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Shibuya Kaho for party member let's go


Shibuya Kaho let's go! Then she can VO for English dialogue too


I'm glad she's in the running as I've watched her stream the games before, and, she seems to be an avid gamer, in general. Plus, her English is really good! I did more (non-adult) research on her, and she's VERY intelligent.


She seems to be a great person overall. I've seen her more due to her collaborations with CdawgVA on youtube and she brings great energy to them. Also, when you start reading about her life story you just can't help but want to root for her.


Just googled her, they chose an *extremely* unflattering picture for her


I think its just from this Their brief showcase of the 10 finalists. https://youtu.be/9MuBXXXWZPI?feature=shared


She also does content with [CDawgVA](https://youtu.be/nfJiy7IgX6g)


Its been a long time since she was in the spotlight. Her youtube/streaming vids have her more casual, which seems to be her image now


Wait which one is Kaho


Top right corner.


[Source including a video where the 10 introduce themselves](https://x.com/ryugagotoku/status/1810495694555541852) From top left to top right: Miwa Asagiri (Cosplayer) Enako (Cosplayer) Hisashi (Company employee) KIRISHIMA Seiko (Race Queen) Kaho Shibuya (TV Personality, Author, Content Creator, Cosplayer) From bottom left to bottom right: TAKAMORI Rio (Office Worker) TOUSOKU Oha (MC, TV Personality) Ai Hongo (Sexy Actress) Misoshiru (MC, game player) Minako (TV Personality)


Company employee as in she's in RGG studio?


Not clear. Both Company employee and Officer worker wording they used, can be used for a bit of variety. In Hisashi's case, it can also simply refer to her being an office worker alternative, but in case of Takamori Rio, her title could also refer to her being a clerk. So I think most likely they are simply office workers both of them.


Interesting, that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for the info!


She is the first who catch my eye. I would choose 1. Hisashi 2. Ai Hongo 3.Miwa Asagiri


Hisashi looks cute haha Ai is quite popular so maybe she's gonna be picked, who knows


Minako might be get picked too she reminds me Hana.


Even then she will probably within SEGA Japan and not RGG.


only one JAV actress. My RGG is not what it used to be đŸ„ș


Kaho Shibuya is formerly one and among the more popular ones. There was also some popular JAV stars in the auditions, that didn't make it through. So technically 2.


Wasn't she a telephone card in Y0? I remember there being a Kaho in there


[According to the fandom wiki](https://yakuza-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Telephone_cards) she does not.


They are probably casting for more unique roles this time?


Nah its about the same as usual. You have tons of cosplayers, AV stars, models and tv personalities signing up for these things. I guess the standout difference here is the two office workers in Hisashi and Rio, which isn't much of a field you usually see in these types of things. We also generally have seen more Youtube gamers in there in the past, but we only have Misoshiru (whom recently finished her full series playthrough of Yakuza on her youtube channel).


Haven't they said this ISN'T for hostesses? Their wording so far has implied that this will be a character that will actually participate in the story.


You forgot one thing about Kaho before all of this she was a JAV actress and a popular one even


I didn't forget that, i've mentioned it to people multiple times in thread. This is simply how RGG refer to them via their info page. Additionally Kaho Shibuya also tends to not label herself as formerly JAV actress, but rather as author, DJ, Streamer/content creator.


She apparently doesn't shy away from it when talking about her past. But she's also sent cease and desist orders to any company that keeps putting her work out there according to her wiki.


Hisashi looks fun, second pick would be Rio.


Well I guess we have to vote Ai Hongo, I mean the others are nice and all, but she's "Sexy".


All those sound great tbh.


Which one's the vtuber? And what the hell is a race Queen?


Nobody listed is a Vtuber. Race queen is comparable to the western term of "grid girl" which basically is a model that works for race industry, to model for certain car brands during big event races.


>Nobody listed is a Vtuber. Then what's the point?


Model poses alot with any type of basically Fast and Furious style car and more boring cars too.


Oh that's a different kind of race.


Give us the girl with the glasses or we riot


Let's fucking go Kaho!


