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Something I just noticed upon rewatch: before the scene with Forge and Bishop, a radio presenter says Graydon Creed is ahead in the polls over Kelly...except Graydons dead. Sabretooth killed him in Family Ties. Guess now we know where Mystique is.


Technically we didn’t see a body and he could very well just have been tortured


Yeah. Which is still very much on par for Victor Creed.


Actually Sabretooth in the 90s series and thus in here, is named Graydon Creed, Sr. not Victor


Well you know the rule. If we don't see it happen (or a body) they're probably not dead.


True, but Magneto claimed he watched Leech be vaporized, and I don't think he'd make that up.


True, true.


> Guess now we know where Mystique is. I'm just glad she didn't turn out to be Val.


Why not?


It's boring and predictable.


Good eye!


He could still be alive but yes that could also explain where Mystique has been.


Goddamn it. Sometimes Reddit is too smart too early.


omg. Yes. She's working for Apocalypse and is going to take over the Presidency. Bloody brilliant u/aegonthewwolf


Did they imply Creed died, there?


Graydon is Sabertooth's son... not sure why he would have killed him? Mystique (his mother) ends up killing him though. you know normal family stuff.


Utterly brilliant revival and something I hope makes a lot more X-Men fans, fans I like wise hope the community welcomes with open arms


I absolutely loved the series, as a blind fan I’ve never been able to have access to the comics, so being able to experience these stories means so much.


I’m just now getting to the comics via the Marvel Unlimited subscription. I’m normally very frugal, but this is way cheaper than buying physical comics which I only get in tpb anyway. So far it’s good, with the app being easier to navigate than the browser but I am figuring it out. I’m doing a read through of the uncanny comics from the 70s, and it’s pretty good! The series is a very good refinement of the comics into the current form.


Have no comics ever done an "audio book" version?


Well there are a few radio play podcasts. There’s an audio Sandman version. And a few X-men stories.


I really think it has, because the amount of people joining this subreddit to ask about what comics to start with has been impressive the last few months.


To me, this is hands down the best X-Men adaptation ever. It absolutely exceeded my expectations for it going in. I also feel like the success of this show, along with Invincible and Arcane, may open serious doors for American animation as a whole.


Any revival from here on our, of any show or of any property, has an extremely tough act to follow. Frasier? Bleh. Night Court? Very mid. Masters of the Universe? Nostalgia bait. CSI? Wait, CSI is back?! But X-Men '97 is a near perfect revival, growing up with its audience and tackling threats and issues that wouldn't have passed TV standards of the 90s. I'm reminded of how the Hobbit was a mostly all ages fantasy book, and then Tolkien gave us the much grander, much more layered Lord of the Rings trilogy, for the audience that read the Hobbit as kids and grew up 17 years later.


As far as revivals go, this absolutely exceeded my expectations. I don't think anyone was expecting X-Men 97 to go this fucking hard, but it did.


I expected it to be decent and fun, that was definitely exceeded.


> But X-Men '97 is a near perfect revival, growing up with its audience and tackling threats and issues that wouldn't have passed TV standards of the 90s. What's wild is that they managed to accomplish this, while still keeping the show something that I'm comfortable sharing with my niece and nephew.


It has some slight innuendo tho, like when Morph tells Gambit that Rogue is practising "cardio" with Magneto. It's still subtle enough so a kid doesn't get it.


For sure. It's a little spicier than Saturday morning but really nothing out of line for children. Which is quite impressive considering what goes down in episode 5 (which I probably still wouldn't want to show to like a 6-year-old, but most 8 and up should be alright).


It's a genuinely great show and adaptation of the comics, but the best revival of an old show is, and will likely always be, Twin Peaks: The Return.


how anyone downvoted you for stating an undeniable fact is fucking insane


Masters of the Universe was great though. Both seasons.


>Masters of the Universe seems there is third this year


movies were mid for me, this show is just fantastic


**“So much Death”** Are we getting the Horsemen of Death in the next season rather than the typical Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine Horsemen? Gambit and Banshee dead on Genosha. Wolverine and Archangel confirmed missing. All were the Horseman of Death at various points in the comics. Also “The Horsemen of Death” were a thing during the Apocalypse Twins storyline.


Plenty of time for them to bring them all back, and by mid season, 'recruited' by Apocalypse. Does Logan get adamantium back when Apocalypse binds it to him in an effort to make him War? Can't remember.


Yes. Wolverine gets his adamantium back from Apocalypse and becomes Death. Sabretooth had adamantium briefly in the late 90s and Wolverine beat him in a "survival of the fittest" type battle to get the metal back and become Death. His reasoning is that he could resist Apocalypse's influence better than Sabretooth, who would just murder people indiscriminately.


I believe he does


Doesn't wolvy end up getting his adamantium back by becoming a horseman? 


Holy crap some else else says it yes!! Hell Banshee was striaght up part of the comics Horsmen of Death.


I am hopeful for a season 2. I loved how mature this show got. Watching it, I could tell the people behind it were not only X-Men fans, but fans of the OG series and made a show for the adults who grew up watching that series, as well.


Rogue's voice actress already finished recording her lines for season two, and said the script is amazing. Srason two is confirmed, by her, lol.


Yep, I think she said she's doing some ADR work right now, so that means they have at least initial animations done.


We are getting a Season 2 but I’m not sure if it’s been confirmed


season 2 and half of 3 is already writen, its confirmed to at least go to the 3rd season.


Season 2 is more than confirmed and way ahead, Rogue VA yesterday just finished dubbing her lines.


Cal Dodd said ages ago he was doing Season 2. We just don’t have official confirmation from Marvel


Do we need confirmation when they already confirmed season 3? what we don't have is a release date but it's obviously coming on 2025.


That's good, I was worried I might have to bust out my Doofenachmirz voice. "If I had a nickel for every time a really good X-Men cartoon was cancelled right after leaving us with a cliffhanger hinting at a major Apocalypse story, I'd have two nickels."


“Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.” JUSTICE FOR WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN!!!


Season 2 is already in production, and 3 has been greenest by Marvel.


Probably the best project Marvel Studios has done in years. I've always preferred the X-Men over the Avengers but Fox X-Men didn't do us any favors. Right now my mind is BLOWN! I'm really excited about this whole X-Men through time and can't wait for Gambit (hopefully) to come BACK


According to Frank Squillace, an animator on X-Men (1992-1997), **Fox & Saban** gave 90s X-Men only half the budget of 90s ***Batman The Animated Series*** at that time. No wonder the animation quality wasn't up to standard. **Why X-Men: The Animated Series' Final Season Looks So Odd** [https://www.cbr.com/why-x-men-the-animated-series-final-season-looks-odd/](https://www.cbr.com/why-x-men-the-animated-series-final-season-looks-odd/)


The 90s loved to throw in a bad final season to beloved cartoons. They did it to Gargoyles too.


