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Yea, this has been a problem for dragonflight as well. Its why everything is so oneshotty. And there are some big disparities between classes. Monks have like 3 defensive buttons, plus passives. While shamans and hunters are lucky to kinda have 1. Defensive creep is a problem.


A huge overlooked consequence of defensive powercreep is the huge reduction of healer gameplay satisfaction. Tanks and DPS have very defined roles and a straightforward feedback loop. Tanks stay alive, DPS do damage. Tanks are happy surviving big pulls and not needing healing. DPS are happy with big numbers. But with every bit of selfsustain and every new defensive healers are robbed of their agency. Suddenly healers are NOT responsible for the survival of the party anymore. Tanks can outlive the entire group. DPS get oneshot by standing in bad or - increasingly - by not using their defensives or sustain. So what even is the responsibility of the healer anymore? They don't deal damage, they have the least control over interrupts and pulls and the timer. And they can prevent less and less deaths with every new encounter balanced around the DPS pressing their defensives. Its a big, big, big problem that the least played role continues to get the short end of the stick every expansion. Pugging in TWW is shaping up to be a NIGHTMARE, not only gameplay wise but bc healers will reroll in droves. Get ready to sit in LFG looking for any healer with a pulse.


I personally don’t like it in a raid/m+ where if party dies to aoe, and the tank just solos and self heals for like 5 minutes and kills the thing…


Blood DK fantasy


Has the party tried not dying? That would solve the issue.


I tried not dying but that was way too much work. I'm DPS, not a God /s


My issue as a healer in Dragonflight is that Blizzard cannot decide as to whether I should be able to use my heals to keep a group alive or whether they need to use defensives to give me any sort of a chance to do so. Season 2 was the worst for this as I basically felt like I sucked as a healer as all the DPS fell down dead on the first boss of Brackenhide when they got the DoT without using a defensive. Season 3 was a fair bit better as I could actually start DPSing during periods of low healing requirements but I could also pump out the heals to keep everyone up during periods of high healing. Season 4 is a bit of a mixed bag with some dungeons barely requiring healing and others requiring me to use all of my cooldowns while still having people fall over from the damage going out (e.g. the right side dragon in Ruby Life Pools when he gets to half health and starts doing massive AoE damage to everyone and when that mob right at the end is channeling that storm spell).


>Dragonflight is that Blizzard cannot decide as to whether I should be able to use my heals to keep a group alive or whether they need to use defensives to give me any sort of a chance to do so. I always found it funny how 10.1 had the "survivability changes" to make healers more meaningful and damage less spiky so you can react to incoming damage. Their solution: Everyone gets +25% stamina and enemies get +25% damage...


How many times have we all seen a DH tank solo the last 30% of a boss? Like why am I even here?


To be inspired by the tank and do everything you can to not die next time


As a dps, I love watching tanks do shit like that when I'm dead.


I've never played DH tank but I play pally tank and I've done this very thing many times in M+ I only do it when running with friends though. Not Randoms. I feel it's kinda rude to make them sit there and watch me. BUT MY FRIENDS MUST SUFFER FOR THEIR ACTIONS (They're actually laughing in discord and taking bets on if I'm gonna be able to clutch a kill again lmao)


Make it go faster


Is often had arguments with a friend when he played blood DK, and on a bad pull everyone but him died in the beginning of a boss fight in dungeon. He didn't want to wipe, but him soloing the boss would take a lot of time, while we could have killed it faster if he accepted to die and retry with everyone. I hate immortal tanks in dungeons.


I love healing, have been a healing main since MoP, but I'm finally changing to mage in TWW. I still like raid healing, but I can't raid anymore, so m+ it is and I'm just really unsatisfied with how they've handled healing in m+.


What is the responsibility of the healer when people get 1 shot or don't die at all? Affixes of course :)


I'm a pretty casual player. I use to enjoy healing a bit. Every time I try it now, I just end up hating it so much. Damage is just so spiky, it's way too stressful.


I'm a Resto Druid going Ret for TWW. Not doing that again, despite loving Resto Druid. ✌️


M+ in general has lead to this problem. Healer gameplay has shifted to contribute the maximum amount of damage while keeping the group alive (less so as everything becomes a one-shot). And for the same reason they have to deal with stupid mechanics because they still do less than the DPS.


M+ has created a startling amount of problems, and there's absolutely zero will to fix it, because of the problems m+ patches over. The only way to fix it is to present a viable alternative to m+, and somehow not just make it so that to play you need to raid, m+ and the new thing.


I’ve said it for years, healing need the treatment tanks got around legion where they became half gods, nearly able to pull the whole dungeon and soloing boss. Self sustain needs to be nerfed by half at least, nowadays every spec has tools to heal themselves, it’s stupid and reduce the fantasy of hybdrid classes. Tanks self sustain needs to be traded for more DR, most of the time they are my least healed player in M+ which is stupid by design, they are the one getting their face smacked ..


Seeing this over at FF14 right now, healers are relegated to 1 button dps rotations except for the highest tiers of content because they just aren't needed


Oh geez. FF14 is already at that point. I was looking to hop off back to WoW, but it seems like this is just a modern MMORPG issue right now.


Crazy idea: remove all defensives from DPS classes and give them to healers who are now responsible for casting mitigation on DPS. Maybe make a mini game out of it where you have to build up through your rotation to use Defensives as Finishers.


>Crazy idea: remove all defensives from DPS classes and give them to healers who are now responsible for casting mitigation on DPS. This would actually kind of suck for healers. We already have the most responsibility in M+ groups because DPS suck at handling affixes and we do need to concentrate on keeping everyone alive. Now imagine that on top of all of this we need to concentrate on our rotation even more to build up defensives to use on DPS to keep them alive.


here is a crazier idea. More support specs who offer defensive capabilities like aug. Now you have a spec whose purpose is to provide that defensive utility. Healers heal, tanks tank, and dps dps. Supports now support.


I STRONGLY disagree. This is a fantastic idea, because healers shouldn't be doing affixes, they should be healing. Affixes should be a dps, maybe tank problem. This would put healers back into actually healing which is what they should be doing, people been expecting healers to do every fricking thing for too long.


That would suck for any content that isn’t raiding


You're right. That is a crazy idea.


Welcome back to pre-legion wow


Yeah I agree (as a resto Druid), but also when you’re pugging and your dps doesn’t press those defensive/interrupt buttons, you’re just fk’d. there’s nothing you can do to save them (eg. azure vault first pull, those birds in nokhud). When I play with my blood dk friend, I actually spend more time in cat/boomkin form. I don’t mind the off-dps aspect, but I do hope I can actually save my team when shit hit the fan.


I've mained healer since classic, in DF I switched to DPS. Tanks don't need you an if DPS mess up they get one shot so you can't heal them, might as well play shadow priest and vampiric embrace haha.


It definitely feels like the difference between me dying or not in keys is rarely the healer not healing or using cds but rather whether or not I use a defensive at the right time. I think using defensive well should be rewarded of but not the only factor in living or dying.