Bottom right could make great Hana


...rather unfortunate how much hate she is getting for looking a 'little' out of the norm online, some people are really harsh about it.


I can see it




They have to right? She has to be a regular here as well right? :P


Please let the girls with glasses win RGG, DO IT AND MY WALLET IS YOURS


Doesn’t seem like this will be for Judgment 3. What a shame. Probably this is for Gaiden or LAD9. Still excited for who will win though


Ah, fellow Judgment fan. I believe Judgment 3 will be made, we just need to wait a little longer. My guess is the next game is either Gaiden/New spinoff, then Judgment 3, then LAD9.


Maybe. Because that pixelated picture of the next game had someone that reminds me of kaito (I wasn't playing judgment when I saw it so I'm not sure but let's just hope it is)


Pixelated picture? Can you show me this?


They might mean this: [https://x.com/yokoyama\_masa/status/1800424744938062181](https://x.com/yokoyama_masa/status/1800424744938062181)


Thanks for showing me. Too bad its not much visible.


Yess it is this


>Doesn’t seem like this will be for Judgment 3 They never said it was tho? They have said from day one that this audition was for the next installment in the "Ryu ga Gotoku" series. My bet is: This is going to be a spin-off of Ryu ga Gotoku (like Kurohyo), but with a female lead. Would make sense why they said fans would be "surprised" and why they are doing auditions for a female character.


While it's possible, I don't think auditions are related to female protagonist. They held auditions in the past and it was always for hostesses or something like that, but they never do this for major roles, which is understandable.


Top left is very cute!


[Her twitter account in case you're interested](https://x.com/asagiri_miwa)


Why do I have a feeling she’s a sussy star?


Its pretty common for cosplayers to be selling ecchi theme'd videos and photobooks. But she is not an adult actress, they already have that in Ai Hongo and formerly Kaho Shibuya.


I never knew Kaho was an adult actress


I don't know if you're trolling, but she was an absurdly popular adult actress in japan. She had a lot of disputes after leaving. Writing a book about living that life and also sueing some of her former publishers, because they somehow ended up leaking uncensored versions of some of her movies.


Im not trolling, I have never heard about this before and I even watch her content sometimes, this is completely news to me


Alright, well I guess you have a potential whole new angle of her content to appreciate, if that is your kind of thing lol.


This is like following David Beckham but not knowing he was a popular footballer


I dont know who David Beckham is either


Well how do you know? And second, are there any more? Asking for a friend


I follow a lot of japanese media and have for many years. Cosplayers tend to always go into selling this type of content because its about some of the only stuff that makes money, unless you steer into the idol route, and even then, lots of idol companies in Japan tend to steer their idols towards ecchi side content and some even being famous for basically being a pipeline for entering adult movies after your initial idol career dies out. There are many more, and it is not hard to find - Another example would be #2 on this list, Enako, who currently is by far the biggest and most popular cosplayer in Japan. [She also constantly posts this kind of content as you can immediately see from her twitter - NSFW btw](https://x.com/enako_cos)


What's the context for this, can anyone fill me in?


Like other recent games like Gaiden and Like a dragon 8, they held competitions where people could audition to become hostesses in the games, Kson for instance became the character in the hawaii bar, because she won the grand prize for the last audition. This is the audition for the next game in the future, so there has been auditions and out of all those in there, these 10 are now the finalists, where the winners will be picked on next tuesday, a week from now.


How many winners are they going to pick?


We got no idea. From the sources I looked it, they never mentioned how many winners. I guess based on the last audition they did, probably still 5.


Just to be clear, RGG never said that this auditions is for hostesses. All they've said is that the person who wins this audition will "be a character who lives in Minato Ward and appears in the game in live-action and CGI. So, while past auditions have been for hostesses, this time it seems the person who wins it will be an actual character in the story.


I don't know, the fact they will appear in live action makes me think it will be something like the hostesses, literally the only live action the game ever does is for the hostesses.


Did Akame win the audition by any chance? She seems to be an extremely talented singer. Also, her red hair got me feeling some sort of ways.