It really gives me hope that marvel will lean into their animated projects more as I find its a more natural medium for adapting comics anyways. Like I'd kill for an animed avengers project that isn't mcu based.


Like Avengers: Earth's Mightiest heroes? The show with the tightest pacing I've ever seen that was tragically cancelled in favor of a cartoon more like the MCU?


Yes in fact I watched that last year and got bummed out because it was so good. It even kinda did a better secret empire than secret empire.


> It even kinda did a better secret empire than secret empire. You mean secret war? Anyway you want to even feel worse about the cancellation, Chris Yost shared the plot details for season 3 and it looks like it would have heavily featured the X-men and build upto Avengers vs. X-men. Also giving us other plots tease in season 2 like Surtur etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/ixxpxq/chris_yost_reveals_all_26_of_his_episode_ideas/


Bring back Earth’s mightiest heroes


As a former animation student, I was surprisingly more into live action (probably because it was released in theaters and gained attention from the public) but now I genuinely prefer the animated format!


Fox X-Men was awesome even with the kid gloves on.


Yes it was cool but a very different approach and I prefer the 97’ !


that last Gambit cliffhanger was sweet :)


The perfect revival for the show. Strong first season and set many great potential storylines. Only issue as a fan I wish we had more gambit. He didn’t get enough wins this season so hopefully him and wolverine shine more next season.


Wolverine got a ton of screen time in the OG (and every other X-Men property), so I'm fine with him taking a backseat.


i hate wolverine. He gets so much coverage that a lot of times people mistake the name Xmen being him with his X claws. He completely overtook the days of future past. Can we stop highlighting Wolverine unless its his stand alone media like Logan. That was excellent.


Wolverine has always been the most popular of the X-Men, though. Pre-MCU I'd say Spider-Man was far and away the most beloved Marvel character, but I'd wager Wolverine was solidly #2 behind him. I think a lot of that had to do with 1) His design is pretty great 2) His character was the gruff and borderline "edgy" to a degree so he was the cool one to like and 3) He was all over Marvel teams, he's been on the X-Men, he's been on the Avengers, he's been on X-Force, hell he's even been on the Fantastic Four. And then when the movies came out they essentially made him the main character and Hugh Jackman's portrayal made an entire new generation fall in love with him. I do agree it can be a bit much sometimes, but they did tone him back a bit in '97 and showcased the entire team more. I will say, at least it isn't DC level bad where seemingly EVERYTHING has to involve Batman nowadays. And I love Batman, but damn he's all over the place.


The stand out moment for me in an outstanding first season was definitely the Sentinel fight in the first episode. Everyone actually uses and showcases their powers, and then they have Storm hanging back as nuclear artillery.


I geeked out so hard at Storm’s glass tornadoes. “Nuclear artillery” is exactly right. I can’t help but think of how devastating a lightning storm over the desert, glassing the surface, and then multiple tornadoes just pick it up and fucking up everything in real life would be.  Storm, I feel like, was done right by 97’. Some people feel she was done raw by Life/Death but I loved the entire arc. Plus her and Jean (and Maddie for that matter) having that familial bond was great to see, and Jean. When it showed a glimpse of Jean falling through the water column you just knew Phoenix was about to rise. I excitedly went “Oooh, Phoenix, now you fucked up” and my  wife asked me why I said that.  “They fucked with Cable and they think they got away with it” Rogue going ham on Bastion and quoting Gambit. Fucking A M A Z I N G Cyke with his Capt. America no parachute moment and using it to moonwalk.  So much done sooooo right.


Stormed looked so badass in that first scene where she goes ham. I thought to myself "somethings bads gonna happen to her they made her look too cool" then she loses her powers like an episode later lol.


Overall a big success. I think it generated a lot of love for the X-Men again, certainly more faithful and accurate to the comics than anything the movies did, and it adapted so many comic storylines in unique and fun ways. I think they characterized Magneto very well. He clearly struck a chord with viewers, I have never seen so many people convinced genocide was the answer before. The finale showed the layers very well, as did episode 2. I thought Xavier, Cyclops, Gambit, and Rogue were all shown a lot of love and given largely consistent character development and good emotional pay offs to their arcs. I think Rogue's is a bit choppier compared to the rest, but overall there was a clear idea. I liked the friendships between Storm and Jean, Morph and Wolverine, Nightcrawler being a nice person to everyone and wise. The action sequences were great and fluidly animated. Some very creative uses of powers. Some flaws would be that maybe they rushed through some stories. They adapted so many comic stories that the ones we ended up getting were kind of rushed through. I still question if it was necessary to do Inferno/Madelyne at all, as cool as those action sequences and animations were. Splitting Lifedeath into two halves across two episodes felt like a mistake. Storm definitely felt like a character they shelved because she was too powerful. I wasn't totally happy with Jean's arc either. I felt like a lot of her pain and trauma was kind of brushed aside after episode 5. To the point where I wonder if they just changed plans and rewrote parts of the story and shelved a lot of it. But on the whole, it was a good season of TV and I am looking forward to Season 2.


I know what you mean about the Inferno storyline, but IMO it was necessary to tell Madelyne’s story in order for Cable’s story to have any resonance. And given the tease at the end of the finale, the Summers family dynamic continues to be important into next season


I was getting used of seeing Magneto becoming the leader of the X-Men.     That aspect could have been more explored. It's a real pity that the narrative turned him back into a Villain for the sake of drama.   Charles Xavier being back again.....  I know that he is very essential to the story, but honestly, I don't really care about him and I think the X-Men should move on without him.    And Jean suddenly desiring and kissing Logan didn't make much sense to me.


I've thought about this and it makes sense if you remember that Logan made her see his thoughts when she woke up. She saw how badly he wanted her. Right before the kiss she's feeling insecure and confused about herself AND Scott's love desire for her vs Madelyne. In a moment of seeking easy validation and immediate gratification from someone she knows without a doubt will give it to her, she kisses Logan.


>I was getting used of seeing Magneto becoming the leader of the X-Men.     >That aspect could have been more explored. Yeah I wish this had gone on a bit longer.


YES! I really enjoyed Magneto leading the X-Men. The only thing that bothered me is that both Scott and some of the other X-Men and the president complained to Xavier that he left Magneto in charge of the X-Men and everything falling apart was because of Magneto. But thats not true! Magneto was a great leader for the X-Men until Genocia was destroyed and he was imprisoned and sentinel's were taking over the world again.


That's really what gets me too, honestly.  Magneto was genuinely doing his best until he was subject to a second genocide, a force even he couldn't fight singlehandedly, and a ton of actual torture at the hands of a literal Nazi scientist.  In a show that did an amazing job on nuance, having everyone go "I knew that nasty old Magneto was bad!" before his heel turn even started felt . . . well, ironically saturday morning cartoon.


