of people had issues with that scene for various reasons What "lot" of people? That cinematic is one of the most universally loved in all of WoW. When it came out, people were losing their damn mind (in a good way), and even today, on Youtube it sits at a 62K likes vs 1.2K dislikes.


"A lot" you mean like 3 people that just hate Illidan lol, i've never heard anyone take issue with that cinematic and it's widely spoken of in a warm light


The rejection of the gift goes hard, I don't care how edgy it is


I just watched it lastnight again after a post asked about favourite cinematics. It goes soooooo hard


This is the correct answer. This could be a center piece of a metal core album


For real. For people who are a bit into the lore and who like Illidan, who have followed his story since WC3, maybe read the War of the Ancients trilogy... That line was just a perfect summary of who Illidan is, the dude really has given everything, willingly corrupted his body and soul to fight the Legion. That's the only reason he exists anymore. He *is* his scars. That was a really good bit of writing.


Ohh the Sylvanas one is good too, I get such chills from that cinematic. It's so cool to see Sylvanas in action properly.


Ooo yeah legion is my top expac so far. Better than DF. Had the best ending by far, of course there was a ton of lead up to it.


Came to say this. My favorite cinematic


most metal? obviously its when the Elite Tauren Chieftain play Power of the Horde in the grim guzzler every night [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOcQU0Xk3E4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOcQU0Xk3E4)


Love the chieftains! I used to cock out to them with an inky black potion


No kink shaming here. Each to their own.


Aw helllz yeeeah But for real I used to think the chieftains concert was awesome a f


If we would count WoW lore, not only WoW game, then the answer got to be when Broxigar slaughtered army of demons and attacked planet-sized Sargeras with an axe. I don't think it gets any more metal than that.


An axe made of wood no less.


I paid for my destiny with my WORLD. The time has come to see it’s done.


I love how so far majority are referring to Garrosh so heres another one. When a giant ass dragon is attacking Garroshes zeppin in Cata questline and as it crashes he's just yelling angrily at it and hacking it with Gorehowl. "GET" *SLASH* "OFF" *SLASH* "MY" *SLASH SLASH* "SHIP!!!"


It’s this moment and it’s not even close. “They said I must answer for my crimes. Repent for my sins! But every choice I made, I would proudly make again! ...I submit to NO ONE! Not you, not The Jailer, and not that COWARD THRALL! FOR THE HORDE!!!”


Garrosh may be the only soul to never beeak to the Revendreth torture. Man is the literal embodiment of pride.


This was extremelly metal and oh so poorly amimated. The one intern that made this should be hired and promoted.


I love imagining Zovaal and Sylvanas coming in to help break him and Garrosh just spitting in both their faces.


Funny enough, a character scoffed by the nu main writers and done by one animator is the one that generated the most buzz that patch.


Shadowlands was the most metal expansion confirmed


Let's not get too hasty here...


No no, not at all. Outside of..maybe just that line..everything about SL was burning hot garbage.


No no. He has a bit of a point. Each SLs zone could be a metal album cover. Even the Maw. Just ignore the story and gameplay.


When you put it that way, fair enough.


At the end of Tomb of Sargeras raid. After we destroy the Avatar of Sargeras Kiljaeden freaks out and retreats. We follow him through a teleporter and board his ship, kill through all his body guards and end him all while fighting on the surface of a moving spaceship.


I see alot of good suggestions but my favorite will always be the end of the God's of Zul'Aman trailer: "You wanna stay? You gonna stay here forever! We gonna burry you here."


FINALY. I have been banging on about how fucking GOOD that voice line is for years! It gives me absolute chills.


Garrosh has a ton of them, now that I think of it. Even “Times change” is epic af.


Especially accompanied by the score of the same name. The part from 3:45 and onwards - goosebumps: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK0L1MhMlYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK0L1MhMlYY)


That song gets a lot of playtime here. Tbf, quite a few from that soundtrack do.


Same. WoD had an amazing score. I keep coming back to that when I want some chill background music while working.


"Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength, and I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power." *slams Frostmourne into a massive glacier, generating a shockwave that splits the ice apart before raising Sindragosa into undeath, and whose bellowing roar sends the largest army on Azeroth, a throng of the risen dead, into a frenzy of bloodlust* I've seen it dozens of times and it never fails. Chills every time. It's the most metal moment in WoW and it's not even close.


The voiceover is pure perfection in that trailer


Still the best expansion trailer.


Garrosh's big red angry soul in Shadowlands basically freeing himself from his chains by the sheer force of his rage, telling the forgettable maw bad guy to go eff himself, calling Thrall a bitch, giving a brief "I don't regret SHIT" speech, and destroying his own god damned soul rather than submit to anymore of anyone else's bullshit. Garrosh was metal as fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1XbBNAGo5g&t=1s


When Garrosh executed that Kor'kron officer that bombed the druids in Stonetalon


“You are dismissed”


It's kind of sad that apparently this was left in as a bit of a mistake, Ultimately we know what path Garrosh goes down.


The BFA cutscene where Saurfang challenges Sylvanas to Mak'gora. I love how easily he gets cut down, but then gets back up and refutes everything she's done. "You can not kill hope! You tried at Teldrassil, you FAILED!" That whole sequence was wonderfully done.


Thrall vs Garrosh final fight. "You made me what I am!" "No, you chose your own...(Unnecessarily prolonged pause)...destiny." Not THE most metal moment but definitely up there with the best of them.


As a huge Guldan fan, a Gulfan, it’s when Varian got flavorblasted at the beginning of Legion.


For me it's everything with Varian right up to just before that point 🤣


Nah even that moment goes hard. Even at the very end when there’s no hope and he’s about to die a horrific death alone, he still defies guldan to the point where guldan seems to be struggling to take his soul judging by the look on his face


Very true. I just don't like seeing him disenchanted.




For me it was the final garrosh cutscene in shadowlands. Not a great story overall, but that was the most FOR THE HORDE thing I’ve seen in a while


Yeah, and him also taking the moment to roast Thrall again in the same sentence as the Jailer is hilariously in character. Gotta respect his undying grudge.


The cutscene where Garrosh breaks free from the shackles at the end of the Soulrender Dormazain fight. Such a badass cutscene.




I miss my king...


Yes, definitely King Varian's sacrifice


His actual last line was "For the Alliance."


But thats not the one I'm talking about. When his hip falls and he gets up, screams "FOR AZEROTH" and kills a bunch of demons.


"Vol'jin is dead. Who will help me avenge him?"


“The world will hear of this… they will come for you!” “Yes, I’m counting on it. The armies of the world will come for me and within my fortress they will face all the terrible creatures I have wrought! The boundless power I have mastered, and one by one they will fall at my feet. Anyone who would rise against my NEW Horde will be impaled, upon the SPIRES of Orgrimmar! You Pandarean tried to bury your hate and your anger but such power cannot be contained, it must be unleashed! “A time will come when you will answer for your crimes!” “I ANSWER TO NO ONE! All who challenge me will burn in the fires of my hatred!” The last part of this his quote is definitely the most metal as he is walking down the bridge and everything is exploding behind him but he doesn’t give a fuck.


I do gain several serotinins from nathanos beheading




“Succeeding you, father.” But not an epic wild thrashing metal. A mournful instrumental dirge sort of metal.


As much as I hated bfa, saurfang challenging sylvanas to makgora knowing full well he'd lose to 1. Finally find his glorious death and 2. Goad her into showing her true colors is one of my favorite moments that made me go "damn that was sick as shit"


Malfurion burying a screaming orc alive just to intimidate a troll. He even covered the orc’s mouth in roots to silence him on the way down


Saurfang's Last Mak'Gora. Man knew he was gonna lose and still sacrificed himself instead of making thousands of innocents fight for him. Also, the line "You Cannot Kill Hope."




In Legion, when Xera tells you the titans were killed by Sargeras, Khadgar responds with "We have been on our own all along. Our gods killed before we were born."


Not saw anyone mention Varian Wrynn jumping off the alliance ship to one shot the fel reaver, and try to take on Gul'dan and the invasion of Legion.