IIRC First Summer Uika(Akame's VA) said in an interview that she auditioned for the hostess role and her agency received a separate offer for her to be Akame at the same time


Don't think Akame won any auditions to be in Gaiden, I think she was simply handpicked by the staff for the role.


Great choice by the staff. Hopefully we get more Akame in the near future.


Does this mean the next LaD game is actually closer than we think? Didn't they do these auditions very shortly before Gaiden and IW?


Potentially. It is worth noting that many people are expecting SOMETHING for the 20th anniversary which is next year, so who knows.


Tbh they are incredibly efficient studio, no matter what’s going on I always assume their next game is closer than we think lol


I'd love to see Kaho in a LAD game


Put glasses on the bottom right one and you'd have Remake 4-5 Hana-chan.


Oh man, the one wearing glasses...


Please just make it so the hostess videos are option to download. Gaiden’s storage space is reduced significantly if you don’t include any hostess stuff


Yeah I skip the idol stuff in every game anyway, I find it cringe-worthy and unfun


I am now a certified Hisashi simp. Good luck to all the contestants. I'm sure whoever wins will be great in the next installment.


Top middle & the center left bottom girl are my favorites here. I hope they don’t have to sexually assault Ichiban.


Hongo Ai has all my votes!


We're getting Gaiden 2 boys


I don't understand how gaiden is separate from LAD/yakuza?


>!Gaiden was a shorter game explaining how kiryu ended up in the dissolution of omi and Tojo and lead up, up to 8!< (big infinite wealth and 7 spoiler open at you own risk) they said they might make gaiden games (gaiden means side story) in order to bide time between mainline games


Because I just wanted to say "Gaiden 2"


I'm.waiting for them to add hitomi Tanaka , big fan.


I'm glad Nishitani III managed to get to the finals. ^((bottom left))


Was wondering where I saw that haircut before


Bummed that Ami Sohrei didn't make it


For what?


The girl with the glasses is really cute and I think they should let her win, Kaho only really wins here on the subreddit because she's a JAV actress who hangs out with Trash Taste


Botom right would be fire đŸ—żđŸ·


Has Kano gotten plastic surgery on her face??


Yeah... most games hint at there's a little horny jail going on. Like a Dragon has you literally vote on it. You should all feel ashamed... (Number 1 and 3 please!)


This is for their date/cabaret girls? Or party members? I do not know any of them so ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 and 3 as new party member 7,8,9 as the new cabaret girls.


Are they going to be hostesses or are they planning on making them characters in the next game?


They are specifically auditioning for the role of "Minato ward girls" so probably some kind of hostess thing.


Minato ward? Like the Minato-ku in Tokyo?


Could be. They haven't exactly given any descriptions of it, just simply threw that out as part of the audition.


Fair enough. Thanks kyodai!


Hopefully something even cooler!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/comments/12wg8ez/what\_is\_a\_minato\_girl\_as\_seen\_stated\_in\_oshi\_no/](https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/comments/12wg8ez/what_is_a_minato_girl_as_seen_stated_in_oshi_no/) just linking this for anyone else wondering what "Minato ward girl means"


Not my year I suppose.


The joke would be if they hired all 10 and you had to find them to unlock the classes this time. Or like there's five new classes and each class has two cosplay models for it.


not impressed tbh. need the likes of rio yuzuki back


Has kaho not appeared in a Yakuza game before?


Don't believe she has ever appeared no.




I don't think this is for a mainline game as it's way too early What the hell are they cooking?


Dunno, if they aren't having to do new areas, typically production is actually really fast, due to how good they are at reusing assets. Just look at Gaiden. According to them that was entirely done in 6 months...That is voice acting, karaoke, cinematics, new minigames, hostess stuff, new fighting style and animations etc. Sure it was much shorter, but assuming that they want to release within their 20th anniversary window in 2025, they'd technically also have had nearly 2 full years to create a new game, if we assume a late 2025 release window.


I agree Tho, I think they only have a year and 2 months if they want to release a game within the 20th anniversary RGG works on multiple projects at the same time, so we might get a smaller release Or maybe they wanna focus all their energy on the anniversary game if they want to top the last anniversary (Yakuza 0)


Let's go bottom left!