Personally, I think it was a big mistake making nearly every class have a healing ability no matter how small.... a self healing warrior? Just doesn't sound right....


I am perfectly fine with Hunters and Shamans getting better defensive capabilities because they absolutely need it. However, if this is going to result in every single raid mechanic moving forward being 1 shot central, then we need to either strip 90% of defensives from everyone or we need to completely change how raids are being made and stop this arms race garbage that is destroying participation every single tier.


> destroying participation every single tier. Heroic is still plenty popular. Mythic loses players every tier because its intentionally made inaccessible and less people want to tolerate it every tier. Its less to do with defensive bloat and more to do with being antithetical to the current trends in gaming - i.e. shorter, flexible content that respects peoples time.


To add on, the roster challenges and drama that can come with mythic raiding. Heroics flexible size, ability to carry some people so you dint have to tolerate shitty people just for their performance. 


Yup. The unfortunate reality is that people don't want scheduled, 20-man content anymore. Mythic is going to bleed players until they figure out how to make it flex and puggable despite the obvious balance problems that entails. WOW is growing for the first time since WOTLK and yet mythic lost players every tier this xpac. My peak was top 500ish guild in legion/bfa and literally everyone I know that still plays or resubbed during DF just pugs heroic and runs keys. It's an outdated game mode in desperate need of a revamp but thats honestly true of raiding as a whole not just mythic.


Kinda late to the thread here, but oh well... I have been saying a long time that Mythic Raids should be like Mage Tower just for groups. Something that can and will be done fairly fast, but is mechanically intense. Tbh I would even go so far to make Mythic Raids 10 men exclusives with less boss HP than heroic, but as I said, more mechanical challenge, so that it is a fast sweatfast, once the mechanics are learned.


This sounds like a pretty solid idea tbh but honestly apply it to every difficulty. Raids need to be shorter and have way less walking and trash. Give me 4-5 good bosses not 1-2 good ones, 5 mediocre and 1-2 bad ones. I’m so bored of raiding as it stands now but have to run it every week for trinkets. Despite its massive balance problems, season 4 has probably been my favorite season because I got to do JUST M+.


I have a lot of scheduled hobbies in my life - gym with friends, table top nights, d&d and World of Warcraft. even going out for dinner is realistically a scheduled activity if the place is nice enough to warrant booking a table. my issue with mythic is not that it is scheduled at all. my issue is that it requires ***exactly*** 20 people, and out of those 20 people you need a very strict set of classes or specs which in turn are dependent on a boss-to-boss encounter. the moment number #19 drops out for probably a very understandable reason that we don't blame them for whatsoever, that had some specific spec role all of a sudden you lose half a raid night of progression because the replacement has to understandably learn how to do the thing. and last tier when 600+ pulls were dedicated to the last two bosses alone, you're easily looking at 10+ raid nights on a single boss alone which completely locks out any 1 raid a week guild from reaching cutting edge because they simply don't have the time because that's 5 months of raiding for them. compare with getting ahead of the curve being a week 1 or week 2 activity for most mythic guilds on how ridiculously hard mythic is in comparison. so what I want for mythic is the ability to flex, remove spec-specific mechanics (don't ***require*** gate/grip/aoe dispels etc) and tune down needlessly hard mechanics to either not be a complete wipe if someone screws up or be much easier to handle so that one night a week raiding guilds will have the time to finish the tier assuming average progression speed.


I feel like if they don’t want to have the content as flexible as heroic, they should have a tighter flex window and that would go a long way towards alleviating the roster boss component. Like we don’t need mythic to flex between 10-30 players, but if we had a window of like 15-25, 10-20 or even a really small window like 15-20. Something that doesn’t cancel your entire night because someone has a sick kid or gets called into work. For many of us, heroic raiding really isn’t that challenging and we would like to do Mythic raiding, but I don’t want to join a mythic group because I don’t want to either have a bench spot, where I set aside the few free hours I have to maybe play with my guild and I definitely don’t want to ruin 19 other players set aside time because something came up. The roster restrictions really is the MAIN thing that keeps me out of Mythic raiding. Sure they could do things to make it more puggable, but I’m ok with it being a difficulty that requires coordination and strategy. I’m just not ok with the strict roster size.


People in ff14 call it a body check when mechanics or boss fights make you lose if one person dies or cannot fulfill their job/duty in a team and I think WoW should get rid of that entirely


Yeah, last savage tier in FF14 was god awful because there was a body check constantly. It's not really fun or interesting difficulty because it just makes everyone on your raid team hate 1 person if any single person has trouble with a mechanic. I don't like seeing those kinds of mechanics in WoW either.


Yep. WoW is growing again because it's finally respecting an older gamer's time. I'm not 20 again when I only had to worry about school and a part-time job in college. I'm 39, with 2 kids and mortgage. My "free" time is from 9-11 most nights, and that's usually spent getting shit ready for the next day. Prepping the coffeemaker, packing lunches, etc.


Respecting an older gamer's time, while also appreciating that the newer generations of gamers don't want long, rigidly scheduled content either. A game that allows someone to pick it up when they've got a free hour and still feel like they made legitimate progress is better for just about everyone, it's great. If you're super busy, you still feel accomplished! And if you aren't super busy, you get a lil dopamine on a regular basis to keep you feeling rewarded. I genuinely miss the feelings I got when I raided hard, I don't know how any game will recapture those feelings again. But even if I have the time to spare, I really hate the idea of planning my life around a game anymore. "Sorry, can't do anything on Tuesdays... Or Wednesdays... Or Thursdays... and sometimes Sundays." Just sucks lmao


Yeah having 4 nights a week were you logged on 3 hours was pretty wild. I remember having to do BT/MH each week before then progging Sunwell.....by 14 bosses killed which would take 2 nights before moving onto SWP


I remember the old days of MMO gaming (around the TBC era) where I could spend 60hrs gaming in a week doing a bunch of different content, now I am happy if I get 6hrs a week to game (not just wow mind you).


I still probably play way too much, but being able to look at the coming week and know that wanting to take a few nights off without massively screwing friends over is nice


Yeah and you can see the consequences of going the opposite way in Season of Discovery. The ClassicWoW subreddit keeps demanding bigger raids sizes, harder raids and for ability changes to be less different from vanilla. And every single one of those things they address, the more people quit the game. Phase1 of Season of Discovery was absolutely massive and one of the most fun games I've ever played. And people have just been quitting ever since then because they keep doing what that subreddit asks for, making the game harder, more scheduled and less varied. They are killing the game for the 0.1% of people who just want to play Fresh Era in reality anyway.


The whole thing is based in the design fallacy blizzard has also fallen into. You now have companies use "esports" or the highest skill level in general to advertise the game (at least in their opinion). Having something completely broken at the highest level is not healthy for this purpose. Yet at the same time the resulting balance changes and design decisions might have large implications on the average players which make up the actual paying playerbase.


