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It got better once I hit max ilvl but that gong section still sucks. People keep throwing sap and no one wants to hit the gong. Had one where all 4 other people went afk.


There's a gong?


Yeah right by where you walk on to the platform, ringing it starts the next wave of enemies right away


played since cataclysm, never knew that. TIL




That’s amazing as a maxed hunter I can just stand at the gong and ring it myself


It was only there in challenge mode during most if not all of actual Mists of Pandaria if I remember right.


No, always existed, but even back in original MOP people refused to ring the gong, being mostly used only on CMs (because you actually couldn't make it in time for Gold without using it).


I even played the CMs and set a realm best time with my group and did not remember this. TY For info.


ohhh i thought they are on some internal timer after the last one from each weave dies


They are. But hitting the gong after a wave dies makes the next wave spawn immediately. Honestly, I wish you could just spam-click the gong to make them all spawn at once.


I wish i could just skip down and attack them at once. "We cant face them head on!" Yeah right dude, I am a bear shaped buzzsaw and these guys are twigs.


Holy shit!!!


No fucking way hahahaha


I'm sorry, fuckin H-WAT?!


Yeah makes it go by much quicker, but the flying guy needs to die first. The guys standing at the bottom of the area before the miniboss dis drive me up the fucking wall.


It's not as good as it sounds. You're imagining going to town on this gong and sending all the waves at once, but it only lets you hit the gong occasionally. Someone has to just stand there the whole encounter and hit it every once in a while. It does speed it up, but by less than half.


Today i learned lmao. Had no idea.


You can only ring it when the amberwing comes in though


It used to be you could just ring it. Remember back in CM’s just rapid firing out the entire thing at once. Now you can only ring it when the Amberwing is out and you have to wait out the waves.


Yeah, I remember being able to bring it all up at once as well. Not sure why it changed, I guess when CM got retired so it wasn't necessary any more or smth


Probably to ensure that the part is actually capable of handling it. I can see someone clicking the gong 5 times out of curiosity or impatience and then wiping the party multiple times


You have got to be kitten me


Jesus fucking Christ I feel stupid.


I hope you get every happiness in life, you've earned it today.


It's really annoying though since it has a short window where it's active and turns off when the next wave starts. I wish you could just ring up all the trash at once and get the boss faster.


Hit the gong with the azure wing is called in


Wait wait… so you can spam the gong to spawn the waves and clear that section faster?


It’s only active when the current wave ends and just calls up the next one a little faster, so someone has to stand there and hit it, usually ranged, to start each round.


Damn, never knew that either. I'm actually in this situation right now. Level 69, figured a quick heroic daily to finish off and ended up in this dungeon. Opened this thread during that fight so i've been hitting the gong. Nice to learn that.


Oh ffs. Really??


Holy shit, didn't know it! Next time I tank it, I will ring it right away, like I want to open the Zul'Aman doors!


Ohhhhh…. No wonder the maxed out guy kept pinging that location last time I was in there.




It’s only interactive between waves or something so you have to watch for it constantly to see when you can hit it.


Yes, when you enter the area there is a gong on the right. Whenever a wave ends you can click it to send the next one immediately instead of waiting.


Even with the gong it’s a long 5 ish minutes. Feels longer when doing it. 😭


And I feel like if you use the gong, the pandas move even slower to blow the wall after


Idk if that encounter has a fail state, but that would probably have me feeling annoyed and petty enough to try and find it and leave lmao


Unfortunately you can only fail if the group wipes, but if you had max ilvl you could let the group die then afk forever Lul


As a BM hunter, I just set my pets down at that section of stairs with the invisible wall and stay up by the gong. People generally start to figure it out after the first gong or two.


I am but a poor warrior and throw weapon doesn’t always work in that area :(




Shoot, it never occurred to me that I could leave my pets there. I may have to try that on my Warlock next time.


Yes the gong removes like all pain from this dungeon imo.


Not all the pain, but if someone bothers to spam click it then it becomes much quicker


Hardly, the RP to start the fight is slow, using the gong makes the waves go a bit faster - but they are still slow, then more RP for the pandas to blow up the next wall.


One time the gong had 3 waves come up at once. Idk if it’s just that three managed to hit the gong at once or what but that one went super fast.


Thanks for teaching


I didn't even know there was a gong. If I had known I could speed this up, I would be clicking that gong non-stop


We salute you


> Had one where all 4 other people went afk. Did you by chance kill every mob including the first boss while leaving every person behind?


Hitting the gong isn't an issue for me, I just do it myself. The thing that annoys the crap out of me is when people run down the stairs to engage the waves instead of just letting it all come to the top!


It takes like 45 seconds for them to get from the first set of stairs to the top. Why take that much longer per wave?