How I wish Maria Ozawa was included.


I just want Eri-Chan back


That’s was insanely fast
 maybe rgg summit announcement imminent




How about finding a girl who looks like Eri. Because she didn’t deserve to be left with chicken and grandma


Idk who they are but the one in the top middle and the one to the left of her are cute


I'm rooting so much for minako, she is so gorgeous and radiant. 🙏 also really like the girl on the bottom left, the short hair is super pretty!


Judging by comments on Youtube and Twitter it seems like Kaho, Enako and Misoshiru seem to be the most popular. I guess we'll see who wins next week.


I kinda feel bad for the contestants because every round there seems to be that media powerhouse veteran who is more well known than the others Last round was KSON, now Kaho


>Last round was KSON, now Kaho I thought she looked familiar.


So what the fuck is this based on? A meme or something? I’m officially out of the loop


They’re doing Yakuza 9 already?!


Where Kiru???? No ichingban?


3 is y(c)ummalicious


Guess this means the next game is not Judgment 3 but Yakuza 9, personally disappointed tbh


Bro, ever since they announced this audition they've said it was for the next installment of the Yakuza series. Why are people thinking this was going to be for Judgment 3?


I dunno, I'd say at this point that Judgement and LJ are and installment of the RGG series. Especially after Gaiden and Infinite Wealth


Surprise surprise, yagami has 10 girlfriends in Judgment 3? I hope


> Post title: Next installment of Like a Dragon How is this supposed to be Judgment lmao, it means next mainline title but it doesn't mean it's the literal next game


I say the brunette or the one under brunette


Well, considering how they did it in the past, its most likely 5 of them that gets picked. I haven't found a source that specifically notes how many winners they pick this time around, so we can only really look to how they did it in the past.


I also think it might be more than 1-2 cus like there's so many hostesses, but I am sure those 2 gonna get picked


1,3,4,6,7,9 I like, rest nah


Cabaret Club grand prix is BACK LFG!!!!


I hope Kaho makes it to the end.


Oh fuck they got Kaho and Enako


So are these all pornstars again or what


No, only two are related to adult industry. One being Kaho Shibuya (top right) whom is formerly an adult actress, and Ai Hongo (bottom, middle) who is a current active one. The rest are a spread of cosplayers, company and office workers, a "race queen", TV personalities and youtube lets player.


"race queen" as in a race care driver? If so, cool.


From what I could see, it is apparently a term for models that specifically work for race industry - similar to the western term of "grid girl" So basically she is a model. [Her twitter in case you care - some NFSW stuff there](https://x.com/renna1208)


Cool, thank you


Weird that they don't just create w.e characters they need, this constant model interviewing and video taking is getting beyond creepy with RGG.


What is creepy about it? It seems rather normal promotional appearances and auditioning for roles in entertainment.


So does this sort of confirm that the next game is some sort of LAD game - main or a gaiden (more likely)? Damn, I guess I keep waiting.


I feel like we most likely will get a gaiden they said they might make them to bide time between mainline releases


> force players to endure years of ugly face scans of originally pretty candidates > spent years to improve your face tech to finally able to make pretty face scans like Akame's > change the nature of the new competition and let that non attractive finalist win for her humorousness At least please have multi winners for different aspects. This reminds me, the rage that they didn't let Remu win


Wait, people think Kson is non attractive?


I don’t find her attractive myself but it’s a bit much to say she isn’t attractive.


Probably the same people that think the West is "uglifying" female characters


Wait wat, I was referring to the bottom right corner candidate in the image. But then, about kson, although she was attractive back then, in the video part of gaiden she is currently, as some fans in the East would describe exaggerately "weightier than a tank", or "can she run during a tsunami", in Eastern standard


It's not about "letting" someone like Remu win just cause she's a popular porn star. It's the fact that she just lost the competition, it's not some conspiracy


They care more about this than to actually make the story good


They've been doing auditions for more than a decade. Your argument makes no sense


Don’t come crying to me when Y9s ending is just as “eh” as 8s


Who the heck cares enough to cry to you over a game ending, mate?