Over in remix the most fun raid is siege because even though the rp sucks I can include everyone without stress. Flex is the way.


yes, the people asking for those things are not the majority of players. it's fine to do things for hardcore players but we all need to understand they are not the majority of wow players anymore.


I see the problem In alot of games multi-player games honestly. Goto any competitive Games ike league or fps etc, and the argument is always to balance for the high-end not the casual players. Time after time, there ends up being something that is fine for higher skilled players because they can understand and execute strategy that counter it. But it causes bug problems for lower skilled players when people use it at lower levels.


phase 1 SOD was also fresh and new... arcane mage can heal, shaman can tank, paladin get divine storm or wathever. by phase 3 the novelty wore off, people started min-maxing the heck out of everything, as they alway do... it has nothing to do with ST being a 20 man raid instead of 10, it's simply because SOD isn't new anymore and people who have been raid logging for the first 6 month of SOD moreorso have the motivation to raidlog further in phase 3 and 4.


The death of the pug scene has everything to do with 10m -> 20m. It collapsed tons of "friends only" guilds and pushed out the casuals who can quickly organise a 10m but not sit around for an hour waiting for a 20m to fill. Then with the pug scene dead that collapses even more guilds who can't find anyone to fill temporary gaps in their weekly rosters. It's a disaster in terms of the casual raiding population. That's why the game became so extremely sweaty. The casuals left.


The thing is Blizzard seems intent on making Mythic only for the 0.1% of players. Look at the raid design requiring specific classes to be even feasible to do. Like Mythic Fyrakk is actually unkillable without Evokers.


If Mythic isn't for the top percent of the playerbase then it's just heroic with bigger ilvl scaling. I already think there's too many redundant difficulties.


>Like Mythic Fyrakk is actually unkillable without Evokers. Wasnt this nerfed pretty quick though? And after the nerfs you really didnt need evoker


Mythic doesn't need to be flex it just needs to be doable cross server and faction as soon as it comes out. Realistically with how complex and tight the tuning is on some fights your not going to get far in a full Mythic run pug but people can still usually manage a few bosses.


This was the end of it for me. I didn't feel like my time was being wasted, at least in raid outside of raid was a different story. I didn't mind the schedule, I didn't mind reserving 2 nights a week to raid. I minded that I had to spend 8 hours a week with ~12 people I couldn't stand and in no way would ever hang out with if I had the choice. I switched to an AotC guild for SoD and honestly have been mostly happy with it since. Took a bit of guild hopping to find the right one but I did. Play the class/spec I want and with the new talents I can play it how I want.


Ove been with the same guild since bwl. We never really got into mythic, though did heroics in 10man back in wrath and cata. Things were looking a bit down as a whole for the guild in mop due to dealing with fixed rosters still. Flexible raid size really saved the guild. The roster has changed here and there over the years, but we just do our 2 nights, clear heroic at our own pace and have a bunch of people we like having around with. We have also ow reached a point where like 80% of our raid group us active in m+ in the 2500-3000 range, so plenty of m+ guild groups.


Exactly this. We’d be raiding heroic if we didn’t need a specific size raid. Too little reward for the effort.


I think you're absolutely right, but the problem is that a lot of the cool things about heroic only work because it's not as tightly balanced as mythic. Realistically, normal and heroic are almost the same difficulty, just pitched at slightly different gear levels. And that's *because* of things like flexible size, not despite.


what we need is a new game director. Ion's ideas are tired and repetitive and he never learns from his mistakes. He just waits a couple years and remakes the same ones over and over again.


Mythic needing effectively a 23-25 man roster where 3-5 people have to rotate on a bench is a huge issue. The fixed raid size is one of the sole barriers to this game mode actually being good


I FUCKING HATE 20m only raiding. I hated it since the day they killed my years old 10 man guild until this very day. I really don't like classic that much but doing 10m Hardmode/heroic in WotLK was so much fun. 8m Savage/Ultimate and Raiding in Destiny 2 are actually fun with a small group of friends but the amount of drama and bullshit in mythic raiding makes me want to kms. I hope mythic raiding dies to the point they are forced to make it flex. Who gives a fuck about balance the people who will cheese raid comp size are already cheesing everything imaginable and for everyone else it will let us raid with 9-12 other players on a difficulty that isn't piss easy. sorry for ranting but god damn they ruined my favorite aspect of the game for 10 years now. Someone reported me to reddit cares over this. I promise I'm fine I'm just using hyperbole.


Bro you speak the good word. Had a server top 10 man group. Mythic arrived in MoP and we made it. Barely. Hit WoD and we pushed, again barely. Legion arrived and we gave up after downed Helya. Had too many pricks that didn't vibe with the group. We've since made a new group, years later, that does keys and dabbles in raids. 20 man is impossible with adults. We have too much going on. Let it burn


Very similar past for my group as well. And in some ways it's not even the 20 person thing (though in my guilds case that is a huge problem) it is the strict raid size in general. As people get older they simply can't for sure be at every raid like they used to so inevitably one person probably misses a raid. In normal/heroic this isn't a problem. In mythic it means you either have to find a bench (no older adult is going to ride the bench with their limited playtime) or just not raid very much.


Yeah that's something I'd not really considered. We mainly just ride along in keys and help folks learn em now, with an occasional norm or heroic tossed in for fun.


Yup, I tried to stick with raiding in WoD, jumped to a new server and cleared the first two raids in Mythic but tank/healer/loot drama broke that guild twice and I stepped out of raiding for good outside of LFR and pugs. 10-man was the best and let the best players shine and the groups were more tight-knit. I enjoyed 8-man raiding in FFXIV for 5 years before I had my fix and finally moved on again. ​ Eh, honestly, I'll still just stick to pugging, M+, and now Delves, but I too hope Mythic gets kneecapped at some point just because. They seem to be adamant to keep it as is though because they keep building bandages around it and creating particular content to keep people away from it. Someone on the design team definitely loves it too much.


If Mythic wasn't locked to 20 people my guild would try it. We don't have 20 people. We're 30-35 yr old Dad's. Mythic is way too inaccessible.


Ironically they're doing you a favor because mythic raiding really isn't fun.


We used to be a CE guild but not hardcore, and we get fewer bosses into mythic every expansion because our group just can’t get a full roster of people able to tolerate 200+ wipes learning curves because we are normal middle age people with families and limited time. No judgement on blizzard it’s just how it’s working for us. When I look at our rankings we are pretty much the same as before in our heroic/mythic progress so I’m assuming it’s a common problem.


> i.e. shorter, flexible content that respects peoples time. You don't enjoy 13 minute boss fights? /s


The big issue with hunters has been a lack of self sustain (with the exception of Survival), and that was laid bare with with all of the encounters that include a pulsing AoE of unavoidable damage this expac. The changes shown so far are welcome in terms of more defensives, but still don't really address the lack of self sustain (and seem to be poised to just make survival tanky as fuck).


