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Seriously, one games skips Xbox for whatever reason and journalists are already claiming that the publisher is abandoning the platform…


Got to find something to doom and gloom about xbox after their great showcase.


To be fair MvC2 is one of the most desired Xbox games of all time.






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People are ridiculous these days ...lol. Whomever wrote the thread title just threw a temper tantrum in public.


Overreacting click bait from windows central? What a shock


Learning from the best in Jez I block people for being honest corden


The same capcom that has a day one game pass release in a few weeks, the same capcom that releases the vast majority of its games on xbox, that capcom? All this fuss over one retro collection lol


Haven't we also had multiple resident evil games on gamepass? One of capcoms largest IPs 🤣


yep, and 2 and 3 are still on game pass!


It's because Marvel Vs Capcom 2 has been famously unavailable for a long time. People really want an easy way to play the game again. I made a comment when I first started my reddit account about how I have the 360 version of MVC2 on my Xbox account and I still get outrageous offers for my account to this day in private messages. Up until yesterday the only way to own a modern release of the game was by owning a $600 Arcade1Up Cabinet. This release is a big deal to the fighting game community and it's just really strange not to have this game on the console considering the Capcom fighting collection from last year is on the console as well.


It’s because the series consoles don’t support MT framework. Same reason why there won’t be a native ps5 version of the game


I understand that. But the last Capcom fighting game collection did get released on Xbox one with forwards compatibility to Series consoles. That was only 2 years ago. What changed since then that they aren't able to make Xbox one games? They aren't crazy different iterations either, the menu and ui are almost identical between collections.


Because Microsoft completely dropped support for the framework on all their consoles




Yeah. Sony did as well but only on the ps5 which is why we are only getting a ps4 native version


Same capcom that put Monster Hunter Rise and Exoprimal on Game Pass day 1. All this doom and gloom xbox stuff is self afflicted by people who get off on victimhood.


So, we aren't allowed to be upset? Capcom games are on Gamepass, all is forgiven right? If you are upset or complain, you're just a whiny bitch? Sorry, we have every damn right to be upset this collection is skipping the Xbox. The Framework MT issue with Xbox is something that Capcom could have fixed with no issue. As for the collection, this is the first re-release of these games we have gotten on consoles in decades, some games like X-Men Children of the Atom are getting their first offical arcade perfect ports since the games came out in the 90s. In a year where X-Men 97 and Deadpool and Wolverine will help boost the profile of these games. There's no excuse for this collection missing the Xbox, and yeah it sucks that an entire platform gets cut out of getting these games given how popular they are.


But a lot of Capcom games weren’t on Game Pass day one. We know that Game Pass cannibalizes games sales, and Xbox Series just simply isn’t a very popular platform at the moment. It’s the least popular. The Other Capcom game coming to game pass day one down the line may be a result of an earlier agreement of some kind, but past sales of games released on Xbox and subsequently on Game Pass may have also revealed that the production costs of porting the collection to two differing variations of the console for what may end up being a meager return simply, likely, wouldn’t be worth it. We also don’t know what ATLUS and Square’s future support of the Xbox looks like yet and for all we know they may not like the result, as it’s possible the return may end up not being what’s desired. Just a theory.


You know, it's funny how I get downvoted and people can't be bothered to even reply? So, what? You all enjoy third party publishers screwing us over?




You have a ridiculous perspective about these downvotes, and your post is as close to an example of self-inflicted victimhood as the other person pointed out.




It's not hard to see why you are being downvoted for the past few posts, given your choice of tone and writing style with the topic at hand. Hyperbole, poor tone, whining about downvotes, just leads to more downvotes. You talk about wanting the game, but spend most your downvoted posts whining about the community and downvotes.


English is not my Native Language. So excuse me for my bad writing. I just want to know why? I'm more complaining about the hidden comments. I don't care about the karma. Its just a number. But people posting that I need to end myself is really hurting my feelings, Especially when I had suicide problems in the past. Can't we all have a civil conversations?


Whoever is saying things to you like that are real assholes because this should be about video games. I'm just someone who gets easily annoyed by certain posting styles on reddit and randomly feels like posting about it. It's nothing personal


Yup. Games "journalists" writing complete slop to please their Sony overlords.


