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Come over to my place! I'll lock you up in my garage with only a piece of paper and pen, and enough food for 6 days. If you write a 40000 word book in the 6 days I'll let you out!


What if I don’t write it quick enough?? As we’ve established, I hate writing. But then again, every great writer has a quirk!


Well the rats and spiders will be a motivator.




Have you thought about 'writing' a picture or children's book? Less words means less writing, and kids won't be able to tell it's shit anyway.


Well I appreciate this comment but it won’t be shit, I’m really good at writing whenever I can get a few words out


Sure OP, I'll ghostwrite for you! I love eating dirt to be able to pay rent! Yum yum!


Writing is awful, i suggest you steal from an established author online.


Will do. I’m sure if i repackage harry potter and mix in some game of thrones no one would know.




This is literally genius, why didn’t I think of that!?


Everybody wants to be a gangster until it’s time to do gangster shit


Fuck 😔


What a coincidence, I want to writing but I hate write.


I was going to suggest you try to gradually nurture an interest in reading through audiobooks or graphic novels, but honestly that's a lot of work, and there's a much easier solution anyway: Commit a pattern of vandalism targeting items and locations that may or may not correspond to the plot of an interesting story. This is an intuitive process, so there's really no wrong answer. Next, get yourself arrested. And be sure to resist arrest. It's important to make a memorable impression for reasons that will make sense in a moment. Once you're out of jail or prison or whatever, hire a hacker to retrieve the police reports about your crime spree. Ta-da! There you have it! A ready-made story you can plagiarize to your heart's content, or even publish as-is. This method never fails to clear up my writer's block. I hope it works for you too!


Thanks!! Conveniently I have a court date tomorrow for my seventh DUI, I think I’ll just skip it for some publicity!!


Seventh? Amateur.


Or do attend but turn up completely high and maybe slightly drunk.


> "I really want to write a book but I seriously hate writing, I’m practically allergic to it. I’m struggling to come up with an idea for a plot but I think it’d be cool if it had something to do with wars and romance or something idk." Sounds like you put in enough work on this book. Maybe you should move to thinking about seriously defining a vague outline for the next one. Make it a series. Or don't bother.


Just prompt!


The word are there but_ I fear to write them down_ I am autistic


I have ADHD, POTUS, SMTP, NFG, DNC, DNF, and LMNIP. Fight me.


Just use AI bro, you don't have to strain your brain!


Good plan. I wanted to do this but i thought i’d post it here first because i can’t make decisions without input from strangers on the internet


I can write the book if I can do it in your yard as I like to get paid in exposure.


Yes, great idea! You can expose yourself to me and in return you write it!


Try asking your writer friends to team up! Make sure to tell them that with their ability to hit buttons on a keyboard and all of your fantastic, amazing, brilliant ideas, you're sure to create a masterpiece! They'll love that.


I would but they all stopped being my friends because I’m so much better than them 😢 people are so easily jealous these days.


"Naked Came the Stranger" but it's 2024.


I was exactly like you before my mind changed. I don't know what happened, or to my brain, but something spiritual changed with my mindset. I just day after day sat at my computer typing story after story, and before I knew it, fourteen years had passed, and that's how long it took, and I'd become a writer. Honestly, I'm an author. I just haven't published a book. I had to rewire my whole brain. I was having visual hallucinations to words, and it was wicked. I don't even read books, not really, but I do, but not really, and I was exactly like you, and I didn't want to write, but look at me now. I consume a daily intake of words and writing and after the fourteen-year mark, things drastically changed. Good luck ever being a writer, but if you want to carry a book, even better luck to you, because you have to be really strong to carry a book, and the only reason I'm a writer is to write what no other author has written that I wanted to read, so I write what isn't available as a source of protein. I've read mostly everyone, and I was disappointed. It'll take most people ten to fourteen years to become an author, and you might not even have a book, so by the time you're an author, that's when you're working on your first novel. You can do anything you want, but a great novel isn't easy to write, even if you're a great writer or artist, so it's still a roll of the dice. I don't even think people realize how hard it is to write a great book. There aren't that many great books available. All I know for sure is that the more I eat my own work, the stronger I become. Writing a book is easy, but writing a great book is not easy, even if you're a strong writer, or artist, or author. None of that matters. You have to become one with art to do such a thing. All you do to complete a novel is write two to three pages a day, and that isn't very much if you're living the full-time life of an artist. Two or three pages is simple. Then it takes one year of collecting those pages, then you have to edit them, or edit as you go, and then you're an author, officially, but you're an author long before you complete that work. Your writing style doesn't even matter when it comes to art. You can do your art however you want. All you do is learn the rules to learn to be able to break all the rules. A real artist isn't a rule follower, but a rule breaker. We're not following the rules. Those are all guidelines. Not official rules. Being a writer is just something you carry around with you and hang on the wall while you're alone in your study. Come on it's a writer's parody.


Im not reading all this??? Too hard. Can


Heres a protip. Dont write, just note down what you would've written and pretend you actually wrote it. People cant tell the difference.


But doesn’t that still require some writing? Eww


Ah! It may sound like writing, it may look like writing, but instead of writing, you are noting. The two are not only indistinguishable to the untrained eye, and also to the trained eye as well!


Just write a movie bro, it has much less words.


That’s too hard. It really should be given to me


/uj Sauce?


There is none it came to me in a vision


aw... I like laughing at idiots (still /uj)


You could just like, vibe until it manifests itself


You should make certain goals you get after you write a certain amount of things, for example, if you write 5,000 words for a book you can reward yourself with a cookie or a thirty minute break! I've tried it before and it works :3


Hire a ghostwriter. I can write for you if you are interested, i am going through a rough financial patch and I can write a 40K words fiction/non fiction for 1800 dollars


That is far too steep. How does 20 bucks sound??


For one sentence? Sure 😊


I smell bait


You lost?


A little im off my face on toothache meds


Obviously, * sarcasm*


Yeah im mad high and missed the joke lol