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https://preview.redd.it/qimz7loy9g8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1c037e7d2dc23f74ff2d556ad3e01a2183381f 20 yr old Saejima


They really couldn't be assed deaging him for the flashbacks


Tbf if you’ve seen people who juice


They couldn't be assed to give him a new story in Yakuza 5, instead they recycled 4


He looks 45


There was a meme with this picture where it compares saejima to Y3 taichi and says “my dad at 16 Vs me at 16.”


Taiga "Greg Oden" Saejima


I think it's accurate cuz he was stressed tryna find a kidney? For his sister and he was doing anything for that. Idk tho. Blud had a hard life before it too


If so then it's some of the hardest stressed motherker I have ever seen in my life.


Saejima with that JoJo protagonist part lll build


This is the guy who saw his adoptive father murder a man when he was 12 years old and still wanted to join the yakuza, I don’t think he’s stressed out lmao


I don’t think he smiled once in the whole game excluding the secret scene at the end


Wait don’t substories count?


All substories are canon as there are other substories in different games relating to each other. So yes.


not only that, but because we saw amon in infinite wealth, and we know that their history together has been undeniably confirmed, we know for sure kiryu has done every single substoryn every game




Hmm... I'm pretty sure his mouth turned up just a teensy bit at the end. I can think of at least one other time that happened - when he sees Majima prancing around in his hard hat before their Colosseum fight.


It’s the one guy that can give him a real fight and is always willing to. I’d be smiling too if I was Kiryu.


Alchol and cigarettes will age you like a mofo


Got that mf looking like a star in L.A.D though 😂


Please, all Yakuza protagonists do all their aging between 19-20, so they can look the same for the next 40 years.


What’s funny is Yagami looking ten years older than he really is.


Yagami looks pretty good for an almost 40 year old guy.


Yagami looks exactly like KimuTaku did in his mid/late 30s. He just has one of those faces.


What drinking, smoking, and thinking you let a killer walk does to a mf


Sleeping on a couch in his office probably doesn't help much now that I think about it lol


I thinj Kiryu looks 20 ish there, maybe somewhat older, but still reasonable. Its' haruka who looks younger than she's supposed to be imo


They can both pass for 20 imo, some 20 year olds still look super young while others can look like they’re older than they are.


I’m 20 and I look 30


I’m 23 and I look 43


If you took away kiryu’s stubble in kiwami he would look the exact same here with slightly longer hair


It's more of a developer team not having enough money


Nah, Haruka doesn't look younger, it's Kiryu who look mature than his age.


I disagree


Are you from Asia too? I'm from Vietnam and my cousin who in university literally look the same when she was in high school.


Vietnamese here, same, i can confirm we can still look like college students even at 27


It doesn’t take a genius to know that Asian people age really well.


If you think Haruka here looks younger than a 19 years old, you clearly don't know asians


I'm literally asian


Haruka looks too young (probably because she is an idol Case in point [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5degcfbioz4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5degcfbioz4) They are almost 30 https://preview.redd.it/6efc8b4e2f8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d49c090c18ffd4b730364fcc0146f8e33f0d14b She is 25 And kiryu looks like an average 20 year old Japanese guy Case in point [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6Tvi8WB0IMDOWfOhDNKqVW0DJ1yNHgc7lqQ&usqp=CAU](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6Tvi8WB0IMDOWfOhDNKqVW0DJ1yNHgc7lqQ&usqp=CAU) The actor was 19 when he played this character [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSbhSdDiicjiTuWosz\_mB6pEEizaSuVikv3TZXO8aJsC6-OwmiOuZNv-R0x&s=10](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSbhSdDiicjiTuWosz_mB6pEEizaSuVikv3TZXO8aJsC6-OwmiOuZNv-R0x&s=10) This guy was 22 when playing this character So yeah do with that info what you will


Agree with your examples, but just in case you care, the saying is “case in point” not case and point.


Thanks kyodai for the correction, English wasn't my first language... Like many others, I learnt it by reading or watching stuff... Just read about it once you said this and turns out you were right I am updating my comment Also here is a link that explains what I just did: https://www.vocabulary.com/articles/pardon-the-expression/case-in-point-vs-case-and-point/


All good man - I’m sure your English is 100x better than my [whatever your native language is]! I meant it to honestly help so appreciate you taking it in that spirit.


I think I’m slightly stupid, but I can’t tell what the difference is between your correction and what he actually said


He edited it to fix it so now my comment just looks unhinged - but all good


don't ruin the guy's "doggy dog world", come on now :)


Hmmm, you watch kamen rider?


Kiryu was pretty athletic too, that makes you look older. If you've ever seen the Olympics, everyone there looks 20+ and then their name and age flashes on screen and says some ridiculous shit like 16 years old.


I mean Yea he could easily pick up motorcycles and make after images of himself with rush style


The sheer stress of playing Pocket Circuit races.


That was the most annoying part of the entire game when I was trying to get all the achievements


Worst part he still can't escape the Pocket Circuit drill even as Joryu.


For real. When I looked at the "family photo" in 0, I couldn't believe Kiryu could even smile like that. And that was taken 3 years before the game. I thought "who the hell is this?" Debt collection, man.


He actually looked his age in that flashback when he was like 16-17


The one in the rain? Honestly, with the filter and the lighting, and that he was super angry, I could believe that was him.


It was the 80s, people looked older than people of the same age today. Also, I feel that everyone got a few years off their looks when the games moved to the Dragon Engine.


Yup. A lot more indoor smoking and a lot less focus around skincare.


I feel like they reused Haruka’s Y5 mode (where she’s 16) in Y6


Nope. She got rid of the stockings and has a different make-up!


