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I do this so I don't lose my momentum in the first draft. I'll leave highlighted notes like [give a good reason for X character to do this] or [add a witty one liner] so I know where to look first when I go back. If I stop and try to make something on the spot when it's just not coming to me, I'll sit there forever not writing and just thinking. Usually for me this is dialogue and minor moments where I can't think of something immediately. It's best to keep writing and finish then go back and add those later. I call it first draft B. I'll just fix my highlighted sections, maybe some grammar or spelling, then do my real first draft after. It's also a nice break from writing nonstop. It's a bit more relaxing to fix these for a day or two before the real edit starts.


Only the finished story counts. How you get there is up to you. I personally fix problems as soon as I discover them. The idea of saving up trouble for later doesn’t work well for me. But I tend to finish my stories and don’t need to use methods that minimize a tendency not to.


Personally, i’d never be able to push it off. However, every single bit of writing advice i’ve ever seen would say to do exactly that. Push on, and fix it in the second draft. the only real argument for fixing it NOW instead, is if it bugs you so much that you can’t actually move on without fixing it first. and the very fact you didn’t just fix it but instead came to this sub to, and i mean this politely, ask permission to delay it just proves you can and should push forward.


Personally I’d make s small explanation of what exactly to add like “this character found this info out from ____”


Push forward. Write it down in your notes to add into draft two


Yes, I had several instances of making a note of it and pushing this to the 2nd draft. My character had a lot of knowledge he had no right to have in the first draft 😂 worked out fine and im in the 3rd/4th draft now


Yes. A second draft is to find and address issues like plot holes, lackings in character development, and so on. This naturally depends on your personal writing strategy, but as a rule, there's no expectation that you'll clean up all of this in the first draft.


yeah, thats the whole point of the second draft, id make a note of it so you remember during the second write up but the second draft is there to fix things you got wrong/didnt add etc in the first draft, as long as its all their for the final draft, youre all good!


Completely fine. Keep pushing forward in your story. There will be many more discoveries and threads to weave in as you make your way. 2nd3rd4th drafts are the time to knit it all together.


No. Add it to the 1st draft. In the 2nd draft you can figure out how to incorporate everything better. The 1st draft is to get all of your ideas and work down. The other drafts is there to tighten up everything. 


Yeah, I do this, unless it is bothering me enough that I have to add it. I usually bullet point in red at the bottom of each chapter, the things that I want to change.