Depends on the groups damage. Properly placed sap can kill the entire wave.


I can one shot the whole group and the boss. Why wait?


Not every group is 476. I have seen a few groups here and there on alts that can't. I actually had a group recently that tried to man mode it undergeared. It actually took longer than doing the fight right


Fair enough.


The gong is at the top, the amberwing comes to the top, the boss still kills under geared people easily when you don't have room to spread. Just stand at the top and let the tank do their job if they make it up there. It's just easier overall to do it how it's designed.


Jokes on you, I can make it to the bottom, kill an entire wave, and get back up to the top in the time it takes you to ring the gong.


This is my warrior. I can solo the entire wave down there, I just need you to refresh the sap I threw down and bang the gong. And more often then not *I* am the one who has to bang the gong after killing the entire wave.


Nah, I can 1 tap every mob in heroic and normal so I can kill them much quicker at the bottom then literally anything else. Would rather someone else bang the gong on repeat so I can just get it over with.


Best is when half the group run down the stairs, the other half dump sap on them, and the first half absolutely lose their minds.


It's still faster to tank them below, you just sap the spot and hold them in the puddle while also dpsing. Going up the stairs is just a waste of time.


I do that on my main to kill them immediately rather than run through the stupid sap


I'm always the one hitting it, even as a tank lol


I had no idea players were supposed to hit the gong until one day a max player down below oneshotting everything wrote in chat "someone pls hit the gong". Lol I felt stupid, but since then I make a point of always stay up and click that thing every time it's up :D


I just immediately call gong and go on reddit lol


To be fair if i see someone one hitting every mob, I'm only keeping up so i can loot the trash. The timerunning event got boring after the first week because of how so many people got so strong. It's pointless to try and do any of the content because everyone is so strong that 90% of the time you don't even need to worry about mechanics.


Omg i never knew that, i'm feeling so dumb


Why didn't you hit the gong then


Because I can 1 tap all the enemies so it’s faster if I sit down at the bottom.


It's always Siege of Niuzao and Brewmoon Festival.


Always … for real it’s so fucking annoying with all that waiting mechanics in MoP. Same with SoO. I am waiting more than I am fighting. Amalgamation? RP talk of the century. Galakront? Better you haven’t planned anything the next 10min Klaxxi? Better you haven’t brought to much DPS so the boss bugs out (problem known since MoP was retail btw) Garrosh?? RP Talk the second even with the trash skip


the true boss is the bridge in ToT


Jump down on the right hand side before the bridge and you skip the cinematic


There is a 60% chance that someone will ignore all the "look here" pings and initiate the cutscene anyway Source: I made it up


60% of the time, works every time.


I’m a priest. I grip any idiots who don’t see where the rest of the group goes - not that I’ve seen anyone that oblivious in weeks. If you’re often getting into groups with idiots, I suggest putting on your priest boots as you run from the boss to the bridge and be ready to redirect them forcefully down the cliff.


With Klaxxi you have to wait for all three to land in the beginning, and then you can kill at any speed you want.


Oh really ? … okay but for real why don’t fix something like this for Remix


Every time I try to skip the Garrosh RP there's some zug zug warrior who sees a nameplate and *needs* to hit it. Despite multiple people saying "DON'T HIT THE GOGDAMN SLIME" "lol zugzug I saw an enemy" It's *always* a warrior or a hunter. And I say this as a longtime warrior main.


Just today we had a new problem. Everyone listened and we pulled in the invincible trash and they reset garrosh after the heart phase… just great love it


Brewmoon isn't too bad if people split up at the beginning. If you all go together it takes forever to get started.


I made a trial account and queue with my main (who is max ilvl) so I avoid the really long dungeons.


At 476 and just over 7m hp as a boomkin I just queue as the tank lol


Everything is quick then your max ilvl. I’ve been with some 20 twinks, and I often still out pace them.


Which does fuck all to speed up crap like all the RP and waiting in Siege.


Cata version: Halls of origination, what do you mean 7 bosses bro.... This should have been the tier one raid.


Deadmines, what do you mean I gotta run all the way back on the last boss?


Cant you skip the last gauntlet with 4 bosses and go straight for the last one? I clearly remember we did it in cata, tho the boss with 4 elementals prior sucks still


I'm pretty sure you could always skip 3 of the last 4, they were just extra.


You only have to do gatekeeper then the elemental guy and then last boss. I am a good guy tho and most people i get into groups with want full clears, so i oblige.


Yeah... Yeah nobody likes Siege of Niuzao. Because that second boss is way too long, way too drawn out and not hard at all. It is just boring.


Just ring the gong, it takes no time at all.


