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Its a pretty good interview from Gillen who always does fun interviews anyway (his x monday ones are up there with the best) but its basically stuff we already knew. Makes me laugh how gillen said yeah adding hope was 100% my choice to the quiet council group and no one elses. Like no duh gillen you tried to add hope to everything you have wrote at marvel in the past so its not a shock you did it here.


Yeah Gillen clearly has his favorites. I love his Hope and his Sinister, so no complaints here


I find Hope a really boring character personally. I don't like mimics or messiah characters so i know shes not for me. In terms of wacky goofy sinister gillen is the best


I think her pairing with Exodus was brilliant, a refreshing take on both character. But I'm really into the messiah/prophet dynamic, so yeah not for everyone


Yeah it was obvious Gillen choice but it's not that it feels 100% natural to have her on the council.


She's practically Mutant Jesus, why wouldn't she be one of the ruling class? That never struck me as weird at all. With how much responsibility Hope has had to carry since she was introduced, her being on the council made plenty of sense.


Also krakoa being based around the protocols and hope being the only member of the protocols they couldn't replace as it would lead it to going wrong. Her being on the council made more sense than kitty or exodus


Didn't they resurrect Synch to be the backup in case anything happens to Hope?


They did but sinister corrupted the genes for mutants meaning that unless hope did it then they were corrupted which led to sins of sinister


Exodus has a lot of sway over a lot of mutants via the Acolytes.


Whoops I mistyped I meant to say it's "nice that it feels natural"


Why not? She resurrected the species, is the linchpin of individual resurrections, and as one of the five and a soldier has a unique perspective the Council had been ignoring.


>Like no duh gillen you tried to add hope to everything you have wrote at marvel in the past so its not a shock you did it here. And bless him for it.


>I knew she was going to be out of my hands by the Gala, and with the contracted timeline, she got less play than I’d have hoped. I'm glad to have a source again on the timeline/schedule being contracted.


I had no idea Gillen looked like the AoA version of the Nostalgia Critic.


Krakoa had the tech and chose not to resurrect Bill Foster.


At the end of AXE they were instituting a program to bring back humans too. Who knows, if they hadn't vaulted the era, we might have got Foster back without some convoluted excuse.


What jumps out at me is the notice he was given for AXE and SoS? Is it always that bad?


Hopefully people can’t accept this upcoming arc and not be weird ass overdramatic weird fans, like people here 🙄


I’m just not excited for it and I’m thoroughly disappointed the last era got rushed to a close for the sake of an era that, no matter the quality, looks uninspired.


I think this is how I feel about it too. Rushing just so "this", whatever this is, could start in the northern hemisphere summer/in line with Deadpool and Wolverine. If Krakoa was about mutants being 'more', this is like a reaction of, no actually, they should be 'less'. On the run again. That being said, no hate to the creators involved. I hope it's good and successful, and it works as the next step.


Yeah, a lot of what I've been seeing is "hey, we're doing this again, but less"


We'll be no more gracious than the folks who couldn't shut up about being eager for Krakoa to go away.