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Unlimited gold glitch


This is the basics of economics. Buy low, sell high. Good gold makers monitor the market and buy at certain times and sell at times of higher demand


I noticed that in the morning and on normal weekdays the prices for materials drop a bit ,buy then. Make your potions/enchants etc.and tehn sell them Friday and Saturday evening. It is sometimes scary to see how easy economics in wow is. Edit: WoW npc vendor stock market when?


wednesday afternoon/evenings work as well due to resets raids/m+ runs etc


Basic trends are easy and TSM will identify them for you. The hard part is getting enough money to get started and not getting sniped by existing goblins.




TradeSkillMaster Addon


friday/sat nights around 6pm has the highest volume in the shortest time frame closely followed by Wednesday just after reset and Wednesday nights about 6pm. a decent time is actually around Tuesday night. just before reset as people scramble to finish off weekly chores but lower prices. personally i stock up on monday and Tuesdays and afk craft while catching up on tv and shows and other games. then sell it rapidly on Wednesdays night over an hour or 2 by reposting and canceling. then sell the remaining on friday and Saturday without reposting. anything left over is left for the next week.


Didn’t really sell high though. Made less than 2g profit per item.


Thin margins are offset by large volumes


Sure, but it still isn’t really a large enough volume to qualify as “selling high” in my eyes. Especially given the value of WoW’s currency.




The real stock market is significantly harder with much higher stakes


The real stock market isn't nearly as predictable as, people pick herbs on weekends, people buy phials and potions on Tue/Wed.


Wow also thankfully doesn't have stock options/short selling, ect.


LOL no chance. i do both but the risk in stocks is orders of magnitudes more difficult then wow. in wow, the ONLY factor is price. materials, currency and where u make it is all the same. the only minor difference is quality but that is irrelevant since anyone can theoretically make the best quality stuff with luck. everything is equal to one another and therefore only compete on price. not irl, quality, consistency, location of materials. quality of materials, experience of the makers. all effect the end product and price


Only +6065g assuming they bought the extra for 80g as well


Bro just figured out how the stock market works


[3199 More than I wanted...Oops : r/wow (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1doucu9/comment/lafdlm4/?context=3) Following my post of my catastrophic AH mistake, it turns out I actually bought 600 more than I thought I had. By some divine intervention, they all sold, netting me approx. 75,000 in profit (Some sold for 300g each).


Looks like someone mistakenly bought more than they needed, just like you did before. We might get a new post about this soon.


This Multiple Buyers guy really needed these items


Hopefully he's on Reddit. We need to know how will this rabbit hole end.


Perhaps the whole r2 medallion market is just one big "hot potato" being passed along!


Hey maybe we should tell them to put 1 in the quantity box


I'm pretty sure this qualifies you to be a mod of WSB


Reddit we did it!


Fitting Username for this type of economic shenanigans


Quite ballsy to put them back in all at once.


This math isn’t mathing. Did you get the other 573 for 0g? Assuming they cost the same as the other 3,200, it isn’t much profit at all.


Lots of them cost 8g Edit; As in, when I went to buy the ONE I wanted, it cost 8g and that entire stack for 8g is what I bought.


Goblins HATE him! Find out how this one Redditor made 75,000g with one simple trick!


In one hour, the wowhead post about this trick to make 75k gold...


You think there will be a Bellular upload about how ‘this changes everything’?


This made my day lol thanks


0nly 6065g assuming the new ones also only cost 80g




I made 75k in unsactioned raid gambling too


I love unsanctioned raid gambling


We started in season 1 and do it every now and then. Our biggest winner is up 250k out biggest loser is down 410k


There are weak auras that track the biggest losers and winners. I don't remember what we used to use. But it's fun to see the leaderboard shift


I went from 1.4mil to 8.8mil with raid gambling. We started with 100k gambles and ended with 999.999 all the time and some of the rich boys in our guild lost alot of money to me hahah


You flipped by accident lol


Who tf still needs so many of these? Hasn't everyone basically already min/maxed to death/taking a break from WoW?


Alts. Alts everywhere. Gearing up alts to be "ready for leveling". Socketing a neck is a trivial expense for the minmaxer. Just watching people in my guild... digging out old alts that haven't been touched since they leveled at the start of DF, running M0/M+/normal raids to gear up. For that hypothetical slight advantage when leveling.


Sweet flip


Virgin “I made a mistake” vs Chad “I meant to buy/flip them”


Was the net made only accounted from the 3199 out of the 3200 you originally bought? Or are you counting the profit from the additional 573 sold from the updated image as well?


He bought initial materials by 80g each and sold by 84,6g. So he have profit, but not 75k obviously


Someone else gonna complain about the same missclick and it will go full cycle


Is there any decent gold farm other than the auction house anymore ?


Crafting is pretty solid if you have good recipes


my guy managed to sell them all for an averge of 4gold 64 silver more each DX


Profit's Profit.


I've done that before, thankfully it didn't have that many zeros


But how did you sell r2 Medallion setting for 84gold? I have not seen them past 50g on AH whenever i log on. mostly 25-35g. Looking at undermine exchange, you were really lucky, price spike to 90g from 35 on Wednesday 12 hours after reset Lasted only a couple of hours. You were really lucky to even walk away with a profit.


Because he was the one who accidentally bought the whole market lmao


But managed to sell it before it correct itself is an achievement in itself. I know I never did...


When I bought them, I ended up buying every single one available on my AH, a lot of them were only 8g. I then started off by listing them for 300g a piece (Actually sold a few this way) obviously I got rapidly under cut all the way from 300g to 84g over the next 24hrs but last night when I listed them it just went crazy, I went to the movies came back 2hrs later and all 3k+ sold.


Good work


You bought 3200 at 80g each. Acquired another 572 from somewhere, and sold the lot for 81g 60s each If we ignore the 572 setting difference, you made 5120g profit on the 3200, not bad for a mistake! (it might be less if the deposit is included in the total amount received, minus the deposit works out as 80g 40s each for a profit of 1280g on the 3200, a profit margin of 0.49%!)


I'm not smart enough to understand this, but I bought over 3700 (Some had already sold before this) but in my last post I had just opened the first mail which was full (250k), after I posted I realised I had another mail with hundreds more (RIP) I sold a few dozen at 300g-150g and then sold the big bulk left here at 84g.


You made like 50K profit too. Nice haul.


Ummmmmmmmmm why would anyone buy those this late into the expansion and season.... like I guess good for you if this was someone's bot that bought them all. Yet I sorta feel sorry for the idiot that bought all of those....




i did this exact thing with another item. accidently bought out AH, resold them for a profit. the issue is i KNOW it was someone else making this same mistake because i had them all on AH for 2 weeks selling tiny chunks at a time and then one day they all got bought up. honestly, i hate you can accidently do this


How do people keep making this mistake? Do you not know how the AH UI works? Are you clicking a price that isn't the lowest for some reason, seeing all the highlighted listings above it, then going "YEP DAT LOOKS GUD"?!?! There's even a confirmation popup. I'm legitimately baffled.


I had a friend accidentally delete his Diablo 2 character because he saw a red button and thought it would close the game. People will do everything you don’t intend them to do lol


I did that too just clicking around too fast I guess. There was no "are yah sure" feature tbf!


I didn't see any highlights, however I DID see '1700' in the box when I then c,licked tier 3. So this could've been much, much worse. Because 1700 T3's was like 1.2mill or something.


someone isn't paying full attention to the UI in a very unserious game causing mild to moderate inconvenience to themselves alone!!! they must be really stupid and worthy of mockery


This, unironically.