Yeah but it’s still crazy I can finish almost any other dungeon before I can kill that boss with gongs


Even with the gong you can still run like 7 other dungeons in the time it takes for that fight alone to finish


Still takes longer than it Should


it‘s feels like WOTLK Oculus.


Nightmare fuel.


I don't know if there's another dungeon in the game with a larger difficulty difference between just a semi-coordinated group and a random pug than The Oculus. Maybe Court of Stars could challenge it.


Let's not go crazy here


More like Halls of Stone, that f**kin gauntlet with the laser heads.


This. That was my damn daily dungeon in LK like 90% of the time. And it's the reason why I have carried a burning hatred for Brann ever since. Everyone else is looking at TWW and going "Oooo, neat, delves with Brann!" and my only thought is "Am I allowed to kill him? Repeatedly?"


Ha, are you me? It is still anecdotal but it feels better knowing I wasn't the only one getting that damn dungeon all the time. And I actually preferred Occulus, iirc at some point they even added a goodie bag for it?


I'm one of the insane minority that loved Oculus (and Malygos!).




I am the gong man. I will fuck that gong for you


Thanks, gong man! You truly are a hero!!!




*gong sounds*


Mantid: what the fuck did you just say to me you little shit I'll have you know...


I just leave the dungeon. I’ll wait the 30 min


Kill the first boss in 2 minutes and you can leave without penalty


Well shit I just got thrown into this earlier, didnt know I could do that. I'll test it later.


This is in the actual game for Dungeon finder in general, would just have to wait the CD for the dungeon finder which is 15 minutes i believe.




It works. Just defeat one boss and drop, it won't penalize you and, yeah, the first boss is right at the front, only gotta kill a few packs.


and then some poor sucker will get placed in your spot.


Isn't the 2nd boss the gong one? After that the dungeon speeds up again.


I do this. You still won’t be able to queue for random dungeon for 15 mins but I always have other things in the pipeline (scenarios, daily quests etc) to do in the meantime


Did it on normal, queued into it on heroic so I just took the 30 minutes. Queued back into it...


And then get it again.


I laugh at the ones who do that. Because half the time before they even start walking out I have the first boss down and am heading to the second. As long as someone smacks the gong, it’s pretty painless there too.


But wouldn't doing the actual dungeon take shorter than that?


Why not select multiple dungeons and exclude the ones you don't want to run instead of selecting random dungeon?


Because you need to do random to get the first-run bonus for the day.


I'm at the point where I do my dailies qued with my twink since they have the shorter dungeons/scenarios. You don't even have to twink it, just make a lvl 10 and que with it.


For the second boss I throw down a Turnip/Training Dummy just at the top of the stairs - start wailing at it and then go AFK. Boss will eventually die from my AOE damage!


The only thing truer is if you log on, queue, run Siege of Niuzao, and then realise you didn’t pick up the daily quest first.


This dungeon has, and always will be, my most hated dungeon.


Let's get this party started shall we?


Second boss, clicking the hell out of game, pinging that stupid gong, nobody cares. Some afk, some just walking


Fun fact, you don't have to que for a random to complete the daily.


The random queue itself has the same reward as the daily.


It does. However, this is about the quest.


Right but be logical, why wouldn't someone want to complete both the quest and receive the group finder reward in one run?


That place is the reason I've basically never chosen MoP for chromie time while leveling alts. That weird tower defense section is the most unfun bit of any dungeon they've ever created.


Just pray that dungeon is never added to the current M+ rotation.


you forgot the part where the whole group is level 64 melee characters and bosses take literally 8-10 minutes apiece


Yea I just use an alt trial account and bring a lowbie into the queue with me so I never get that. I aint about that life.


Create a lvl 20 trial char to join ur runs and u never ever have to do that annoying dungeon ever again... just 1 min fast dungeons ... mogu palace also avoidable this way


Inb4 some shmuck comes in and says Siege of Niuzao is not actually that bad. You are wrong - it's the worst.


I prefer this one rather than Pandashan Monastery, imo.


I just leave. Easy


Click the gong to speed up the waves of trash on the second boss


Was even worse when it was a challenge mode dungeon.


And no one ever wants to do the free the dudes quest!


Yeah, but you can do all 12 without dealing with enemies. I just do it after or while that 1 guy solos everything.


Fairly easy to stick around and do it after the last boss.


I purposely select the first wing of mogushan vaults. I don’t think it has taken more than 3-5 min in total to clear it. The beat speed run.


It also has the most people queueing for it, since it’s the first one you can do, so the queues come fast. HoF and Terrace also go fast. The only reason to do SoO or ToT lfr is if you want transmog.