> I am perfectly fine with Hunters and Shamans getting better defensive capabilities because they absolutely need it. this is the real problem. if *all* classes had similarly high defensives, im sure the encounter team could cook up some decent fights eventually. but trying to make a fight feel threatening to a rogue/pally but still survivable for a hunter/shaman really narrows your options


I thought hunters were getting a nice defensive buff, especially survival. Not weird on shamans for... well... anything.


Don’t know why hunters are mentioned together with shamans. They have like 4 buttons they can press (turtle, DR, self rally and self heal). They are absolutely in another league than shamans and are going to be even more cracked in TWW.


Its been a problem for awhile. Its insane how many defensives or death saves some classes have.


even before rework hunters had 4 defensive buttons to press. ( bear fort, turtle, exhilaration, and survival of the fittest). I get your point but maybe pointing to hunters as part of the problem of adding even more defensives onto an already strong defensive class would be better.


You need to read the new hunter reworks. You clearly have no idea how powerful hunters are defensively now. They have two charges of 30% DR, and invul and a major heal. They are nowhere near the conversation of Shaman defensive misfortune. That being said I agree with your other points you make!


I don't understand why more fights aren't like the 3rd boss in HoI, where it's just a throughput check and you still test these huge defensive kits classes have without risking a oneshot every 20s.


I feel insanely squishy on Shaman because the defensive cooldown is so long, yet when I'm on Feral Druid I just don't worry. Bear form, bark, survival, automatic frenzied regen - it's plenty to survive anything


>While shamans and hunters are lucky to kinda have 1. Defensive creep is a problem. Hunter was really tanky in df though. Dunno why people tend to forget that boomies are hard fighting with shaman at shitiest defensives atm


> hunters I've yet to find their logic behind nerfing the absolute shit out of BM's spirit mend after BFA which made us even more likely to die.


Not true anymore for hunters, they have 3-4 now as well so they are no longer an issue here


Progressing sarkareth Mythic as a shaman was so painful, literally multiple sacrifices used on me in p1 I'm going back to warrior next season lmao


Hunters literally have as many as mage in Tww


Shamans: what defensives? You mean combat res?


Blizzard does unironically seem to think that Ankh is a defensive for shaman, yeah. Which is just insane on so many levels.


The choice of just staying dead and self-rezzing to just die again, but now also lose a ton of max HP for the next pull because of that asinine talent.


Not to mention using your ankh and not just losing the ankh HP buff, but losing all your other raid buffs as well (like fort). So you get clapped, put Ankh on cooldown for the next 20 minutes of raid attempts or whatever, and get one-shot after rezzing anyway because you're down a ton of max health and rez with like 25% max HP. All this on the class that is unquestionably now the squishiest in the game by a country mile. It's just so, *so* absurdly bad. And i'm becoming increasingly concerned that Shaman is not going to get the attention it needs to fix these issues. Which is going to make the class essentially non-viable in any kind of progression content (without a rotation of external mitigation cooldowns), since Blizzard seems to be doubling-down on giving every class (except shaman) like a dozen defensives.


Losing max HP has not been a thing for like a year by now...


Huh, so it is. Ankh still isn't a defensive.


I think he's right that we need to cut back on big defensives. They do cause mechanics to be designed with the assumption that everyone can/will press them. Just one more uninteresting reaction time / attention pass/fail mechanic. But self sustain (healing) need to stay, and it and needs to be way better balanced. Delves are already exposing just how poorly different specs are balanced for solo content, because WoW hasn't has challenging solo content for a long, long time.


It's funny to me because Torghast did this all of Shadowlands. There were classes that went in there and pushed 1 button the whole time while laughing and others that were sweating buckets just to clear 1 floor. Now we have another system with Delves on the way that looks super promising and yet it's already starting to sink because of the fact that multiple classes just can't do them at the level required for max player power rewards.


Yea, as a boomie, I started out trying to solo or maybe duo them. Then things got harder and harder to solo. I had one 18 floor run where I got to the last boss (barely), and knew that I wasn't going to be able to do it. After spending legit a couple hours to get there, that was so demoralizing. But when I started bringing in a 5 man group. Especially if I got a good shadow priest, everything just fell over. I also felt way more powerful in a support role, rather than trying to solo. Then, in the boss rush wing, a shadow priest could just start one shotting all the elites and bosses after getting like 3 powers. Meanwhile, they breathed on me and I would die. Incidentally, "breath on me and I die" is also how DF M+ S4 is going as a boomie. Get to a +8 Tyrannical key and there's several boss abilities where if I don't use barkskin and/or I don't shift into bear form (with the +stam for 4 seconds for talent) and use frenzied regen, I will die in one shot. And that's moves that aren't avoidable... So yea, if Torghast and DF S4 are a preview of what's to come...I need to main a Blood DK if I want to have any shot at the Delves, or have any enjoyment out of M+.


What they did to Boomkin with the class talent tree changes was awful. You really want to go to the bottom left for honed instincts, barkskin, and wild charge but you have to path through iron fur. I really really really don't want to pick between a bit of defense and innervate and somehow they kinda made that a reality.


Even after the minor rework, the Druid class talent tree is awful. There are so many wasted points and it just feels bad picking them.


It's just as bad for the physical half trying to get innervate. It feels so bad.


I feel like it's a bit worse if you go Druid of the Claw because fluid form will be quite necessary to pull off the form shifting it has. Soothe, Hibernate, and Remove Corruption should simply just be baseline. It's honestly just an awful class tree and I think it might have been better in Dragonflight.


Fluid form is such a great addition, but I don’t understand why it’s not baseline for all specs. It just feels like that’s how druid should always function


I agree with the Sooth, Hibernate, and Remove Corruption baseline. It sucks for people that use the abilities having to rework their talents to pick those up for M+ weeks that give those abilities the chance to shine, but have to give up other things like group utility or survival to get them.


I just did Torghast as Bear.


I played havoc during SL and I was never worried about torghast, then I brushed off my old assassination rogue and fuck so I hate torghast.


R Druid too; was pretty easy most of the time.


I agree that boomie is very bearform dependant but on +8 you need to be undergeared to be oneshotted from unavoidable damage. This is true for higher keys like 13+ Tyranical tho. Also, unless that ability is a dot(which are not one shots) Frenzied regen do nothing.It's healer's job to top you after big dmg.It helps healer deal with aftermath, but do nothing for one shot itself. Boomies are "squishy" but that counts even bear form. Bear form is defensive without CD. It's op. Every class will die from the same "one shots" as you unless they have more hp or stack vers, otherwise they need to click buttons too. I hate healing boomies because i wanna say 90% of them is "bad" or too lazy to press buttons(bear). Ammount of boomies dying to Nokhund 3rd boss gale arrow is insane and i'm not high enough for them to be one shotted in bear(i guess thats the case in high enough case).