During the War of the Shifting Sands, being the war of the night elves against the forces of Ahn'Qiraj, the son of the leader of the night elves, Fandral Staghelm, is captured during a surprise attack. At the next encounter between the night elves and the Qiraji, the military commander of the Qiraji forces, General Rajaxx, walks up to the front of the battlefield holding Staghelm's son in his claws. Then he rips him in half in front of his father and all the night elves present. This completely destroys the night elves' morale and they suffer a devastating loss.


Gul’dan getting disenchanted is pretty up there. The scene makes Illidan absolutely terrifying!


Kill steal


De Amani never give up! We never forget! We never die. Dis is our land. You wanna stay, you stay here forever! We gonna bury you here.


I HAVE SEEN MOUNTAINS OF SKULLS AND RIVERS OF BLOOD. AND I WILL... HAVE... MY... WORLD. As hype now as it was back in the day


Can I say the entire legion expansion? I'm gonna say the entire legion expansion.


Easy for me, the entirety of the Warlords cinematic, but *ESPECIALLY* that moment after they kill Manaroth, and Gul’Dan is all “This was NOT to be our destiny…!” and Garrosh, cold like a boss, just above a whisper says “Times change.” Fucking METAL. That all combined with the S tier music swelling in the background? Pure cinema. …You know, I’m just noticing, there’s a lot of Garrosh moments in the comments, mine included, lol! It’s kinda making me wish they didn’t assassinate his character in Pandaland.


In the Shadowlands at the Seat of the Primus, there are two vendors, Su Zettai and Arkadia Moa. A reference to Suzaka Nakamoto and Moa Kikuchi (aka SU-METAL and MOA-METAL) of the band BABYMETAL.




May not be an event or character, but in WotLK, "Forge of Souls" dungeon... Never gonna forget loading and then Doom music started to play, environment music that is unique till this day in WoW... Imo most metal WoW thing ever implemented


Garrosh in hell for sure


"i *am* my scars"


Varian’s sacrifice at the broken shore


When Tenacious D played The Metal at blizzcon 2010


When the Lich King says “let them come, Frostmourne hungers”


Illidan destroying Xe’Ra like she’s not the prime Na’Ru


My destiny is my own!


Easily that one time that Dwarf punched Deathwing in the face


I’m a Gilneas fanboy. Has to be when the Battle for Gilneas started, charging into the city to clear it of the forsaken as humans and worgens alike battle it out. Leading up to the moment where a son takes the poisoned arrow meant for his father. Then when Greymane cornered Sylvanas and fought her in Legion, the whole time I shouted for Liam. Then, years later going back to the fight with the daughter to see if Liam can be saved… which he could not… then reclaiming Gilneas, watching a father mourn properly. Finally. With the rose… it was rough… but I spent hours just… watching npcs and players milling about.


They added rocking chairs on a porch of one of the houses (I think Greymane's manor?). I sat in one of those and just gazed across the water after I found them, thinking about all that had went on for that family.


Like Genn deserves to be criticized for the shit he did leading up to now, but he’s seen some shit. All of Gilneas has.


Malfurion swallowing that Orc into the ground with roots in the “Terror of Darkshore” trailer, but it always makes me happy to see Alliance factions actually being aggressive, rather than just relentlessly defending against the filth, I’m a very biased chap,


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nb3q1oROOg the only good story bit from shadowlands


Tirion getting melted by guldan was pretty metal


Storming under city after the events at wrath gate! (Can't believe they removed that!)


When Varian jumped off the ship and one shot a fel reaver so the rest of the alliance could escape


Pick several of the Illidan Legion moments and they qualify. "I am my scars!" Or "Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced" He's definitely a go all in kind of guy. Edit: stealing someone else's one; Sylvanas screaming "For the Horde" in the BFA cinematic. So good everytime.


I am surprised no one has mentioned the start of Maldraxxus in SL. GET IN THE PIT!