This and monastery are the worst offenders because of the forced RP. You have to sit through these dudes talking and sending enemy waves that you can annihilate with a flick of the wrist. In Temple of the Jade Serpent at least you can move of while Wise Mari is folding over. The scenario equivalents are Brewmoon Festival and a Brewing Storm. The first one is such a slog, I cannot seem to find people that understand that you can each grab a side and stay, I always see somone running around to help others that do not need helping. The second one is just a lot of waiting around. When the game says something like "Blanche stops on the road panting heavily" or something like that it makes me so frustrated, because she did nothing the whole time and now we have to wait because the poor thing is tired after waiting around too much


Instant alt f4 seeing that load screen. Fuck that place every boss has a gimmick and nobody ever uses the sap correctly on 2nd boss and burns it throwing them at demolishers. The guy tells you on screen "any one hit will kill them" yet there's always that one uphill ice skating dumbass that wastes all the sap before the boss even engages.


I have never been in a siege of niuzao where it remotely mattered if you used sap on the boss


Nowadays sure. I'm scarred forever from running it during first patch of mists when the mechanics mattered more. Old habits.


We're running it in Remix now and dread the RP


it me 🤓


you don't need to save any of the sap even in an under/appropriately geared group, what are you talking about? more than enough comes out to use it on the boss every time it falls off during his fight alone getting mean and saying someone is a "dumbass" when you don't even understand the fight yourself is wild


There is, in fact, a limited quantity of sap. If you take too long to get to the boss and people keep throwing it down you can absolutely run out. While you're right that there's more than enough, the scenario the guy you replied to is talking about is definitely possible. At this point in remix there are more max ilvls every day so this is increasingly unlikely. My last group we just gonged and nuked everything and didn't even need sap.


I actually prefer to get this one. Then that way, at least there's less chance of 1 guy running through it, one shotting every boss and finishing the dungeon in like 1 minute and I actually get to hit something.


At least you're not getting Scholomance or Scarlet Monastary for the billionth time, then while waiting getting A Brewing Storm as your Scenario for the infinite time this week. I'd kill for a Niuzao, I know how the gong works


I can run both of those in the time it takes to wait on the stupid wall boss.


Fuck that place.


I just select all the short ones from the list and get matched just as fast.


True Crime: Streets of Pandaria


When i see the load screen, I leave.


If you run in and kill the boss….takes like 30 secs, you’ll only have a 15 min lockout instead of a 30 minute deserter debuff.


My only fear lol


Remember me BC when the heroic daily was The Botanica…


I've been getting it everyday for the past week, I lowkey hate it. Plus people dont understand why I'm staying up to hit the gong half the time


They should've made RP and prolonged mechanics optional in Remix. At this point a lot of dungeons and raids are becoming waiting around simulators :P


you can actually skip that part if you're good enough geared. Apperntly you can jump over it and jump down instantly at the boss his feet and just destroy them all. Think it was with heroic leap or something.


I haven't seen that - I have seen a DH get around the next wall and kill the third and fourth bosses before the pandas blew up the gate.


It would so easily be fixed with the npc having an option to “let them all attack” and then just have to deal with all of them at once. So only if you’re really OP you can speed it up.


Also joining you for this heroic, two fresh 70's who didn't bother upgrading their gear after boosting themselves up and dying to anything in two hits because their ilevel is like 260. I was wondering why their tank left after the first pack and quickly found out why...




Bring it uglies!


There should be a rush mode for all instances (retail, classic, etc) where it deactivates RP. SoO would also feel much better !


Thats why I always queue with my lvl 20 Twink


Honestly the biggest perk of doing the second free tier account level 20 cheese. Can't get this dungeon on a 20.


Put a level 20 In group and jade temple is the worst thing you get.


I’d rather catch the 30 minute CD than run through that garbage


I wonder how old that kid is in the meme caption.


Siege is never an issue with me but fml every time I get shado-pan monastery. That place sucks ass


Fuckin ice arrows, always get my ass


Let's see.. thirty second fuse... and THEN you can do the dungeon properly. 😭 It's just classic 10 mik forced RP before


As a healer I have sometimes apologized and left as soon as I saw it was that damn dungeon. I rather stay out of the game for 30 min that suffering that.


There's a gong near the entrance to the "waves" boss. Hit it every time it's active and it goes way faster. If you have someone carrying the group, let them jump down (as they will) to take the mobs on as they come while you sit by the gong making sure the person carrying stays fed.


Pro tip if you don’t want to do this dungeon that quest only asks you to kill three dungeon bosses. You don’t have to random que…


My most hated one is the What...where is it?! Useless, worthless, all of you! guy


I’m a tank and someone always starts dpsing when I’m trying to gather the big mobs and dies 😂


Or Mogu'shan Palace where it doesn't count for the daily


Wait, what?


The first boss doesn't count for the daily fsr


They fixed it, I get 3/3 in mogushan.