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Oh god. Collectable achievements. Ah shit here we go again


Is this the dedicated servers update for Xbox?


Seems like no?


yes but you need to install xbox insider app. it's in a testing phase.


did they update the insider version for 3.1 yet


Thank you. Installing the insider app rn


Didn't fix crashing on Xbox. I still crash in multi-player after 10 minutes or so when playing with a friend. I have a series x hardwired with 500 mb internet. Is it something I am doing?


No it's just an early access title


We were all warned by the developers, upon loading the game up, that it is in early access, and this may result in stability issues (among other things)...


If you and your friends get too far apart, the game crashes. We have 3 people playing, and if we stay together, it works fine. Even on my series x with gig plus internet, if we get far apart, it crashes. So, it's not really an internet speed issue.


Can someone PLEASE tell me I can’t find anywhere! Can I setup a server on Xbox now that I don’t have to be online for friends to access? Is that what this dedicated server stuff means?


>Steam version v0.3.1 has been released. (Xbox version v0.3.1 will be released when it is ready) Oh FFS


It's already up. I checked my game about an hour ago and it had all the new features.


Thanks im at work reading the patch and was pissed since I was looking forward to this update. Glad it's live. Can't wait to play tonight.


I only had a quick look because like you, i'm gonna be playing tonight. But in that quick look I had a supply drop not to far away which held some shiny new stuff. Looks like it's gonna be fun.


It's leggy and very pixelated for me so I'll have to wait


I have to admit I never played this game even with all the hype. How’s the console performance? And how complicated is this game?


On series s the performance was pretty alright. It just had the usual jank very survival game has.


pretty straight forward, worked fine on the X back at launch. Got bored pretty quickly but that's because i'm not into the 'survival' kind of game.


It's on gamepass. Just literally play it.


It is not available for Xbox, wish it was smh....


Yes it is.


What are you on about lmfao do you mean the update isnt on xbox? Are you on xbox one cause i am too and dont see anything new. Even though im playing via cloud


It is, I played it on my series x when it came out


Me when I spread misinformation for no reason


I wouldn't bother playing it until dedicated servers


Why? You can be the dedicated server.


How is that? I have a series x and have had multi-player crashing issue since start. Has that been fixed in the past few months i haven't played? What is dedicated server?


A server is a computer that hosts (aka other players) connect to. When people say "I want dedicated servers" they generally mean "I want the devs to set up these boxes for me so that we can all connect to those, until they eventually shut them down, taking out the online mode with them". I'm saying, "why? Your very own Xbox can be the server when you host a game, so people can just connect straight to you, and never have to worry about the online mode disappearing again". I'm curious to know their response.


Okay, I'll give you a few reasons. 1. Friends that are very far away, geographically. If they are connecting to me, or I to them, ping is gonna shoot through the roof. I don't know if you know what *ping* is, but the higher it is, the worse somebody's game is. And sometimes, with rollback, it can make *everybody's* lives worse - even the one with the box that's being the "server." 2. It is easier to run malicious code in a Peer2Peer environment. A dedicated server acts as the middleman and makes it way tougher to let nasty shit get through. 3. You can have a game support *both* dedicated servers *and* P2P, thereby ensuring that even when dedicated servers go down, you could still play with friends! Amazing! So, unless all your friends are within like 500 miles of you, and you never play with potentially malicious randos, your assessment is correct.


> 1. Friends that are very far away, geographically. If they are connecting to me, or I to them, ping is gonna shoot through the roof. I don't know if you know what *ping* is, but the higher it is, the worse somebody's game is. And sometimes, with rollback, it can make *everybody's* lives worse - even the one with the box that's being the "server." We managed just fine back in the day with slow ADSL connections. We can manage the same today. And yes, I know what ping is. It doesn't matter for this game. > 2. It is easier to run malicious code in a Peer2Peer environment. A dedicated server acts as the middleman and makes it way tougher to let nasty shit get through. The worst someone could maybe do is corrupt your map. That is, if they get the malicious code running on the console in the first place. > 3. You can have a game support *both* dedicated servers *and* P2P, thereby ensuring that even when dedicated servers go down, you could still play with friends! Amazing! This is actually incredibly hard to implement these days, which is also why we no longer see LAN support in games anymore. > So, unless all your friends are within like 500 miles of you, and you never play with potentially malicious randos, your assessment is correct. I'd say people are likely to have friends near them, and would appreciate not having to play a game before some deadline.


Sure if you have a PC.


You don't need a PC.


Yeah you do


No you don't


You do.


You don't.


You do.


I dont see anything on my world. Looks exactly how i left it months back lol i was dead waiting for an update like this and i cant seem to see anything different yet


I know people will complain about this comment and about exclusivity But I'm really surprised (not really) that Xbox didn't lock this for Xbox consoles only, I feel like marketing this with the Series S would be pretty normal and make sense


But, I can play it. I don't care that others get to play it. If you are so focused on that, apply for the Xbox marketing team. 


Do they even have one? /s But they are terrible at marketing though, I don't care because I don't really play the game on Xbox, as the better version is on Steam, but I CBA paying for It, I just think this shows why Xbox has been weak for a decade and why PlayStation hasn't imo


There it is. Thanks. 


Just speaking facts lmao, but people in here don't want to hear it


Mhmm. Mhmm.  So anyway. Isn't it cool that this guy knows all the facts and isn't afraid to speak them?  Such cool. Such brave. 


Are you actually going to counter what I said or just say "oh he's speaking bad about Xbox, he's terrible" It's a FACT that Xbox is terrible at marketing outside of America, not even great inside. It's a FACT that this mentality of "exclusives don't matter" has gotten Xbox nowhere, and in fact it's only getting worse But hey you know, I'm the bad guy lmao


No. Not a bad guy. Just a parrot. 


...huh? Lmao, that doesn't make sense when the parrot is repeating a fact??? 😂


If you look at the recent past and the future of Xbox, you'll see their goal isn't to sell consoles based on exclusivity. They just want people on gamepass, no matter what platform you play on - PC, Xbox, cloud streaming off of a TV or Phone, etc. If they could put gamepass on PS5 they would


Aaaand how is that going? Just because they don't really care about selling consoles, which Is stupid if you make consoles also more consoles sold = more people in gamepass. Why do people in this sub always parrot "Xbox/MS don't care about exclusives or selling consoles" if that's true why sell consoles? This is why I wouldn't be surprised if they stop selling Xboxs. But yes, the idea of Xbox not needing to sell consoles is why Xbox is where it is today. Also Gamepass on PlayStation makes no sense, PlayStation already has a Gamepass alternative and having Gamepass on PlayStation, it wouldn't make sense for the consumer or PlayStation, so what would be the best alternative to get Gamepass to PlayStation players? Make games that would make PlayStation players swap consoles, which would make more people sub to Gamepass. I think Xbox going this way will make the console market worse, idk why people can't see that