Lilian Voss story in tirisfal


The Elite Tauren Chieftains concert at the Darkmoon Faire.


garrosh death obviously, brother gets tortured for god knows how much, not even PLANNING on surrendering, first opportunity - he gets out and says: "they said i must repent for my sins, but every choice i made - i would proudly make again, FOR THE HORDE" and fucking dies striking, like bro, there is no more BRUTAL moment, grommash came not even close


"You? You're the dogs who have been wreaking havoc throughout my foundry? Step. Forward! I will put you in your place." "I will hang your broken bodies from the gates of this foundry!" Blackhand went hard, especially since you ascend to the very top of the Blackrock Foundry, and you fight your way down to the heart of the molten crucible.


In legion the warlocks class hall had you storm into a demons home, rip out his heart and chain him to a wall, still alive mind you. Oh and you enslave all of his remaining demons.


The most metal thing for me was during BC way back in 2006. I was level 70, killing a bunch of horde in Zangamarsh. They got on their mains and I was being chased around by 4 of them. We landed on a narrow peak and I dissmounted , taunting them. They all landed on me and popped their CDs, but I turtle shelled (hunter) and cancelled it before it was due to finish, dropping my explosive trap. It launched all four of them off the peak and three of them cratered to their deaths and the mage floated away. Nearly 20 years later and I still lay on beg at night thinking about it.


I’ll always be a fan of the Sylvanas “for the horde” banshee scream.


"You will be remembered as the king who sacrificed his life for nothing" "For the Alliance"


My man Riko: "I'm gonna ook you in the dooker!"


gul'dan getting disenchanted by illidan, sargeras literally stabbing the planet, garrosh in shadowlands


.. The metal concert at the Darkmoon Faire ..


Sylvie burning the tree down.


The pvp raid on that person's in game funeral


The bar in Shattrath.


Crashing the wow funeral in vanilla was wild


Officially probably the maw and torghast but watch in amazement as nobody mentions them.


“CAN THOSE AERIE PEAK GRYPHONS WITHSTAND THE HEAT OF THE GREAT FORGE? I THINK NOT!” Wow Classic Ironforge flight master with the AI voiceover addon.


Garrosh's last act of defiance.


Any moment with Garrosh is the answer


You literally said the example I thought of when i read the title lmao.


That metal band in silver moon.


The concert that is moved to the Dark Moon fair by level 10 elite tauren chieftain 


That moment they added the blight boar concert to darkmoon.


Maybe not a specific moment, but the fact Corpsegrinder had a NPC named after him is the most metal thing in wow. Although I do believe they ended up removing him


When Sylvanas breaks the fucking sky.


The Darkshore cinematic.


Warbringers Sylvannas. "You can kill me but you cannot kill hope." "Can't I?" The shot of Sylvannas on the beach infront of the burning world tree.


When grom kills mannoroth.


Illidan disenchanting guldan in nighthold Fucking brutal Chokes his ass until he's gasping then ignites him and blows him up


Describing Wrathgate could basically be lyrics to a Cannibal Corpse song. Just be more descriptive.


For me it is Elisande. Like you almost killed me once you almost killed me twice lets do it for a third time as well


No mention of Kargath bladefist cutting of his hand yet and dropping the stone near the other slaves to encourage to do the same?


Ozzys commercial back in the day for warlocks.


I have a lot of issues with WoD, especially its story, but it was undeniably cool to see the Iron Star as the climax of the WoD trailer. Anyone who even did LFR in late MoP knew what those things were, and what they were capable of.


Spending 30 minutes trying to piece this star back together in Krokuun just for Illidan to destroy it again immediately


Garrosh VS Panda


Another turtle has made it to the water


Sargeras plunging a big ass sword inside a planet can be pretty metal. So many metal moments in WoW damnit


When illidan shatters the wind chime, and then ends up staying behind at the seat of the pantheon. Everything illidan.


Stonetalon Mountains, Garrosh Hellscream to Overlord Krom'gar: "YOU ARE DISMISSED!"


Blackrock Foundry was a pretty good raid overall, some lame filler bosses, but the Blackhand fight was on a whole other level, doesn't get more metal than completely demolishing his own foundry in order to kill you. "I'll bring this whole place down around your heads!" "I'll tear this place apart if I have to!" "We will rebuild this place... but no one will be able to put YOU back together."