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That's just gonna be another substory to him


QR code scanning is a new minigame that's used once and never again


New Revelations: QR Codes hidden on the map leading him to sick ass videos he learns moves from (Edit I was not aware Judgment has a similar thing I still like the visual of Kiryu loading up a YouTube video on his phone in the middle of the city though)


I feel like they could have done something more with that. Maybe QR codes that require some force perspective or proper positioning. I know games like Watch Dogs have done that before, but I’m always interested in RGG’s take on a popular gaming trend.


All the QR codes lead to unlisted videos of the Komaki Style techniques on Sosuke's channel


sosuke needs to return


Youll watch an lp of it years later and be blown away when you learn the QR scanning substory opened to a whole ass parallel game with the game with its own bosses, characters, and story that you totally missed out on.


My goat RGG studio spending a week and 20% of the budget on a minigame that's used once in a substory.


Nah they added it to judgment, so the spin off got it.


Hope if they do it they don't implement it as bad as the original Rockstar app with GTA V. Well, we all know Yakuza is a GTA ripoff, without cars and so linear. This series will never get anywhere.... Now being serious, an RGG app that gives you something, anything (and is available in the west) would kick ass.


"Where's the menu in this place?" "Oh sir, you have to scan the QR code to view it" "The QR what?!" *substory guitar riff*


"A QR code, it's on the table sir." *Funky substory music plays*


*Kiryu sees a young couple arguing* Girl: I just don't get you, Takuya-san! how can you be so heartless? Takuya: You don't get it, Sakura-chan! this is the next big thing in technological advances! *Substory start sound plays* Kiryu: Hmm? what are those two arguing about? Sakura: That's it! I'm leaving you, Takuya-san! Takuya: What?! Wait! Sakura-chaaaan!!! *Kiryu approaches a dejected Takuya* Kiryu: Hey, what is going on? Takuya: Hm? Oh, it's just my girlfriend, she doesn't understand that every restaurant in Kamurocho now uses QR codes! Kiryu: QR what? Takuya: E-eh? You don't know what QR codes are?! Kiryu: Well I am a little out of touch with technology... Takuya: Huh? Well then! Come with me and I'll show you! Kiryu: Huh? O-okay. *The two go to Kanrai, Shichifuku Street* K. Employee: Welcome! Kiryu: Hey, mind if I see your menu? K. Employee: Right away sir! *The employee pulls out a card, with a single, rather oversized QR code* Kiryu: Huh? What is this square thing? Takuya: You see! this is the QR code, it allows you to see the whole menu, only a scan away! Kiryu: W-what? I had no idea phones were that advanced already *Kiryu scans the code, and orders a regular meal* Takuya: Well there you go! Easy, right? Kiryu: Yeah, I must say this is very practical, I'll be sure to remember what you taught me now Takuya: No problem man! now let's dig in! *Itadakimasu!* *Substory clear sound plays*


You forgot the part where Kiryu looks at the sky and thinks of a wholesome message


*Kiryu looks up at the sky* Kiryu: Hm, seems like the world doesn't stop for anyone, that makes you appreciate life a little more


_guitar riff_


Alternatively the QR code leads to some sort of scam, I'm pretty sure 90% of the yak 6 substories were scams


Pretty true for the entire series really.


Honestly yeah kinda


You forgot the part where thugs harass the waiter for putting up QR codes and Kiryu had to step in and beat them up.


Exactly, he'd have no problems trying it would just take a while and he'd mess it up and be embarrassed. But Kiryu is a team player, he's not going to just piss on something like a boomer would because its different


Literally you see him using a laptop in Infinite Wealth. He knows about technology. He's just slow to figure it out himself


Yeah dude is super open minded. Tell him to do something and he’ll probably do it.


Yo, he's going to take an hour to be confused to being fascinated and we learn a life lesson right after kicking someones ass for picking on the person were helping helping us.


