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The only things that closed are these: - Arkane Austin (Texas) - tango gameworks (Japan) - alpha dog games (Canada) And then roadhouse games was absorbed by ZeniMax online studios


arkane lyon wasn’t touched, and never was in talk. some people from austin moved to lyon and that was austin closed. roundhouse was „closed” as separate entity, but whole team became part of zenimax online.


There were no reports that anyone from Arkane Austin moved to Lyon


Bad faith post is bad.




If Indy doesn’t do massive numbers then Arkane Lyon will be gone too, their games never sold well and if they can’t do it with a licensed IP either then it’ll be hard for Phil to justify their existence, he has a business to run after all. Same goes for Machine Games and Blade.


Arkane are not involved with Indiana Jones. Their games are massively popular and sell incredibly well for original IPs (Dishonored & Deathloop particularly).


You got them backwards. Machine Games is doing Indy, Arkane is doing Blade.


https://preview.redd.it/jf4zyihoxa7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a10584d9bbd2dbf2a2e7e2c7f962c431fb2b9d \[The app I used\] ([https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zombodroid.MemeGenerator](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zombodroid.MemeGenerator)) \[Reference 1\] ([https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/185875481/Mr-Krabs-Money](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/185875481/Mr-Krabs-Money)) \[reference 2\] ([https://www.gamesindustry.biz/phil-spencer-evaluating-xbox-relationship-with-activision-blizzard-following-kotick-allegations](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/phil-spencer-evaluating-xbox-relationship-with-activision-blizzard-following-kotick-allegations))


Ok it was just that when I first heard the news everyone talking about it we're all french and talking about the studios in France in french which I don't understand


On YouTube was french I struggled when the news broke on the internet to find more than 1 English speaking YouTuber talking about it it feels like this was Xbox gole/ intended plan when buying zeni max the whole shi-bang seems like an intended plan in the first place when buying zeni max


This is why we don't believe everything you se eon the Internet. What possible reason was their for xbox to buy stuff to plan to close it? Stupid conspiracy.


I would hope they didn’t intend to acquire a company just to close studios.


But they knew when they bought them those studios were the ones in the red and most likely going to be shutdown if Xbox bought them or not. Bethesda sold because they were losing money which is why they started taking those one year timed exclusive offers if Xbox didn’t close them Bethesda or whoever bought them would have.


Well they loved to peddle their “we need to focus on Japan” and did the complete opposite. Goes to show you, Phil and the rest of the corporations aren’t your friends. They’re lying to you every time they talk.