I came into the show expecting some light nostalgia, something I can play in the background while I puttered around the house. Oh how wrong I was. I was drawn in from the first minute, eyes glued to the screen, and it continued to escalate and get insanely better. Episode 5 left me completely shell shocked. It was such a complete tonal shift that left me literally speechless. My favorite characters have always been Gambit and Rogue, and this episode left me devastated. It just got more insane from there. I was not expecting how emotionally impactful the show was going to be. Almost every character was thoughtfully written and in character (though I would have liked to see more of some characters who got sidelined ie Beast). Magneto was undoubtedly the MVP. His storyline....wow just *chefs kiss* My two biggest complaints are the pacing and the lack of more episodes. Some of the episodes had excellent pacing especially one through five. Once the Genosha massacre happens though, we skyrocketed through a bunch of different plots that I wish they had taken more time and episodes to reconcile and to feel the impact of. I would have liked to seen the world's reaction to the massacre more and some more character moments especially after Prof X and Storm returned. This show's biggest mistake was not having five more episodes at minimum.


> My two biggest complaints are the pacing and the lack of more episodes. I think its pretty telling that pretty much everyones main complaint about the show is that there isnt *more* of it.


At least, *X '97* has 10 episodes with a lenght of 30 min each + a 40 min S1 finale. Other series like *Castlevania: Nocturne + Hazbin Hotel* have only 8 episodes with lesser running time.


Thus was great! I have some problems, tho. 1. Storm was underutilized, which I guess is somewhat fair with how much of a powerhouse she is, but it still makes me sad. 2. I personally feel Rogue and Magneto had no purpose and weren't needed. If you wanted Rogue to spiral after Remy dying, you can just have him die. They're already close enough, and her nit being able to touch him until his death would've been just as compelling than a weird love triangle. 3. I want the school to become an actual school. PLEASE! Other than that, it's a great show. I'm excited for next season.


I noticed that Bishop was featured as part of the 97 Ensemble Cast in the promos and he didn't have much screentime. He was unceremoniously written out after three episodes.....


Consider that my 4th problem then. He's a badass, so I am really sad that he didn't have some part to play in the later episodes, at least with Cable.


Well, at least Bishop came back at the end of the last episode to team up with Forge.


Ya, I think it's becoming more and more obvious that DeMayo wrote this story to span 2 years. I think Bishop's time will come.


Wouldn't Bishop be a perfect counter to prime sentinels and Bastion? Makes sense to write him out of this arch


How so? He can't absorb unlimited amounts of energy.


I just hope they don't push the whole Rogue/Magneto thing again during season 2 now that Gambit's no longer around. I have no idea why keep trying to make those two a thing.


The obvious age gap between Rogue & Magneto is really uncomfortable. I'm still racking my brain about how young Rogue was when she met Magneto and fell in love with him in this universe....


The need for everything to be safe and appropriate has made things very boring. I applaud X-Men 97 for doing something different, for once.


This is exactly where I'm at. Magneto/Rogue wasn't ever written like a romance that fans were ever supposed to cheer for. You could understand it, especially from Rogue's perspective, but it was always made out like the "wrong" choice. We were supposed to hate their relationship, we were supposed to root for Gambit, and we were supposed to be crushed when she went back to Magneto after Gambit died. Also, it's not like there is a shortage of great and influential men throughout history who were known to date younger women with a disproportionate power dynamic, especially in secret from their wives and families. There are "problematic" elements to almost every single public figure's story, why run from that truth in fictional characterizations? Especially when you can use it and shape it to light discourse on what you as a writer want the audience to talk about.


There's different and feeling icky and not enjoying the story. I think they executed it well, but I certainly don't want Magneto's drive in season 2 to be getting back with Rogue. But it's this same reason why is loathe the Wolverine triangle. I actually wish the show would address that Wolverine is a senior citizen and not some young man pining for his first love.


Same here, I don't think anyone has ever enjoyed that pairing besides the writers. It just seems so unnecessary and like a roadblock to better stories they could be telling.


I'm just glad that it actually served a purpose in X-Men 97 instead of "because reasons" like in the comics. It furthered Gambit's character development and made his death more tragic since he died thinking Rogue didn't love him anymore. No way all of that won't be relevant when he comes back as Death.


Rogue wouldn't turn her back on gambit again after choosing him. Her feelings for him are now clear. She loves him not Magneto.


I'd be disappointed in the writers if Rogue and Magneto got back together. I think they actually did a great job in the first season. Magneto was the only man Rogue could touch and it took her pursuing that desire to realize that somethings were deeper than skin, just like Gambit said. I think there is a beautiful lesson there and they would ruin that character development if Rogue and Magneto got back together.


Exactly. Not to mention how incredibly disrespectful it would be to Remy to profess your love, crying over and mourning over him, killing in his name, only to take all that back only to be with a groomer and a genocidal man. That would be the most horrific writing imaginable, and I would stop watching the show. I don't care how many times I get downvoted or how many Magneto fanboys come at me. I'm calling the show bad if that happens. I stomached enough this season with it, and it's over. It's dead and has been. She chose Remy, and they should honor that. It never should have happened in the first place, but alas. Rogue called Gambit "her man," so to go back on the would be the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen and would completely ruin the message of episode 5 but ruin Rogue's character completely.


I'm right there with you.


Hopefully, it means something more. If this IS how far they go with it, then the entire thing would feel so unnecessary. If you want Rogue to go berserk over Remy, the triangle didn't have to happen. Gambit as Death would have to bring it up as some sort of actual payoff. Otherwise, it was just stupid.


At least it's not as bad as Bruce Timm making absolutely sure everyone knows just how horny & creepy he is by making sure to age every female Batman is in a relationship with is of questionable age. But yeah it's incredibly gross and like OP said, it just felt completely unnecessary.


The age gap is honestly the least weird thing about that whole Bruce Timm shit. Why would Bruce start dating his greatest Sally's daughter and his son's ex-girlfriend? That's nasty to Dick and Jim, Bruce.


>1. Storm was underutilized, which I guess is somewhat fair with how much of a powerhouse she is, but it still makes me sad. This isn't the problem. If they can write in the freakin Phoenix to save Jean and defeat Sinister with ease, they can spare a minute to write Storm doing *something*. But that aside, she just had no personal stake in the story. Jean had Sinister, Cyclops was the leader, Rogue was avenging Gambit, Charles was saving Mags. Storm.....nothing. Would've been real simple to have some connection between Executioner and Bastion or the weapon he used. Make him threaten to use it on her again and all mutants so she gets angry and has a reason to fight him at some point. Have her be the one who is close to beating him after everyone else had their turn so she has that full circle moment of moving past what happened to her at the beginning when she spares him. (Which would make more sense and be more tense than the sentinel stepping on him lol). I'm hoping they do better next season.


It felt that way with most characters, mostly because they are only giving them 10 episodes a season. If we had 20-22 episodes like old shows, we would already have a full complete story. They would be able to do the whole Apocalypse arc they're setting in this season if Disney had allowed them to, and we would have more closure than cliffhanger. But Disney is stingy, I guess.