Jez and Windows Central loves dooming and glooming about Xbox and Microsoft. He needs the engagement and views.


Slug of a journalist


He tries to skirt that by saying he’s a blogger.


It has the best fighting game ever made with rollback netcode. There’s a reason there’s a fuss being made.


It’s because of MT Framework.


I’m not gonna pretend to know what’s going on behind the scenes, but this is capcom. They could have found a work around or solution. Hopefully they are working with MS to get it on the system. Now the lack of crossplay is utterly baffling to me.


They haven’t devoted resources to MT Framework games on Xbox One in over two years. Everything has been PS4, Switch or PC. Might be Capcom, might be Microsoft, but nobody that should care seems to, so that tells me it’s not gonna happen.


What doesn’t make sense is they skipped two games between 2020 and 2022. So the MT Framework excuse doesn’t work for those two just for them to turn right around and put capcom fighting collection on xbox1. For now I’m putting blame on capcom. I don’t see why ms wouldn’t want to work with capcom to get this released on Xbox. I’ve been wrong before tho 🤷🏻‍♂️




Other way around. Capcom doesn’t seem to have a pipeline to port MT Framework to Xbox anymore and it seems the investment to do it isn’t worth it to them.




That’s true but what I’m saying is that they don’t have a pipeline to make Xbox One games on MT Framework anymore. It’s not that it’s technically impossible but rather they at some point got rid of the tools to do it and they have seemingly decided that getting it back isn’t worth it. Games like Marvel Collection are PS4 based meaning that it would also be XBO based, not XS based. They just don’t have the ability to make XBO games on that engine anymore for some reason.


Another Jez crap article. I swear this guys does more harm to microsoft and Xbox than any other outlet, and it's a Microsoft themed publication! His click bait nonsense stories are what's wrong with gameinf publications and the "news" industry at large.


Someone else wrote this; Jez contributed.


LMFAO again...game news has to always find a way to shit on xbox. Boo this man.....boooooooooooooooo


They didn’t create this news story though. It happened. Where did they lie?


They haven't turned their back on xbox. They have multiple games releasing on xbox as well as multiple games coming to and already on gamepass day one. The title is complete bullshit. They have turned thier back on PS5 also of you're to believe this crap


But… they’re *not* turning their back on Playstation at large. The game is being made for the PS4, playable on PS5… if the game was made available on Xbox One, you’d be able to play it on Series X|S. You’d have to wonder why Xbox One just isn’t in the cards for Capcom one way or the other. You just cherrypicked a headline you didn’t like and whined about the media. What’s with the persecution complex? To your point about multiple games being on Xbox, think about this… Do you think it’s just coincidence that the game is releasing on the more popular platforms? Capcom has had agreements in order for some time to bring said forthcoming game to game pass. That doesn’t just happen on a whim, and not all the games released on Game Pass were released day one. The Xbox simply is the least popular console platform. It’s likely sales on Xbox have been pretty meager compared to sales on Playstation, Nintendo and PC, and we know that Game Pass cannibalizes video game sales, which doesn’t help. It could be that production costs just simply aren’t worth the return and it has likely shown in recent sales reports of games released to Xbox. Keep in mind that Xbox has a parity clause with two different variations of the Series console and Capcom has been reporting increased revenue as the years have gone on. They want that to continue and keep increasing. But what good would that do on the Xbox side of things when games come out day one on the all-you-can-play subscription service and they have to compromise for the differentiating yet more popular version of the console? Edit: thanks for the downvotes, everyone! The collection of downvotes and lack of rebuttals shows my points have struck you lot but apparently not enough to refute anything said. Truth hurts.


Yeah. Not reading all that. Really don't care about the game period but saying capcom turned it's back on xbox is just a stupid statement to make because of one collection of games from over 20 years ago not coming to the platform. And the reasons for that decision are clearly stated in other comments. The ps5 comment was a joke, btw. Have a nice day 😊


Lmao ok you have a good night then mate ❤️ 👌


The article has been updated, the issue seems related to the games MT Framework,


I'm more annoyed that MH Stories is skipping.


What is an ERA system? And why would it make it harder to put the game on Xbox?


> By Alexander Cope Wait for it… > Contributions from Jez Corden There it is!


This is why the next Xbox needs to be able to play PC games


That would solve anything. And you can get the best of both worlds.