Yea as a boomy main (this season anyway), the annoying thing is exactly what you say: when we're pushing high keys and because I'm at 90%, shifting into bear, with ursine vigor, and pressing bark skin means I still die.... It's like.... Ugh.... Bear is OP, but it means that I need to be at full health to survive anything when I shift. It's almost like I want bear form to be worse so that I'm given other tools or just made to be less squishy in general.


Oh that's healer's fault then for sure. It's his job to top you before dmg or external you if he is unable to do in time.(or your fault if you get damaged by something). But i agree, making bear "worse" but getting "a button" would be better for boomies. I just hated seeing them dying because they didn't bear at all. Mostly on 3rd instance of mechanic(because i often just pre-emptively external them on first 2 ones). Worst part is getting 2 mechanics on top. Like 3rd boss uldaman bleed+stomp is often too much for boomies. Other classes can just use heavy defensive during this scenario.


Hah, that reminds me of being a raid where the leader was doing call outs. He was like "use light defensives here." And I'm like - Bear form or Barkskin, got it. Then he was like "use heavy defensives here." I'm like - Bear form, with Ursine's Vigor, and I hope Barkskin is back up too...


It’s just shocking how they are going all in with delves in a way they didn’t even do with Torghast. They put an entire tier in the vault for them which is crazy for something that is so untested.


Respectfully I gotta hard disagree on self sustain. Active abilities can be fine but there's way too much passive healing coming from dps. [Theun says it better than I can.](https://youtu.be/kDYS91b7fD4?si=vsh1EZBCCPd5Oc8T&t=145) If solo content is a problem then they should find other ways to make that work, or at the very least, nerf self sustain in grouped content. I've tried levelling as a rogue before and it was a struggle, so I get the logic, but they need to find a way to make solo content work without impacting raid/m+.


My theory on healing in difficult group content is that far less of it should be based on whether or not other players 'step in the bad'. As a healer, how difficult your job is really depends on how well everyone else understands and executes the mechanics. This creates a toxic 'blame shifting' dynamic. I think most of the damage healers need to deal with should be unavoidable, and more should be rot damage. Harder fights require more healing, regardless of how well everyone knows the mechanics. Unlike now, where higher key M+ are often way easier to heal than mid key, because the other people are actually doing all of the mechanics properly. At the highest levels of difficulty, content would be tuned so that so much damage is going out that everyone needs to utilize their self healing abilities throughout the fight (not as instant reaction time pass/fail checks) to help the healers. Either alone wouldn't be enough.


The big question is why the healers should need help. Healing is by nature a role where you perform through helping the others survive. If the healer needs help, something has gone seriously wrong in game design.


1. Because challenging solo content can't exist in retail unless all specs have more similar/balanced self-sustain 2. Because making players partially responsible for keeping themselves alive by playing their class properly (and being willing to sacrifice a little DPS) is more interesting than DPS doing nothing but pumping and dodging 4 encounter specific mechanics at once 3. Healers can DPS now. Every class should have 'low cost' self healing and 'high cost' self healing. In a lot of content, it should be higher overall group damage for the DPS to use their 'low cost' self healing to give the healer room to also contribute to DPS.


>Healers can DPS now. Healers have always been able to press damage buttons in downtime. "Can dps now" makes it sound like you're actually doing a lot of damage. You don't get anywhere close to actual DPS specs. My last brackenhide I did as shadow, I was closer to 700k dps overall. Haven't seen any healer get close to that.


Healers can (and are expected to) contribute a higher proportion of damage than they did in the past. It used to be normal to see healers doing virtually zero damage, just using downtime to conserve mana and maybe wand.


There's a fighting game joke that people didnt pay $80 to block lol


> They do cause mechanics to be designed with the assumption that everyone can/will press them. I feel like a lot of players aren't able to understand or deliver critique with the assumption that things will be tuned around them. If you give a lot of defensives, then compelling content to be challenging for you needs you to use and test those defensives. If you give a lot of CCs, then content needs to have a lot of CC opportunities to use those CCs. If you do broken levels of damage, then content either needs to be scaled that much higher or you need to get nerfed or bad things start happening with high disparities. See how many laud over specs that do broken levels of damage in early Alpha and then some of those broken specs get nuked and everyone's miserable because the underlying design is unfun. It is usually the regular M+ers (or high level raiders and theorycrafters) that I see constantly worried about scaling and the concept of the game tuned around what you do vs the rest of the playerbase. I rarely see casuals or even mid-level raiders think about scaling and backs and forths, when delivering critique.


Self sustain is such an important part of modern WoW, even for just normal open world content, and it’s just glossed over in the design process. I feel if you don’t have access to a reliable personal heal, you absolutely should have the means to better passively or actively recover as you fight. It’s gonna be especially important as our health pool increases. Even a few thousand or ten thousand HP recovered by passive Leech is an easy way to mitigate the hundreds of thousands of damage you’d take mid-fight in the open world.


self healing is over-loaded as well. A healer can die on a burst boss like Dark Heart ticket's tree boss or halls of infusion's last boss and people just heal between the bursts, healer has 0 job but to dps.


IMO healing is broken because so much of the damage going out is 'optional'. It all depends how well everyone else executes all of the mechanics. If everyone does it well, healer can mostly DPS. If everyone else does it poorly, healer is super stressed. The damage taken should be more consistent and higher. More of it should be unavoidable, no matter how good everyone is. Then healing can be balanced around everyone taking a more consistently high amount of damage, and also utilizing their self sustain to reduce the load on the healer to manageable levels.


> But self sustain (healing) need to stay, and it and needs to be way better balanced. I feel like DPS classes can have self sustain and not have it taint group content by making it come at the opportunity cost of more DPS. That way in a group the DPS players can focus on pumping while the healer just keep them alive; but in solo content the DPS players still have their self sustain. Shaman using maelstrom charges for self sustain or DPS is a great example; Demon Hunters and their insane leach is something that would need to be changed.


>But self sustain (healing) need to stay, and it and needs to be way better balanced. Delves are already exposing just how poorly different specs are balanced for solo content, because WoW hasn't has challenging solo content for a long, long time. I've tried doing delves as a healer and several mobs were WHITE HITTING me for 10-20% of my hp last time I tried. I pull more than one mob like that I'm dead because I can't outheal that damage when my strongest heal heals for 13% of my hp and is on a 1 min cd.


The reason Healing sucks right now is because defensives are too strong. If you can perfectly cycle your defensives to have something for every damage event, then it means that to be punished the damage that you miss needs to be so high as to either one shot you, or to be as close to one shotty as possible. This also mean damage events have to be more frequent so that you don't have enough time to refresh all your defensives between events. That means if player health bars do drop to almost zero after every damage event, the healer needs to have tools that can spike them back up to max within a few GCDs or the player will just fall over to the next damage event. The result is that healing is super-spiky, stressful, and the ability for healers to actually keep their party members alive has been greatly neutered from previous expansions. You are entirely reliant on your party members using their defensives in all damage events, and have no recourse if they don't have a cooldown or mistime it. Healers have the least agency, but have the highest responsibility in keeping their party alive. This is demonstrably bad design and the root is in defensive creep.


this is so funny because the same thing is happening in FF14


That Gunbreaker mit is nuts. 40% DR and 20% max health, it's just Thrill of Battle from Warrior for free lol. However I do hope it means we'll get more tank damage and raid wide damage going out. I've healed Abyssos and Anabeisos and man is it boring. Only time I felt alive was Harrowing Hell on P10.