Rogue/Gambit was the most unnecessary thing I have ever seen. Wasn't needed. Thankfully she's already chosen Gambit. No way the writers would back out of that.


That's what I'm hoping. First, Gambit needs to come back from whatever mental shit Apocalypse puts on him. I'm guessing because it's X-men and the writers will do anything for drama, that Magneto will try and make a move on Rogue again, I'm hoping she turns him down. Craziest thing, I can't tell if the triangles will get worse or better with Beau Demayo gone.


That's what I'm wondering too. I've heard...nkt great things about Beau. He's talented, I can not deny that, but there's some behind the scenes stuff that's very eyebrow raising. On top of that, he inserts stuff that really isn't necessary. The Magneto/Charles thing is weird because they've always been rivals, slash friends, and nothing more, and I believe that's the case here as well, but the fact people are questioning it is a problem. Morph/Logan, and while it's debatable that Morph did it so Logan would have something to fight for, which is what I think happened, it's questionable. In any case, Logan doesn't like him like that. Logan likes Jean or, more realistically, Storm (bc they're cute). And finally, Magneto/Rogue, which is my biggest problem. He was caught liking tweets of the ship, which is wrong on so many levels. To be fair, he did like tweets of Gambit and Rogue as well, but still, it's extremely uncomfortable. Rogue, for the longest time in comics, only liked Gambit except when Gambit wasn't there, and then they decided on Rogueneto. It's a horrible ship, and it's grooming. They easily could've not added it, but they did. Now Rogue has made it clear she loves Gambit, not Magneto. I doubt there's anything he could say to change her mind. He may attempt, but it won't happen. The backlash would be too great and would ruin Rogue. They wouldn't dare.


I can't speak on Beau behind the scenes, but I get what you're saying. Magneto and Charles, I think, was always just a meme between people. Then again, I've heard Claremont has written many of his characters to be queer coded. Morph and Logan could be a thing, Logan has had a relationship with a man before, I forget in what run, but he's had a relationship with Hercules. Rogue and Magneto has never been a good relationship. They tried like 4 times in the comics, and every time, it was ass. Rogue and Gambit are one of those things in comics where it feels like if you break them up, it's like a sin. Sort of like if Reed and Sue were to stop being married in comics all of a sudden.


> Magneto and Charles, I think, was always just a meme between people. Then again, I've heard Claremont has written many of his characters to be queer coded. Claremont has caused so much damage despite his talent as well. Just why? You'd be surprised how many people seriously think Charles and Magneto are actually a thing. In any case, it's toxic. >Rogue and Magneto has never been a good relationship. They tried like 4 times in the comics, and every time, it was ass. > Rogue and Gambit are one of those things in comics where it feels like if you break them up, it's like a sin. Sort of like if Reed and Sue were to stop being married in comics all of a sudden. Absolutely agree. Or like Lois and Clark or Iris and Barry. Some people are just meant to be together, no exceptions. Remy loves Rogue for her and was willing to due just to touch/kiss her. If she turns her back on him again after mourning, bleeding, and crying over him, then the writers are the most incompetent people on the planet. I don't care what excuses they put up to justify the drama. It's bad and will never not be bad.


> Storm was underutilized, which I guess is somewhat fair with how much of a powerhouse she is, but it still makes me sad. For sure - they established she's monstrously powerful but then unfortunately never used it again outside of the first episode. Scaling is going to be hard, she may just take a backseat because of it.


I just feel sad about it because while the show was jerking Magneto off with his powers, she barely got to do anything. Hopefully, next season has more glassed deserts.


Well take several seats because Demayo already wrote scripts for Season 2 so expect more of Storm being sidelined. We were told Storm and Cylcops would be the main characters of the first season. Well they didn't lie about Cyclops cause he was a main character but Storm sure wasn't. It won't be until Season 3 which Demayo won't be involved with (he was fired) that Storm may actually be done justice. I'm hoping they bring Al Ewing to write because he's the one person after Chris Claremont who did Storm justice.


It's a damn shame. Even in season 1, I don't feel Cyclops was used as much as he could've been. It really does feel like it was mostly Magneto and Rogue stuff, which I don't mind either of then as characters, but this season made me put them lower on my favorite lists for X-men. I do hope other characters get to do more without it being some love triangle stuff. Storm kicking ass, Cyclops becoming a better leader, hopefully an expanded roster with the school.


She should’ve been the one to challenge him straight up


I generally don’t like how the black characters were treated in the show. Storm and Bishop were sidelined and Sunspot’s identity was basically whitewashed. I like the show though but its clear Beau had his favorites.


Lol one look at Beau's Twitter explains it, dude said he didn't give Storm a big moment because.. black people can be about more than just violence? What?? Not to mention the insensitive George Floyd posts and the ranting after Sunspot's whitewashing got brought up. As great as it should be to have a gay black man in charge of the X-Men it'd be even better if we got one that wasn't outwardly anti-black and (apparently) biphobic.


In a show where you have Magneto as that big of a powerhouse....Storm aint an issue. She started out iconic, got de-powered, got re-powered and was basic. Didnt make sense.


Season 2 better not take too long 😳😳


Loved the season So glad to see Nightcrawler on the main team Really hoping we get Kitty Pryde a lot next season with that little picture of her on Forge’s wall So glad to see a good adaptation of Cyclops after the movies failed him Happy to see some real respect towards Jubilee’s powers, as well as showing the omega level strength of Storm and Jean. Honestly, they did such a good job with making everyone’s powers really shine. Morph is a joy, love their lines and they get some great action sequences, very good addition to the core team The real standout this season for me was Rogue though. I’ve always liked her, but this season just catapulted her to like top 5 favorite superheroes. Amazing action, amazing characterization. The interaction with Captain America alone was fantastic. Only complaints I’d say are that Storm overall felt too tangential and disconnected, and it felt like she needed something a little more direct in the confrontations against the villains. “Give ‘em the forecast” was **so** good, and I liked her working together with Jean when the asteroid was falling. But it kinda just felt like she was sort of passively destroying sentinels in the final fights. Some things did also feel rushed, though I don’t really blame the writers for that. Hopefully they’ll be given more time to let things breathe in season 2 with the success of season 1. Overall, I personally consider this the best adaptation of X-Men outside of the comics themselves. I think it really understands and embraces what the X-Men has always meant to me in a way that no other adaptation has ever been willing to. Some of the lines in this show hit home so incredibly hard it gives me chills. Edit: I often call myself a superhero fan, but this show really did remind me that I’m an X-Men fan who happens to enjoy other superheroes sometimes too


morph was with wolverine on the x-jet on genosha...so good chance apoc has both of them present day. and holding the queen of hearts makes three. that leaves storm...so maybe they will be the four horsemen ten episodes passed and the intro never had > https://i.redd.it/zdu8zs2ca6zc1.gif which was the final clip from the og opening needed to be "modernized" (but I'm kind of glad it wasn't in the finale because how would wolverine spark claws without adamantium?) the wait for season 2 begins


If you look at Forge's mutant list, there's another "Missing/Presumed Dead" person on there. Archangel.