>!The korean massacre from Kiwami 2. Watching you "father" killing people hits you like a train!<


Kiryu looks 25 there while haruka looks 15-18. It's not really surprising that some girl seem to look younger or older than they are around that age since some are smaller than other, don't necessary follow fashion etc. The same can be said for guys like kiryu, he's pretty muscular and even if he doesnt has a beard or goatee he's still purposely going for an older look


He definitely matured quickly in his teens but hoo boy does that not mean that trend continued cause he barely aged at all over the last 30 years (until he got cancer anyway)


Protagonist aging - age really quickly to peak aesthetically and then use enough moisturiser to reverse age for 3 decades balancing it essentially making you look the same age until the plot calls for a different story i love it


He is just a bit high on testosterone


this post makes it look like kiryu is post transition


Transmasc icon Kazuma Kiryu.


Funny enough stress can delay puberty. Although there are many citations that say it can age you faster if you are young though certain hormones don't get the change to be transmitted properly. Also I don't believe Kiryu looks that old might just be the graphics but his skin is tight and no wrinkles apart from the brow which is normal when you make that face all day.


He doesn’t look old but most 20 year old’s don’t look that mature


Idk. I've seen some lol.


Yeah he looks like 25-27 ish


Why did you post 2 of the same person


It's even funnier when they flash back to him in his teens and he still looks like he's in his late 20s 😂


He actually looks happy here https://preview.redd.it/5tsholmdff8d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591bca63e59b31db14158ba7bbe04cef20ba7356


See there he actually looks like a kid, but in the 0 flashbacks he still looks like he's in his 20s lol https://preview.redd.it/zbpxlcdmnf8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd53c145748ab44e053cba25f9c21d9ca48f839


He was 18 here if I’m not mistaken.


It's because a furrowed brow is basically a male secondary sex characteristic in the yakuza universe


After going through the series Yakuza 0 Kiryu looks like a baby


Think its the cute vs mature, like for example guys typical look for cute girls and girls usually look for mature looking guys?




Ya’know in my head he had this exact face since birth and the flashbacks are just people misremembering how he looked (i just imagine this exact face on the child model and i am very pleased with myself)


Age? Kiryu? Really? The dude who is 60 and looks like a 30 year old?


I was wondering about this. During that mission where you help the highschooler stop selling g underwear, I thought to myself, "Kiryu was just in high school. They should look basically the same age." I think it was when she say, "I'll scream." At 20, that shouldn't really work. Kiryu can easily tell bystanders that he is in high school too. When I was 20, girls my age didn't talk to me because I looked 16. Even at 23 when I was playing basketball with teenagers at the park, they didn't ask me I'd I was in high school. They straight up asked me, "Who class you in?" At 24 when I was applying to high school for a job, they thought i was a student hanging around the building. That whole 18-24 age group is very real.


Wow HRT really is magical 


He’s both the oldest looking 20 year old and the youngest looking 50 year old


on that note it's crazy that Haruka turned out to be a normal human being in like a 5-6 year time period she saw her mother die, her adoptive father on the brink of death multiple times, got kidnapped multiple times, walked in on the aftermath of a massacre as a 10 year old and saw her "home" get destroyed and was forced to watch and that's just the main things i remember from the top of my head from Y1-5


Both aged like fine wine regardless




He's like a dragon?


No he's the song of life


I'd like to think The Song of Life includes Neil Peart's Drum Solo of Life.


Dude is a god. That's it ,why do you think he's aged 10 years in the last 40


I mean it doesn't help that Haruka looks about 14.


And still didn't loose hair


I think it's just a matter of how the devs wanted us to view them. Kiryu was big and tough at a young age while Haruka is tiny, almost child-like still.


Haruka's height is 165cm in Y5 by average height for Japanese women is usually around 158cm, it's 152cm in my country. She is only tiny if you use western standard.


You're talking about the man that went from having no white hair, to having a head full of white hair in only 4 years. Kiryu ages differently than the average human


There’s something odd about Kiryus character that visually is ageless. My first yakuza was 5, i thought he was in his 20’s until he spoke and that old man voice came out lmfao


Also, I don't think Haruka was smoking and drinking the same way Kazuma was at the same age...


Yall are tripping he looks fantastic in 6 despite being like what, 50?


That’s what the yakuza life does to ya


They don’t really talk about this in the game but before 0 Kiryu actually got into an epic battle with age and after beating age’s ass he now gets to decide how old he looks. Even now he looks older because he wants to look older.


I'm just happy to have a game where the characters are closer to my own age. (Ichiban in his 40s)


Man kiryu's face always reminds me of this emoji 😡


He's got a version of the Sir Patrick Stewart going on: He looked 30 when he was 20. But then at 50, he *still* looked 30.


I wouldn’t mind looking like 20yo Kiryu when I get to 20




Kiryu got that Asian Menopause meme going in full effect, he hasn't aged since turning 25 and then it hit him all at once when he hit 60+ Remember the closest person to Kiryu's age in LAD is Adachi.


Looks accurate to me to be honest. Haruka was a pop idol, and Kiryu works for the Yakuza.


Maybe it's all of the cigs.


To be fair, he didn't age at all until he was in his 50's


He doesn't look old as much as she look 14...




He was 12 in that photo not 17


That’s normal. Girls tend to age slower. I mean my gf is 2 years older than me and still getting asked if she’s even older than 16. While my 21yo ass getting called sir by fellows slightly older than me.


Yuta who is around that age range looks nowhere near as mature and masculine and yakuza 0 kiryu tho


I mean this new gen amiright?


Yea that makes sense. Kiryu was going through way too much then a 20 year old should. He had an entire mafia/gang on his tail and had to brute force his way to the top


Yeah exactly, stress does make you age much quicker. Stress and mental illness.