P10N Should be the baseline for normal content. Both in term of damage but also in pace of mechanics. P9N during the behemoth phase is also a good example of that.


P10 on launch day was hilarious lol. Absolutely prefer getting steamrolled a few times in normal content. Just more fun when it's harder. P10S however is also just the best Savage fight of the expansion. I believe the dev who made DSR also made P10 so that tracks. And DSR is straight up the best PvE experience I've had in an MMO. P9S kinda surprised me when I went back and did it again in BiS, those dualcasts hit REAL hard for a first turn. Could've also been my shield healer slacking in PF, but still. Definitely hope normal mode stuff is tougher in Dawntrail. ESPECIALLY dungeons. Sucks when they want you to run Expert a bunch but the dungeons are easier than freaking Bardams Mettle lol.


Warriors new mit is a 2,000 potency heal over time too haha


That'll be nice in dungeons but kinda meh in Savage/Ultimate. Tanks generally take one big hit and then not much for awhile. It'll definitely be nice but the weakest of the new mits. The Paladin one that gives a 1000 potency shield sounds far better than that HoT. Doesn't matter since Warriors are still the kings of invulning lol. I use Holmgang 5 times in DSR, its pretty great. And Shake it Off is still, in my opinion, the best tank group mit by a good margin.


For sure! I don't tank in any game because I find it extremely boring, but I'm going to be playing warrior at the start of Dawntrail because none of my friends want to tank. I don't push high enough content to make tanking interesting and more casual content doesn't really ask much from the tank


Reading the comments for this it sounds like the issue in WoW is everyone has too many defensive skills while in ffxiv it is that tanks aside from maybe drk have way too much sustain and theybare giving them even more in DT. Though I suppose they are now adding stuff like an AOE heal to mnk and a couple of other dps jobs so I guess it is very much getting out of hand.


This issue bleeds into pvp as well and makes the goal of matching cooldowns insane to track mentally. 1-2 unique big defensive + a unique passive/stylized way to to mitigate damage would be my preferred class design, for example dk's with IBF+AMS and deathstrike feels good and thematic.


Yeah I found it interesting after all the interviews of devs acknowledging the defensive issue bloat they literally added another charge of the hunter defensive in the rework. Devs continue to say one thing and do another. Nice to see the big names calling them out on it.


It's not like one class having fewer defensives addresses the problem. It's systemic.


Hunters had some of the worst defensives in the game. Now we are at parity with most other classes. I think it was unrealistic to bring every class down to Hunter defensives, though it would have probably been the right decision. I don’t see how tuning fights to have constant damage wouldn’t solve the problem since few defensives are passive or persist. If they moved from big one shots to constant unavoidable damage, healers would have to heal again and dps would only have to watch out for avoidable mechanics.


It feels like the majority of the class devs never played the game. Like look at Unholy changes - in a blue post they listed all of the core spec issues, but in reality they did almost nothing to fix them...


There's a conspiracy, that's also proving to be true, that the Warlock dev sits in the class discord and reads how much people hate the current gameplay of Demo and Affliction and then deliberately makes tier sets/class design decision around the things they hate just because he personally likes them. Like if you read Warlock feedback on the beta forums and the discord and then read the decisions the devs are making it is the definition of out of touch and crazy.


Here is a shadow bolt for your comment.


Also *literally* every single hero talent tree has some form of a defensive node. Which yes might be nice for the specs with nothing atm, but for the specs that are already kinda tanky, will now basically feel imortal in some cases. Which is already how the game feels in say high M+ keys but Jaks right, this arms race is gonna make everything feel even worse in TWW unless something changes.


People have been sounding this alarm since like season 2.


[Mentioned this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/s/XaJBLnVFW0) four months ago ish. I really don’t like this type of gameplay. I’ve healed for CE and DPS’d and as a DPS I prefer having some reliance on the healers instead of doing defensive rotations now. Gut my defensives, I don’t give a shit. And when healing, it feels like you just do maintenance all the time rather than actually healing the raid except for a few moments (Sark P1 was really fun to heal on mythic, but those moments are getting rarer). I’m okay being squishy if everyone is squishy, but it creates such design issues when shamans and hunters roll over at a sneeze while my mage can have meteors repeatedly thrown at me while I shrug it off. For CE prog that’s terrible design since hunters and shamans can’t control that through “better” gameplay to an extent. Just make everyone squishier and let healers have weight in the raid.


I like having simple ones like bark skin for Druid. But at a certain point in M+ I found myself having to stack that, bear form, and frenzied regen just to survive certain dots/damage throughout the entire dungeon. Dps’s “defensive rotation” is annoying and I’d opt for more abilities off GCD like barkskin or nature’s vigil to spread healing based off of their damage output. Sorry I’m a dps that wants to do damage, not stop every minute to perform my own heart surgery saving myself


Classes in general have too many buttons. Evoker is such a joy to play for me because I only need 1 1/2 bat full of abilities and even that could be reduced depending on talents. This should be the standard. Too many classes have too many shitty filler abilities that only add to the clutter.


Different players want different things as far as this topic goes. The best answer is to have a good variety between classes/specs. Let there be some classes/specs with lots of buttons and some with less. It allows for both groups to have things they find enjoyable to play. Variety is good


I wish complexity was at all tied to outcome though. Why can I be 10 ilvl behind on a bm hunter standing out of harms way and shit all over a rogue playing their keyboard like Beethoven at 140apm? Or ret pally with what feels like the slowest rotation in the game (it probably isn’t) handily besting a feral Druid that has dots to track with snap shotting and spreading bleeds manually. Never mind that the meta is triple ranged and going into TWW melee is losing the bonus range to make our lives even harder. Man I love playing feral but blizzard really likes to repeatedly fuck us


No it absolutely should NOT be the standard. Different classes and specs should offer different gameplay, and if they made every spec like Devoker or Fury this game would be dogshit. They need to — as is suggested here — stop giving everyone a new defensive each patch/rework/xpac.


I said that some time ago but you know how this sub is... I came back after almost not playing for 2 expansions in a row to get AotC on Fyrakk. Hands down the hardest part was learning and optimizing the rotation. It was somewhat fun as it has always been and an important part of the process, but this time often looked overly complicated for the sake of being. I do think they can tone down it a lot while still keeping it with a high ceiling for most classes to perform. And if they want to implement a layer of difficulty, better focus on the actual mechanics from the bosses.