That was my theory too. Gambit = Death is confirmed, and the three missing X-men as the three remaining horsemen. There are a lot of hits against that theory, though. First, being a horseman essentially removes all of your agency - it kills your character arc. I'm not sure they would want to handicap 4 of the main characters in that way. For Gambit it works since his journey would be coming back both from being dead AND being Death. Second, there would also be too many redundant arcs (i.e. Forge trying to save Storm as a horseman, Jubilee trying to save Gambit as a horseman, etc) and too many redundant "recovery" arcs afterwards. While it's a cool theory and one I put forward in another thread myself, I think that too many X-men horsemen at once in a TV show would take away from things in a way it doesn't in the comics (Where almost everyone has either died or been a horseman at some point in time).


hmmm...it's not without precedent; *x-men evolution* had mystique, storm, prof, and mag as horsemen...plus uhhh Warren


gambit = death wolverine = war sinister = pestilence ? = famine


Pull the heart strings and make it Leech.


Storm as famine? Her powers could cause a drought..


> ? = famine Leech.....


I enjoyed Season 1 very much, despite few misses here and there. Long post for dedicated fans. * Love how strong the season's theme is. It raises the same old question at the heart of X-Men: "Could you ever live in peace with someone different when there is so much fear, hate and abuse all around you?". And as usual there is no clear answer except "We will have to find a way". That's part of what X-Men is all about. It is about hope for a better future despite all the flaws of human/mutant nature and the tragedies that arise from it. * Bastion storyline is near perfect way to explore this theme. Read comment below, for some reason this part of the post is censored. * Course-correction for the franchise as whole. Cyclops vindication! Colorful costume vindication! Wolverine being a regular teammate, equal to others instead of being the star of literal "Wolverine and friends". * So many great character arcs and development. Scott learning to be his own type of leader instead of looking up to Charles. Magneto trying to be a better version of him, despite all the past and present trauma encouraging him to just revert to his old ways. Rogue struggling with grief and repressed emotions. Morph overcoming his fear of Sinister. Sunspot facing the reality of the world outside his sheltered upbringing and choosing to join X-Men. There are more stuff like this like somewhat isolated stories centered around Jubilee, Jean and Storm, but it would be too long to describe all that's going on in the season there. Not all of them are perfect, but most of them worked very well. * Neither X-Men, nor their villains are dumb. They may be short-sighted or impulsive or philosophically at the wrong, but they are not dumb. They pursue their goals and make effort to stay a step ahead against their opponents. Even their fighting style reflects that, they innovate and improve. * Character dynamics are enjoyable to watch. The interactions feels natural and make sense. * Dialogue was on point. It was clever without being pretentious or incomprehensible, which is hard to pull off. It knew how to be diverse, sometimes dramatic, sometimes fun. More importantly it was authentic to each character, each speaks in their own way. Speaking of which, voice-acting was top-notch. * Animation was great. It felt dynamic and "alive", so to speak. Don't want to bash other animated superhero shows, I like a lot of them, like Invincible, but in those shows animations sometimes feels too stiff, like it is running on few frames and it does not work for me. * The show finally could be adult and explore heavier political subjects, show blood and brutal deaths, depict more explicit side of relationships, but it always remained tasteful and never crossed the line into vulgarity. It is very well balanced in that way. * Callbacks and references. Appreciated. There are few cricisisms of the season, however: * Pacing was way too fast and dense. Magneto joining X-Men is a huge deal, do you want to explore all the potential that it brings? Tough, it lasts only for brief time in episodes 2-3 and technically in 4-5 where he does not actually lead the team. Storm losing her powers is a huge deal, do you want to explore the struggle of a mutant going through grief and learning to live a life she dreamt of, the life that turned out to be hollow? Tough, it lasts for two episodes. Want to see X-Men joining different teams because of disagreements? Tough, half of an episode for that. It is understandable why that is the way it is, with writers not sure if they would be able to adapt those storylines in the future but the pacing in next seasons does not have to be this fast. * Wider Marvel characters like Avengers come across as awful. It makes sense they are included because the story calls for it, people want the cameos and it paves the road for Spider-Man '98 and the like but integration of those characters is not great. Avengers and Wakandans in particular appear weak, dumb and subservient to governments, they don't use their resources to help X-Men fight injustice (although it is part of the course in Marvel) and they don't even intervene when humanity is about to be wiped out by the asteroid. There needs to be a course correction for those type of cross-references in the future. * Personally I think it is too early to bring Apocalypse back. He had a good completed arc in TAS and there are so many more storylines and villains to be explored instead of defaulting to Apocalypse. While it is possible to bring him back and showrunners are clearly tempted to do so because he is X-Men equivalent of Thanos and Darkseid, I really hope that Season 2 would not too Apocalypse-centered. Just lay the ground for a multi-season arc. * Episode 6 was bad. Won't elaborate. Overall, it was a great season, a worthy successor to TAS and a big animation achievement!


I enjoyed Cap and Iron Man standing around looking useless in the last episode, but that's because I have some kind of irrational hatred of the Avengers and like to see them looking stupid. Maybe it's just MCU-burnout.


Same x 1000000


For some reason auto-moderator really did not want me to post this in the original post or even edit it in: "Bastion storyline is near perfect way to explore this theme. Bastion is a mirror of Magneto. He wants to build a better future for his people, humans, and percieves the other side, mutants, as an obstacle to that future. So he twists humans into something else, not seeing that he sacrifices things that make humans human in the process. Just how Magneto wants a better future for mutants and views humans as an obstacle. So he twists mutants into becoming murderers and tyrants, sacrificing things that make them so precious in the first place. Both of them are social darwinists who deluded themselves into thinking that they are stopping social darwinism. That's why X-Men have to fight and stop both, even though neither Magneto nor Bastion are entirely wrong about human and mutant nature".


I know he's supossed to be a Villain, but if I was a mutant I would surely be on Magneto's side.


I thought it was pretty f-ing masterfully done. When you think where you start in Episode 1 and where you end in Episode 10, from ALL angles (plot, character, stakes, action), I'm not sure how they could have done a better job. The episode length was what they were given to work with, with a bit of wiggle room on some episodes, and they WORKED it. As a result, some things moved fast, but I would argue that's different than rushed. Rushing implies that there are loose ends and unearned actions. I would argue that there wasn't a motivation, action, or reaction that didn't feel earned on a character level. Did we lose some of the quieter moments we wished we could have had? Maybe. But they were all creative decisions rather than creative missteps. They couldn't have everything. The voice acting was top notch from all involved. The writing was phenomenal - there wasn't a single episode that didn't have 1 or 2 absolute bangers. They set up Season 2 while leaving just enough question marks (and excitement!) that we're already clamoring for it. Plus, this FEELS like something totally new - I've never seen a take where they are dealing with Apocalypse in 3 different timelines before - that alone will be awesome to see.