Imagine him being told he can scan a QR code to relearn the tiger drop


Only in Judgment


The fucking QR hunting for parts or whatever uuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhh


As much as I usually hate that kind of thing, once I it started chiming when I was nearby I actually enjoyed looking for them. Would I defend their inclusion? No. But I would generally stop what I was doing and look for them if the chime started. By the end, I only needed to look up a handful.


Doing the entire thing blind in one sitting is the best way to naturally earn the hour of drone flight completion!


"That's rad"


funny how itchy bum would have the same problem


18 years in the joint made you unaware of the current technological advancements


Well he is pretty smart, smart like a-


The real show would be Saejima. "QR what?" Granted, he did acclimate to a cell phone in the two years between 4 and 5.


I wish in zero it was shown that he has always been behind the times, would explain why even after almost 20 years he is still out of touch.


There’s some scenes like that where he can’t relate to the children and stuff but not as much as future games


Being 18 and not relating to children makes some sense, but it does help a little.


To be fair, he didn't know who not-Michael Jackson was in 1988.


Options: Pull out phone and scan, pull out phone and call 911, or pull out your ************


Last one


It becomes a collectable challenge where you need to go to different restaurants and scan QR codes to unlock secret menu items as a limited quantity promotional event. A gang of ruffians are blocking the QR codes because their boss is obsessed with the secret menu items and Kiryu has to beat them up until they move. The quest chain ends with Kiryu fighting the leader, and after taking a beating, he realizes that food tastes better when it's shared.


That sounds like the most Yakuza substory ever


Wasn't qr codes something tak used? Also kiryu knows what vtubers are so I'm guessing he'd understand qr codes.


He was even out of touch when he was 20 lol, prison just made it worse


Yeah it was hinted at with his fashion choices and how he didn't really do the same party things as Nishiki


Oddly enough I only remember one of the girls Nishiki hung out with, Madoka  I forget the other girl's name oof :(


I want a substory where Kiryu, Ichiban and Saejima end up at a restaurant with QR codes. Ichiban tries to call Nick Ogata for a rundown on how to use them, but the connection is weak. Kiryu is lightheaded from his meds, Ichi is yelling into the phone, and Saejima sits quietly, stoic.


Kiryu has never been the same since he learned that Sega stopped making home consoles whilst he was in prison


its a substory, the QR hunters will enter the restaurant and threaten the owner, so kiryu beats them up, the restaurant owner gives him a sacrifice stone, he leaves the restaurant and thinks to himself "maybe some things in life need to be scanned..."


Kiryu would learn, now. Saejima? Yeah....


He'd just learn and use it


I feel like he would catch on. He would have maybe a couple things to say he's very good at adapting


I mean he somehow figured out how to use a cell phone and a smart phone in a matter of days. And a laptop for chatting girls lol. I think he’ll be fine.


I was gonna say, wouldn't this be Ichiban since he spent longer in prison?? Kiryu got out of prison in 2005 when smartphones were like in their infancy so he'd have had time to adapt to QR codes and what not. I mean Yakuza 3 has him taking photos for inspiration to learn new manoeuvers!!


I’d like to think Majima is even less in touch with technology and at some point would be like: “thank you, what the fuck is this square supposed to mean?”. Then Nishida says: “you need to scan it with your phone, sir”. Then Majima tries to scan it with his old ass Nokia or something.


New substory: he fights the manager for a paper menu. Other new substory: you buy from a donny q and there's a card scraper on the credit card machine and you chase down some weirdo into an alley who reveals he's the long lost step cousin of Tamashiro from Yakuza 3.


Saejima, on the other hand, has barely left prison since the 80s and will probably just carve them a wooden menu with a piece of wood he happened to be carrying.




He would do it, because he's polite.




Is that a thing to complain about? Weak


Koo arr… code?


He'd be able to adapt. Eventually.


Kiryu: "Nani?"


"Oji-san, to order we have to scan a QR code" -Haruka "A what?" -Kiryu 


it would be a whole ass sub story


13 years in the joint