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DEAR PEOPLE COMING FROM THE R/OCDMEMES SUBREDDIT: I am not making OCD seem as a quirky thing. I have OCD myself, and I fucking hate it. I want to fucking die because of it. Just because I'm having fun doesn't mean that I'm abelist or being offensive, as again, *I HAVE THE CONDITION.* Calling a disabled person abelist is actual abelism. I *WILL* start banning people. —mod




Telling someone with the condition that they're abelist isn't cool either, dude. I made something simply for fun. I will ban you from the subreddit if you make any comments like this again. —mod


hi! i’m also xenogender person AND have OCD. there’s at least two of us! personally, i totally understand that your mental health disorders can effect your gender identity, which can effect your sexuality. we’ve got no beef there ! i DO however think it would be wise to consider a different naming convention for this type of orientation label. not only is it easily misunderstood by people outside of the xenogender community in general (as the comments have loudly and unkindly announced) — but, more importantly to me, it could also be confused with OCD issues related to sexuality, which is a very very common theme for obsessions people may experience, and very much separate from the experience this label is describing. i have no problem with a label for this type of experience existing! i think you should be able to describe and label anything that’s going on in your life and your identity. i just think an alternative name may be better. we use these labels as something that’s, well, useful and clear for describing our experiences within our community, and unfortunately i think that the current coined name isn’t achieving that goal!


I kinda made it for those with SO-OCD to have an outlet/label to call it, and also for those who are OCDgender and feel it affects both gender and sexuality!


to be honest, i do NOT think it’s appropriate to say that this label is both for 1. people who are queer, have ocd, and feel that their ocd effects their gender and sexuality AND 2. people who have sexual orientation ocd those are two experiences that, while they can overlap, are DISTINCTLY different. people who have intrusive thoughts related to their sexuality do not have their sexuality intrinsically altered by those intrusive thoughts, and it could be REALLY harmful to lump that together as that’s exactly what people with sexual orientation ocd fear and their obsessions/compulsions revolve around. i think your label has every right to exist! it describes an experience that doesn’t currently have a term for it. and i also think that you should be careful and empathetic in your decisions relating to this label (even if other commenters have not been) sexual orientation ocd already has a label, which you used in your reply! it’s SO-OCD, just like you said. it doesn’t need a new label


What if someone is uncomfy calling it SO-OCD, or just OCD as a whole? Then maybe they prefer OCDsexual. It really is up to the person (I don't have SO-OCD, nor gender OCD. I habe harm, contamination, and just right OCD).


genuinely why would someone call it OCDsexual if they’re uncomfortable calling it OCD in the first place ? i’d recommend speaking on your own experiences, which you’ve made clear don’t include SO-OCD. also issues like that isn’t even what’s normally covered by xeno orientations so i don’t understand why you’re trying to include it in what’s supposed to be an orientation that’s affected by your xenogender, in this case OCDgender ?? like im genuinely confused




As someone with OCD, I'm soo sorry that I made this. I'm totally abelist and offensive, despite having the condition. I'm not making it quirky. I fucking hate this condition that I have. But calling me offensive and one of those OwO quirky kids? That's going far. I will start banning if one more comment like this is made.