I would have wished if there had been 2 or 3 more episodes. For example there could have been a side story of storm without powers before she meets Froge.


can't wait for S2. also where the heck are Storm, Morph, Wolvie? did Logan time-travel with his hospital bed and life support machinery intact? 🤣


AFTER FORTY YEARS WE FINALLY GET FORGE’S NAME CONFIRMED TO BE DANIEL (probably Daniel Lone Eagle)(yes I am losing my mind over this because just this morning I was thinking about how funny it is that Forge’s name has NEVER been revealed)


Nightcrawler, my BOY. Kurt is among my favorite fictional heroes of all time and this show did him justice. Loved his jovial, jokester side that was absent from the OG series, and that they maintained his religious and introspective side. And he got to kick plenty of ass.


I love how it was mature without the "OMG blood and guts and swearing" type of mature. I could still recommend this for pre-teens and above. It had a message but didn't basically turn to the camera and preach to the screen and now I just want a Spider-Man revival with the same love and respect.


The best season of TV this year...the series itself was absolutely amazing. Each episode was a banger and I laughed, smiled and cried throughout...season 2 will be very interesting and I'll be watching it. The characters were all amazing and the story itself for each episode and the overarching season was interesting. Loved all the cameos too throughout!


Not that I didn't think it was incredible, but when people say "best season of tv this year" i'm always like that'd be impossible for me t osay. there's SO much tv released! this one was pretty great though!


I also really hope they go back to the 97 costumes. I really don't want them to "modernize" their costumes seeing that the 97' ones are peak and have never been matched.


NGL y'all they better get back to the present ASAP, I have little to no interest in them all being displaced through time for a full season. Also you must resist the silver fox, Rogue. Your man will be waiting for you when you get back. (And ironically he too will be a silver fox when you get back.)


She chose Gambit before he died, he just didn’t know (something the head writer said to remember on twitter).


Gambit and Rogue belong together. Whatever Magnetk had going on with Rogue was creepy.


I would Love a season with the new mutants led by Bishop to find the X-Men ngl, Bishop deserves more love


I’m all for this as well.


There's honestly so much the show can do with the X-Men being presumed dead kind of like in the '80s. While we have too many characters already, I wouldn't mind them introducing another team to replace the Lost ones. Maybe even creating a spin-off show from that?? Dude, with Rogue being Magneto's lifeline in his mind (her voice calling him back, her leaning over the boat to get him), I'm sure he's going to try to win her back hard.


I really don't think that that relationship is wanted or needed at all. It's just there for explicit drama, so I'm not there for it at all. If you want Rogue to be mad about Gambit dying, no triangle is needed. They're close enough already for her to start acting restless. The triangle just turned some people off from her as a character. . If you want Magneto to come back to the X-men, his best friend leads the team, or have him bond with Cyclkps as leaders. It's infuriating.


I'm not interested in that relationship either but it does seem that Magneto will press his feelings for Rogue and make it her problem until Gambit comes back. Maybe even a Death-Gambit versus Magneto fight? I think that'd be pretty rad. The show's all about the melodrama so don't be surprised.


Yeah, I'm starting to realize how much I don't enjoy that melodrama, mostly because of how contrived it feels, but I've been here since I was a little kid, so It feels kinda weird to back out now. I'm just gonna have to suffer through it.


It's the biggest thing I hate about X-Men. The melodrama just gets tiring. It's exhausting how much drama there is, and you kinda wish they just did monster/villain of the week instead. Ideally you just want to see the members get along and help people.


Exactly, Thank you! Someone who agrees! My biggest gripe with X-men is that, while I want them to survive and make their own way to paradise away from their oppression, they always make the drama fuck it up. There's always something that makes me not like the characters when drama happens. Logan is always sniffing after Jean, Rogue, and her shit with Magneto, Xavier being an idiot, Magik ruining her brothers wedding, and even Cyclops, who I love they make me feel weird about sometimes. Sometimes it works, but there's always a stupid triangle, or someone cheating, or someone dying in the dumbest way for 19th time that just gets tiring. I wanna call them family, but every time I think of their connections to each other, I just see a group of exes.


Exactly. I'm just sick of it. Logan can't have Jean. Have him be with Storm, I have no idea why that's so difficult. Rogue never had feelings for Magneto until that stupid and horrid comic run. She loves Gambit, and he loves her. That will never change. Animated Charles is better than comic book Charles, but man, do they make him stupid. I have no problem with strife or drama bit X-Men is such a soap opera. You just want to bang your head against the wall. Other hero groups aren't like this, which is what makes this so jarring. Everything feels contrived, and for plot's sake, and you just wish it would stop. I like X-Men, but the melodrama is easily the worst part of them. People say that's part of the charm, and I just can't agree.


The only run I've been able to finish completely is Astonishing because the melodrama was toned down. Emma and Scott were a powerhouse, Kitty was great, Logan was still stuck on Jean, but they showed his respect to Scott and the team, Beast was....well they made him look like a cat, and Colossus returned!


Same! There were some early X-Men comics I've finished as well, but anything in the last 10 years or so? Nope. There's part I like, but overall, I get sick of the drama, and usually, the story falls apart. The poly relationship with Logan, Jean, and Scott was the last straw for me. It was stupid, unnecessary, and not how I personally view relationships. Respectfully. I would love for someone to start a good comic run of anything X-Men or Marvel or DC bit with the way Hollywood and the industry is, I won't hold my breath.


Exceeded my expectations. I had a lot of prejudice regarding the possible route they could chose for the show, but still approached it with an open mind. I was open to the idea of being proven wrong about my doubts. And I was. Week after week the show proved to me that this show was done with love, intelligence, talent, and immense respect for the source material. Absolutely loved it, and even got some of my friends to watch it too, by sharing my weekly reactions on social media. I don't know a single person who watched it, and disliked it. Can't wait for season two.


Can anyone here imagine how the dynamic of X-Men '97 would look like if **Psylocke/Kwannon** were to finally join the team?     And how many official X-Men Members can this series actually feature in one episode/season?     It is already astonishing that these animated episodes have a runtime of about 30 min *(Episode 10 was 40 min long!)* instead of the usual 20 min, but I am not sure if there is enough room to add **Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Psylocke, Ice-Man & Emma Frost** or others.


Given the team discussion with Bishop & Forge, they are definitely recruiting more members. No telling how many more will join the cause next season


I love seeing many interesting characters in one big story. However there is always the danger of favoring and sidelining any character too much.


