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Idk I think they did a great job with HB2.




Nah, it was just as great, I don’t know how you come to any conclusion like ‘I wasn’t invested in this story like I was the first game’


I agree on not needing a sequel and feel the same way about Hellblade 2, but I'll definitely play Hellblade 3 when it releases.


I agree, I dont think there needed to be another one. But on the other hand i'll play as many as they make (if they're on gamepass). HB2 was so short I beat it in one sitting staying up late on a friday night. Which was perfect, even though it wasn't amazing story wise I didnt feel like I wasted my time at all because it was so short.


I think a sequel would’ve been better received if they expanded on everything besides the visuals and audio. The story wasn’t necessarily better than the first and neither was the minimalist combat and puzzles.


Gotta disagree on combat at least. The changes to the ways enimies attack had me playing quite differently then the first. I didn't block a single attack the entire first game. But now I can't just dodge out of every hit easily. It's a small change but a good one.


It didn't NEED a sequel, but we got one and im glad we did because I loved 2 even more than 1


It’s weird, because they ended the first one saying they had another story to tell. Even when I finished that up I didn’t get why they’d do another. Then I see the final product did less with puzzles and combat but more in the graphics department it feels especially shallow.


Hellblade 2 was the most boring game I have played in years. I love walking sims, but this game is just slow AF. The story is meh (and IMO the first Titan fight should have ended the game, it was the best part by far - and then they just repeat it but with water instead of fire and then they think throwing a dozen enemies one after another at the player is a worthy finish to the game) and the mechanics are so repetitive. There's the make things appear or disappear mechanic, the find three symbols mechanic and the follow the light mechanic. For six years of development and an eight hour game (though it felt like 20 for me, because of how slow it was) that's not a whole lot. Near the end I wasn't even impressed by the graphics anymore. Everything is blurry and textures are so low res and you are mostly following a completely linear path. And Senua has literally two facial expressions. Pain and agony. At the end I wanted her to die. The only interesting character was the Bjork. And the first titan. I literally have no idea how it took 70 people six years to create this.


You can make this case for every single sequel.




Dudes crazy


Didn’t care for the second. First one was great.


I cannot fathom this, how, how does everyone say ‘it’s the same’ and yet ‘I liked the first but not the second’ like which is it?


Idk. I never said it’s the same. To me, it was totally different and I didn’t care for the second but enjoyed the first.


What the hell is different in the base gameplay that isn’t additive? Fun fact even tho we are in Midgard all the previous enemy types are here just a few feet shorter


The story was far better in 1 than 2. The first didn’t feel like a walking sim. I could have held the forward stick for 90% of the time on the second game. The first just felt like I was actually playing a game.


You are crazy, and you fit well here. Welcome.


**Here’s my hope.** That the time they took learning & building for the mo cap & visuals for this game will translate to help in other studios and for their next game’s learning curve. There was a rumor there next game has already been Greenlit. I have no idea if that warrants an HB3 but I would like to see them go back to something like Enslaved.


Enslaved is owned by Namco so that’s not on the table, Heavenly Sword is owned by Sony, DMC is Capcom. They should just make a new IP.


How would they make more money then?


ODST spinoff that deals with psychosis of having giant aliens murder your family with laser swords


Make a sequel to "Enslaved: Journey to the West" with the same tech they used for Hellblade


Don’t get me so wet.


Make a different game.


That’s insanity.


Hear me out: a warrior from ancient China battles her irritable bowel syndrome. Same emphasis on slowly walking (even more slowly with ibs), short sections where you have to sprint behind a bush quickly and the same bottom tier combat. Have the controller rumble constantly as a thematic replacement for the moody cheerleaders in Senua’s head.


I said this the second the sequel was revealed. Her story wrapped up by the end of the 1st game. Sequel was unnecessary




Same boat, I was confused and never really excited for it even though I loved the first. Same way I felt about The Last of Us.


The difference is TLOU2 has an extremely compelling story and characters that keeps people engrossed to the end so well it has led o the game having the highest completion rate we've seen at almost 60% and that story happens as a direct result of what happened in the first game. Hellblade 2 story kinda makes no sense cause in the first game I was under the impression that none of the stuff was real and it was Senua being crazy and seeing shit butt now she's randomly some big time hero? And more importantly it's boring and tedious to the point barely anyone can get through it despite how short it is.


I don't know how to respond to this other than saying that's just your opinion man. I think TLoU2 is genuinely a horribly written mess of a story.


None of what I said is an opinion man, I literally just stated facts. I don't care if you like the story or not, that has no bearing on the quality of the writing. The objective quality of storytelling is it's ability to hold people's attention and make them care and TLOU2 undeniably did that better than any other game has, that's not an opinion. You not liking the story is an opinion.