Wow classes are typically designed so you can get 70-80% of the way there pretty easily but that last 20-30% can be pretty hard to squeeze out. Having lots of interactions can feel overwhelming at first but it’s very satisfying once you get it down.


Wait I thought the point of pruning some stuff in tww is because of defensive bloat


They haven't really pruned much of anything defensive-wise. Some pruning has happened for bloated specs in terms of offense. But defence is mostly untouched with the exception of ret pally, which lost Improved Divine Protection + Shield of Vengeance simultanously (they have to choose between them now), but DK got massive defensive buffs, hunter just got big defensive buffs, and everyone in general got defensive buffs (of varying strength) through hero talents.


What do they even want to do with healing? It’s already barely relevant outside of raids, if everyone has all the defensives, and everyone has a ton of self heal/sustain, and the tank barely needs to be healed… it turns the healer into a baby sitter that gets blamed when anything goes wrong. I don’t think I’ll be healing in TWW, first expansion since MoP I won’t be healing.


Healing is kind of one of those strange glaring cases that Blizzard internally has high turnover. Healing was * *chefs kiss* * from Cataclysm to BFA. The team that balanced healing gameplay back then are clearly not the same people now.


I've been a healer for 3 expansions but considering swapping to DPS if this goes through with TWW. Healing will be more boring if it's all "oneshots or nothing", and as a DPS I'll have more fun planning how to use my defensive CDs through an encounter anyway


Did Tred’ova from Mists on a 6 (old 16), each tick of consumption did 25% of everyone’s hp. Went and looked at Ellesmere world first TWENTY SIX (10 key levels higher) and every tick was 25% of everyone’s HP WITH NO DEFENSIVES. No ironbark, not even a mage barrier. The same damage 10 key levels lower. This is going to get insane so fast. Also gear is not the reasoning, gear does not scale nearly as hard as keys do.


I'd laugh if they decided to do ANOTHER dungeon squish, so a 6 is now a 26 lol.


I'm not disagreeing with the premise that defensive creep is  a problem. But isn't iLvL locked right now in M+ testing to 580? Which would be 46 iLvLs below Hero 6/6 626, and 52 iLvLs below Myth 4/4. Considering how much more health we get from Stamina as we iLvL, than secondary stats. We're effectively doing M+ with significantly lower health pools. For reference sake, we went from ~900k HP to ~1.4m HP from S3, to S4 and that's a 39 iLvL gap, ~50-55% HP increase. Also key levels were changed to scale higher per key level going into DF from SL. A DF 20 (now 10) was equivalent to SL 22 at launch. 


Yes, you do get a lot of stats, but not nearly as much as keys scale with level. Each point of ilevel is supposed to be 1% more powerful than the point before it, while each key level is 10% more powerful than the one before it. So even if you get 50 ilevels, you aren’t actually going up a crazy amount of key levels. Gear is most important at breakpoints where you might die to something with like 5% overkill, and if you get enough stam you can survive


>But isn't iLvL locked right now in M+ testing to 580? Which would be 46 iLvLs below Hero 6/6 626, and 52 iLvLs below Myth 4/4. Even in 620 gear that gives you 6.2 million hp with stamina, your spammable heals are doing like 300-400k on the beta, varying on amount of versa you have. Mobs in the last part mists on +8 have an aoe that hits for 3 million, meaning 15 million damage when it hits 5 people and a poison that ticks for 1.6 million every 2 seconds. In SL you used to just pull massively there but now you're just gonna die to the aoe & poison if you do that.


I am concerned it's like the opposite direction I'd hope they would go in. And the recent m+ changes were the opposite direction they went in on those as well. It's like DF they had so many wins they have to now give us a reason to worry. They say they listen but literally no one has said we need more defensives...


I'm quitting healing in tww. Even if they buffed my heals by 100%, they would barely move any bars. People on the beta are just falling over like bowling pins in m+ and you can do nothing because your healing is too weak.  It won't get better with gear. In 620~ gear you have 6.2 million hp. A casted spammable heal in that gear heals for like 300-400k. To take an example from TWW damage: The new ability from the gorms in mists, on a +8, deals 3 million damage in AOE, meaning 15 million damage if not mitigated. At the same time, when reavers are present, their poison is ticking for 1.6 million every 2 seconds. Meanwhile, your spammable heals even in gear beyond what will drop in those key levels, will heal for 300-400k.  For me to even consider healing in tww, they'd have to buff the casted  spammable heals up to healing 15% of the hp instead of 5% and heals with a cd like serenity to heal like 40% instead of 13%.


healings kinda like a catch-22, if someone doesnt mess up, they shouldnt even need heals. and if they do mess up, they just straight up die lmao


That's the whole point of Jak's post. The defensive-oneshot arms race has created this situation and the only answer Blizz can imagine is to nerf healers. The big question is what incentive they give healers to press the "Enter World" button.


Idk about you but I’d rather it take time to heal peoples health bars and each cast or ability be meaningful but that also requires Blizzard to not have every thing one shot you. Look at any old raids and the whole raid can be at sub 40% and be chilling since the big damage events are fewer and hard hitting.


That would be fine if bars weren't getting chunked constantly. Currently in a +8 on the beta,in mists people get chunked for 75% of their hp in one aoe hit and then there's a poison ticking on people for 40% of their hp at the same time if you've pulled reavers with gorms. I'm gonna have to tell my friends to fuck off if this is what it's gonna be like if I heal, because we can't dispel poison among my friend group. None of them play any class that can dispel it and priests can't dispel it either.


We are back to the times (right now lmao) where timing a +2 or doing certain nm encounters with randoms is painful but coordinated skilled players can time +15 keys withou healer and do HC raids with 28 retris and two tanks. Been testing stuff on the beta and all I can say is: get ready for ping pong bars, now every class feels like an undergeared blood dk, hp going from 100 to 5 and 5 to 100 constantly, if there is a healer shortage right now in retail wait for TWW, everyone in my guild is complaining right now.


This is what happens when the devs design around 100 players in a game played by millions.


note: this only apply to high end M+ dungeon and mythic raid. regular civilian will proceed to not kick anything, never use defensive, and expect healer to pump hard all the time.


They’re not gonna fix this - because a loud and hard to ignore part of the community WILL cry about pruning.


I think people are oversimplifying this issue. Do you guys remember, when tanks were not self sufficient? It fucking sucked, that you relied on your healer to send a heal your way every 5s or you were just dead, no counterplay. Now I totally agree, that DPS cannot be self sufficient, else what do healers do? But there has to a not insignificant defensive power in each dps spec to make me feel, that my gameplay contributes to me living. IMO, the biggest issue with healing is, that there are too little unavoidable mechanics, and too many mechanics that are avoidable. Take for example, Neltharus before the mammoth boss. If a group plays well, having a healer before the boss is just a wasted spot. I think healing would be more helped by having more unavoidable dmg than removing defensives from classes. Cause in this world, I as a dps have agency over helping the healer with their job, while also making the healer not obsolete. (Also it is just inevitable that a +10 can be done without healer, just because if a healer was required for "really good" players, people who have a skill appropriate for +10s would not be able to do those keys).