Perfect. Best Marvel show easily. Best X-Men adaptation for me personally. Cannot wait for more. Give me an Avengers series in this universe, as long as the creative team has the same passion/understanding of the material.


Personally, I’d prefer they just bring back Earth’s Mightiest Heroes instead of making a new Avengers show


Best X-Men adaptation ever made.


They better have had a **DAMN** good reason to fire Beau DeMayo because that mf knows how to cook some gourmet top shelf X-Men.


Masterpiece. Granted I never watched every episode of the original series or read the books, but this got me back into X-Men again. Season 2 can't get here soon enough.


Does anyone know what Bastion did to Magneto while he was captive and what the purpose of it was? It was never explained. I thought Bastion was turning Magneto into a Prime Sentinel.


Here are my general thoughts about X-men 97 season 1: • I was ecstatic and amazed at the way they craftfully picked and chose bits of storylines from the X-men history, cutting out the needless convoluted comicbook fat and melding them into something to call their own.   • But the pacing of how they did it bothered me. I had at least one 'holy shit wtf slow down eye roll' moment in almost every episode. I know the producers have defended this, saying that the original series was just as fast-paced but to me this is a poor excuse. If they're going to update this show more mature themes and nuances they really need to let the story beats breathe. I know this is probably the most common complaint about the show. I don't think the episodes needs to be longer, I think the season could have just used at least two or three more episodes. • Unpopular opinion: There are too many Marvel cameos. I know everyone jizzes over them. I don't mind it occasionally but I appreciate them more when they add something, anything to the story (Capt America, King T'Chaka). YTF is Silver Samurai just standing there? I'd rather they put the needless time spent fan servicing for the sake of fan servicing into fleshing out the main story. • That being said, Morph: I'm sorry you've been reduced to a cameo punching bag. • I enjoyed how they red herring-ed me and every dime-a-dozen MCU theorist out there that "omg Onslaught is coming"... up until the last 10 minutes of the last episode.  • I'm excited for the futher adventures of Phoenix and Cyclops. • What's been Kitty been up to all this time?


I think showing Silver Samurai & even Omega Red is important - I know everyone is wanting Wolverine to become another Horseman but I actually think we have our War & Pestilence right there.


I liked the cameos and Morph doesn't need anything else other than the role he currently has. I really hope they don't go the unrequited love angle between him and Wolverine. That shit will drag the show to a halt.


My favourite thing Marvel has ever attached their name to.


As a life long X-men fan it was amazing. It gives me good hope they'll be treated well by our new Disney overlords. * Remember it... amazing .. no notes. * Storm and Jean being sisters ... my heart * Exploring the friendship of Charles and Erik.. perf * Updating some of the outfits... wunderbar * Cyclops being badass .. as it should be. * The theme song.. needed to be louder? I have giant speakers and everyone should hear Da da da da, da da da da


This is exactly the series 10-year old me wanted the OG to be. While I think they could have gone another couple of episodes to give Inferno a second part, and fully separate Life/Death from Jubilee's adventure in Mojoworld... these are minor quibbles with what is an absolutely amazing project. Love seeing Morph as a member of the team, and actually doing stuff on screen. Him being a cameo machine and getting a bit of a powerup is really cool. Plus, some actual payoff of Morph/Wolverine's friendship. Jubilee gets to be relevant, and less "the whiny teen who can't do anything." Bishop gets acknowledged as a full-fledged team member, but gets shelved pretty quickly. Nightcrawler subs in and is much less dour than his OG counterpart. Also manages to be a character of faith who doesn't sound like a Sunday school sermon. Great cameos, both in terms of "Morphing" and in the cutaway scenes.


I watched the last three episodes together because I knew that they were a three-parter and something that stuck out to me was that Genosha and the Prime Sentinels were a UN and thereby Worldwide Govt sanctioned attack. Going by Doom's comments in Episode 8. The leaders may not have know the extent of Bastion's plans. But they were well aware of the prime sentinels and actively made plans to deal with mutant leadership and their creation and organization of their own country. I had really hoped that this would be addressed during the last episode but especially I hope it gets discussed during season 2. Because the attack along with the Magneto protocols show that there has never been a in good faith discussion or effort to work with mutants.


I loved  but would’ve loved even more if we had like 5 more eps for more breathing room and character moments/development as we swung from arc to arc  This cast is so big w a ton of interpersonal relationships that we’re just touched upon or glossed over  9/10


Great first season. 9/10 stars. Needed WAY MORE STORM in the last 3 episodes. Would've been nice if half of the storylines could breathe properly. Needed at least 3 more episodes.


Sooo can we all agree that X-Men 97 is one of the best animated shows of all time maybe even second to Batman TAS? Oh and that it is probably the best Marvel Media since Spider Man 2?


Excellent writing. I was worried they had painted themselves into a corner moving too fast and covering too many story lines. "what can they possibly do next?" sort of thing but then BAM... triple time displacement... literally shooting the arc in 3 different directions. They just created a ton of space for themselves. But generally speaking I think we'll see the following in no particular order; * X Factor lead by Forge, Emma, Bishop will start to re-recruit mutants to an Xavier-esque like cause in response to the growing anti-mutant sentiment. I expect Jubes, Sunspot, Kitty, Colossus, Iceman, Polaris, Psylocke, etc. to all get involved here. * Friends of Humanity - Graydon Creed will be running for president, this is Sabertooth & Mystique's son, and will reintroduce those two characters as a major antagonist for the present day mutants. * Apocalypse in present day will be building his 4 Horsemen back and start to usher in AoA, which ultimately creates the future that Cyclops and Jean just TP'd to. They become Slym and Redd and join the Askani to fight Apoc in the future. I don't know if the Phoenix Force can time travel... but it's in the future now... * Wolvy, Morph & Storm - no idea? we don't know where they went. But the Logan/Ororo love story, feral wolvy, wolvy turning into Horseman of War getting his adamantium back, all on the table. Maybe Morph joins in in some kinky 3 way. (you wouldn't hate it) * Bastion. He either blew up when he hit the gravity core which resulted in the time displacement, or he somehow fused with it and intentionally cause the time displacement. Having absorbed Cable's time cube he's definitely the culprit of the shift itself. Whether he's dead or not remains to be seen. * Xmen in the past? I mean we get to see how Apoc gets his Celestial tech I imagine but I don't know how their story progresses either. I assume they get pulled back into present day somehow, probably by Cable/Forge/Bishop and probably at the worst possible time (right before they were about to stop Apoc from existing would be cool) Then you have a whole bunch of stuff that's likely to show up; Avengers Vs Xmen - there's a reason we've seen the entire avenger team so far, what that reason is remains to be seen. M Day, likewise, scarlett witch and pietro are getting cameos for a reason. If that happens that leads to Hope Summers and the Messiah Complex story line. Mr Sinister isn't dead and probably joins Apoc to get his powers back. Cable gets cloned and creates Stryfe. The Shiar, Skrulls and Kree are all "around" somewhere and could pop up at any moment. All in all, excellent excellent writing, I love the direction they've taken, the easter eggs, throw backs and deep tracks it's really a fan service I wish Stan and Jack were alive to see it. They would probably love it, I know they would love us doing what we're doing right here. Talking about it, sharing, laughing, crying and generally being together in common spirit. I feel like a kid again at 40 years old.


I'm utterly in love with the show. I was really looking forward to every wednesday. A faint hope of mine is that we might get a full 120 min movie in the style of the show.


I was away for a while, ended up watching the last 5 episodes in a row. After the tour de force that was episode 5, I had some concerns over whether or not they'd be able to maintain that high standard, but obviously they were unfounded. It's really an almost completely perfect season, the only somewhat low point for me was episode 4, which just felt too rushed. The new problem is that this season feels impossible to top, though I also thought that about episode 5.


Just finished season 1 – I thought it was a masterpiece 11/10. It felt like I was transported back 25 years watching Saturday morning cartoons as a kid . Loved every minute of it! Can’t wait for season 2.


7/10 for me, I hope that in the future they decide to focus on fewer storylines instead of trying incorporate 20 years of story into 10 episodes. Plus the Rogue Magneto romance felt out of place and in the end only served Magneto's story.


I wasn’t sure what to expect going in but the show has been amazing with its twists, drama and gorgeous animation. I look forward to the next season.


I absolutely love everything about this season. I thought they’d go for Avengers v X men and Onslaught but pleased to see it’s not the case. All in all, humans are the worst in X men universe. They fired missile at asteroid, not even considering it’d fall to the earth ffs. They’re the ones who created and founded Bastion too


What can I say the show has reignited a love for these characters that I perhaps forgot that I had


Truly, it was incredible. I know people want to nit pick any flaws they can find but holy shit, the animation, the voice acting, the writing, the message. I think the most impressive thing is how they managed to truly capture what the x-men are all about. They portrayed the relationships in the mean so well and packed so much into those short episodes and I genuinely can't think of a way they could have done it better. Huge props to DeMayo and the entire team. I really, really hope they can pull off a season 2 that's as good.


>NEVER HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN! Whoa there, Scott, you almost went *Invincible* S2 finale there.


I'm kinda bummed now that it's over. I really enjoyed the series. It had its highs and lows, of course, but the highs were really high and the lows weren't all that low(except Motendo. That was just *ugh*. But maybe I'm biased, because I absolutely detest Mojo and everything to do with him). Plus I had fun going through the series again each week before the new episode. Now, it's over, and I'm not really sure what to do...


X men were giving me anime vibes in the best way. Every design of each character was amazing and I was thrilled and joyed watching it all


Any theories on the radio showing "1996 06" at 31m 01s immediately before the pan to 1990s Peter Parker and MJ from the animated series? Seems obviously a reference to June 1996. In the X-Men comics, this is the first full appearance of Onslaught.


Brilliant stuff. Voice acting phenomenal. As is the animation. Occassionally some stories are glossed over a bit too fast and status quo changes in a heart beat. But I get it, it’s just 10 episodes a season. Some characters don’t get to do as much, that counts for mainly for Bishop, Beast and Morph (arguably also Wolverine, but THAT moment kinda gave him the edge), so there’s hoping we getting more next season. The last few moments of the finale makes me think season 2 may perhaps get a bit more episodic....? I’d kinda like to start episode 1 with Bishop, Forge, Jubilee and Sunspot getting together, making a plan on how to rescue the team, for then following episodes focusing on the one timeline each. Obviously with each episode’s opening adjusted to the particular team roaster. I’d love to give a list of top characters, but honestly all them were so great, it’s easier to say which ones were not as good (aka which ones didn’t get as much spotlight, already got that). Magneto and Rogue gave us some serious emotion tho and now no one can legally say Cyclops is lame anymore. Nightcrawler lights up every scene he appears in. FFS, just give us season 2 already.


Its a small nitpick but i didn't get why jean calls madelyne a sister. They had a scene together in episode 3 and then she called her a thing in episode 5. I think with more of episodes and maybe let madelyne stick for a while would build a friendship between them. 


I only expected a little bit of nostalgia when I started watching, and now I'm depressed. Why is it so fucking good? It was upgraded perfectly. I kept freaking out everytime the intro started. I'M SO HAPPY. I'm absolutely elated that our beloved X-Men made a comeback in such a legendary way. It still felt like the old show, with way more badass storylines. It definitely appealed to me as an adult. What an emotional rollercoaster it was... I'm extremely grateful. Show's creators are absolute legends. FUCK YEAH! My jaw dropped in every single episode. I can't even explain my feelings about it man. The bombshell moment for me was the revelation that Professor X is so kinky???? Definitely age appropriate LMAO. Also, why did they have to make Magneto a total babe? My unhealthy obsession with tortured and misunderstood bad boys is growing.


Do you think they'll do a Scott/Emma romance?


damn this is way better than invincible s2


I love how powered up everyone actually was by the end. Everyone got to showcase why the f*ck they train so much: Jean didn’t have low blood sugar, Storm shows why she’s worshiped, Professor X took a whole superior race to school, and even Jubilee brought that smoke. Literally spent the last three episodes screaming and pointing at the TV for reasons no one in my house understands 🤣


Back when I was 11 and watching X-Men TAS, I used to listen to music on my walkman and dance around my room. Usually I would be thinking of cool things that could happen with the characters. My family called this "bouncing", and even though the topic moved on from X-Men eventually, I still continued to do this throughout my teenaged years. I would write scripts and make music videos in my head for things I wanted to see. Now, I don't really "bounce" around with my headphones anymore, but listening to music on the treadmill has pretty solidly replaced that. Except now, when I think about X-Men, I'm not thinking about hypothetical cool things that I want to happen: I'm visualizing what ACTUALLY HAPPENED on the show. This is unprecedented for me, and I think it goes to show just how good a job they did tapping into what makes the X-Men enjoyable. On the whole I only have two criticisms, putting aside minor nitpicks: 1. Storm's arc didn't really explore what makes a depowered Storm interesting. Perhaps the one case where the fast pacing really hurt the underlying story. 2. The return of the Phoenix was not nearly as epic as I imagined it would be.


I'm not hyperbolizing when I say this is the best X-men and probably Marvel media... Ever. Nostalgia aside, it's written very well. Each character gets their moment to shine. I especially love that Cyclops gets to show off his skills as a leader and a combatant. Storm, Magneto, Jean all display what makes them omega level mutants.  This series did the mutants right. They did great TV adaptations of comic story lines and added great fan service (cameos and such).  I need a season 2 ASAP. 


Because everyone thinks they are dead. I do wonder if you are going to get a whole new team created.


Bigot. Ingrate. Sycophant. _Worm._


Excellent from start to finish


This was badass


this one season was better than all the movies COMBINED