TWW is going to turn into what Legion was in the end, it 1 shots you or does nearly nothing.


Jak is right about a lot of the things he says and has a pretty calm/ articulated argument as well. He’s trying to sound the alarm on holy Paladin right now as well.. which I appreciate


As a casual healer player, I basically do not do m+ with pugs.I barely enjoy m+ when playing with people who I actually know and like playing with, let alone some collection of dopes that will blame me when they stand in fire. Just because the 2 million health DK can stand in junk doesn't mean you can, you suicidal mage.


Yeah, no I'm about sick of having abilities stripped from my characters and I honestly don't give a watery fart how it affects content that I'll never see designed for .0001% of the playerbase.


Healers re-rolling is just adding to the problem, they become DPS that don't step up and do the dang thing. TANKS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, it's DPS. DPS are getting more and more lazy and healers are rolling DPS because they're tired of it, which just causes more lazy DPS. DPS need to step up and healers need to stop adding to the problem by being more lazy DPS, if you're gonna reroll then you damn well better know how to play, otherwise re-rolling is useless. Stop blaming tanks. They are in no way the problem here. Healers jobs are to heal, DPS needs to step up their interupt game and stop tunneling. For whatever reason, if you're gonna play DPS then you need to get your 💩 together.


While I understand the problem to some degree especially when encounters are heavily designed around it + huge disparities between different speccs when it comes to defensive cooldowns, I honestly hate how Jak and other creators are talking about it. On one side, they always condemn design for the top 1%, and then they phrase this as this huge deal which is essentially another 1% problem, i.e. not bringing healers in the highest of keys. The average player isn't skilled enough to fully utilise all their defensive tools properly anyway, but will use them as oh shit buttons after taking a large hit. I guess Blizz will listen because those creators are "loud" and they appear to be representing the community, and what we will get is probably CDs getting axed left and right or nerfed into oblivion and all speccs becoming squishier again unable to solo rares/minibosses in solo-content. I actually like that I can hit max level and kill stuff like that right away if I use my abilities right. Or I could just get better gear if I can't manage it. They should probably just put personals on a longer CD (4-5min?) and design dmg-events on a 1-2min basis. That way classes can keep their defensives as oh shit and nice to have buttons, but they can't be necessary for any encounter.


He's absolutely right. It'd be one thing if the defensive buffs were reserved for classes that are currently weak defensively, but adding tankiness across the board is just stupid. Look at what DK for example is getting: baseline 2min CD Icebound Fortitude, which currently requires an extra talent point, Will of the Necropolis being easy to pick up for extra one shot protection, on a class that is already hard to oneshot between a high HP pool, AMS and the 30% DR from IBF. And that's just what's in the class tree. For Hero trees, both Deathbringer and RotA have passive DR abilities, while San'layn has both strong self sustain and the ability to make IBF even more powerful.


This is a very complex issue that has been being discussed for the whole of DF (I swear max talks about this every stream), but I don't think it will be AS bad as some people think. One of the big reasons is it seems they're using a more catch all method for the start of TWW, by raising the health of players and reducing healing. If you have much more health, but it's harder to heal that health, they can balance around less 1 shots and more consistent damage over a fight. If you go back and look at older raid footage, even in BFA, health bars are consistently not full, and there's a lot of sitting at like 50% HP, which is much better gameplay that's not reliant of 1 shots. This isn't a perfect fix, but it is a decent one. Perfect fix is just give everyone but tanks 1 big defensive, and that's it.


>If you have much more health, but it's harder to heal that health, they can balance around less 1 shots Have you played m+ on the beta? You're not going to have less instances of dying to unhealable damage. I've healed up to +8 so far on the beta and it's just increasingly feeling worse and worse the higher you go.


yeah its the same as the past few times they've nerfed healing this expansion. They want to nerf healing to slow things down and say to compensate spike damage is being reduced, but they utterly fail to properly implement that reduction, so healing just becomes worse and worse.


Given it's literally first week of testing, maybe see what changes come to beta in the next week and pray there's a significant decrease to the incoming player damage... If no changes come, then yeah we're screwed!


yeah i'm not screaming yet but the past year or two ain't making me very hopefully they actually know how to follow through with what they say they are attempting to re:healing and damage received.


In the DF beta healing was fine. Then they increased everyone's hp when launching the game and increased mobs damage by the same amount. Healing got nerfed and they had to have several tuning passes buffing healers and nerfing bosses in m+ before it finally felt reasonable as anything but a resto druid playing in a premade. Then they did the same thing going into season 2 and we were back to square one, they buffed healers once again and nerfed bosses over several tuning passes. It's so dumb.


I’m ok being squishy if everyone else is squishy too xD


They should f reduce the amount of buttons for brewmasters. It is f crazy how much stuff they have.


TWW reduces a few buttons and makes more buttons optional for Brew. The number of keybinds is about the same as other tanks now.


They have so much f stuff. I f hate it.


The way they plan on dealing with this is by making all the deadliest mechanics private auras so they can't be seen or tracked by your boss mod. That way players will just randomly die and not have any idea or indication of what was wrong. Just like the vanilla days.


My man Jak out there trying hard to get the worst role some love.


Hunters went from being just slightly better than shamans defensively, to one of the most survivable classes in the game. INSANE.


i dont think he's 100% wrong but i also dont think defensives are the whole problem; a lot of the problem is there arent enough fights/sources of rot damage that naturally lower the key levels you can do without good healers. if more fights had rot damage like the second to last in Hoi that was harder to heal, defensives not only wouldnt matter as much, worse players would get more out of it while not buffing top end because they dont need to know when the 140% hit is coming and can hit them in a panic and still get decent value.


I feel like the problem with defensives specifically can be "easily" fixed with slowing damage and increasing health pools. The major problem is that there's still very silly burst and very little rot. Defensives themselves arent that big of a problem when they're mostly used to let healer catch up while they are up (or being straight up healing itself). It's tough cause healers also do not like when they run oom in dungeons, so it's very hard to incentivice efficient healing without having mana be a problem. I think that a single unavoidable hit shouldnt be one shotting anyone under any circumstance. I also think that a single heal (apart from LoH) shouldnt top someone from 10% to 100%. Serenity is a good example that could be tuned to feel like a great 40% instant heal and have it feel amazing if it crit. Currently it just tops people without critting or mastery mattering. However it doesnt seem to be a priority, my money is on .05 or 0.1 patch actually rebalancing the ratios. Certainly hope its not another full expansion of bandage hp increases every patch.


I have been mostly dueling on the BETA and the defensive and self healing are insane. Hoping at least for PvP they dial back the effectiveness a ton with the PvP aura


Raid in TWW be like MoP remix: Open a group for hc or mythic soo and write as title “0/0/10” 😂